Title: An Officer and An Innocent (lemon) Part 1 Author: The Mad Hatter (TheMadHatter@GalaxyPolice.com) Summary: Part 1 of a multi-part story in which Mihoshi loses her innocence to Kiyone Disclaimer: I dont own Tenchi Muyo! Nor do I own any of the characters in it. I only write fanfics like this for the pleasure of other people, so please dont sue me...I'm just a non-profit organization so to speak. What I do lay claim to though is the story itself which was written by me. So..the characters themselves belong to someone else...An Officer and An Innocent is (C) 2000 The Mad Hatter. Get it? Got it? Good.. [[setting: After working nonstop as resident officers for the galaxy police, Kiyone and Mihoshi are FINALLY granted a 2 weeks paid vacation. Kiyone, wanting to get away from the troubles of earth life suggests that they just take a relaxing cruise around a far away solar system. Mihoshi eagerly agrees. Now after cruising for 3 days they have reached the solar system omni. Kiyone's #1 choice since it's been un-inhabited for years no one will be there to disturb them]] Kiyone and Mihoshi are laying back in loungechairs basking lazily in the artificial sunlight that the ship's "fun room" (as mihoshi calls it) supplies. Both are clad in mildy revealing bikini's and sipping strawberry daquiries with a straw. As Kiyone finishes up the last of her daquirie she squeezes her lips against the straw as her eyes slowly move over Mihoshi's slender body. " Say Mihoshi, have you ever...liked anyone before?" Mihoshi smiled at kiyone " Of couse Kiyone! I like YOU! You're the greatest parnter in the WHOLE Galaxy!!" " Um...well...that's not exactly what i meant....I mean...Have you ever been with anyone before?" Mihoshi smiled even bigger, "Oh yes! I'm with you all the time! Aren't I kiyone?!" Kiyone's eybrow twitched then she started to yell "Goddamnit!! I Mean.....HAVE YOU EVER FUCKED ANYBODY?!!" Mihoshi face then took on an expression of confusion, fear , and embarassment "n-n-no....are you mad at me kiyone? why are you asking me that?" Kiyone looked at Mihoshi's childlike face and instantly felt gulity for the outburst "No...i'm not mad..." Kiyone sat up and leaned closer to Mihoshi "So...you mean no one has ever touched you before...." Mihoshi opened her mouth to speak but Kiyone beat her to it. "...like this" Kiyone rubbed her hand over Mihoshi's firm breasts gently squeezing mihoshi's nipples between her fingertips. Please to see that Mihoshi's nipples had become hard at her touch she moved downward. "....or like this" Kiyone ran her hand down Mihoshi's belly button and down farther until she found what she was looking for. She then firmly massaged Mihoshi's sex until Mihoshi squirmed uncomfortably. "Kiyone.." Kiyone stopped and leaned down pressing her mouth against Mihoshi's. Mihoshi was startled at first but then gave in to Kiyone's passionate kisses. Mihoshi tentively slid her tongue into Kiyone's mouth. Kiyone responded by doing the same. They kissed passionately for a little while longer then Kiyone lifted her head up and looked into Mihoshi's eyes and remembered Mihoshi's inexperience. "heh...so...no one's touched you like that before?" Mihoshi blushed and shrank back into her lounge chair looking embarassed. "Well...kiyone.." Kiyone looked even more intently at her while Mihoshi went on. " I..I..you see....I've touched myself like that before" Mihoshi blushed even more and yelled at herself inside for telling kiyone such a thing like that. Kiyone ran her fingers through Mihoshi's blonde hair and smiled in understanding. "It's okay hon...nothing to be embarassed about" Mihoshi being almost on the verge of tears looked up at kiyone "It...It is?" Kiyone nodded and said "yes, but now i'm here and i'll be the one to do that for you".