Disclaimer: Do you really care? Story:It was a Monday morning in the Misaki house hold and Ryoko was waiting for Tenchi to awake. Tenchi wakes up and stares up to see Ryoko. Tenchi: Hi there Ryoko what ya doing up there Ryoko: Well I was waiting for you to wake up so I could ask you if you wanted a... Tenchi runs out of the room at the word blow job Ryoko: Hey slow down *chases after him* Tenchi runs into the bathroom and closes the door. Ryoko screams as Tenchi runs in Ryoko: Noooo! I cant get him in there Ryoko sits by the door and waits pawing at it and whimpering. Aieka steps behind Ryoko Aieka: You vile demon Ryoko why dont you give up only males can get into the males bathroom Aieka walks off laughing at Ryoko's despair Ryoko: hmm....I know Ryoko appears behind Misaki and then appears at the bathroom with him. Ryoko: Open this door Misaki: uh sure Misaki opens the door and goes back down stairs Ryoko rushes in the bathroom and shuts the door Ryoko: I got you now! Tenchi: Ryoko what are you doing in here? Ryoko: I love you Tenchi but I got needs its been over 900 years since I last had sex and I want you! Tenchi gulps Ryoko: Now lets say we get to this *taking off her dress* The door suddenly opens and Aieka walks in Ryoko sees Misaki no where Ryoko: Hey how'd you get in? Aieka: Cause I have a penis see im actually a gay guy from a dip water asteroid Ryoko throws Aieka out the window Tenchi:...WTF is going on here? Tenchi wakes up Tenchi: What a weird dream... he stares up at Ryoko Tenchi sees she's sleeping in his room again hovering above his bed. Tenchi: Least she didnt sneak into my bed naked like she did last week...he gets a mental picture of the moment[Unable to display image]he sighs and gets dressed and walks out the door not disturbing the sleeping Ryoko. He has the best breakfast of his life (when isnt it) and goes to school. He gets home and has swords practice and takes a bath. He has supper and goes to his bedroom. He opens the door and sees Ryoko naked and masturbating in HIS bed. He gets a large sweat drop on his head. Ryoko: notices him and quickly starts to faze away. Tenchi: Ryoko dont go Tenchi sits besides her and looks into her eyes Tenchi: Ryoko I love you and im finally ready for you. They latch into a long passionate kiss. They have sex in his bed with Aieka listening in the next room. She cries as Ryoko lets out another moan. The end. So what ya think its my third and im still not to good yet Im gonna make a conclusion if I get two good comments The 2nd will be about the next day Tittle: Insanity strikes JohnMew Welcome to the under water Pokemon resort