Ryoko's Heart Chapter 4: Ryoko's destiny Tenchi awoke to someone breathing, he opened his eyes and found Ryoko sound asleep on Tenchi's chest on the futon he set up while Ryoko used his bed. But every time he tried to sleep somewhere else Ryoko would be there. She was still wearing her dress from the dance, Tenchi was also wearing his clothes from the dance. Ryoko slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head up from Tenchi's chest and saw that Tenchi was already awake with a smile a his face. "Good Morning", she purred giving him a passionate kiss."It sure was fun last night wasn't it? I still can't remember what happened after the last dance, did we walk home?" "Well I did, you were too tired to even walk so I carried you, and you also fell asleep on the way home.", Tenchi explained. "Oh I see, and i'm guessing you put me in your bed", she said. Tenchi nodded. "But why Tenchi, I like being near you, I can't sleep good if I know your not near me." "I'm sorry Ryoko, I will be near you next time", he apologized. Ryoko gave Tenchi another kiss before phasing out. Tenchi got out of bed and exited out into the hallway. He started heading towards the bathroom, not noticing anything unusual, that is until he noticed he got 1 foot taller somehow, but didn't realize that he was floating in the air. He finally looked down and saw what was happening. "RYOKO!", Tenchi shouted. "What?", Ryoko said standing in his bedroom doorway. He looked back and saw that Ryoko wasn't doing anything but just standing there. Suddenly Tenchi fell and hit the floor with a loud thud. Ryoko couldn't help but laugh at him. "Ah, so I guess it worked", Washu said standing at the top of the stairs. "Huh? What worked Washu?", Tenchi asked the little genius. "Come with me you two, I'll show you", she commanded. Tenchi and Ryoko followed her down to her lab. She opened the door and walked in, Tenchi and Ryoko following her. "Okay, come here you two", she said as she held up the metal capsule with the anntena and little red button on it. "Look familiar Ryoko?", she asked. "Isn't that the thingy you used to draw my blood?", Ryoko asked. "Two points for you Ryoko. Let me show you what I did with your blood sample Ryoko", she started. Tenchi just stood there still confused. "When I took your blood I studied the stablisation of it, I finally learned all I need to know about and put it in my computer data base. Then I cleansed it properly and added a bit of Tenchi's blood, americanium, hydragen, plutonium......." "PLUTONIUM?!", Tenchi screamed in horror. "Don't worry Tenchi, it's not like your a walking nuclear bomb now, or anything like that, I stablized it no it wouldn't be radio-active. Now were was I....oh yes, einsteinanium, neptuneanium, and potassium.", she finished. "Uh, why did you need all those things?", Ryoko asked. "Because it needed to be syablized, and those were the only chemicals that would do the trick, your blood is very high in energy scource, and if I put it in Tenchi's body the way it already was his body would've exploded." "What? In my body, what do you mean?", Tenchi asked. "I mean that I am have just discovered how to swap DNA", she announced. "In other words Tenchi, you now have all of Ryoko's powers." "What? Then that explains why I was floating in the air back upstairs", Tenchi said. "Why did you do this to me?" "Oh just an experiment, like I said I just discovered how to swap DNA", Washu reminded. "Breakfast is ready", Sasami called from the doorway. "Come on, hurry up before it get's cold." Ayeka met up with Ryoko, Ryoko braced herself for another war until Ayeka spoke up. "Ryoko I did come to fight with you, I would like to talk with you, I have excepted the fact that you and Tenchi are really mean't for each other. You have defeated me Ryoko, you have won", Ayeka said. "But why? I didn't expect you to give up that easily", Ryoko admitted. "But I am not giving up Ryoko, I know when I have been defeated and this is it. I knew I was defeated when I saw you two dancing last night, and I saw something between you and Tenchi that I never had....love Ryoko. I mean true love. Tenchi is yours", Ayeka explained as she stuck out her hand. "Truce?" "Truce", Ryoko said as she shook Ayeka's hand. After breakfast Ryoko took Tenchi outside. " Tenchi, try and fly again", Ryoko commanded. "How?" "You know how easy it is to move any other part of your body? Like your arm or your leg, or your head or your......", Ryoko stopped as she looked down at Tenchi's crotch blushing and smiling. She finally looked back up at Tenchi. "Just do that, move your body up in the air.", she said. Tenchi just stood there, and about one second later he started moving up into the air. Then he stopped and started to fly around, he came down and started circling Ryoko. "This is pretty fun", Tenchi commented when Ryoko teleported in front of him forcing him to stop. "Okay then, how do I teleport Ryoko?" "That's easy, just think of of a place where you want to go", she explained. Tenchi then phased out, Ryoko felt a tap on her shoulder, she spun to see Tenchi but he wasn't there. She then felt another tap on her shoulder and spun around again to find no one. She then looked up and saw Tenchi hovering above her, looking down at her he smiled. He hovered down to the ground still having the smile on his face. "How about energy projectiles?", he asked. "Just put all your concentration into the hand you want it in, then tighten that hand but don't close it yet," she said. Tenchi did as he was told and in no time had an energy ball in his right hand. "Now just think about it flying out of your hand, you can control where it goes too. When it flys out of your hand, think about where you want it to go." Tenchi again did as she told him. The ball went flying out of his hand, when it was about to hit the Ryo-oh it turned a hard sharp right. Ryoko looked over at Tenchi, he was really concentrating hard, he still had his right hand stuck out and never took his eyes off the ball. His energy ball sped toward his house, when it was about to hit, it sped upwards. Then it took another hard right and sped towards a boulder. Then it stopped, and then it sped downwards towards the lake. It hit the water with splash, about three seconds later, they heard a rumble, then the ground began to shake as the rumbling grew louder. Then a enormous geyser like splash shot up from the lake about thirty feet in the air. "Damn Tenchi, you must of put alot of concentration into that one", she commented as the water fell back into the lake. "Alright, what about energy swords?", he asked. "Just form another energy ball and squeeze you hand shut Tenchi", she said. Tenchi formed another energy ball and squeezed his hand shut, he stood there staring at the energy sword in his hand. When he snapped back into reality, he gave the sword a few whirls and twirls (mainly to show off) and jumped into the air. He hovered in the air looking for an easy target, found a good enough one and sped towards a tree, he stopped in front of it and sliced it through the trunk. Ryoko teleported next to Tenchi as the tree toppled over. *"Very nice Tenchi"*, Tenchi heard Ryoko's voice in his head. *"Uh, Ryoko? Is that you?"*, he thought in his head. He looked over to Ryoko who had a big smile on her face. *"Why yes it is Tenchi"*, he heard in his head again. *"Just open your hand to extinguish it"*, she said in her thoughts. Tenchi opened his hand and the sword vanished. *"If you want to talk to me telepathically, do it just like you do it normally, except say it in your head."* "I'll keep that in mind", he said ending the telepathy. "How do I phase through solid objects?" "These powers are all done by mentality, think of yourself phasing out, when it happens just go through what you want", she explained. Tenchi concentrated, then he faded, you could see right through him (you know, kinda like a ghost). He then walked forward going right through Ryoko, he returned back to solid normal form and turned to see Ryoko. "We should train Tenchi, to improve your skills", she said as she put her arms around his neck and Tenchi put his arms around her waist. After looking into each others eyes for several minutes they locked into a deep passionate kiss. Their tongues darted into each other's mouths as they held each other in an embrace. One week later: It was night, everyone was already asleep except for Tenchi. He came out of the bathroom and started walking down the hallway until he heard soft crying coming from Ayeka's bedroom. He knocked on the door and phased through it and saw Ayeka sitting on the bed with her face buried in her hands. "Ayeka, what's wrong?", he asked in a concerned tone of voice. "Lord Tenchi", she said in surprise. "Uh.......n-nothing really. Why?." "I'm sorry Ayeka, I didn't want to hurt either one of you. I just followed the path I felt was right, I didn't mean to hurt you." "You're right Tenchi, you should always follow your feelings, I just wish I was that path, that's all", she said weakly with tears flowing down her cheeks. Tenchi stuck out his hand and wiped the tears from her face, Ayeka's sudden change of emotions almost made Tenchi cry. Tenchi grasped Ayeka in an embrace as she cried on his shoulder. They sat there for a long time holding each other. Tenchi remembered hearing something every night coming from Ayeka's room, he relized that it was her crying all those nights. Ayeka slowly stopped crying and spoke up in a weak voice. "T-Tenchi, I have a request. W-Would you please k-kiss me just this once?", she asked embarrassed. Tenchi sat there, both of them still holding each other in there arms. After a few seconds Tenchi leaned forward and gave her a long passionate kiss. Their tougues explored each other's mouths as tears began to flow down Ayeka's cheeks again. This kiss lasted for several minutes until Ayeka broke the kiss. "I'm really sorry Ayeka, I really am. I just hate to see you like this because of what I did." "Don't be sorry Lord Tenchi, you did not do anything. I'm the one who should be sorry, I shouldn't be acting like this just because you followed you feelings, that's what everybody should do. I'll be fine Tenchi, I'll get over it. Tell Ryoko that you and her have my blessings.", she requested. "I'll do that Ayeka." Ayeka got under her covers and closed her eyes. "Good night Lord Tenchi", she said dozing off into sleep. "Good night Ayeka", Tenchi responded. Tenchi teleported into his room and saw Ryoko still asleep in his bed. He got in bed with her and drifted off into sleep. Tenchi awoke to see a strange man standing next to his bed. Tenchi jumped into the air and formed his energy sword, until he saw Ryoko step out from behind the man. "Ryoko, who the hell is that", he asked as he extinguished his sword and lowered himself to the floor. "No one, this is a hologram, Washu made us holographic guys to fight so we can improve our skills", she explained. Tenchi sighed in relief as she said that. Tenchi phased into his casual clothes, walked over to Ryoko and gave her a big hug. "Are you hungry my Tenchi?", she asked. "Actually I'm not." "Good, neither am I, let's go", she said quickly grabbing Tenchi's hand. They both teleported to the spot where Katsuhito and Tenchi train. Then another holographic guy jumped out of nowhere, he was tall, he was dressed in battle clothing, and he had an energy sword much like Ryoko's and Tenchi's except it was blue. Tenchi formed his energy sword followed by Ryoko. Ryoko and Tenchi simultaneously charged at the man but he vanished. He appeared right behind them and shot an energy blast at them. Out of nowhere Tenchi formed the light hawk wings and blocked it. "How the hell did you do that Tenchi?" "I have no idea", Tenchi responded in confusment. Tenchi extingushed the light hawk wings and charged at the man again. Ryoko thought she would just watch him. Swing after swing with his sword, the man anticipated Tenchi's every move. When they stopped fighting for a minute Tenchi had an idea. He had a sword in his right hand, so he created an energy ball in his left hand, he put all his concentration into it. After a few minutes he finally squeezed his hand shut and formed a weapon. Only he didn't form a sword, he formed an ax, it wasn't the kind of ax you would use to chop wood, it was the kind of ax you would use in a battle. It had a handle as long as the sword, the bottom part of the blade came out from the handle and curved downward about eight inches. Then it curved upward, stopped, and went back in to the handle. Ryoko just stood there, staring at Tenchi in surprise. Tenchi went charging after the man, and just when he was about to swing at him Tenchi vanished, he appeared right behind him and sliced him in half, then the hologram dissapeared. Ryoko still stood there confused. "How the hell did you do that Tenchi?", she asked. "First form an energy ball, then concentrate on it and only it, now clear your mind and picture shape you want the weapon to be, then squeeze your hand shut.", he explained. Ryoko formed an energy sword in her right hand and formed an energy ball in her left hand, she did everything Tenchi instructed and formed her weapon. It came out just like Tenchi's. "Well done Tenchi", Washu said. "But let me remind you that that hologram was only set on level one, we will keep going up levels over time", she explained. They continued training, the days turned into weeks, the weeks into months, time was flying by. Nine months later Tenchi just finished helping Sasami cleaning up after dinner, after saying their goodnights, Tenchi teleported to his room. He saw Ryoko sitting on the bed waiting for him. "What are you doing Ryoko?", he asked. "Waiting for you Tenchi." Tenchi sat down next to Ryoko and looked into her two golden eyes. There was something about them that really got to him. He leaned forward and gave her a deep passionate kiss, they held each other in an embrace while expressing their love. Tenchi's tongue darted into Ryoko's mouth, caressing the inside of her mouth, Ryoko doing the same. Tenchi slowly started to remove Ryoko's clothing, still locked in their kiss. When he got down to her bra, Ryoko broke away, she reached behind her back and undid her bra. She slowly let it fall off of her, her breasts bobbed slightly when they came free. Ryoko took Tenchi's hand and placed it on her right breast, Tenchi then turned crimson. "What's the matter Tenchi? You've done this before, remember?", she reminded. Tenchi remembered that nightmarish night. But he just forgot about it and moved on. He started massaging her breast while Ryoko moaned in plessure. He began to suckle on it while caressing the other one with his hand. Ryoko then broke away and took off Tenchi's shirt. Tenchi still sitting on the bed, she got down on her knee's and undid Tenchi's belt, she removed his pants and saw the bulge in his boxers. She ripped off the boxers and got her first look at Tenchi's big hard cock. She leaned forward and gave the head a little lick, then she grabbed the base with her right hand and wrapped her lips around it. Tenchi put his hand on her head to encourage her, Ryoko moved his cock in and out of her mouth while circling her tongue around it. Tenchi's climax was near, then Ryoko stopped and removed Tenchi's cock from her mouth. Ryoko got up and gave Tenchi a passionate kiss. "Ryoko? I love you, I need you, please except me into your heart." "Of course Tenchi, you're the only one that I've ever truly loved. Tenchi? Please, make love to me." Ryoko lied down on her back on the bed. Tenchi slowly removed her underwear and got a glimpse at her shaven cunt. Tenchi came over her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, Tenchi kissed her as he entered her hot love tunnel. Ryoko shed a tear as she felt her virginity rip out of her, Tenchi then brushed the tear away. "Are you ready?", he asked. Ryoko gave him a passionate kiss to give the okay. Tenchi then slowly slid out and back in, Ryoko wrapped her legs around him. Tenchi quickly began to pick up the pace, her breasts swaying back and forth with every thrust. Ryoko grasped Tenchi's flesh on his back with her nails as her climax neared. Sweat covered their bodies and their panting quickened. "Oh god! Oh Tenchi, oh my god, don't stop, oh!", she moaned loudly in plessure. She tightened her grasped on Tenchi as her orgasm subsided. Tenchi's on the other hand was just beginning. He quickened his pace as his climax neared, then he shot a load of hot semen deep into her. Then he slowed down and finally stopped. After Ryoko finally caught her breath, she got up and Tenchi lied down on his back on the bed. Ryoko sat up, each knee on either side of Tenchi. She got up and lowered herself on Tenchi's cock. Then she started to bouce up and down on his cock, faster and faster. Tenchi put his hands on her waist to aid her as she rode him. She quickened her pace as she massaged her breasts, she was having another orgasm as her panting grew louder and faster. She couldn't stop, she was to caught up in it. Then love juices flowed from her as her climax reached. Tenchi's orgasm just started, Ryoko's moaning grew louder. "OH GOD, UH, OH TENCHI!" Then Tenchi shot another load of hot semen into her. She moaned loudly and finally stopped her riding. She removed Tenchi's cock from her and collapsed on top of him, still panting loudly. She rested her head on Tenchi's chest as he had his left arm around her and stroking her long cyan hair with his right hand. Ryoko just sighed happily as she thought about what happened. She did it, she finally made her dream come true, she had won Tenchi's heart from Ayeka fair and square. Tenchi had finally made love to her, it was Ryoko's destiny. She started to cry thinking about all of this, she buried her face in Tenchi's chest and sobbed. "It's alright Ryoko, it's alright, like I said before, I'm here for you", Tenchi tried to comfort her. It only took Ryoko several minutes to cry herself to sleep. Tenchi laid there holding her, still stroking her hair. Tenchi stopped stroking her hair and tenderly kissed the top of her head. "You sleep now, Ryoko my love.", he whispered in her ear. Ryoko's only response was a soft groan. The sound of her gentle breathing relaxed Tenchi, then filled with thoughts about Ryoko, he drifted off into sleep. To be continued.... Author's notes: And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, they've finally done it, sorry you had to wait four chapters for it to finally happen though. Any questions or comments, please e-mail me at brandonblair@hotmail.com, Aight? Chapter 5 is on the way, Peace-out!!!!