A New Sword
This is my third Fic with Tenchi, and it is a crossover with Link 
from "Zelda, Ocarina in time" Trunks from "DragonBall Z" and 
Washuu from "Tenchi Muyo". Zelda... is copywrite to Nintendo, 
Trunks is to Akira Toriyama, and Washuu is to Pioneer. (There are 
two gory deaths of the three characters stated above, and I 
describe them fairly good!) 

Link sat on a tree stump playing his Ocarina of Time. The notes 
flowed nicely, the pitch was near perfect, perfection is boring! 
His legs were crossed at the ankles, pressing his leather knee-
high boots together. He wore his red tunic because it was mid-
summer and it was nearly 100 degrees out! Under the red tunic he 
wore a pure white jumpsiut, ending just on his coller bone. His 
eyes were blue, and were slightly covered by his orange hair. Atop 
his head he had on a red cap that the back of it hung to his 
He stopped playing when a portal opened in front of him. A woman 
stood with red hair hanging to the ground in spikes. She wore a 
white kimono. As she opened her mouth to say something, a sword 
flew across the back ov her waist and severed her in two! 
Link knew this woman well, she visited this realm many times and 
got to know link. She was Washuu, greatest scientific mind in this 
univerce. I say this univerce because in the 5th created univerce 
there is a king, Vegitu. He and his whole planet are much smarter 
then she, and can travel hundreds of miles in mear seconds! 
Link watched, horrified, as both halves of Washuu fell slowly to 
the ground, "Washuu!" He drew his sword from his back and looked 
the swordsman who killed her in the eyes. He had golden hair, four 
thick blades that stuck up into the air, while the rest was tied 
behind. His eyes were green and pupiless. "Hi!" 
"You killed Washuu! Yu..You BASTARD, I..I'll get you for this!" 
Link lept at the foe, Master Sword in hands and swung at his neck. 
The magical blade neared the target, but was wrenched away with 
the man's own blade. Link launched backward s and swung the Master 
Sword again, yet this time blue energy flew from the blade, 
spinning toward the "thing" that entered from Washuu's portal. The 
man simply lifted an arm and caught the energy! "Nice try, but you 
can't handle a Super Saiyan! Especialy me, Trunks!" 
"Trunks? Can't be! You helped fight Cell, he's good!" 
"He may be... but I'm from the 11th univerce! I'm evil!" Trunks 
flashed his sword at Link, and caught his arm as he dodged left. 
"Damn!" Link backflips over the stump he was on and lands behind 
it, snatching up his shield! "Let's go!" Trunks throws a Burning 
Attack at him, but Link's Mirrior Shield blocks and returns the 
fire! Trunks allows the attack to hit his chest armor, and 
launched forward, swinging his sword, leaving a long, grey scratch 
along Link's shield. Trunks then brung his left fist into Link's 
face, flatening his nose and sending him back into the stump. Link 
unconciously dropped his sword and shield to grab his face! 
"Oppertunity shows!" Trunks shoots forward and grabs the mystical 
Master Sword! "Ha!" 
Link saw this through his fingers and jumped back suddenly. 
Drawing back his arms he conjured a bomb and threw it at Trunks, 
and as predicted Trunks slashed it with his sword, the fire 
enveloping him. Link tore out of the area and jumped into a cave. 
As he hid from view, Link saw a glimmer in the darkness. "What's 
that?" He lifted it and it was a giant bladed bastard sowrd. 
Imprinted on both sides of the handle were golden emblems with 
"paws" in the middles. Link had just found one of the few hidden 
"Biggoron Swords"! The mightly blade was as big as Link was, and 
he had to hold it with both hands. "With this I can take out that 
evil Trunks!" 
No sooner had he said that, Trunks burst through a wall and stood 
with the Master Sword in hand. "Dumbass!" Trunks pointed his left 
hand at Link and fired another Flaming Attack at Link, but his 
tunic prevented damage, so Trunks swunk the sword with half of his 
might and the laser from the sword headed for Link. Link reacted 
with pure skill and put the Biggoron Sword in the path, but Trunks 
was Super Saiyan and the sword was therefor "Super-Charged"! and 
Link was thrown through another wall. 
Link jumped back through the wall and swung at Trunks, "Good 
always beats evil!" Trunks appears behind Link and shoves the 
Master Sword through Link's spine, spliting it in half, the end 
stuck out through his chest. Trunks hefted him high and took the 
Biggoron Sword from his shaking, near dead, hand. "Everything is 
ment to be broken...HAHAHA!" 

The End