No Need For Changes: III Part Three: "Stranger In A Strange Land" "On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?" he asked. "Yes." she replied softy. "I bet you say that to all the boys." He said in response. MEATLOAF ******** "Yo-hoooo!" * "Bon! Bon! * (* The sounds and beat from a 'kotsuzumi' player from a 'Noh' performance. Or in other words: That 'sound' you hear at the showing of the title of almost every Tenchi episode.) ********* Warning: Strong Language and Sexual Content. (*A little history about the place where Kiyone and Mihoshi are right now.) * The port city known as 'Yokohama', Japan. Years ago the city itself was once a simple little fishing village. Then when Japan opened it's doors back to the world with the visit of Commodore Perry to Japan in 1854, Yokohama was designated as one of the major ports for foreign trade a few years later. Today, Yokohama has grown to become one of Japan's great and attractive cites and has earned the title; "The Gateway to Japan". For the first time visitor to this country (Even after doing research), one would still be just amazed at the complexly of the society within the city itself. For example; seeing Shrines centuries old sit between modern day tall buildings. On the busy streets one group of citizens would be wearing Western style clothes of modern day, the next group wearing traditional Japanese clothes of the past for example; the Kimono. However, if this same visitor just came across at what another group of people are now witnessing it would be clearly be seen that this is not part of the society of Japan at all.* ******** Summer 2000 At the Koban* (*police box) right outside the Yokohama Train Station. A young policeman who is fresh from the Academy is going through an experience that he has not been trained for at all! "I repeat! We are under attack by creatures that appear to be.Werewolves!" the rookie policeman yells into a phone as the window behind him is smashed by a dark hairy beast. "That is impossible!" says an upset Captain on the other end of the line at the Police Headquarters. "There is no such thing!" "How do I tell them that, sir?" the young policeman asks. He stops talking as he feels and smells the 'hot breath' behind him as something was panting heavily down his neck. He turns around quickly and slowly looks up to see the same huge dark colored werewolf looking down at him very closely with a very toothy and somewhat drooly grin. The rookie is frozen with great fear as he and the werewolf look right at other in 'dead in the eye'! They locked on to each other until the werewolf says something in a deep and rough voice. "Hello little piggy. Hope you didn't mind me letting myself in." The rookie passes out cold. "Pussy." says the werewolf jokingly about the cop. He then hears the voice of the Captain on the phone. He picks it up and brings it to his ear. "Are you there? yells the Captain. "What's going on there?" "He's taking a nap!" roars the werewolf into the phone then smashes it against the wall. The sound makes the Captain jump his ear away from his phone. "Send the 'Kidotai' (riot police) down to that station now!" orders the Captain to another policeman. ******* The werewolf lets out a loud howl and the ten other werewolves outside the police box who are causing there own shares of chaos join in. All except the biggest one. The leader himself which is been keeping a lookout and scaring on lookers away. "I know you're out there, gaigin!" says the werewolf to himself as he looks around the street. "I can smell just a little of you over the 'city smells'. But, I don't want you, American. I want Makoto!" The one that took care of the rookie cop soon joins the werewolf leader. "Shigenao!" said the other werewolf in protest. "Why to we play with these people? We have the 'power' now! Let's set a stronger example with blood!" Shigenao slaps the younger werewolf hard with his 'paw-like' hand! "Fool!" roars Shigenao showing a freighting snarl. "We will follow the orders by our 'Master' unless told other wise! Understand, Sansho?" "Yes." said Sansho with a whimper as he crouches down. "Back to work." orders Shigenao. Without another word Sansho goes 'back to work' scaring a group of people. "Boo-ga! Boo-ga!" he roars at them waving his arms. ******* *Just then Kiyone's own 'howl' is heard through out the night air which makes the other werewolves stop at what they where doing and turn to Shigenao. "Ah, a 'newborn's cry'. says Shigenao as he puts his hand on his dark furry chest where his heart is. "Gets you there everytime." He looks up just in time to see a silhouette of a large-built man stand up on roof of the Yokohama Train Station and runs off. "Dan." growls Shigenao folding his ears back. "He must not get to her first!" The sounds of the police 'riot squad's' black trucks could be heard now coming down the street. Shigenao turns to another werewolf that saw Dan as well. One that he can trust. "Kawahima" orders Shigenao. "Get him!" Stop him! We will take care of the police then join you when we can! You know what the plan is!" Kawahima does a quick 'nod' and leaves after Dan. ****** As Dan is starting to leap off one roof to other one to go to Kiyone's 'call' he looks back quickly at the other werewolves and sees Kawahima going the same way behind him. "Damn!" he growls outloud . "They must be after her too! Why lese would they show interest in that 'howl'." *(This is the other side of the 'scene' back toward the end of Part II: "Predator and Prey") ******* Back to the street just outside of Kiyone's and Mihoshi hotel. Mihoshi is trying to keep her friend, Kiyone, undercontrol in her new form. Her werewolf form. "Now, Kiyone take it easy." says Mihoshi nervously. "You know it's me. If you behave, I'll take you for a nice walk." Kiyone looks right Mihoshi and bears her new sharp teeth at her police partner. Kiyone's mind was still ablaze with new wild sensations that her body was giving her. So sharp at times, she was having trouble keeping them with in her control! The only thing she thinks of when she knows it's her partner in front of her is this: "Kill the blonde!" Kiyone throws back her now huge, furry, left arm ready to tear the other woman's head clean off when one intervenes and takes her by total surprise! "HOW DARE YOU?!" bellows a voice in Japanese as another werewolf with black fur and a 'gargoyled' face comes out of the shadows, jumps on top of her and knocks Kiyone to the street! "You know the rules!" Mihoshi runs for cover again as the other werewolf picks Kiyone up by the back of her neck and throws her hard into the side a metro bus that stopped to see the action. People on the bus scream and get off the bus in a crazy panic! The huge black werewolf stops and takes a few steps closer to get a better look at Kiyone who is seeing 'stars' right now. "Now what?" asks a cop to another one. "We've got two of them!" "Well, what do you what me to do? Arrested them?!" the other one sharply replies. "Call the station on the radio and asked! Through I doubt if they know what to do at this!" The black werewolf quickly sees that this kind of werewolf was very different than any other one he has ever seen before. Right down to her dark green fur that covered her body! "What the hell are you?" he says in a deep rough voice as he sniffs her again. "You are 'Gaigin', yes! But, never have I seen or smelled the kind like you before." The werewolf hears the people behind him getting closer for a better look at the fight. He quickly turns around and likes out a roar as if to say "Get back!" Kiyone comes around and her 'new rage' takes over her emotions! Blindly she leaps on top of the other one and the two go into a deadly fight! As the two fight like a pair of mightily creatures that have gone mad just taste each other's blood. The American known as 'Dan McGuire' who at most times is a reserved man and has been well disciplined into being cautious before jumping into 'dangerous atmospheres'* (such as combat fighting zones*) shows up on roof of the hotel. Donning his sunglasses he then carefully views the fight raging below! "Crap." says Dan as he looks over the scene to see how out of control this has become it was all ready beyond of being intarable. " 'Coronado', never trained me for anything like this. So, I guess it's best for me to bring my 'other self' out, but, just a little." With saying that, the muscles on Dan's body grow a little larger, tighter, and a light coat of dark red fur covers his skin in seconds. His face changes as well to relieve the faceshal structure belonging to a wolf. The creature that he becomes can no longer be called a human being instead a humanoid creature with the blending of features of a wolf and a man. A hybrid if you will! The world was now all anew around Dan. Every sense of his being (for example, smell, sight, and feel) was now sharper beyond anyway he could describe to another fellow human being. However, he takes no time to enjoy the 'gift' he has used form time to time. Instead he jumps off the roof of the ten-story building and in a 'freefall' lands lightly right in-between the two werewolves and assumed a position to fight off any attacks that may come! This makes Kiyone and her oppent back away from the intruding 'red wolf' as he growls and snarls. Then bares his sharp white fangs and folded ears at them in such a ferocious way, it was sending a clear message to them to; 'Back off! Now! I'm in control here!" This impresses the crowd of people that were looking on at this because even through Dan was much larger in size his 'hybrid' form, Kiyone and the black werewolf were still much bigger than him. " At least this one is still wearing his paints!" says Mihoshi outloud referring to Dan; however, she fails to take note of a certain device. A 'device' that only she and Kiyone would recognize as Galaxy Police officers that was tucked into his blue jeans'. The black wolf then comes up behind Dan who does not make a move at the other wolf's actions. "Glad you're here, my young friend." says the black one to Dan. "This 'pup' was starting to 'kick my butt'! She is very powerful for a female!" "So I can see!" as he looks over Kiyone physical-being. He has seen many kinds of female were-creatures in his travels through out the world, but, Kiyone had to be one the most 'exotic looking' she- wolf he has ever seen. Kiyone stood her ground as she took the chance to make sense at what is happening around her and try to figure out what the other 'creatures' before her where planing to do. She was looking around for anyone that she might be able to get help from. She then spots Mihoshi face in the crowd. "Maybe she help. She is not afraid of me!" "'Tsunanori'." said Dan in a respectable tone with his deep rough in-human voice as the two wolfs talked each other closely in Japanese. "You can clearly see that this one is a 'new-born'! Just by her actions! You can see she is confused about herself right now. Ether that or her human form was 'stoned' earlier! Ha!" "Yes." admitted the black werewolf with a low chuckle. "I moved without thinking. I thought she was one of those 'rouge packs' that have been terrorizing the city lately. It is clear to me now that she does not know 'The Rules'! " "Don't worry about that now!" said Dan in a worried tone. He can see that some members of the crowd were beginning to get bold and the police just got the 'order' to draw out there revolvers. "We must get her out of here and back to the 'Den' so we can help her. The 'rouge pack' maybe after her as well because.!" A woman's scream is heard within the crowd, right by the now wrecked metro bus! Everybody turns to see another werewolf, the one called 'Kawahima' standing atop of the bus's roof and holding out a young boy by the back of his shirt in his huge hand! "You stand true!" says Kawahima with a serious tone to the other werewolves and to the crowd. "She is our property now!" More people turn around to see in their horror at what is before them. "Give her to me." says Kawahima as he holds up the small child in his hand. " Or be responsible for this child's death!" Some of the people in the crowd 'gasp' at the site. A frantic mother screams up to werewolf. "Please give me back my, son!" "Get her out of here." said Tsunanori with a low growl, as he steps in front of Dan. "I'll deal with this unrespectable whelp." Before Dan could say anything to stop him, Tsunanori runs into an open part of the crowd, which grows even wider quickly just feet away from Kawahima. "Bastard! The black wolf roars at him. "If you have any honor, put down the child and face me! If your 'wolf' enough!" Kawahima stands silent at his opponent before him. Kiyone soon is able to understand at what Kawahima is trying to do with the child. So that he could command the others and her by his will. And by her own 'personal nature' will stand for this! "Nobody will harm a life to control me!" she says to herself with a now clearer and under control mind. "NOBODY!" With that she finds the strength in her new powerful legs and leaps into the air! This took Dan and Tsunanori a little by surprise. She lands on top of the bus causing the roof to buckle just enough to make Kawahima himself to loose his balance for a second. "You two stay!" orders Kawahima to Dan and Tsunanori. The two do so for the sake of the child safety, but hate it when they know they can take Kawahima. "Or the boy dies now!" Kawahima then looks over Kiyone carefully with his dark eyes as she brings herself up to him. Kawahima puts the boy in front of him to reminded Kiyone what is at stake. Kiyone could easily see the child was too scared to move. "Mmmm." says Kawahima to himself as he licks his 'chops' and continues to study Kiyone over. "She is a real 'looker' to behold! A shame to waste." Why does the 'Master' want her alive all of a sudden when at first we were ordered to kill her tonight? Learn that later. Have to make her follow me back to the 'others'!" "My, You are a big one!" says Kawahima with a smirk to Kiyone as he looks down at her smooth furred covered chest. "Literally! Firm too! You must work out hard the way your muscles are so tight on your body!" Kiyone ignores Kawahima comments and for the first time tries her vocal cords out. After a few stutters she uses that back of her throat. "Boy!" she first struggles with her 'new' vocal cords to make words and points to the child. " Free now!" "You want him?" asked Kawahima holding the child up to her. At the same time the claws in his other hand grow longer. He takes his first finger and with that very claw, puts a light cut on the child's right cheek. As bright red blood runs down the boy's face, Kawahima with the same claw takes some of the blood and tastes it with his long tongue. "Sweet!" The boy let's out a small cry at the pain. This make's Kiyone's own blood grow hot again, however, she fights to stay in control of herself! "Yes, 'sweet' it is." continues Kawahima in a low tone that creeped Kiyone out little. "I have been told the flesh of the 'young ones' is indeed to be with pleasure worth knowing if you are 'wolf'. Care to join me?" "Speak for yourself!" yelled Dan outloud in Japanese to Kawahima. "I prefer a 'T-bone' steak medium-well!" The crowds all turn to Dan, most with an expression of 'shock' to there faces at hearing the 'wolf-man' speak in their language! "Nani?!"* he questioned in satire to the crowd when he takes note of the stares. (*What?!) Kawahima gives Dan a downward look of disdain at his comment. "Akai okami." grumbles Kawahima at Dan. "Later." Tsunanori walks up Dan. "What was that all about?" demanded Tsunanori about what Dan just said. "'Comic relief for the drama?'" "Buying some time hopefully." replies Dan with smoothness as he sees that the police have gone straight for their pistols and trained them on the two other werewolves. "Trying to find away to get this 'problem' within our control so that get the boy out of the way of harm and that girl will understand that you and I are not her true foes." "I mean it!" says Kiyone with more confidence now that she can talk again! She could tell that her voice sounded 'alien' now, however, she used a very firm tone in her voice as if she was still a police officer talking to a criminal. "Let him go! I do not make deals with 'hostage takers'!" Kawahima looks at Kiyone again. "She has learned how to talk in 'human tongue' already?" asks Dan outloud. "That usually takes sometime to master!" "You want him?" asks Kawahima. "Well then in the words of Ash*; 'She-bitch! Let's go!'" With that Kawahima puts the boy against his chest to hold on and with a mighty leap he jumps into the crowd of people which opens very wide for him and with lighting speed takes off down the street. Kiyone only hesitates just for a second and goes after him! Dan and Tsunanori look at each other with disappointment. "Out of our control?" asks Tsunanori with a normal tone. "Yes?" " Yes, 'Out of our control'." replies Dan with the same tone. "But, only for a minute! Come on!" Tsunanori runs through the crowd knocking a couple people down along the way and takes off after the two! Dan is about to do the same when he hears a voice behind him. "Kiyone!" cries Mihoshi. "Wait for me!" Dan quickly turns to Mihoshi just inches away from her face. "You know that female?!" Dan demanded with a sharp tone. "Who is she?" Mihoshi jumps right back from the dark red wolf-man with surprise! "Yes!" she quickly says to him as sweat comes down her face. "She's my partner we are in the police force called the 'Galaxy Police'!" "The what?!" replies Dan. "Maybe, I should have not said that." said Mihoshi to herself. "That other 'monster' is going for another person!" a policeman yells to the others. "Stop him!" yells another one. "He maybe responsible for tonight's 'upset'! There was no more time for talk. Dan instead grabs Mihoshi, puts her on his shoulder and jumps quickly into the air. "Not again!" shout's Mihoshi somewhere in mid-air as she and Dan fly over the police and with a 'flip' lands atop of a bus station's rain shelter. He then goes after the other werewolves toward the same direction, but not until after he takes a short cut over the roofs of a few parked taxis. "Sorry about that!" he yells back to the drivers as they shout to him angrily. "Hey, that's my line!" argues Mihoshi. ********* It did not take long for Kiyone to catch up to Kawahima, thanks to her new powerful body and Kawahima could see that! He tries to loose her by going into a very crowed building. A place that is called, 'Pachinko'! As Kawahima enters the brightly lit and noisy place, many people were so much in focusing at playing the 'vertical style game' as they dropped tiny steal balls into the machines that made many different kind of noises. That they never released that a werewolf just ran into the place and was standing behind them! That is until someone saw Kawahima! (Still holding on to the boy.) Screams and yells are soon heard as the huge werewolf runs through the large room and up a stairwell. "Yokai*!"(Monster!) people shout as they run for the main door they run right into Kiyone as the doors side open! She jumps into the building and over a crowd! She takes a couple quick sniffs into the air and goes up another stairwell at a great speed! Kawahima too was slowed down for a bit as people in panic try to get out of the way. His plan has sort of back fried on himself. As he runs to an exit door that lead to an elevated parking lot to get away, Kiyone came in the oppose way of the room and before Kawahima could react when he sees her. In lighting speed, Kiyone grabs a large bucket of those very same steel balls off the floor and spills them infront of Kawahima as he still running at a good speed! In a second he looses his footing, slips and lands hard on his back! Kawahima lets out a high "Yelp!" as he slides across the floor! His 'hostage' just holds on tight on his stomach. Kiyone gets out of the way quickly as he slides by. Before Kiyone could grab the boy, Kawahima regain his feet and runs right to the exit door and with great force opens it causing the glass to smash. He then runs through the upper leveled parking lot, jumps to the ground and takes off again. In a few seconds Kiyone lands on the same ground and takes off right after him! ***** The chase between Kiyone and Kawahima end up in the 'Minato Mirai 21' area and soon right at the base of the 'Landmark Tower'. Kawahima looks up at the tall building. "This is the place! I was told to come to as the meeting point with the 'she-wolf'!" he turns to see Kiyone coming in fast down the street on 'all fours' now! "Must get to the top!" Kawahima makes sure the boy is hanging on and starts to climb up the side of the building and Kiyone was right behind him! It wasn't long before Tsunanori shows up and sees that the two werewolves were a quarter of the way up the tower now. He grumbles to himself and starts to follow them up. "Why this place and why are they climbing up? It's a dead end!" Mihoshi lets out another yell as she and Dan show up at the base just shortly later. He puts the blonde woman down fast. "Oww." He says to himself about Mihoshi's yells. "My ears!" Dan too looks up and shakes his head side to side at seeing how the others are going the hard and dangerous way up. "No 'go home in a pine box' for this wolf!" "Huh?" exclaims Mihoshi almost in a fit. "What 'pine box'?" "Slang. " Tsunanori has the back covered!" says Dan as he looks on. "We'll get the top before them!" "And how do plan to do that?" asks Mihoshi harshly. They're way ahead of us if you haven't taken notice!" "Use your head!" demanded Dan as he grabs her by the arm and with a 'jerking' her off the ground, they run inside the tower' main entrance. "There's always a better way! Sometimes." ***** Kawahima doesn't know what is worse. Having to 'claw' his way up the side on the building one handed with the high winds knocking him around roughly at times with two other werewolves 'hot on his tail'*! (No pun intended*) Or hearing his young hostage's screams of fear ringing in his ears! A few long minutes later he finally reached the roof of the building (70 floors up). He pulls his way on to the top and quickly hinds with the child behind the tower's evaluator's machinery building. His stomach becomes a little tighten as he comes to terms that he is the only one up here! He can't even smell one from his 'pack'. He boy begins to cry again. "Shut up!" he says with a growl to the boy. Kawahima then covers the boy's mouth as he hears the roof evaluator's doors open just as Kiyone comes to the roof at the same time. He then decides to let the boy go and climb to the top of the evaluator's machinery building to pounce on Kiyone before she gets him. Kiyone smells the air to find Kawahima, however, the wind was making it difficult to do so along with using her hearing. She then sees the boy run out from behind the evaluator building and he freezes when he sees her. She tires to show him that she does not mean any harm to him while at the same time looking out for Kawahima. Kawahima could see now that this was the chance he was hoping for. As he looked around the other corner of the building once more He then leaped up to top and much to his surprise bumped into something! "Hey? Whasssup???!" yells Dan with his long 'wolf style' tongue hanging out loosely as he hit's Kawahima across the snout with a right hook while still in 'mid-air'! Kawahima lands back on the roof, knocking the air out of him. He gets up only to meet Dan's fist again as he jumps on top of his opponent! Dan jumps off and Tsunanori comes to his side. They both see the boy hiding behind Kiyone! " I always wanted to do something like that! Even through that was immature." said Dan to Tsunanori with coolness. "Everyone is doing that 'Wassup' thing over here, however, instead of playing phone tag. I decided to play a different kind of 'tag'." "That 'tongue part' was sick." said Tsunanori. "Anyway. How did you get up here so fast?" "I took the elevator of course. The one for the tourists." said Dan still being cool. "After all. The one in this building is one of the fastest in the world. Took way less than a minute to get up here. 'Fight smarter! Not harder'!" Tsunanori just bows his head and grumbles to himself. Kawahima stagers to his feet and looks at Dan and Tsunanori with a face full of hate! "Kawahima." says Dan with a calm yet, serious tone. "I'm getting sick and tired of you and your so call, ' Rogue Pack'. Both when you were just human beings, and now wolfs'. I don't know how you 'sons of bitches' became like 'this', but this is a very strict club in this land. And your 'kind' is not welcomed." "You have a good set of balls to say that to me 'foreigner'!" says Kawahima with bitterness to the American werewolf. "My 'Pack' asked Dan to join us!" says Tsunanori to Kawahima as he puts his paw-like hand on Dan's shoulder with the same tone. "For years we have welcomed anyone who comes to us in friendship, for help and/or peace. He is our guest and our friend." Kiyone keeps her guard up as she listens on as the 'creatures' before her speak to one and another. Tsunanori then points to Kawahima with the equivalent of bitterness in his throat. "You Kawahima." says Tsunanori narrowing his yellow eyes at this abomination of a werewolf before him. "You and your kind are now more of a 'gaigin' than this American can ever be!" This in raged Kawahima to be called this! So much in fact, that in a quick ferocious roar he jumps at Tsunanori! Within a couple of human heartbeats, Tsunanori gets ready to retaliate his attacker when with out warning a bright blue beam strikes Kawahima in the chest! Within a howl in pain, Kawahima jumps back a few feet! His body slams into commination dish smashing it to pieces and lands on the ground out cold! Through white smoke from his burned fur was clearly seen. Seeing to that Kawahima was 'down for the count'. Tsunanori then turned to see Dan holding a strange looking gun in his left hand! The 'device' that Mihoshi took note earlier. "Smoked ya!" he says with a grin. Kiyone immediately recognized that it was her weapon that he was holding! She was now afraid that her was going to use it on her next! "Dan-san?" Tsunanori asked with demand. "What is that?" Is it something new from your government?" "No." said Dan as he looked over the gun and could smell the ionization coming from the barrel. Kawashima's body began to twist and shift until it became a human being again. "I was hoping that our 'dark green' friend could answer that." says Dan referring to Kiyone as he puts the laser gun to Kawashima's head. Just to cover himself as he double checks to make sure Kawashima was truly knocked out! Dan then turns his full attention back to Kiyone. He puts the laser gun back into his blue jeans' and walks up to her slowly. He holds his hands out and brings them up to his chest. "Take it easy." says Dan with a calm and smooth voice. "We're not the bad guys." "Friends?" says Kiyone as she sniffs them out. "Will not hurt the boy?" "No." replied Dan as he extends a fur covered hand to Kiyone. Before Kiyone could say something else. A strange feeling comes over her. She feels dizzy. Very dizzy. She moves away from the boy and stagers around. Dan and Tsunanori carefully watch the strange she-wolf before them to see what she was doing. Though they both have a good idea what is going on and what should happen next. Kiyone moves around like she was very intoxicated. Until she gets to the edge of the 'Southeast' side of the tower and looks out at the bright lights that dotted over the city. Taking a deep breath, Kiyone's body begins to change shape again. She can feel herself beginning to become smaller! She lets out a light cry as her legs switch back to being normal from their 'hind state' and her head and face returns to normal. Soon after that became her trueself once again! Kiyone then looks down on herself. "I'm back!! She shouts with joy and tears joined in. "I'm back to myself again! "She must be gone!" Then a cool wind blows by her and the 'reality' grips her right away! "I'm? I'm standing on top of the tallest building in Japan." she says calmly. "Totally naked." "AAAARUGGG!" Kiyone makes herself into a ball. "Wow." says a peaceful voice behind them. "I bet they can see her in Yokosuka." The two werewolves turn around to see Mihoshi standing with the boy with her hands across his eyes. "Your too young to see this kid." she says to him about Kiyone's state right now. "Where have you been?" asked Dan. "Staying out of the way." she replied with a smile. "Yokosuka?" says Tsunanori to Mihoshi's commit. "Maybe." ***** Across the bay, in the city of Yokosuka, about 26 kilometers away from Yokohama. A young American sailor on board the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk's* control tower (an aircraft carrier*) who happens to be on watch, looking through a very powerful set of bionolures at the Landmark Tower before Kiyone huddles into the ball. Gets quite the surprise! "Man!" he says with a big smile looking at the nude woman. "And I thought Japan would be dull!" ***** Kiyone stands up and turns to the others with shaky legs and using her arms to cover the chest of her body. Before she can speak, The same dizziness returns and she begins to fall back over the edge of the roof! With great speed Dan grabs her by her arms and pulls her into his own. "My night." He says to her with a smile. "For once I get the girl." Kiyone opens her 'wet' eyes and looks up to him. "Help me, please." she says weakly then passes out. "We will." Dan replies kindly as he looks at a lock of Kiyone's hair. "Strange." ****** A few blocks away in the city. A black Western-made car make its way down an empty street. The car stops at a corner and opens its passenger door. From out of a dark alleyway a large man with tearful eyes steps into the 92 Camaro RS. "I hope it was worth the pain that the gang had to go through tonight for you!" says the man to the other passenger in the back of the car. "Those damn cops called the 'kidotal' out and used 'tear gas' on us!! We had to run away! Never got to Landmark tower! Why did you not let us kill the girl, Ka-Tar?!" "All in good time. " said Ka-Tar in the shadows. "I will explain my actions later. For now, Kiyone must live. 'Tear gas'? I have heard of that. A chemical gas for riot control. A very cruel way to disperse crowds compare to the ways the 'Galaxy Police' did have done it. Stun rays where more effected." "Yeah fine!" grumbles Shigenao. "But, you still can see that we were still affected be that shit-ka! You made us into these great beasts to keep the 'Pack' distracted while you do your work! Can't you make us immune to stuff like this?" "Not yet." says Ka-Tar holding out a pale hand and his eyes glowed an odd looking yellow. "You just keep them busy and you will get the awards you asks for. Now this is your stop. Leave. I will need your car and driver for a little longer." The car stops again and Shigenao gets out without saying a word. Just glares back at Ka-Tar for a second. "Fool." says Ka-Tar to himself. Then turns to the driver. "Keep driving!" he orders. "And don't listen to the 'call' I'm going to make." Ka-Tar picks up a cell phone and places it in an ear. He then picks up a small pocket mirror and keeps it out of sight. With mirror this he makes a 'call' to 'U'. "Are you happy now, my Mistress? asks Ka-Tar into his reflection. With that the mirror seems to turn into a liquid and the shape of a humanoid woman comes out of the mirror itself. Only a few inches tall. "Kiyone is back to normal." He added. "Yes." says 'U' looking up to Ka-Tar. "I had to get back into this 'deametion' or I would have not survived very long in this one. I will find Kiyone again and she will be mine once more!" "Body and soul?" asks Ka-Tar with a grin. "Just body." replies 'U' "I don't need her soul. However, will need to find a proper place for hers. Let her know what's it like being bottled up." "The Jaded Dragon?" asks Ka-Tar. "It was your 'cell' for years!" "No." says 'U' pointing up at him. "Something worse." "Revenge will be yours." says Ka-Tar. "Maybe." says 'U' softy. "Maybe." ***** At first Kiyone begins to smell the air around her. It was cool to breathe with, yet, had a musty smell to it. Keeping her eyes close. She could tell that a soft blanket of some kind covered her body, the way the warmth felt. She then focus's on her hearing. At first sounds were muffled. Then as if someone opened a doorway her ears were picking up 'noises' that surrounded her. Air rushing by, footsteps, running water people's voices and the sound of a subway? The voices that she was hearing sounded like they were far away by the sounds of echoes she heard as if down a hallway. Until she hears a pair of voices belong to girls' whisper among each other. Very close to her. "I think she's waking up." says one. "Yeah, her ears are twitching a little." says another one. Kiyone opens her eyes and first to see an ivory color ceiling looking back at her. As her eyes quickly adjusted to the low light she could tell what kind of room it is. A traditional Japanese-style room called a 'zashiki'. Kiyone shoots up from her 'futon'* (bedroll*) and looks round for the two voices. She does not see anyone, until she sees movement in the shadows in the far end of the room. "Who's there?" she questions from her sore throat. "Show yourselves!" Two teen-age girls come out of the shadows. Kiyone could see that they must be sisters because they were very identical to each other. Both wore 'hip-hop' clothing. However, one wore a more Japanese style the other one American style. "Go get 'Kitsune'." says one to the other. The one dressed in 'American hip-hop' runs across the floor called a 'tatami'*(a woven rush floor mat) puts on her platform sneakers and goes down the hallway. Kiyone stands up out of her futon. She takes notice that everything around her looked a little different for some reason. Brighter for one example. She also took note that she was wearing a pair of blue cover- alls. "Who are you?" asks Kiyone. "Where I'm I?" "Your safe and among friends." says the girl. "My kid sister, 'Miyu' went to get someone who can explain everything." The girl walks up to Kiyone with a little caution. "How old are you?" Kiyone asks as she studied the girl over. "Sixteen." she replied as she gets Kiyone some hot water from a kettle on a table and pours it into a cup. "Your short for your age." she whispers to herself. The girl pricks up her ears and turns to Kiyone sharply. "No, your tall." The girl says quickly. "As tall as 'Kitsune'!" "Who?" asked Kiyone as she took the green tea and smelled it. Just then Kiyone's ears pick up the sound of footsteps belonging to a woman. She turns in time to see a female come to the door that was the entrance into the room with a serous look to her face. "Ah, good." said the woman with a strange accent. "Your wake now. You have been sleeping for sometime." As the woman took of her white sneakers in the 'genkan'* (*entryway lower to the ground leading to the 'zashiki') while keeping her eyes on her 'guest'. Kiyone studied her closely as well. Just by the way the woman's height came up to the door itself, Kiyone could tell she was a tall one alright. The woman was also definitely a 'foreigner' as much as Kiyone was. Next to being tall, she had a body could be seen that it was 'toned' well the way her 'fitted' jeans and her light T-shirt gave it away. Her long dark red hair almost looked like it was stained with the color of blood the way the dim light hit it. She wore in a ponytail and her deep green eyes seem to give off a light of their own from time to time. Kiyone felt a little intimidated by this woman's presence. "Ah, hope your feeling alright." the woman said with a friendly voice in English. "If you're not and feel like shit, don't worry about it. Ah, know how you feel. The first few 'changes' are always the worst, but you will get used to it. Most of the time anyway. What's your name?" The woman stopped and could see Kiyone giving back a 'blank look' back to her. "Hmmm." the woman said with a smile as she notices Kiyone's expression. "Habla Espanol? Parlez vous Francais? Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" "Eigo*, O.K.?" asked Kiyone in Japanese (*English?) "Hai!" replied the woman. She then felt a little gullible after saying that. "Fine." said Kiyone in English with a light smile back. "It's an easy language to use." "Easy?" both the woman and the other Japanese girl thought together at the same time. "Great!" said the woman with a perplex look to her face. "Your name?" As the woman steps up into the room lightly, Kiyone's eyes followed the woman's own. To Kiyone's own surprise, she notices that her eyes have meant on the same level as hers! This makes Kiyone jump back a few feet. "What's wrong?" the woman asked as she backs up as well. "I'm not going to hurt you." "How tall are you?!" said Kiyone with demand as she looked up and down at the woman. "73 inches high. Why?" she replied with a little confusion. Then it comes to her. "Oh! Ah, get it! Sorry, Ah, didn't know how tall you were before. It happens to some of us 'Weres' ' Happen to me!" "What happens?!" Kiyone says with a little excitement. "What happen to me?" "When you change into your 'were-persona', especially for the first time your body goes through one hell of a shock of course." the woman explained calmly. "To some it up. You sometimes make a whole new mold of yourself. " "What?" Kiyone cries out as she looks around the room and just happens to find a long dressing mirror. She quickly unzips the cover- all and lets it down to her waist. The Japanese girl walks over to the woman quickly and whispers into her ear. Kiyone examines over her body carefully as she turns in front the mirror and lets the rest of the cover-all fall down to her feet. She just could tell that she was indeed taller now by looking at her legs, arms and torso. At least a few good inches now added to her height. Her muscles were as 'toned' as the woman's was. Much more 'toned' than ever before in her life as she recalls her old figure. Even her butt and breasts were firmer now. However, she could not bring herself to feeling happy about those 'particular body parts' now looking better than ever. Even though she exercised hard to keep her 'natural grown body' in the shape that she wanted to be in. Those 'parts' where her greatest challenge to work on. "She is acting the way I did when 'Sadako' told me about the 'gift' that my sister and I received when we 'changed' for the first time." The Japanese girl whispered into the Western woman's ear. "It wasn't a dream then." Kiyone says outloud to herself softy. "This is real! I was that creature then!" "It's real alright." The woman when on. "But! Hey now! Best you welcome this 'Amazon' look! Ah knew this one girl that after she changed back to her human form. She had two extra sets of tits on her. Try getting fitted for a bathing suit or a bra with that!" "For some odd reason I feel as if I have been 'dehumanize' in some way," admitted Kiyone. "Perhaps the word 'deformation' is what your looking for." said the Japanese girl with good intention. " If it is, I think in your case it turned you out just fine! The boys won't be able to take their eyes off of you!" "Wait a minute!" exclaims Kiyone turning to the other females. "Where the hell I'm I? And who are you people?" "You are in a place that is below the streets of the city of Yokohama near by the Bay itself." The Western woman explained. "A complex set of catacombs made by the citizens of the city over the years and in most cases abandoned or forgotten about." "That explains the light 'musty' smell I'm picking up." says Kiyone to herself. "My true name is 'Sarah McPherson', but Ah have been called 'Vixen' in my homeland of Scotland and in this country they gave me the name of 'Kitsune'!" "'Fox'?" questioned Kiyone with a little satire. "You?" Without any hesitation, Sarah dons her clothes quickly before Kiyone, which makes her a little uncomfortable having Sarah do this in front of her. Sarah then bears her teeth and closes her eyes. Within a few seconds, Sarah's body grows larger and chances right before Kiyone's eyes until standing before her (with the exception of her hind legs) was a large humanoid of a 'she-fox'! Kiyone falls back against the wall in disbelief. As she watches this transformation happen and gets a 'flashback' of her own 'changing' earlier. "Yes." said Sarah with satire as well and she finches her puffy tail. " Fox." "And I'm called, 'Neko'!" said the girl with a big smile. "Want to know why?" "Let's show her, sister!" says Miyu with excitement as she comes back into the room with a flip in the air over Sarah and lands next to her twin sister. Almost at the same time the girls' bodies change into humanoid cat creatures with resemblance to the 'Japanese Bobtail', however, unlike Sarah they did not get much larger and they stayed more humanoid looking. "Cool, huh?" says Miyu to Kiyone. "Just don't call us 'Bakeneko*'!" protested Neko puffing up her silver gray fur and folding back her ears. "We hate that!" (Monster Cat*) "I remember people calling me, 'Yokai'!" said Kiyone with her head down. "What I'm I?" "Here. Your not a 'monster' as you will soon see." said Sarah as she wiped tears from her eyes. "How about your name, please?" the 'she- fox' when on. "I did asked first." "My name is Kiyone Makabi." she said as she saw Sarah's tears. "It's painful isn't it? The transformations?" "Hell yes!" Sarah protested. "Ah'm look forward to the day when Ah 'push out' a baby to see which is more the painful to endure!" "We don't suffer from that!" said Miyu. "That's because your 'painless changes' are the blessings to your kind called the 'Physicals'! Which to me is very odd. Mine on the other hand is a kind of magic. It's a family curse!" "I'm sorry, Sarah." said Kiyone with some compassion. "Don't be!" replied Sarah. "Ah'm strong and Ah will find a cure to this someday!" "Can you change, Kiyone?" asked Neko. "It will be easier before the 'Council' when you stand before them so you are 'known' to be welcomed." "What?" asked Kiyone. "The 'Council' or 'Den' is where all the Were's in this country come to meet! Both native and foreigner." explained Sarah. "If fact they made this a emergency meeting tonight because of you!" Kiyone was a little uncomfortable at Sarah's words. "Don't fear." said Sarah. "They just want to see you to find out if you can explain what is happing in the city lately." "Also to see if you're a 'Physical' or 'Magical'!" say Neko. "They have ways!" "I think you can call it magical." exclaimed Kiyone. "Because I believe I was in possession by an evil demon!" "'Possessed'?" questioned Sarah. "You must mean 'cursed'. Ah, can understand that!" "By a demon that made you become a wolf?" questioned Neko. "That's a new one!" "This sounds crazy I know." said Kiyone with hesitation. But, I'm not from around here at all." The three women had a couple of light laughs among each other. "We kind of figured that out 'blue eyes'!" said Sarah with sarcasm as she pointed to her own green eyes. "Love the dark green hair look by the way!" said Neko, but her commit sounded cruel to Kiyone. "Very 'cool'!." "This is natural and it's teal!" grumbled Kiyone to herself as she held a lock of her hair. Uh, Kitsune?" asked Miyu to Sarah. "I think I should tell you something." "Quiet. Tell me later." said Sarah being serious now. "Anyway, sense you are of course not from around here. That's why they assigned me to you. A sponsor! To help you feel a little more comfortable to this new life!" "Assigned?" asked Kiyone. "Why you?" "Hello?" replied Sarah pointing to herself and Kiyone. "'Miss Foreigner'! Gaigin! If Ah must be more blunt!" Kiyone understood everything now before Sarah had finished her sentence. "Oh, right." Kiyone acknowledge. "Sorry. I'm still tried." "It's alright." said Sarah. "Ah, don't mean to be so cross either. It's been a long night for some of us." "Yes. It has. Ah, listen." continued Kiyone as she looks at the mirror again. " I don't suppose.?" Kiyone wants to finish her sentence at the others. But, how do you explain to a group of Earth people that can become animals about an 'evil power' from your home planet that may have for a time took over you. And atop of all that not explain that you are some kind of space cop? "Suppose?" questioned Neko flinching her tail at Kiyone's sudden silence at them. "Suppose." Continues Kiyone as she closes the cover-all's back up and returns to the women with a serious tone. "Suppose you could tell me about another woman by the name 'Mihoshi'?" "Oh her!" exclaimed Sarah with some disgust. "Does she ever talk! In fact she is right now talking to the Council with her side of the 'story' about you!" "She is?" replied Kiyone with a gravely tone in her throat. ****** At short time later. Kiyone and the others where making there way down a long low-lit tunnel. Sarah was walking next to her as if she was guarding her. "So." asked Neko to Kiyone. "As a woman. What did you think of changing in to a whole different kind of 'being'?" "Meaning?" asked Kiyone with a confused face. "Come on! Think about it." Neko continued. "We where once girls who grew into women. We will experience baring children someday and we will get old. Where used to changing! Growing! Always! So what do you think about it? Changing into something very different than your 'normal' self?" Kiyone still a little under pressure at how to explain about 'U' to this 'Council' can only think of a quick answer to give the younger lady. "I guess it's part of life." Kiyone says quickly. "That is not the answer I was looking for." thought Neko to herself with disappointment. "Kitsune?" says Miyu as she hands the Scottish woman a piece a paper that had some writing on it. The writing reads: WHEN I WAS COMING BACK FROM THE 'DEN'. I OVER HEARD DAN SAYING KIYONE'S FUR WAS 'DARK GREEN' WHEN SHE WAS IN HER WOLF FORM! HER GREEN HAIR IS SOMEHOW REAL! THE ELDERS ARE IN A UP ROAR ABOUT WHAT HE SAID! Sarah was to say a little puzzled at what Miyu wrote to her. She is being a biological major back in her college days. To her it's not biologically possible for someone in the human race to have 'natural dark green hair' like that. " If it is real." Sarah says to herself. "It is just astronomical for someone to have it at all!" Kiyone can just tell that what Miyu gave to Sarah was somehow about her. She tries to change the subject. "I remember a wolf-man of some kind. He had dark red fur I believe?" "Oh, 'Dan McGuire-san!" exclaimed Neko. "Yeah!" added Miyu. "He came to your rescue along with Tsunanori!" "Will I see them?" asked Kiyone. "Yeah." said Sarah lightly. " When he takes the 'stand', your friend 'Mihoshi' will be with him. By the way. Call me 'Kitsune' for now on while at the Council." "Sure." replied Kiyone. "What if they don't like me? "I hope you have a God to believe in." said Kitsune. "You will need him." ****** As the women came into the entrance way to the Council chamber of the Den they stop. "We'll wait here until the time comes!" says Sarah. Kiyone looks a round the low lit place. A huge underground water tank or 'fire cistern' made of cement makes up the so-called "Chamber" or 'Den'. It was still under construction. This tank was part of a under water resource system that is made up to supply water to the city to fight huge fires that can come from major earthquakes. However, there was no water in this tank now. Instead, well over five hundred beast-like creatures! The majority of the 'creatures' were werewolves, but other kinds as well. Cats, foxes and bears, for example. There were many levels of 'maintenance balconies' that circled around on the tank's walls. Weres' were sitting around on these balconies. The energy in the atmosphere felt like a great hall of some kind. Some of the 'were's' in heavy arguments with each other discussing topics. Most were listening to one large red werewolf on the ground floor of the tank as he was giving a speech of some kind. Kiyone spots Mihoshi with some other 'weres' listening on as they were standing in the large 'mouth' of another entrance way where water from the Bay was suppose to come into the tank to supply water when the time came. "There's Dan!" exclaimed Miyu. "He is in his full wolf form now. He still explaining about you!" As Kiyone looked closer at large red werewolf, she could see that this one's fur was dark red all over him except for a patch of black on his back. ******* "Akai Okami?! *" a timber style werewolf shouts to Dan who in turn faces the fellow werewolf's bellow. (Red Wolf*). " Knowing your 'kind'! The 'Red Wolf' of North America is of course the rare kind of all the werewolves as it is to our 'little brothers' in the wolf family! So, having being the only one in my beloved country and standing before us in the Pack's council is a great honor indeed! However, again. This 'she-wolf' you say that you encountered the other night had the color of dark green fur? It's not right!" "She must be a magical!" shouts another werewolf outloud. "No way is she one of us physicals!" "She could belong to that so-called 'Rogue Pack' that is stirring up all that unwanted attention that we don't need!" said a white arctic werewolf with a Russian accent. "She could be a spy!" " 'Physical!' You make it sound like some of us 'Magicals' are in with that sorry bunch!" another werewolf shouts angrily back at the one who made the comment earlier. There is augment among the council. "I say not!" shouts arctic back. " Because you all know well that I too am a creature of magic. However, this 'Rogue Pack' first only came out on full moons. Last night no full moon! Just like us 'magicals' we don't always need nor have to depend on it!" Augments grow stronger now! "I tell you that this 'alien she-wolf' is not part of the 'Rouge Pack'!" says Dan McGuire with defiance toward the Council. "How do you know?" roars a black werewolf back at him. "Cop?" "As far we understand it! They are worshiping in the ways of 'Demonism'!" yells another one. "That dark magic can't be allowed again! The very people we protect could themselves hunt us again! " "Order!" shouts a one of the elders. "Order!" The Council grows quite quickly in respect. "McGuire-san!" the old werewolf calls to him. "You still have the 'floor'! Continue!" Dan clears his throat. "Thank you, sir!" he says to the elders. "From what I have been told by Kiyone Makabi's friend Mihoshi we are dealing with something that has never happen before! A whole new species of 'Were'!" There is talk among the Council again. "What do you mean 'whole new species'?" asked another elder. Dan is hesitant to say the next word. Even though he has the courage to say it however, it still a little hard for himself to believe it. "Alien." He says with confident voice. Again, talk within the Council. "'Alien'?" questioned another timber werewolf. "Do you mean 'foreigner' like yourself?" "No." replied Dan with the same confident voice. "I mean alien life- form! 'E. F.T'! 'Extra Fucken Terrestrial'!" Now the Council was in an uproar at Dan! "Have you gone mad, man?" shouted the same timber wolf. "An 'alien werewolf' from space?! What a myth!" " Some of the people in the city above us think 'we' are nothing but, myth!" replied Dan gravely. "Red Wolf!" shouts one of the elders in protest. "I thought better of you!" "I know it's crazy!" said Dan defending himself. "It took a couple of days for even me to believe it! But it stands true!" "It is!" shouted Tsunanori as he came on to the floor and next to Dan! "I saw their space ship!" "So have I!" said a 'wolf-man' dressed in a police uniform! ******* Kiyone is shocked at what she is hearing! "Has Mihoshi lost all of her little mind?" she thinks to herself. "Giving away our secrets as members of the Galaxy Police?!" Kiyone then thinks of a reason why as she looks at her 'hosts' around her. "Or did they force her to tell? I have to hear more! These people are avoiding themselves from other humans. I may be able to strike a deal to get us out of this mess!" Sarah (who is standing behind Kiyone) looks down at her dark green hair again. "'Alien?'" she thinks to herself, her face is undaunted by this news. " Dark green fur? That would make some sense. If it's true that is. And if it is? Wow!" ******** The elders once again call "order" and in a few seconds. It is quite again. " Makoto!" calls out an elder to the policeman. "Do you and the others have any proof of this?" "Yes!" Makoto replied as he joined Dan and Tsunanori in the center on the council floor! and signaling to blonde woman. "I call Miss Mihoshi to the floor!" Mihoshi runs out and stops in front of Makoto and the other werewolves. "Hiya!" she shouts with her high-pitched voice which makes over half of the 'Weres' fold their ears back at it! "I'm glad you asked to come to your little 'Pow-wow'!" "'Pow-wow?'" questions a large timber werewolf who happens to be native to North America. "What an idiot!" "Yes, it's true we are girls from outer space who work for a police agency just like your two 'wolf-cops' do here!" she says in a very ditsy matter. "Excuse me young lady!" says one of the female elders. "If you are a 'space-cop', how do you explain the pointed ears and the four little fangs in your mouth?" "That's a great example!" Mihoshi exclaimed. "Never thought of that!" "Not surprised ether." replied the old 'she-wolf' to the other elders jokingly. "Well, as you can see then, that nobody else on this planet has this, lack of a better word; Trademark!" Right before Mihoshi the old woman 'shifts' to her human form and pulling back her long sliver hair and smiling shows Mihoshi her pointed ears and conspicuous teeth. "Grandmother?" replied Mihoshi with a smile. "Try again!" says the old woman as she shifts back to her wolf-form. "I'm not amused!" "Don't give us anymore 'sap'! yells another timber werewolf with an American accent to him. "The truth!" "Alright! Alright!" Mihoshi shouts back to the wolf. "No need to be mean!" She pulls out a sliver pen and holds it in front of her. A 3-D laser image comes out of the pen and holograph version of the 'Yagami' fills the whole ceiling of the water tower! "This is our ship!" explained Mihoshi. "The 'Yagami'. We are on your planet on a very important mission! Let me explain." ******* As Mihoshi continues we her speech. Kiyone can clearly see that Mihoshi is not under any threat and telling them under her free will. Now Kiyone is at a point at thinking that she should really kill Mihoshi just to shut her up! However, she knows she really can't do that! But, she doesn't like to feel powerless! As if with the clich‚ of 'over a barrel' would fit right now at how she feels. Then she begins to feel something anew inside her gut. ******* ".and that is that to quickly some it up!" says Mihoshi finishing her speech. "So what do you think?" To put it lightly, the whole Council was in a state of great 'shock' at what Mihoshi just said to them. "Were under the rule of another planet and didn't know about until now?" said an elder with a shocked face. "I think I saw a 'pen' like that somewhere in 'Akihabara' once!" said another timber wolf. "Is she telling the truth?" asked another werewolf. "I can't believe it!" "If not." replied a werecat. "She's one hell of a story teller!" "I can! She is!" said another werecat. "Just by the way she's breathing and hearing her heart beats!" She is not lying!" "Yes!" cries out another one. "She is being truthful!" "Of all the shit that us the 'dominate species' and I mean our human sides have done to each other over the years and this great race, the Jurians never have stopped us?" said an elder 'werebear' with great sadness. "Why should I call them our 'protectors'? We are destroying ourselves everyday and our world as we speak!" "What are we there 'pawns' for enjoyment?" cried out a young upset timber wolf. "I want to go to their world and kick their asses right now! Those Fuckers!" "The great wars and the human suffering still going on today in the world!" said the same Russian white wolf with frustration to his face. "Even though you are not one of these 'Jurians', Mihoshi. I think I should kill you in cold blood in the name of 'Revenge' for my people!" Mihoshi and the other werewolves behind her (Dan, Makoto, and Tsunanori) could see that things where getting ugly fast! "Uh, guys?" said a very nervous Mihoshi to the others. "Help." "I told we should have waited! Now things are going to get real bad!" says Dan looking around. "When does "Shigeko" get here?" "She said she was going to be late!" said Makoto. "So now what?" cried Tsunanori. "This is going to become a bloodily rampage soon!" "How about a 'Fur on the Fly'?" asks Mihoshi. ******** "Sarah!" cries out Miyu. "I never seen the 'Council' this upset before!" "Ah have not either!" exclaims Sarah as she steps up for a closer look at Mihoshi. "But, can you blame them? I'm angry about this as well!" "Kiyone?" cries out Neko. "Are you all right?" "Shit." Thought Sarah to herself as she turns around to see Kiyone down on all fours. "Ah forgot about her!" Kiyone looks up right at Sarah in the eye as the 'she-fox' comes down on her to help her back on her feet. "I'm fine." Kiyone says as she stands up slowly. Kiyone close's her eyes as once again feels 'dizzy' as she stands up! As she opens her eyes and lays against the wall she can see Sarah and the cat sisters step away from her with faces that showed that they where troubled at something about her! "What?" Kiyone cried out with a scarred voice. "What are you all staring at??!" Kiyone hears her voice change at the last words she says! "Two tails, Kitsune." says Miyu as she and her sister hide behind Sarah. Kiyone looks down at her left hand. "No." she says softy in horror. By: C.D. Powers ********** End Part III Next the 'Others Within' "Beware of the alien nation!" *THE SCORPIONS ********** "Her beauty is there, but her beast is in her heart." "Maneater" *HALL AND OATS. *********** Disclaimer: Pioneer LDC and AIC have the copyrights of the characters of the Tenchi Universe. All rights are reserved. '92 Camaro' is copyright to General Motors. All rights are reserved. *The songs and the bands that perform them are copyrighted. All rights are reserved. **** My story and it's characters are copyrighted 2001. No profit is made by this work! Only as entertainment! **********