Tenchi Gala Episode One "No need for a beginning" Warning: This story contains sexually suggestive phrases and gestures. If you are under 18, please control yourself and don't read this story. It was a beautiful spring day at the Masaki shrine, when (surprise!) the entire countryside was rocked by explosions. The only 3 figures that remain un-charred are the blaster, Ryoko, the target, Aeka, surrounded by small wooden pegs and a forcefield, and the semi-insane scientist and her puppets, Washu. Tenchi, the reason for the blast, lay face-faulted and charred on the floor of the Masaki household's living room. Several other figures, for some reason slightly less charred, lay on the floor as well. The detectives Kiyone and Mihoshi, Noboyuki, the galaxy's greatest pervert, Princess Sasami, and Yosho (sorry, "Grandpa"), prince of Jurai. "Why do you always do this!" yelled a really pissed off Tenchi. "Yeah a genius like me needs to remain un-charred. We wouldn't want this cute little face of mine to be damaged!" Said the starry-eyed, semi-insane, Professor Washu. "Yes Washu! You are the greatest!" exclaimed "A" and "B" in unison. "But Tench….," stammered Ryoko. "I don't want to hear it!" screamed Tenchi disdainfully. It had been 6 months now that they had all lived together, and Tenchi had already had his fill of mad brawls between Ryoko and Aeka over him. All Tenchi wanted was to lead a normal life, but to this point, his life has been anything but normal. Although Noboyuki certainly enjoyed the company of the beautiful women inhabiting the Masaki household (^_^ Stupid pervert!), they had brought nothing but injury and dangerous situations on Tenchi's part. At that moment all of the eyes in the house turned to dots and a large drop of water formed above everyone's heads as a piece of the ceiling fell on the head of Mihoshi. The sweet-hearted Sasami responded only with an "are you ok Mihoshi?" to which Mihoshi's only response was a moan and two streams of tears running down her face. "Ki…Kiyone…can we go home now?" "Ok Mihoshi. Sorry but we really have to go. We have a call coming in anyway. Bye!" The detectives then called Yagami and made a hasty exit. It was only a domestic dispute call, but for some reason, probably from having to do all of the work, Kiyone felt more bedraggled than before when they returned to their apartment. "I don't know what we're going to do, Mihoshi. We are really behind on our rent. Aawwwww… I'm just so tense!" "I know a way to cure that, Kiyone," whispered Mihoshi mischievously. "How can you possibly be in that mood at a time like this!" Kiyone managed to yell out. "Well, I just have so much energy to burn." "Why don't you ever burn it doing work so we can pay our rent!" "Kiyone, what you need is a week in the Misaki house alone with either Ryoko or Aeka. You know alone, one of them can be a great friend. I mean, Aeka and me are friends, maybe you and Ryoko could become friends. I myself suggest nude sunbathing, me and Aeka got really close doing that." As Mihoshi endlessly droned on, Kiyone was considering this idea. "Say Mihoshi, how about you and Aeka live here for a week, so you two can get even closer, and I'll move in with the Masakis for a week to get close to Ryoko." "That would be great Kiyone! I'm gonna go over right now and tell them about it! Won't this be great!" Back at the Masaki house, Aeka and Mihoshi waved goodbye as they left for the apartment. Kiyone and Ryoko were on the roof with a sign on the door to the roof saying, "Do Not Disturb, Sunbathing." However, there was one problem, Kiyone didn't know that Aeka and Mihoshi had only taken off their tops. So they sat there, totally naked, sunbathing. It was Ryoko who broke the ice. "So, is Mihoshi good in bed?" This was obliviously what Kiyone had not expected to hear, because she face-faulted almost off the roof. This was quite the enjoyable experience for Noboyuki, who had been sitting in the bushes with binoculars all the while (^_^). The face-fault actually was a good thing because it caused Noboyuki to stir in the bushes, triggering an especially powerful blast from Ryoko. This blast in reality was what broke the ice between the pirate and the cop, because Kiyone's light giggle combined with Ryoko's raucous laugh caused them to laugh together. "Stupid pervert! Go read a magazine!" Shouted Washu as she came out of the house only to see Noboyuki charred and with his pants unzipped, lying on the ground. The apartment later that night "Aeka. Sorry but ever since Kiyone and me…you know…we've shared a bed. I'll just sleep on the floor…" "No no Mihoshi, Let's just sleep in the same bed all week, it will help us get closer." "Ok. Uuuuhhhhh, Aeka." "I also sleep nude in the summertime. Is that ok? It just gets really hot in this apartment on the hot summer nights and…" "Oh really? I guess I'll do that too if it gets that hot at night." Back at the Masaki Household… "Say Kiyone, do you wanna sneak into Washu's lab and use the surveillance cameras in your apartment to see what they're up to? Cause we could just…" "There are surveillance cameras in our apartment! Oh well, it's probably just an experiment of Washu's. Ok let's check up on them." "Ok, let's go." As Kiyone and Ryoko approached the console, they thought that they would just be sitting up and talking or having a pillow fight, but they were already asleep, naked, in the same bed! Needless to say, this would lead and one to conclusions. As the different screens for each camera booted up, Kiyone and Ryoko saw the bed. "That two-timing royal whore!" Screamed Ryoko, blowing up all of the view-screens. "I can't believe this." Stammered Kiyone. "I have a way to get them back so bad that they'll never be able to forget it!" "How?" Asked an overly curious Kiyone. "The bath should be empty by now…Come with the following things, a towel…" "And…" nudged Kiyone. "That's it. Oh, and be wearing only the towel." Ryoko sneered with a devilish grin. (^_^) For some reason, Kiyone went along with the plan. The Revenge in the Bath Later that night, in the women's bath, Ryoko and Kiyone met, wearing only towels. Ryoko had also called Washu and told her to get the sex on tape. For some reason, whenever and wherever the word sex is said, Noboyuki is there. He somehow got "lost" in Washu's lab, and found the video camera console. Washu told him sternly ", I know that I can't get you to leave, so here's a magazine assembled of the "best" whores ever. Knock yourself out." "Oh my God, Washu," exclaimed "A". "You swing that way, Washu?" questioned "B". "No I do not! Noboyuki asked me about a month ago to find a magazine like this and get it for him. After all… If you need something, you ask me, the cutest genius in the universe!" exclaimed a now starry-eyed Washu. "That's right!" said "A". "You are the greatest genius in the universe, Washu!" said "A" and "B" in unison. Well that's it, This was a set-up episode so look for my next one, "Tenchi Gala, Episode Two!" Mihoshi: "Hiii! On the next episode of "Tenchi Gala," Ryoko and Kiyone try to make Aeka and me jealous. And Aeka and me do too." Kiyone: "Tune in to the next episode of "Tenchi Gala!"" Ryoko: "It's incredibly sexual!"