Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo! And the characters belong to AIC/Pioneer and are not mine, and I'm not claiming them to be mine. SO NOBODY SUE ME!! plz? WARNING! In this fanfic, the subject of sex comes up. *GASP!!* It's true. So if you're as old as Sasami and accidentally stumble onto this site, you should really leave. (Your parents will be PISSED!!) WARNING 2! This fic contains BIG TIME LEMON!! It's seriously offensive and stuff so if you don't like that sort of thing then MAN ARE YOU WEIRD!!! j/k! WARNING 3! This fic crosses a certain boundary were no other author dared to cross (well, maybe just ONE other author). I am breaking down those boundaries. I expect a lot of hate mail, YOU GOT THAT?? Do your worst! Send it here ---> omniguy2000@hotmail.com WARNING 4! The fanfic will be starting now!!! Tenchi Muyo! What We Do For Love episode 1 "WOW! Sasami that was great." said Tenchi as he picked up his dish. Him and the gang had just finished a very delicious lunch on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, thanks to the universe's greatest cook! "Your welcome Tenchi!" replied the little princess with a wide grin. Aeka had gotten up to help clean up and Ryoko flew into the next room. "Humph! It really is amazing how Kagato found her useful..." shot Aeka, just loud enough for Ryoko to hear as she hopped upstairs. "Whatever", Ryoko let it slide, she really wasn't in the mood for a fight today. Her main concern right now was with Tenchi. She had always wanted him, but lately it's been different. This past week has almost been torture for her. There were lots of attempts to gain Tenchi's attention, but all of which backfired and made things worse for Ryoko. She didn't understand human logic at all. She was practically throwing herself on him and that just made Tenchi push her away even harder. Wasn't it painfully obvious?! She loved him, why couldn't Tenchi see that?? She felt if she didn't succeed in getting Tenchi, she would explode with desire! Once they finished cleaning the kitchen, Aeka went outside for a walk and Sasami began work on her next set of chores. Kiyone and Mihoshi were gone on patrol. Washu, who was still tirelessly working in her lab, didn't even come up for lunch. Noboyuki was at work and Yosho at the shrine. The house was completely quiet and best of all: Tenchi found himself surprisingly free to do anything. He had already finished all chores and responsibilities. *Well, I better not let this time go to waste* he thought to himself. He sat down at the couch and started flipping through the channels. He didn't flip three times before two very strong arm's were hugging him tightly. "So, what are you watching?" the pirate said in a seductive voice. "C-can-'t.... b-breath" Tenchi barely managed to squeeze out. "Oh! So sorry" Ryoko returned playfully. She flipped around alanded on Tenchi's lap with a light bounce. "Ryoko... I'm trying to watch TV." Tenchi said annoyed, still gasping for air. "OK, I'll watch it with you", she nuzzled up close to him and started drawing circles on his chest with her index finger. Perspiration began to form on his brow. "H-how about you just sit down right here", said Tenchi, picking her up and plopping her down on the couch seat next to him. Slightly disappointed, she quietly edged her way closer towards Tenchi only pausing for a moment see if he had noticed. Her hand slapped on his knee and quickly slid up Tenchi's thigh to grab his crotch. "C'mon Tenchi, nobody's around, let's play", she whispered in his ear. "RYOKO!!" he practically jumped out of his skin. Out of pour instinct, Tenchi grabbed Ryoko's arm and flung her away. She stopped in mid air. "Tenchiiii~, don't you like that? C'mon, it'll me fun! Well just go into your room and..." She giggled a little while flying towards him, letting Tenchi's mind fill in the blanks. "No way Ryoko, jeez, what has been up with you lately?" he questioned. "You have Tenchi" she reached out and tried to hug him again but Tenchi forcibly pushed her away. "Get real Ryoko" Tenchi sputtered as he darted out house for some 'fresh air'. DAMNIT! Why did things always turn sour for her like this? WHAT WAS SHE DOING WRONG!? "ARRRR! Tenchi you BAKA! Can't you tell that I love you?" she said long after he had left. She signed and fell back down on the couch. Feeling rather turned on, Ryoko wanted another chance at Tenchi. She thought to herself *I still have one more idea, if this doesn't wake him up and make realize what's going on, I don't know what will*. - -------------- - The fresh air wasn't helping much. Trying to figure out what was up with Ryoko was making him restless. *Why does shy always do that. She knows I don't like it...* Giving up for the moment on what to do, Tenchi sat down under a tree in an attempt to calm his nerves. The therapy was working quite well actually. He almost instantly began to doze, his eyelids getting heavier by the moment. Right before he closed them all the way a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bushes. It was none other than Ryoko. She had Tenchi completely pinned. "Tenchiiii~, let me make love to you" she said, almost a whisper. "HEY RYOKO GET-" Tenchi's words were interrupted by Ryoko's lips. She pressed herself closer to him and let a small moan escape. Ryoko's excitement went through the roof as she battled the urge to rip off his cloths show Tenchi exactly how much she loved him. "MMYOODO! MYOKO!!" Tenchi was able to muffle out. Ryoko broke the kiss and smiled warmly down. It was returned with a very annoyed and angry expression on Tenchi's face. He was about to push her off, but surprisingly, she was gone! "WHERE DO YOU GET THE NERVE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TENCHI LIKE THAT?" Aeka shouted, grabbing Ryoko and dragging her a good 2 yards away from Tenchi. "What's the big idea Aeka? Me and Tenchi were enjoying ourselves." Ryoko shot back, her voice thick with disappointment. Aeka clearly didn't feel like shooting the bull with Ryoko "Don't give me your excuses, it was obvious you were acting without Tenchi approval!" Frustration boiled deep inside Ryoko, *Why now Aeka? I was so close!* "Just leave us the hell alone for once. Can't you just mind your own business?". Her hyped up hormones were making Ryoko a little extra edgy around Aeka, which wasn't helping the situation. Ryoko then shoved Aeka aggressively and she almost fell over backward. Reflexes snapped in and Aeka's force field went up. "So that's how it is Ryoko..." Aeka said, taking a step closer to face her enemy. "Stay out of my way." Ryoko replied with all the bitterness in her heart. Ryoko then began to lean forward to make a move but was stopped right in her tracks. "Ryoko, stop this!" Tenchi yelled, genuinely angry. "Aeka is not to blame. I'm very upset with you right now, I can't believe what you just tried to do." Ryoko took a step back from Tenchi, looking as if she had just been shot through the stomach. "But Tenchi..." "NO BUTS! Even after I've told you a million times to stop tackling me every time you see me, you still persist, and on top of that you attack Aeka for finding you on top of me. I don't even want to see you right now. You better figure out whatever is wrong with you because with the way your acting, I should arrange Washu to get you neutered." Tenchi quickly sped off towards the house; complete enraged at Ryoko's lack of obedience. "Tenchi..." Ryoko stumbled backwards and landed hard on her backside. Tenchi's outburst was so sudden and unexpected even Aeka felt out of place. She couldn't help but feel pings of guilt, seeing herself in the same situation on the receiving end of Tenchi, seemed just too unbearable. Concluding that she was the last person Ryoko wanted to talk to right now, Aeka departed the lonely Ryoko. Her recent closeness to Tenchi magnified every emotion that washed over her. She was almost in complete shock. Never had Tenchi spoke to her the way he just did. *Does this mean that Tenchi... hates me?* Ryoko failed to stifle a sob. That was just too much, Ryoko couldn't even comprehend how her life would be like without Tenchi. *No Tenchi, please, I love you. Can't you understand?* She made a silent vow to herself, if Tenchi had meant what he said, she would cease to live. Her sorrow soon melted away into anger. *Tenchi, GOD DAMNIT!! you're cruel! I'm trying to show you my love for you and that makes you push me away! Tenchi I HATE YOU!* Her current lust then reminded her how she yearned for his touch, causing her emotions to spin endlessly out of control. With a most unpleasant mix of confusion and frustration, Ryoko let out scream at the top of her lunges. - ---------- - "Huh? What was that?" Washu looked up from her holographic laptop for just a moment. The little scientist had a very uneasy feeling and decided to step outside her lab just to be sure nothing drastic had happened while she was gone. When Washu returned to the Earth's dimension, the link with her daughter became all too apparent as sorrow, anger and frustration flooded her. Almost completely knocked off her feet, Washu scanned her mind to see what had troubled Ryoko so much. Seeing the week's events in her minds eye it quickly became clear. "My little Ryoko, you must be so confused." she whispered. Her stomach cramped at each unpleasant encounter she had with Tenchi. Washu couldn't let this go on any further. Whatever she was going to do, she had to do it fast. With Ryoko's situation, the longer she waited the worse it was going to get. Washu silently stepped back inside her lab. ***************** ***************** ***************** Despite the fact that it was 75 degrees Fahrenheit and sunny, Ryoko shivered from coldness. It was the icy chill she had every time she was feeling lonely. It completely engulfed her when she was imprisoned inside the cave, and now it again came back to push her misery deeper into her heart. She had been under the tree that Tenchi had chosen to rest at for the last 3 hours; her mind repeated her entire history with Tenchi. Going over each and every moment, every experience she had with him everything that had led up to this point. Her tears started to come back again. Ryoko quickly rubbed them away from her red and agitated eyes. "So what should I do? Go back?" she thought aloud. That's one of the things she had spent her time considering. Feeling better about the situation having let out all her frustration, Ryoko shifted her legs again. *Eh?* She looked down, slightly blushing, *Tenchi, even though you yelled at me, I still yearn for you*. She then laughed at herself for not being able to agree with her own body. Her mind began to drift away from the bad memories and filled with memories of affection that Tenchi had shown her, and of moments when Tenchi was close. The former space pirate looked around for any unwanted audiences and let her hand slide down between her legs. "Uh" she gasped lightly, her desire was beginning to return to her, melting her recent misery like it never existed. And as if to completely forget about the events that had just passed 3 hours ago, she smiled to herself and thought *Tenchi, I know that right now you're mad at me, but all of that will change once you see how much I love you, and I plan on showing you just that in the best way I know how!* This is what Washu was worried about. Ryoko's desire for Tenchi had completely clouded her judgment. She wasn't acting herself at all. It's not that her love for Tenchi is as shallow as to be completely based on sex, but Ryoko's best knowledge towards romance was based on TV programs and Noboyuki's romance novels. Which isn't that great of a role model (EX: Tenchi Muyo! ^_^; ) With this last thought has her decision maker, Ryoko sat up with a small throb in her rear, reminding her how long she had been sitting there. "Man, It's getting late. I'll try my luck with Tenchi again after dinner. You know what they say, you can't make love on an empty stomach" Ryoko joked with herself as she teleported back to the house. *Did someone really say that? I dunno, I remember hearing something like that before.* - --------- - Just as she was about to set down on the beam above the family room for some shuteye, Washu's lab door creaked open. Ryoko didn't bother looking, her mother was probably just going to sneak a snack for some 'refueling' so that she could continue her diligent work. Ryoko didn't hear Washu's footsteps leave the room as expected, and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Quickly she leaned forward and glared down at Washu, who was staring right back at her, still standing in the frame of the lab door. "What's your problem? Ryoko quipped, barely caring what the answer was. "Hmm, I see. You plan on going after Tenchi again after dinner?" Washu said unsatisfactory. "Damnit Washu. Would you just mind your own business?" said Ryoko, annoyed that she kept on poking her nose inside her mind. There was a long pause as Washu sighed to herself. Her eyes closed as she picked her words and thoughts carefully. This settled uneasy with Ryoko, usually Washu had something sarcastic to say right off the bat, but this time, there was nothing. "Come with me" she finally said, surprising Ryoko just a little. "Uhhh... Why should I?" "Because it's IMPORTANT." When Washu stressed on that word, she sent a mental note to her daughter. Ryoko's feet draped over the side of the beam, not from her words, but from the mental note. She felt the extreme urgency in Washu's message pulling at her. She also felt that the urgency had something to do with Tenchi. "Well... I got nothing better to do until dinner." When stepping inside the lab, Ryoko sighed in relief quietly. She had always hated how dark Washu's lab sometimes was. Luckily for her, the room she walked into was one of many of little scientists' labs, and it was the one she felt more comfortable in; it was very well lit, and had open spaces. Without hesitating the slightest bit, Washu offered Ryoko a seat. "Here, sit down" she said as a fluffy looking chair with crab patterns popped out of thin air behind Ryoko. Ryoko sat down and Washu floated in front of her on her cushion. "I know how IMPORTANT lounging around the house is for you, so I'll try to get straight to the point." Washu's sarcastic attitude returned. Ryoko looked away and crossed her arms signaling Washu to continue. "I know what happened to you today with Tenchi." Ryoko eyes flashed angry. It was so annoying (and embarrassing) that she couldn't keep anything from her mother. "I know you don't want to hear this, but Tenchi is right on some of the matters. He was wrong to speak to you as harshly as he did, but you have been way out of control lately." Washu said sternly. "What are you talking about? All I did was show him my love and he pushes me away! Sure I may have been a little direct, but I won't be so extreme next time." "That's only going to make things worse. Think about it Ryoko, he specifically told you that he didn't want to see you jump on him again. Your plan is just going to push him further away." Ryoko head dropped, not helping but to see Washu's logic. "Look at me Ryoko." She looked up. "When Aeka found you two in the brush Tenchi was more upset that he had indirectly hurt her and that you started a fight with her for doing to same thing you would have done in a reversed situation. You know very well how much it would hurt if Tenchi showed extra affection to her. Do you want that kind of pain Aeka, even though she is your rival?" "No" Ryoko said in a barely audible voice. A silent moment passed as Ryoko soaked up everything Washu had said. "But Tenchi never pushed Aeka away like he does to me." "That's because Aeka never oversteps her bounds like you do. Now can you see why you should keep your distance from Tenchi for a while?" Ryoko jumped to her feet "Not a chance in hell! I'm not going to leave Tenchi even for the shortest time period." "I'm not asking you to leave the house or anything. I'm just asking you the same thing he is: Stop with the extreme public displays." Washu's voice then became very caring "I know how hard it is for you. Your desire for him is to much to bear." "Yes it is! Every time he walks into the room I use all the will power I have to ONLY give him a hug and nothing more." Her eyes looked far away and dreamy. "I love him so much! All I want is for him to love me back and feel his warm body against mine. Oh!" She coed softly. Suddenly realizing who she was talking to Ryoko said "Uh... er... well your so SMART, what am I supposed to do?" Ryoko sat down again. "To tell you the truth, sometimes I just can't control myself." "So I noticed." Washu smirked at her daughter's recent display. "But you do realize that it's your hormones causing you all this trouble." "Humph!" Ryoko looked away. "I know you Ryoko, you definitely one to care about what Tenchi thinks of you. But now that you're so turned on you don't even care about that anymore." She stuck her finger in the air in a genius like manner. "What you need is to find someone to help with what you're going through." Ryoko stared at her mother, hardly believing what she was saying. "What are you asking me to do? Get laid?" "That's exactly what I'm asking you to do. Do you have a better idea?" Washu sat forward and transcended into her adult form. Ryoko's eyes widened but she remained silent. "The best way to solve this is to relieve your sexual anxiety, and I only know one why to do it." Washu leaned forward and rests her lips on Ryoko's. Ryoko shot back in her seat "Ugh! What are you doing?" "I'm doing what has to be done. I can sense the pent up stress inside you. Trust me, afterwards, you'll feel a lot better." Washu kissed Ryoko again, this time holding it longer. Ryoko turned away and broke the kiss. "No Way! Washu stop. This is wrong. I mean, you're my mother for crying out loud!" Despite her protests, Ryoko made no move to stop Washu. "Yes, I am your mother. And I'm not going to let you lose Tenchi just because you're a little hot for him. I know how much pain that would cause your and I can't stand you see you suffer." Washu reached out and pulled Ryoko to mean her. She started planting kisses along Ryoko's neck stopping every once in a while lick that spot. Ryoko's breath quickened as waves of guilty pleasure washed over her. Her mind and body were in major indecision. Her arms, almost completely acting on there own, reached up and wrapped around Washu pulling her in closer. While her brain was screaming at her to get up and leave. Not knowing what else to do, Ryoko repeated herself. "Washu stop, this is wrong." *GASP* "...isn't it?" Washu stood Ryoko up and hugged her warmly. "Sometimes what we have to do for love can be challenging. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think it was absolutely necessary. I can feel your lust Ryoko; you want this more than I do. There is nothing holding you back, just let it all go." She kissed her. "Just let it all go Ryoko." She kissed her again. Ryoko hands rested on Washu's shoulders. "I don't know, it just feels so strange that's all." "That's understandable, this is all very new to you." Washu started a new round of kisses and with each one, Ryoko was more accepting. "Ok, now you kiss me." Hesitantly Ryoko leaned forward and kissed Washu on the cheek. She made their way across Washu's face until she came to the center and their lips met. Now feeling a bit bolder, Ryoko let her tongue slide out. Washu met her with her own tongue and pushed it into Ryoko mouth, exploring the inside and running it across her teeth. Ryoko's arms clamped around Washu tightly, closing all the space between them putting their two bodies in full contact with each other. They held the passionate kiss until every last breath Washu had was squeezed out of her. "Wow!" Washu exclaimed, gasping for air. "You're really getting into this." Washu snapped her fingers and the chair that Ryoko had sat on earlier miraculously unfolded five times into a very spacious futon. "Washu began to descend to the bed but Ryoko stopped her. "Wait a second. What is someone comes in here?" "Don't worry about that, I've made sure no one will bother us." Washu then plopped down with a slight bounce, summoning Ryoko with her eyes. Ryoko let out a pale chuckle "What about Mihoshi? You know she always finds her way in here, heh heh." Washu stood back up and gave a comforting kiss to Ryoko. "I've temporarily detached the lab from the house, no one can get in." Washu then sat back down on the futon, this time successfully pulling Ryoko down with her. Washu's hands wrapped around Ryoko's waist guiding her down on her back. "We'll go slow, ok?" Washu said, understanding how nervous her daughter must be. Ryoko nodded and kissed her lightly again. Which soon developed into a series of passionate returns. Washu ran her hands up Ryoko's back underneath her short jacket she wore over her white dress. From the inside, Washu slide the jacket off until Ryoko's shoulders were bare and she began kissing her way down her neckline. Ryoko pulled her arms out of the sleeves and let her hands roam her mother's curves until they reached the base of her shirt, were it was neatly tucked away under the waistline of her cargo shorts. She began to pull but stopped immediately when she felt Washu unzipping the back of her dress. Washu felt her daughter's tenseness. She leaned up again and kissed Ryoko. The kiss was so penetrating that Ryoko blanked out and forgot where she was for the moment. When she return, she found that Washu had already pealed off the upper portion of her dress, exposing her large round breasts. Their lips continued to meet as Washu's hands massaged Ryoko's chest. Ryoko let out a moan and Washu took her nipple with her thumb and index finger. Washu's head the moved down and began licking her way through Ryoko's valley. Ryoko then plunged her hands deep into Washu's endless red hair, which enticed Washu to continue to pull Ryoko dress further off. Attempting to level the playing field, Ryoko hands then found the base of her mother's shirt, and began pulling where they left off. Washu sat up lifting her arms, allowing her daughter to slide her shirt completely off. In adult form, Washu's full figure tugged at Ryoko enough to pull her in for another kiss, pressing each other's beasts together. "Oh Mom." Ryoko said quietly when the kiss broke. Washu smiled at her lovingly and said, "You want to get started now?" Ryoko nodded and kissed her again. Washu slid down and grasped the edge of her dress, now at Ryoko waistline. She then pulled the dress completely off and all was bare as Ryoko lay naked in front of her mother. Washu then let her hand find Ryoko's already dripping pussy. She began to rub Ryoko's sex as she used her other hand to guide herself downward between Ryoko's legs. "UGH! That's so good, do it harder." With those words, Washu let one finger peek inside her. Washu then glanced up for a moment to capture the dreamy look on her daughter's face before she plunged her tongue deep into Ryoko. "Oh god, YES!" Ryoko's hands brace around the back of Washu's head, pushing her further insider. Washu's tongue flicked Ryoko's clit, washing wave of pleasure over Ryoko, bringing her closer to the edge. "Yes! Mom, don't stop. OOOH MOM!" Ryoko's back arched as her pleasure peaked and exploded in an earth shaking orgasm. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Ryoko's fluids gushed from her spraying all over Washu, who tried to lap up what she could. Washu then sat up to examine herself. Her breasts were completely covered in Ryoko's juices as well as part of her face. "Wow, you really were welling it up inside." Washu commented and then began cleaning herself off. Ryoko sat up as well, just staring as her mother. Her sexy body and full figure tugged at Ryoko's eyes. On top of that her ample breasts glistened in the light from the thin layer of fluids that covered her. Ryoko then jumped forward and embraced her mother, and their lips met for a passionate kiss. "Still horny?" Washu remarked "Sorta, I just never realized how good you looked." Ryoko kissed Washu again and slid down to face her breasts. Ryoko ran her tongue across Washu cleaning up the mess that she had made. Finally licking away the last drop of juices from Washu's chest, Ryoko locked another kiss with her mother and ran her hands down her back towards Washu's shorts where Ryoko began pulling them off. Beginning to see where this was going, Washu said "Hey now, don't you worry about me. This was supposed to be about you, remember?" "Yeah I know, just let me do this. I don't know what it is, but I feel really attracted to you right now, and the fact that you're my mom is making me even hotter." "But didn't you say earlier that you thought this was a taboo?" Washu said, making no move to stop her daughter's strange new progression. Ryoko tensed for a moment then continued to nibble on Washu's ear lovingly. She kissed her way back to her mother's lips and stopped when she got there. "I don't know. My skin is burning with anticipation. Your touch feels so good" Ryoko then flipped Washu on her back was on top of her faster than light, smothering her with kisses. "Whoa there!" shouted Washu, completely taken by surprise. She placed her hands on Ryoko's shoulders to stop her. "I think you're just jittery from having made love for the first time." "Who said it was my first time?" Ryoko leaned back, slightly insulted. "Nobody had to say anything." Washu smirked, tapping her head in a genius like manner. Again, Ryoko was reminded that nothing was unknown to her when it came to the link. Unfortunately for Ryoko, the door doesn't swing both ways. She'll have to figure how to peek into her mother's mind, a project for another time. "Anyway, don't worry about what you're feeling right now, you're just in the heat of the moment that's all." "Thank god, I was worried for a moment there." Ryoko resumed the loving kisses. Washu was lying underneath face faulted and slightly disturbed how easily her daughter brushed it away. She shrugged and thought *She's definitely in the heat of the moment* Ryoko's caressing became more urgent as she started to suckle Washu's breasts, flicking the tit with her tongue. Washu then chuckled to herself at the irony of the situation and stroked Ryoko's long flowing hair. Ryoko worked her tongue down Washu's belly. Without stopping Ryoko grabbed Washu's shorts and phased them off and tossed them aside. *GASP* Washu almost choked on her own tongue. It certainly was the night for surprises. Ryoko led her tongue around Washu's hole as the juices inside her began to flow. Ryoko's tongue then plunged into her mother, working its way around, trying to find Washu's source of pleasure. "Hmmm, Ryoko that's good. A little to th- OH YES, that's amazing!" Now in control of the situation, Ryoko worked to bring her mother over the edge. "OOOOOH, OOOOOOOH YES! UUUUUH OOOOOH RYOKO!" Washu's moaning excited Ryoko even further and she redoubled her efforts. Her tongue moved across Washu's clit bringing her very close to the edge. "AAAAAAAH OOOOOOOH OOOOOOOOOOOOH RYOKO!! ...Ryoko?" Ryoko had stopped. She sat in front of Washu's open legs smiling; wiping away the cum that had collected on her face. "Oh Ryoko your terrible. Tenchi would find it very rude to stop like that when he gets close to cumming." Washu scolded. Ryoko leaned forward and spread her legs, exposing her own dripping pussy. "You really turned me on with all that moaning, so I wanted to share this one with you." Ryoko landed on top of Washu again and Washu greeted her by wrapping her legs around her, pulling their waists together. Ryoko started sliding up and down on top of Washu, their clits bumping together. "Oh yeah, that's good." Ryoko said breathlessly. Their lips met and so did their tongues. They both were brought closer towards climax but Ryoko's method just wasn't enough. Washu reached into a sub space portal and grabbed a double-sided rubber. Blushing at the mere site of it, Ryoko said "Wow Mom, I didn't know you had one of those." "I didn't before now. I fabricated it right before I saw you today." Washu then smiled and mentally patted herself on the back for being able to plan ahead so well. "Well, let's not waste it." Ryoko lifted off from Washu and took the dildo from her. She leaned back and inserted one end into herself, wincing slightly at the new sensation. Ryoko laid down on her back gestured to her mother to join her. Washu made her way on top of Ryoko and lowered herself onto the other end of the rod. "Oh god!" Washu moaned as pleasure filled her to the brim. She began started riding up and down on Ryoko whose hips bounces perfectly in sync with her mother. "OH GOD THIS IS IT! YES YES YES!" Ryoko yelled. "AAAAAAAH RYOKO! OOOOOOOOOH!" Washu moaned. And with one last pulsating movement, both mother and daughter toppled over the edge in a mind shattering orgasm. "AAAAAAAAAAAH" "OOOOOOOOOOOH" they both screamed in unison. Washu fell forward on top of Ryoko, breathing so hard she couldn't even speak. Washu rolled over off of Ryoko and an awkward silence settled into the room. They both just lay there staring at the ceiling lost in thought about what had just happened. Washu finally broke the silence, "So, do you feel better now?" "I don't know, I sure don't feel any different. I'll have to wait until I see Tenchi again to answer that." "I see." The uneasiness in Washu's voice was very apparent. Usually when she makes calculations the results are immediate and exactly what she predicted them to be. But now she wasn't so sure. Washu was definitely not one to ever doubt herself. She has enough self-confidence to go around for the entire galaxy. But so much was at stake now. Even though Washu intentions were to help Ryoko, her daughter may become suspicious if her ability to resist Tenchi does not improve. *NO! I shouldn't think like that. I positive what I did was the right thing, I went over the data lots of times. Using the variables at hand in this situation I was able to predict all the possible solution using a simple algorithmic system. I tested it 143 times, of those trials, 137 of them thought that what I did was the best course of action.* Washu tried to reassure herself with the scientific data. *But this is hardly a scientific matter. Everything I'm doing here has great potential of doing more damage than there originally was.* Her thoughts returned to the moments when she had to push herself onto Ryoko in order to kiss her and how she had pulled her down to the futon, almost completely against her daughter's will. *Even if things go well, Ryoko might assume that I was taking advantage of her. Didn't I ask her to trust me? What then? She'll never believe a word I say, or anyone else's word for that matter. Oh god Washu, you really screwed up this time, you just managed hurt and abuse your own daughter.* "Mom? Are you ok?" Ryoko asked. Washu was so deep in thought she didn't even notice a single tear that had trickled down her cheek. "I uh... *sniff* just need some time to think... alone" Washu choked out. A large doorway to the Osen appeared on the far side of the lab. Now as a child, Washu retreated across the room with her hands covering her tears of guilt. The gateway to the Osen closed just as she jumped through, leaving a very bewildered Ryoko in a very lonely room. "Mom?" Ryoko nervously called even though it was much to late. "Why did you leave me?" she thought aloud. Ryoko started cleaning up and dressing as her thoughts kept returning to her mother's distressing action. What had happened to her to make her so upset? She couldn't think of anything that had happened. Or was it something she had done? Ryoko remembered the moment after she had climaxed the first time. She jumped immediately at a chance for a second go at it. Ryoko WANTED to feel her mother's feminine body against hers, she WANTED to make her mother cum and reel in pleasure. Even though Washu said that she was merely in the heart of the moment, Ryoko genuinely enjoyed it. Stabs of guilt pinged all over her when she remember how thrilling it was to do something so wrong, something so unethical. *I'm a horrible horrible person. I can't believe what I just did. I committed incest with my mother and I enjoyed it! Is that what Washu was so upset about?* Everything started to become so clear to Ryoko. Washu had probably checked Ryoko's mind to see how she was feeling about what they had done. That's when she found out that her daughter had enjoyed it more than she had hoped. Washu must have been so upset with her that she can't even bare to face her, that's must be why she left so suddenly. *I've done a horrible thing and Mom probably hates me for it. I hate myself for it. Sasami, Mihoshi, Kiyone and Tenchi... they would all hate me for it.* Ryoko collapsed onto the futon, shivering violently, as she came to a horrific realization: *nobody cares about me, nobody... loves me*. Suddenly feeling like she was the only living soul in a 100-mile radius, Ryoko cried herself silently asleep, alone. TO BE CONTINUED!!!! --------------- Well it looks like Ryoko and Washu are in a real tight pickle here. Will they find out that it was all just a misunderstanding? Or will we be short one Tenchi Muyo! Character? Who knows...