The Legal Info.... Cource I don own these characters the characters belong to the creaters of Tenchi Muyo ,Tenchi Universe, and Tenchi In Tokyo. so don sue Im broke. Authors Note: This series, much unlike my previous Haunti series, is put into Show content. meaning if it was a show it would most likly be like this. Or for those of you who didnt understand that (most likly every one of you, I know i didn't understand it) this is put into viewer format meaning its not from my eyes (like the Haunti series) but through your eyes. oh yeah if your under 18 blady fucking blah you get the drift. sorry for wastin your time with this note but I felt like warning you. now on with the series. The Path Of The Traveler The Nameless Star Falls (Opening Theme: Stars Falling - Smashing Pumpkins) (Theme slowly fades to the end where we come to the openining scene) What was it looked of a 17 year old boy was walking around what seemed to be a training area. the man was dressed in a muscle shirt with a black over shirt over it. he had black hair and mistchovice golden eyes. his pants were black and sheathed to the left waist was a bokudo. The boys breath could be heard through this room. he stepped carefully around the room looking around. Then behind the boy a man jumped at him. Responding to this the strange boy spun around, put his hand in his overshirt, pulled out what seemed to be a blaster, and shot the ambusher making him disappear completly. The boy smirked and holstered his blaster back into his over shirt. he then spun around unsheathing his bokudo and slashed another ambusher making him too disenagrate. "Is that all these holograms can do? damn... Omega turn it up another level!" A very light computer human simulated voice seemed to come all around him "but sir the levels already four thousand." "Then bring it up another thousand I want a challenge. I havn't had one since..." "Sir report to my deck! Danger!" The training room disappeared completly for it had been a hologram too. The boy ran to the cockpit "whats wrong Omega?" "remember the shot that woke you?" "yes" "well... Im finding somthing wierd its causing us damage. were going to colide with a planet of by my readings show the Injurieoun main galaxy 27th parrelell solar system third planet from its sun." "whats the planets name?" "Earth" "and where exactly are we crashing?" "Earth status Okayama, Japan." "and we're already in Earths atmosphere?" the boys face wnt into a frown. "yes" "ok Im going to shut you down Omega." the boys face remained a frown. "why?" "Because if I die you will have my records still, I want people to know the truth of me" "I understand sir goodbye sir" "goodbye Omega" the boy then shut Omega's power source down. "Hello Earth" *********************************************** "Tenchi!" Ryoko hung around Tenchi's neck as usual. "Hello Ryoko" Tenchi said too tired to even argue. "Hey! Ryoko! get away from lord Tenchi!" Ayeka came running towards Tenchi and Ryoko. "Why?" Ryoko asked. "we're ment to be together" "Tenchi and an ugly demon dont make me laugh! he would be happier with a Beautiful princess Like me!" "Hey!.." Ryoko looked into Ayeka's eyes and the sparks countered eachother's eyes. "Cut it out you two I don like either of you better then the other" Tenchi said testly. "Don't worry Tenchi we'll deside who you like best!" Ryoko and Ayeka said getting ready to fight. "Whats that!?" Tenchi noticed somthing falling from the sky not far from where they were at. "Huh?" Ryoko and Ayeka then noticed it too. "Its a ship" Ryoko said for she had seen enough of them to notice. The ship then crashed. Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka went over to find out who was in the ship and where the ship was from. The ship was as big the ship of Yukinojo (Mihoshi's ship). The door to the ship was open outside the door was the knocked out boy. His head was cracked a little. blood was coming from the corner of his lips. his muscle were bruised badly. "Ryoko help me get this guy to Washu's lab!" Tenchi ordered. "Ok Tenchi!" Ryoko said gleefully and lifted up the boy. Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka walked to Washu's lab with the boy over Ryoko's shoulder. Ryoko laid the boy on a stainless steel table. "Hello Tenchi! whos that?" Washu looked at the boy. "Hi Washu... He's a boy we found in a ship accedent." "Oh really? Hes pretty banged up guess the ship must have been shot down. Ok leave me alone for now and I will find out about him and try to heal him." "Ok Washu" Everybody walked out and Washu analized the boy. "Hmm..." Washu analized the boy. "Your lucky kid your still alive, broken ribs, cracked scull, Enternal bleeding, this is a challenge." *"hehe a new Guine Pig..."* Washu rubbed her hands together and began healing him. THE END (ending senquince) A Picture of the 17 year old boy walking into the set sun, his back to the camera, the stone of the road beneath his feet. His shadow longaded beneath him. Holding his gun over his right shoulder. The other characters appeared walking with him one by one. and finally Ryo-Ohki appears on the boys shoulder. the camera zooms in to Ryo-Ohki smiling and closing eyes. (accompanied with the Closing Song - Turn The Page - Mettalica) (Preview Sequence starting with a picture of the strange boy knocked out on the table in Washu's lab trying to recover.)"Hi This is Tenchi! whos that stranger we just picked up? I sure wanna know" (a pic of three longaded shadows) "Oh know not these three! whos the one in the cloak and cowel?" (another pic of the boy this standing with the people "Hi My Name Is...." the boy says) "well... find out on the next episode of The Newest Tenchi Series The Path Of The Traveler II: The Name Of The Star. (Ryoko: "ooo Tenchi I cant wait!") Ok Hope like this series as much as you liked the Haunti Series E-mail me at and tell me what you think so far. See ya'll The Fallen Gamekeeper