Tenchi Muyo the movie - The Life of Love - by Ryoko Porter based on the OAV series and the fan fics by Ryoko Porter. Scene 1 - Ryoko and Tenchi are having a picnic in the forest together. Ryoko: This is so romantic Tenchi thank you. (Ryoko kisses Tenchi.) Tenchi: Any thing for you my love. (They kiss.) Ryoko: You know, sometimes it's hard for me to believe we've been married. I can't believe everyone stayed. Tenchi: Everyone but Ayeka. Ryoko: It's what she had to do. If she stayed things would have been harder for all of us. Tenchi: Grandfather says that she'll need to be married soon. Ryoko: I hope it's not that guy that came with her parents when they visited, if it is I would pity her greatly. Tenchi: Here, have a California roll? Ryoko: These are good, did you make them? Tenchi: Mostly, Sasami helped a little. Ryoko: When it comes to food I don't know what we'd do without her? You've tasted my cooking, it sucks! (Tenchi shudders.) Tenchi: Ryoko, how old are you really? Ryoko: What? Tenchi: Well I was thinking how you could only be a little over two thousand and I realized Kagato had held Washu for the last five thousand years. Ryoko: Well it depends on how you look at it. You see, a space year is equal to two and a half Earth years. Making me 2,017 in space years and 5,042 and a half, Earth years. Tenchi: Imagine what any normal person would say if they knew I'm married to a 2,017 slash 5,042 year old space pirate! Ryoko: You sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself! Tenchi: You know I hate to think that if I hadn't freed you from that cave, I would have never met any of you girls. And I certainly wouldn't have met the love of my life. Ryoko: You do know how to please a girl! Tenchi: In more than one way too. (Tenchi and Ryoko role over and begin to make passionate love when Nobeyuki walks by.) Nobeyuki: Way to go Tenchi! (Ryoko and Tenchi stop making love and watch him pass by. Then the continue for a moment till Yosho walks by.) Yosho: An active man has many children. (Ryoko and Tenchi continue till Washu walks by.) Washu: Oh good, I can't wait for a grand child. Continue you business, I'll just watch! Tenchi: I give up. Ryoko: GO AWAY! Washu: Why, I just want to see my grandchild being created? Ryoko: GO AWAY! Scene 2 - Ryoko and Tenchi are walking home through the woods. Ryoko: Damn Washu! Tenchi: I know what you mean, before I wasn't ready but now I am and every time we get close to it someone comes and interrupts us! Killing the mood! Ryoko: There's got to be some way we can be alone! Tenchi: But what? Ryoko: We can make our selves a secret house! Tenchi: Where would it be? Ryoko: In space, millions of miles from here. Tenchi: How would I get there? Ryoko: I'll give you the power of teleportion. Tenchi: We'll make it tonight and spend the night there. Ryoko: Great! (Ryoko and Tenchi go enter the Masaki residence.) Mihoshi: Where have you been? It's almost time to have dinner! Ryoko: We had a picnic. Sasami: Are you hungry enough for dinner? Tenchi: No, we're both going for a midnight bath. Sasami: Okay. Ryoko and Tenchi: Bye. Sasami: Bye. (Ryoko and Tenchi disappear.) Mihoshi: They're so romantic, I hope I can get a man like that. Sasami: Me too. Ryo-oki: Meow. Scene 3 - Washu's lab and Sasami enters with a tray of food. Sasami: Washu, I brought you some dinner! Washu: Thank you Sasami. Sasami: Washu, can I use some of your equipment to call home? Washu: Of course, you can go in that room for some privacy. Sasami: Thank you! (Sasami goes into the other room.) Washu: How cute. Scene 4 - Sasami talking to her dad on the view phone. Sasami: Hi daddy! Azusa: Well hello Sasami, this is a pleasant surprise. Sasami: I called to see how everyone was doing. Azusa: Everyone's fine here. Sasami: And Ayeka, how is she? Azusa: All right, I found a husband for her that's why I'm in such a good mood. Sasami: Does she like him? Azusa: Yes, how is every one and what's been happening? Sasami: About the same as it's been since Ayeka left. Azusa: So how is Tenchi doing in school? Sasami: School? Azusa: That's what Ayeka told me. Sasami: Well that's not exactly true. Azusa: So? Sasami: Tenchi didn't go to school, he got married! Azusa: MARRIED! Without my permission? To who? Sasami: Well a let's just say that the new princess of Jurei is Ryoko. Azusa: Ryoko! Sasami: Ah-huh. Azusa: He married Ryoko, instead of one of my two daughters! Sasami: THEY LOVE EACH OTHER! Azusa: Fine, good-bye my daughter. Sasami: Bye! Scene 5 - it's the middle of the night and Sasami is dreaming. Sasami: No please, don't daddy? Don't hurt Tenchi! (Sasami dreams that she is on Jurei and her father is talking to Tenchi.) Azusa: And what is your name? Tenchi: I am Tenchi, crown prince of Jurei. And husband to Ayeka. (Sasami wakes in a flash and runs to Tenchi and Ryoko's room.) Sasami: Tenchi, Tenchi! Ryoko: Sasami it's the middle of the night, what do you want? Sasami: I had a dream that. Ryoko: Huh? Tenchi's gone! Sasami and Ryoko: (gasp) Scene 6 - Ryoko and the others are heading to Jurei. Ryoko: >Tenchi hold on, we're on our way< Sasami: Ryoko what will you do when we reach Jurei? Ryoko: Well since we know that it was your father who took Tenchi, I will present myself and my case before him. And if he doesn't give Tenchi back peacefully I'll blast him to bits! Washu: Remember that Ayeka is there? Ryoko: I know, and I'm going to use that to my advantage. Sasami: Huh, how? Ryoko: I'll use our memories to persuade to her that Tenchi should be with us. Yosho: Yes, it's a good idea to use peace in the beginning. Kiyone: Kidnapping is an offence that even the Jurei royal family can't get away with, so we have the support of the Galaxy Police. Ryoko: AH, AHHH. (Ryoko collapses.) Mihoshi and Sasami: RYOKO! Ryo-ohki: Meow! Washu: Ryoko calm down, and let me do some tests! Ryoko: AHHHH. (Washu conducts some quick tests on Ryoko.) Yosho: What has happened to Ryoko? Washu: Someone has drained Ryoko's powers out of her! Sasami: What do you mean? Washu: Ryoko has lost all her powers. The ones she got from Aireal and the ones I gave her! She's no longer immortal either she lost everything! Scene 7 - Ryoko and the others enter the thrown room to plead their case. Azaka: Show your respect to the Emperor and bow! Kamedake: BOW! Ryoko: Not until he shows me some respect! Azusa: Well aren't we cocky for not having any powers! Ayeka: >what< Ryoko: Your majesty I beg of you to return my Tenchi, my husband! I have no purpose in life without him. My life and my love are Tenchi's and if you do not return him to me I will be forced to use violence! Azusa: And what are you going to do to me with no power? You see I have your power now and I have no intention on returning it to you! Washu: So he's the one who took it? Ryoko: I may be human now but I still have my gems! Azusa: They're powerless to a human such as you! Ryoko: Not necessarily, my heart is so strong with love I can control them! Azusa: Ha! Ryoko: Bastard! (Ryoko begins to attack!) Azusa: Azaka, Kamedake! (The two grab Ryoko by the arms.) Ryoko, wouldn't you like to see Tenchi? Ryoko: Huh? (Tenchi enters.) Tenchi, TENCHI! Tenchi: Sir who is this girl you have in custody? Azusa: Never you mind. Take her to the room we prepared for her! (Azaka and Kamedake exit with Ryoko.) Ryoko: TENCHI! Azusa: Well now that that is over with! Sasami, come and give your daddy a hug! Sasami: Never and I will never call you father again! Azusa: What? Sasami: You have more evil than Ryoko when she attacked our world! Azusa: Yosho? Yosho: You have shamed me father, you have shamed the Jurei family! Azusa: Well I can understand your anger, your rooms are all ready for you all! (Azusa begins to exit.) Oh and Yosho, get rid of that costume. You look silly! (Azusa exits.) Ayeka: Costume? Yosho: Yes. (Yosho becomes younger.) All: WHAT? Scene 8 - Ryoko is in an elegant room and she has been fitted with a slip like dress. Keeping her confined arm guards which she is trying to brake. Ryoko: Come on. >I have to get to Tenchi and make him remember everything< (Azusa enters.) Azusa: You'll never get free of those they were given to me by the Tree Gods those 700 years ago to hold you captive for attacking Jurei. Ryoko: What have you done to Tenchi? Why doesn't he remember me? Azusa: I made him available for Ayeka, no man can live with a daughter of mine and not choose to wed her! Ryoko: And what does Ayeka think of all this? Azusa: She didn't find out till you did! I wanted to surprise you both at the same time. I think it was a good one don't you? Ryoko: You son of a bitch! (Ryoko attacks, just to have the arm guards shock her with Jurei energy.) AHHHHHH. Azusa: Don't think that I wouldn't be prepared for you? Well I am, get on the bed! Ryoko: What? (The guards shock her again forcing her to lay on the bed.) Azusa: Now you are mine, you didn't think I just did this for Ayeka did you? (Ryoko begins to cry as Azusa forces himself upon her.) Ryoko: Tenchi!! Scene 9 - Yosho and Ayeka are in a small room discussing the costume. Ayeka: But, but why? Why did hide yourself? Yosho: I'm sorry Ayeka. Ayeka: Your beautiful eyes, you don't know how long I've longed to see those eyes! Yosho: Ayeka, how do you think Tenchi would have handled it if he knew that his grandfather truly looked his age? Ayeka: What? Yosho: Without the age, I would have been dishonored on earth. If that happened I would not have been able to care for my child or grandchild. Do you understand now? Ayeka: Yes. Yosho: Good, now we have to figure out a way to get Tenchi's memory back! Ayeka: Never, I will never give Tenchi back to you! Yosho: What? Ayeka: With Ryoko out of the picture I can have Tenchi! Yosho: If you marry Tenchi dishonor will come to you and your family! And you know the law of the Tree Gods, "no person with dishonor can have children." Do you really want to do that to Tenchi or yourself, to loose any child you have to death! (Ayeka exits silently.) Scene 10 - Ryoko is alone in her chambers in a daze over what had happened to her. Ryoko: >Tenchi why, why can't you remember me? Why can't you remember the time we first meet face to face, or the time you held me in your arms during the Kagato attack? But why, why can't you remember the memory I cherish most, the first night you spent with me when I was having that dream. (Flashback to Ryoko and Tenchi sleeping together.) I wish I could figure out a way to get him to remember all of those wonderful memories? < (Tenchi enters.) Ryoko: Tenchi? Tenchi: Who are you? And why have you come to Jurei? Ryoko: Don't you remember me? Can't you remember the love we had? Tenchi: Who are you? Ryoko: It's me Ryoko and I came to bring you back to the home we made together. Remember all of the love that filled the air when we were together? Tenchi: I'm sorry miss. Ryoko: Then I'll make you remember! (Ryoko cups Tenchi's face in her hands and kisses him.) Tenchi: >Ryoko< (Flashback to when Tenchi first meet Ryoko, then to when he sees her naked at the hot-springs resort. Then Tenchi remembers Ryoko wearing his mothers kimono, to when they are lying together in bed, and finally to their marriage.) Ryoko: Tenchi? Tenchi: Ryoko is that you? Ryoko: Tenchi! (Ryoko embraces Tenchi weeping with joy.) Tenchi: Ryoko. (Tenchi flashbacks to when he is admits his being a Jurei.) Azusa: And who are you? Tenchi: I am Tenchi, crown prince of Jurei. And Ayeka's husband. (Back to current time.) Tenchi: Ryoko I'm so sorry. Ryoko: Tenchi that doesn't matter now, I love you and nothing will keep me from loving you! Tenchi: Ryoko. (Tenchi raps his arms around Ryoko to discover blood on her back.) Ryoko what happened to you? Ryoko: I'm human now. Tenchi: What? Ryoko: Azusa took my powers and my immortality. Tenchi: That doesn't explain why you're bleeding! (Ryoko looks down and begins to sob.) Ryoko: Tenchi I'm no longer, no longer. Tenchi: Ryoko what are you saying? Ryoko: Tenchi, I'm no longer only yours! (Ryoko looks up at Tenchi so he can see the pain in her eyes.) Tenchi: Who did this to you? (Azusa enters.) Azusa: I did! Tenchi: Huh? Azusa: And I've come to finish the job, can't have some girl going around saying I raped her. Tenchi: Sir? Azusa: Say why don't you do it, it'll be good practice for you. She'll bleed to death anyway, here take the Tenchi sword. Tenchi: >what should I do< Ryoko: >>Tenchi I want you to do it, it will get you sword and there's no hope for me anyway<< Tenchi: >>I can't, I love you<< Ryoko: >>I love you too, but I'll always be with you<< Tenchi: >>I'm so sorry<< Ryoko: >>I'd rather have you do it, than anyone else<< Tenchi: I'll do it. (Tenchi takes the sword and aims.) Ryoko: >>good-bye my love<< Tenchi: >>forgive me Ryoko, I love you<< (Tenchi stabs the sword into Ryoko's heart.) Azusa: Good. (The Azusa exits.) Tenchi: Ryoko! (Tenchi falls to his knees and picks up Ryoko's corpse.) Ryoko I'm so sorry. (He begins to cry holding the body when Ryoko appears standing beside him.) Ryoko: Tenchi. Tenchi: Ryoko? Ryoko: Tenchi there is no need for those tiers. You still have the sword don't you? Tenchi: Yes. Ryoko: As long as you have that and the three gems we can be together. Tenchi: Huh? Ryoko: The power of the sword and the gems can bring me back to that world. Tenchi: How? Ryoko: Pray to have the gems return to the sword by body will cease to exist but I will be in the sword. Tenchi: So you mean you'll be the sword and I'll never be able to hold you again? Ryoko: Sadly yes, there is no way for me to be physically part of that world again. Not even with Aireal's powers. I'm sorry, but at least we will be together in spirit. Tenchi: That's not enough, I'm going to join you as soon as I straiten things out here. I can't loose you again. (Tenchi joins the gems with the sword as Ayeka enters.) Ayeka: Tenchi? Tenchi: Huh? Oh it's you. Scene 11 - Azusa, Misaki, and Funaho are walking the palace halls discussing Tenchi. Funaho: Azusa please send my great grandson home! Misaki: Yes I agree with Funaho, I love Ayeka. But we're destroying love; true love and I won't have any part in it! Azusa: Do you think this is easy for me to brainwash my own great grandson? Funaho: Then stop, and give him back his memory! Scene 12 - in Ryoko's chambers. Ayeka: Look I know how you must feel about me now and I'm sorry. I had no idea what was happening 'till father brought you out to show Ryoko. Tenchi: Go away, Ryoko was right you are a bitch. Ayeka: I suppose I deserve that. But anyhow I brought this for you so you can defeat my father. It is the orb of power and in it contains Ryoko's power. I'm sorry but father already took the power Ryoko got from Aireal. Tenchi: So your father now has Aireal's power? Ayeka: Yes. Tenchi: Well that's fine! (Tenchi takes the sword and places the hilt into the orb empowering it.) Scene 13 - Sasami, Washu, Yosho, Kiyone, and Mihoshi are planning a statagey for getting Tenchi and Ryoko back. Yosho: Without either Tenchi or Ryoko's power it will be very difficult to defeat my father! Washu: Don't forget we have the power of Tsunami on our side! Yosho: Yes but to use the true power of Tsunami, Sasami would have to join with Tsunami's form. And I'm not willing to give up Sasami's childhood for that! Sasami: Yosho, I will do whatever it takes to save Ryoko and Tenchi? Washu: You do realize thought that if you join with Tsunami's form you will never be able to be a child again? Sasami: I'm willing to risk that because true love is in danger! Think about that, if we don't save Tenchi and get his memory of Ryoko back. People will start to believe that love does not conquer all. Mihoshi: She's got a point! Kiyone: You know, Mihoshi's actually right about something! Washu and Yosho: Hmmm? Scene 14 - Tenchi and Ayeka are running to Yosho's room. Ayeka: Slow down! Tenchi: Keep up, I have to find my grandfather and the others! Ayeka: Tenchi why do you have to take revenge? (Tenchi silently continues to run to Yosho's room.) Scene 15 - in Yosho's room. Yosho: There's got to be a way we can get Tenchi back? Mihoshi: Yeah! (Tenchi and Ayeka enter.) Sasami: Tenchi! All: Tenchi! Mihoshi: Where's Ryoko? Tenchi: I'm sorry Miss Washu, but I couldn't save your daughter. Washu: Your loss more than mine. Ayeka: Ryoko's dead? Tenchi: Yes. Ayeka: Then where was her body? Tenchi: In here. (Tenchi holds up the sword so that the others can see Ryoko's profile in the gems.) Yosho: How did it happen? Tenchi: We have to destroy Azusa! Ryo-ohkis come! (The scene suddenly changes to show an army of Ryo-ohki battle ships rise out from the pond in front of the Masaki Residence. Then the scene changes to a split screen of Ryoko and Tenchi.) Ryoko and Tenchi: COME! (The scene goes back to the Ryo-ohki ships when they disappear.) Scene 16 - in the throne room. Azaka: Sir, we have detected an army of Ryo-ohkis surrounding the planet enabling no ships to get in or out! Azusa: Let them! Kamedake: But sir? Azusa: They won't do anything. They are too far away for them to teleport any one aboard them and they won't do anything knowing that Tenchi and the others are here. Azaka: What if they try to escape on the Ryo-ohki that is present on the surface? Azusa: They won't, not until they reascue Ryoko and Tenchi! Kamedake: Sir how can you be so certain of all this? Azusa: Because. (Tenchi and the others enter.) . You see? Tenchi: Azusa you took the thing I love most and I will destroy you for that! Azusa: And how do you expect to do that, now that I have Aireal's power? Sasami: We will fight with him! Azusa: Even knowing what really happened? Sasami: Huh? Azusa: Ah I see, you haven't told them? Tenchi: (mutters) damn you. Azusa: Tenchi why don't you tell them how Ryoko died and who did it? All: Huh? Ayeka: Tenchi, what is he talking about? Tenchi: I did it, I killed Ryoko. All: What? Azusa: That's right he's the one who put the sword into her heart. He's Ryoko's destroyer! Tenchi: Bastard, you're the one who forced me to do it! I didn't want to, but you were there standing over me! At least I didn't destroy her mentally, didn't have to you did that all ready! Azusa: Do you really think they'll believe you, the one who killed Ryoko? (Ryoko appears.) Ryoko: Then they'll believe me, I told Tenchi to kill me through the mind. There was no hope for me and Tenchi would have the sword! Sasami: Ryoko, what did Azusa do to you? (Ryoko disappears.) Washu: I think they mean Azusa took advantage of her. Sasami: What does that mean? Yosho: She means that father used her for pleasure. Mihoshi: What, you mean that Azusa raped her? (All but Tenchi fall in embarrassment.) Tenchi: Yes and that is why I will not leave this world 'till I kill him! (Tenchi attacks.) You are mine! (Tenchi throws himself into the charge crying out in pain and fear, but most of all anger.) Azusa: You demon! (Azusa slashes a sword toward Tenchi cutting him in the stumick. In return Tenchi puts the sword through Azusa's Heart as he falls back, unthretened by the slice through him.) Tenchi: You're the demon! (Suddenly the wound disappears.) Azusa: But how? Tenchi: I bonded with Ryoko. Sasami: I am Tsunami! (Little Sasami begins to grow taller as her hair lengthens.) Azusa: Sasami? Tsunami: Call me Tsunami, and you are dead! Tenchi: Ready? Tsunami: Lets go! (Tenchi and Tsunami begin to attack as Washu begins to analyze Tsunami's power.) Ayeka: This is no time for that! Yosho: ATTACK! Tenchi: Here, grandfather you can have this I don't need it! (Tenchi throws the sword to Yosho.) Yosho: Thanks! Azusa: Die, you creatures of darkness! (Azusa blocks their attack with energy wall as Tenchi uses the light hawk wings to protect them to no avail. Each of them falls back, knocking them out, except for Tenchi. Tenchi lying on the ground begins to vision Ryoko in all her splendor.) Ryoko: Tenchi. Tenchi: Ryoko, I'm sorry to fail you. Ryoko: No Tenchi, you still have a chance. Tenchi: How? Ryoko: Take the sword and use it as your weapon, from inside it I will give you my light hawk wings making you more powerful. (Ryoko disappears.) Tenchi: Right. (Tenchi walks over to his grandfather and plucks the sword from his hands.) All right, I'm ready for you and now you will die! Azusa: Such brave words, but there no enough to defeat me! (Tenchi attacks as Azusa lets out a protection wall. This time however Tenchi brings the light halk wings around him changing him to the white out-fit he wore while using them.) You think a different outfit will save you? Tenchi: No, but this will! (Suddenly a second pair of light hawk wings appears as Tenchi attacks Azusa. Surprised at the sight of two separate light hawk wings around the boy Azusa lets his guard down letting Tenchi strike with ease. Tenchi and the sword became one almost as they pierced the heart of evil.) Azusa: No wonder Ayeka loves you, you would do anything for them wouldn't you? Tenchi: Yes, but now I only fight for Ryoko. (Azusa dies.) Scene 17 - a little while later as the others revive to see Tenchi waiting for them to wake. Ayeka: Tenchi? Tenchi: I'm here Ayeka, we're all here. All: Welcome back Ayeka! Ayeka: What happened? Tenchi: You are now leader of Jurei. Ayeka: What? Scene 18 - the next day as Tenchi and the others are talking in the thrown room. Tsunami: -in Sasami's voice- Can't you stay? Tenchi: No, this is what I have to do. Grandfather; please tell father I'm sorry I can't return home. Yosho: I will. Tenchi: And you, Washu what are you going to do? Washu: I've been offered to be dean of the Science Academy. Mihoshi: And we're going back to the Galaxy Police Headquarters! Kiyone: It'll be good to be around normal people for a change. Mihoshi: Hey! Ayeka: Tenchi please stay here and role Jurei with me? Tenchi: No Ayeka, I can't do that. Yosho: Ayeka, I will stay with you and rule. Ayeka: You will? Yosho: Yes, I will finally do what I was sappose to do so many years ago. Ayeka: Yosho, l love you! Tenchi: >gee, didn't take her long to get over me< Tsunami: Where are you going Tenchi? Tenchi: I am going were Ryoko is. Mihoshi: WHAT, your going to die? Tenchi: Sort of. All: HUH? Tenchi: I'm going with the sword to join Ryoko. Ayeka: Why are you taking the sword? Tenchi: So it causes no more trouble. Tsunami now is free to use her powers without the sword as her key and so as soon as I find Ryoko I am going to destroy it. Then Ryoko and I are going to find a world where we can live in peace and happiness as we watch over you and protect you. Tsunami: Will you ever come back? Tenchi: Only when you really need me. (Ryoko and a gate to the other world appear.) Ryoko: Tenchi. Tenchi: It's time for me to go. All: Good-bye Ryoko! Ryoko: Good-bye all. Tenchi. Tenchi: Good-bye my friends, it's time I fufill my destiny. (Tenchi joins Ryoko as they disappear.) All: GOOD-BYE! Scene 19 - Ryoko and Tenchi sit together in a forest of cherry trees as they hold each other. As they remember their lives together. The scenes change as to scenes from the oav sires that are of Ryoko and Tenchi.