Sex's Sins by: Triny Crush PART 2 "Mihoshi will you just get back in the water?!" yelled Kiyone, growing impatient. She glanced once more at the space demon who was making interesting gestures with her balled fists at the unhappy, still tired cabbit. "But Kiyone.." started Mihoshi twirling one strand of yellow hair around one long tan finger. Kiyone groaned in annoyance and the with out warning she clutched Mihoshi's legs as tightly as she could and jerked voilently to the side. Mihoshi waved her arms in the air for a second and then smacked against the water surface. Before she knew it, she was back in the water. Kiyone was breathing rather heavily and she felt funny... It was something about Mihoshi... She looked down in the water where her partner had landed and slowly watched the blob of color get bigger and bigger. Mihoshi burst through the water's surface instantly, coughing. She shot a confused/ hurt look at Kiyone who cringed. Another mistake... Another over reaction... Meanwhile, Ryoko had been watching all of this. She'd turned her attention away from Ryo-Ohki just in time to see Mihoshi flailing and Kiyone catching her breath. Her stare was focused on Kiyone.... Kiyone had gorgeous eyes... And silky hair... Not to mention some muscle on her bones and some damn fine breasts! Ryoko wasn't sure why she was noticing these things, but she just couldn't stop... looking at them all... And at that instant she knew that she wanted something from the detective.. And this space demon was making sure she would get it! "Kiyone! That was mean!" called Mihoshi between coughs. She was drenched again, and warm again.. In fact she was a little warmer than usual. She'd started feeling... warmer... when Kiyone had hugged her legs to her bare breasts... To those two lucious perfect breasts. Mihoshi wasn't really sure why she felt so warm and she was about to say something to Kiyone about it when she noticed that Kiyone was swimming over towards her. "Mihoshi.." she began in a soft voice. Kiyone felt bad again. She was staring down at the water. She couldn't bring herself to look at Mihoshi for two reasons. One was that she'd hurt her friend again, and two, because her eyes kept... wandering to certain parts... Kiyone was about two feet away from Mihoshi when suddenly.... "Bad girl Kiyone.." came an angry voice from directly behind her. Kiyone was about to spin around, but two strong hand wrapped around her from behind and held her firmly in place. Kiyone's eyes became huge. "Ry.... Ryoko." she murmered. Ryoko had snuck into the water and was right behind the space police woman, hugging her from behind... The police woman's breasts resting on top of the demon's strong arms. Ryoko was pressed up against Kiyone and her head was resting on her shoulder. "That's right. Now, why were you being so rough with Mihoshi. Hm? Did you think I couldn't hear you? Didn't you think I saw you? Bad...." she said in a very very seductive tone. Then with out warning, Ryoko pressed Kiyone against her, her breasts in Kiyone's back, her long demonic strong legs open and wrapped around Kiyone's waist so that Ryoko's pussy was pressed up against Kiyone's firm ass. Ryoko snickered as she felt Kiyone's ass tighten and become tense. "Calm down babe... It wont hurt THAT bad..." she said in barely a whisper, her lips brushing Kiyone's ear. "Ryoko, what are you doing?!" said the trembling space police woman. Mihoshi was staring in horror her blue eyes full of fear and worry. The look in her eyes pained Kiyone and she had the biggest urge to do anything and everything to make that frown that was spread across those perfect lips to go away... Suddenly Ryoko's tounge pressed into the blue haired detective's tender ear and Kiyone shuddered all over. Ryoko smirked and started running her tounge up the ear and then traced the tips of the ear roughly. Kiyone could feel Ryoko's pussy that was pressed up against her ass get hotter and hotter and suddenly fear shot up through out her body like a fire. She suddenly panicked and tried to escape. Ryoko tightened her holds on the detective and started sucking and nibbling on Kiyone's ear.. Kiyone stared at Mihoshi as tears filled her eyes. She was no match for Ryoko. She was scared. Of Ryoko and of hurting the blond beauty in front of her. As a tear slid down a trembling cheek, Kiyone mouthed one word, HELP. Mihoshi knew what she had to do. She was feeling a number of interesting things toward Kiyone. And though it was awkward all she could think about was that it wasn't fair that RYOKO was doing that to Kiyone. That it should be her... The thought scared Mihoshi and she wanted it to go away. She needed a weapon or something. Her gun was donwstairs. Mihoshi nodded at Kiyone and stood up instantly and spun around and took off running at the door way. "Mihoshi!" Kiyone called in fear. Ryoko moved her hands so that she had access to Kiyone's breasts. She cupped the breasts and started groping them roughly. At the same time the space demon started moving up and down against the woman. Though Kiyone tried to struggle, she was no match for Ryoko's strength. Kiyone could feel Ryoko's hot shaven pussy growing hotter and hotter as it rubbed up and down against her ass. Ryoko's hard erected nipples clawed viciously at Kiyone's back and Ryoko's tounge slid down her ear and started fully massaging the nape of her neck. Kiyone thrashed her head back and forth as if to make Ryoko stop. It's all she could do! Kiyone wasn't really paying attention to Mihoshi now... Ryoko laughed an evil but sexy laugh and started sucking on Kiyone's soft neck.... hard! Kiyone let out a cry from the demon's touch, and suddenly Ryoko's pussy got a whole lot hotter... Mihoshi had almost reached the door, when out of no where a naked princess Ayeka opened the door suddenly and walked very quickly into the bath house. Mihoshi tried to stop running but her feet were wet and she was slippery and she slipped violently and crashed right into the princess. Ayeka shrieked a high pitch scream and Mihoshi made an oof noise. Both girls were back on their feet in less than three seconds. Ayeka's right eye started twitching with anger and she glared at Mihoshi. Mihoshi's eyes became huge and a smile spread across her lips. "Ayeka! Help! Look, Ryoko's hurting Kiyone! You gotta help! Thank goodness you came when you did!" she barely managed to sputter. Ayeka's pink eyes glared all the way down and back up Mihoshi's body. A vibrant feeling came between her thighs and suddenly she was overcome with the most angry hateful lust ever.. She smacked Mihoshi as hard as she could faster than the average eye could follow. Mihoshi spun around and fell hard on the ground. "Serves you right! How dare you knock me down when I, a royal princess of Jurai have had a day as horrible as this?! You horrid horrid beast! You're no better than Ryoko! Idiot!" she shrieked in a loud obnoxious voice. Mihoshi looked up at Ayeka, tears streaming down her face. A bright red mark was appearing on her cheek. A small cut had appeared and a tiny drizzle of blood was making it's way down to her chin. It was almost racing the tears... Ayeka stared at Mihoshi's full tan thick breasts.. They were pressed up against the cold tile... Ayeka's glare traced down to Mihoshi's ass. It was firm and tight. Tan and soft. Ayeka's jaw tightened and the vibrant feeling intensified... Mihoshi stood back up and rubbed her cheek, more tears streaming from her face. She'd never seen Ayeka act THIS way before... Ayeka let out a scream of attack and lunged at Mihoshi. She ran full force into the blond haired detective and even after she'd run into the girl she'd kept running. Then at the last instant she tackled Mihoshi and the two fell into the water, Mihoshi letting out a scream of fear. "Mihoshi!" cried Kiyone her eyes huge with hate towards Ayeka, and worry for her partner. She struggled more vioilently and almost managed to get one arm free. She was struggling like a mad person, but she didn't care. Mihoshi might be hurt! Ryoko let out a sexy giggle into Kiyone's ear and she rearranged her hold on the detective so that one arm was wrapped still under her breasts, while the other was wrapped around her belly. "Easy tiger.." she said nipping at Kiyone's ear... ~~~~~~~~~~~ Washu laughed as she watched the veiw screen. This was more than entertaining. This was awesome. Washu had two fingers down her panties and she was fingering herself playfully. Ryoko's agressiveness, Kiyone's resistance, Mihoshi's pain, Ayeka's lust.. It was all like one super turn on for the scientist. She smirked and tapped some keys on her translucent computer. "There that might help." she said confidently, pressing the enter key.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mihoshi burst through the surface and started running towards Kiyone and Ryoko. Ayeka was freaking out! Never had Mihoshi been attacked by her! Never had she wanted to! But she just couldn't stand having Ryoko touch Kiyone like that! Even when she was thrown under water, Mihoshi could hear Kiyone's cries... Mihoshi ran as fast as she could... There wasn't time to get a weapon... Ryoko's golden eyes blinked a couple times and she glanced to her right, while keeping a strong hold on Kiyone. A black portal had appeared right next to her. Ryoko blinked a couple of times and suddenly a very very long object fell through the portal and into the water. Ryoko snatched the object with one hand and pulled it out of the water and stared at it. A double sided dildo... Kiyone started struggling again and Ryoko's grin widened. She winked at the closing portal and then turned her attention back to her victem. She tightened the hold that she had on the detective with her legs, her hot hot pussy pressed into the detective's wild ass.. It didn't help that Kiyone was kicking her legs wildly. Ryoko was horny as hell and the detective didn't seem to realize that she was making it worse on herself... Kiyone was trying to get to Mihoshi. It was obvious. She called for her again.. Ryoko suddenly released the hold that she had with her arms and thrust the dildo up her own pussy. Ryoko screamed in pleasure and the hold she had with her legs tightened so much that it almost crushed every bone in Kiyone's hip. Kiyone cried out again in pain. a third of the dildo was up Ryoko's hot shaven pussy... Ryoko started breathing insanely loudly and heavily and she wrapped her arms over Kiyone's shoulder and suddenly clutched the two yummy breasts very roughly. She started molesting the Kiyone's breasts with according to the rhythm of her own loud breathing, getting rougher, especially around the nipples, withe each breath. Kiyone let out another cry and tried to get away.. "Bad.... Uhhhh... Girl... !! Now... You're.. Uh... Gonna get it!" moaned Ryoko into Kiyone's red hicky covered neck.... Mihoshi ran to her partner. She stretched out her arms and was within an inch from touching the blue haired detective when suddenly a royal brutal body popped out of the water directly in front of her. Mihoshi tried to dodge, but the princess was to fast! Ayeka grabbed Mihoshi by the shoulders roughly, digging her nails into the tan flesh. Mihoshi bit her lip from the pain and more tears fell. Ayeka smirked evily and slowly let go of the girl. Then she circled Mihoshi until she was directly behind her, like Ryoko. Mihoshi, though being only a little ways away from Kiyone, started trembling with fear. Ayeka laughed an ear peircing laugh and then shoved Mihoshi forward. Mihoshi crashed into Kiyone and before she could pull away, Ayeka was pressing herself against her. Ayeka wrapped one arm around Mihoshi's neck, pulling her head back a ways and putting her in a lock. Mihoshi cried louder.. Ayeka wasn't choking her only putting her in a lock. Ayeka wrapped her long smooth legs around Mihoshi's and pressed her own fuzzy pussy against Mihoshi's ass. Then Ayeka started moving her hips in fast vibrant circles grunting and moaning loudly while suckling on the back of Mihoshi's neck.... .During all of this, Mihoshi and Kiyone's breasts were pressed together tightly, man-wiching Ryoko's molesting hand. Their stomaches were pressed together as were their pussys. A true tingling sexual sensation came over them, thanks to each other's touch. Kiyone was breathing heavily from the struggle causing her breasts to rub up and down against Mihoshi's. Mihoshi's pussy began to get hot and her heat caused Kiyone's to get hot as well. Kiyone let out her first true moan of pure erotic pleasure... Suddenly Ayeka glanced over at her other free hand. In it was a long long vibrating dildo. She turned it on and nibbled on Mihosihi's neck, then traced the bite marks tenderly with her tounge. "I'm going to teach you why it's so bad to piss off a princess, baby!" she moaned. Then suddenly she wrapped the free arm around Mihoshi's hips and forced her hand in between Mihoshi and Kiyone's pussys. Then with out any warning at all she thrust 3/4 of the vibrating dildo up the blond detective's sex. Mihoshi screamed in pain and attempted to arch her back, but Ayeka started humping her violently in fast circular motions and she was still in the lock and so all she could do was take it. Mihoshi started breathing heavily and moaning un controllably. Ayeka laughed again and started thrusting the dildo in and out of her victem very fast. A hot friction created and each time it went in, Mihoshi screamed. And every time Mihoshi screamed, Ayeka's pussy got more and more vibrant. Ayeka's hand would thrust against Kiyone's pussy in order to get the dildo out of Mihoshi slightly, before shoving it back in.... Kiyone's pussy was getting sore, and hot. Her nipples were erected because they were rubbing vigerously against Mihoshi's. Mihoshi's moans were what really started to make Kiyone feel hot all over... Ryoko was nibbling on Kiyone's ear again, every now and then bursting out into moans. Suddenly Ryoko thrust the other side of the dildo into Kiyone's ass.... All of the rest of the dildo. Kiyone screamed in pain and blood started to fill the water. Ryoko moaned and arched her erected hard hard nipples furthur into the center of Kiyone's back. Kiyone screamed again and again and tears streamed down her cheeks. She'd never felt this much pain! "Uhhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhhh!! Uhhhhh!!! OH you little, UHHH!! BITCH!!!! MMMM!! GOD... UHHHH!!!!' cried Ryoko in long loud moans as she started rocking against Kiyone pushing the dildo furthur in them both with each rock. Each time Kiyone screamed and more tears streamed down her face... More blood poured into the water.. Ayeka, after shoving the dildo in and out of Mihoshi for a while just shoved the whole thing in with one hard thrust. Mihoshi screamed and begged Ayeka to stop, but all Ayeka did was laugh... Then Ayeka wrapped her arms around Mihoshi's neck and moved up higher so that her pussy was pressed against the middle of Mihoshi's back. "What's wrong?! Didn't that feel good?!" shreiked Ayeka, smiling insanely and evily. More tears and sobs and moans of pain escaped Mihoshi's throat in response. Ayeka smiled and twisted one of Mihoshi's arms behind her back. Mihoshi cried out in pain and Kiyone screamed for Ayeka to stop. Ryoko suddenly wrapped both arms around Kiyone and pinched her nipples roughly and very hard. Kiyone moaned in pain. "Shut up Bitch!!!!" moaned the demon rocking harder. Ayeka, being freakishly flexible managed to lift one leg up, spreading her legs very very wide apart, and she thrust her hot pussy against Mihoshi's hand, which was twisted behind her back. Ayeka moaned torturous erotic screams into Mihoshi's ear while exploring them with her tounge. With that she started masturbating with Mihoshi's hand... The space demon and the princess fucked the two exhausted space police women for another half hour before finally leaving. Each one promising to get more the next night... Ryoko didn't bother using the door when she left. She was clutching the double sided dildo in one hand when she teleported to a bedroom to get some rest in. She'd used all of her energy getting pleasure out of Kiyone, and god had she had a lot of energy! But now she was exhausted. Completely and utterly exhausted! Ayeka had left through the door, her dildo in hand. She'd been on her way down the hall to her bedroom when she spied Sasami sleeping soundly on the bed..... Needless to say she used the rest of her energy on her sister....... Though it didn't last nearly as long as her time with Mihoshi.... Mihoshi and Kiyone were embracing, now out of the bath house. They were sitting in a bed under the thick comforter embracing. They cried together for many hours and Kiyone swore to Mihoshi that she would never EVER let Ayeka touch her again. She also apologized time and time again for not helping. Mihoshi had cried into Kiyone's chest and promised her that she had tired to help her... After their confessions to one another, Kiyone stared lovingly into Mihoshi's blue shining eyes... Kiyone managed a weak smile and with the last of her energy she whispered, "I love you Detective Mihoshi..... I'd give up everything I've ever worked for if it would have taken tonight out of your life.... I swear I'll protect you Mihoshi...." Mihoshi looked up her eyes tearing once more a smile on her face. "Really? Wow.... I love you too Kiyone... I love you so much...." With that the two kissed and fell asleep together, their arms and legs wrapped around one another in such a way that Death itself couldn't pry them away from each other....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Washu let out a sighof relief. Her two tiny fingers were gooey from cumming. The funny thing was that the rape and pain and sex was such a turn on for Washu that she almost screamed along with Kiyone and Mihoshi... . Washu stared at her fingers for a moment with intense emerald eyes. "Wow. I sure did a good job with that potion."she said stating a fact. Then with a smile she remarked, "Maybe I'll have to use this again on a certain boy by the name of Tenchi Masaki. But that's a different story!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overall the night did result in some good thing... A love confession and some great sex.........