Mondo Muyo! A Tenchi Muyo! Fanfic by Mondo Kane Disclaimer: AIC and Pioneer LDC, Inc. owns Tenchi Muyo and all characters. So please don't sue me I'm just a penniless university student with no sex life and a lot of time on his hands. ******WARNING This Fic Is Distinctly LEMON Flavoured!!!****** If you are under 18--STOP READING IMMEDIATELY!!! If not, keep going - it's gonna get kinky! ;-) This Fanfic takes a good 96% of the OAV as gospel, because Mondo regards it as the best handling of the characters, but has borrowed a few elements from Shin Tenchi that weren't totally duff (Kiyone, Nagi, Karaoke machines, etc.) After each episode, check Mondo's Notes for acknowledgements, thoughts, teasers and his usual waffle. Mail comments to -Episode One- "No Need For Horticulture..." 1 "Are you with us, Mr Masaki?" asked a clear voice, tinged with sarcasm. "Mr Masaki!" Tenchi sat bolt upright. It took him a second or two to get a grip on things. He was at school, that much was clear. He looked about, frantic for a clue about what Miss Yamaguchi had been talking about. Kazuhiko was sat beside him, but looking away. Tenchi felt hurt for a split second; his friend appeared to have abandoned his plight for something interesting outside the lab window. Lab! He was in a science class! "Nice to have you back, Mr Masaki," Miss Yamaguchi chided. Titters and chuckles rose from the silence. Of course you're in a science class, baka, thought Tenchi. A tapping sound from the desk caught his attention. Looking down, he saw Kazuhiko was casually drumming out a tune on the page of the textbook between them. The title of the section was 'Cellular Mitosis.' Good old Kazu was trying to bail him out. Even so, Tenchi had no idea what mitosis meant. He'd obviously been daydreaming for a good while. Tenchi tried to buy time. "Er... I've always been here, Miss." Now there was a clear peal of laughter from the back of the classroom. Miss Yamaguchi's eyes narrowed behind her glasses. You double baka, Tenchi. Have you any idea how dumb that sounded? "Were you now? Well, you won't mind reminding me what section of the textbook we were reading?" the teacher asked. She was looking right at him with those huge dark eyes her mouth turning up at its side. She was smiling at him. Tenchi felt unbearably hot. Sweat beaded at his brow. Miss Yamaguchi walked around the edge of the desk at the head of the laboratory and strode towards him. Tenchi could look nowhere other than her legs. Yamaguchi was a new teacher, just transferred from a college programme. She was young, witty, and very beautiful. She was built like no other woman Tenchi had seen outside of the magazines he kept stashed in the bottom of his wardrobe. Yamaguchi's face was exquisite, with defined cheekbones, deep brown eyes and full lips. Her legs were long and lithe, with a hint of muscle, like those of a pro dancer. Her waist was small and her bust was easily fuller than any woman he knew, even Mihoshi. Mihoshi. Tenchi remembered there were a goodly few beautiful women in his life already. Mihoshi, Ayeka, Ryoko, Kiyone, hell, even Washu sometimes. They filled his life away from the school; it was a blur of being chased, harassed, and flirted with by them. Sometimes he felt pangs of desire towards at least two of them, but this feeling for Miss Yamaguchi was different. This wasn't a full- blown affection, or even a form of respect or awe. This was lust, unchained and overpowering. Every moment in the classroom was like being locked in a masturbatory fantasy. Tenchi could imagine Yamaguchi doing things for him Ayeka would never dare, and perhaps be more submissive than he thought Ryoko could ever be. She was like one of the girls in his magazines come to life for him, and the day-to-day proximity of this was really damaging his study. Tenchi found himself looking down at Miss Yamaguchi's feet. Black high heels sweeping up into those limber legs he couldn't help but imagine wrapped around his waist. He swallowed hard, painfully aware of the erection he was getting. He tilted his head up to meet her gaze. Yamaguchi was smiling still, though her eyes remained sharp and accusing. She leaned over, placing her face level with his, awarding Tenchi with a view down the neck of her blouse. The cleft between her breasts seemed so deep it might engulf him. The throbbing in his pants went into overdrive, and he prayed she wouldn't notice it. To Tenchi, it seemed like he was hiding one of his training bokken in his shorts. "The chapter, Mr Masaki?" she asked once again. "C...cellular Mitosis, Miss Yamaguchi," he stammered. She beamed at him. "Apparently Mr Masaki was paying attention after all. But please, kindly keep your daydreams to your own time, not mine." She turned and walked back up the room, and Tenchi breathed a sigh of relief. Miss Yamaguchi called out for someone else to read from the book, and as usual there was a flourish of hands shown from the boys in the group. Apparently Tenchi was not the only young man taken with her looks. "Jeez, that was close, Tenchi," whispered Kazuhiko "I thought she was gonna bawl you out for sure!" "Yeah," said Tenchi, still trying to calm himself, "I got lucky. Thanks for the assistance, man." Kazuhiko shot him a 'no sweat' grin, and went back to the book. Tenchi tried to improve his mood. He tried to think of anything other than this woman, this distraction. His grandfather was always trying to teach him to overcome distractions, as he tried to think of some of the training routines they had used in the past. It seemed to help, so he delved deeper. He walked back over the past few months, thinking about his encounter at the shrine with Ryoko. Now there was an attractive woman that had tried to kill him when they first met, a woman who he at first took for a demon but was actually a space pirate. While blowing up part of his school might have passed for foreplay for her, it just plain terrified Tenchi. Then the old sword had saved him, coupled with Ayeka's arrival from space with Sasami and his sudden relocation to the shrine thanks to his house being shrunk to the size of a temple diorama. The discovery he was related to an alien prince and was crown-prince to a whole intergalactic empire might have thrown most people into an asylum, but it was a nothing more than everyday life to him now. Then Mihoshi, that clumsy and big-hearted space cop, had literally dropped from the sky, followed by the villain Kagato, followed by the revelation that his grandfather was actually the alien prince in his lineage - old gramps, a spaceman? That one was still hard to swallow. Next came the battle that nearly killed him, and damn near everyone else, when they took on Kagato. With a little help, he defeated the evil genius and managed to bring another one home with him in the form of Washu, who was Ryoko's mother, kind of at least. This wasn't even taking into account the spaceship that turned into a small furry animal (or a little girl these days), or the two talking logs that were quite capable of taking on a whole earthly army and winning. On top of it all was the taciturn Kiyone, Mihoshi's partner and now co-guardian for this sector of space, and the constant fear that the bounty hunter Nagi would return to take on Ryoko again. He sighed, realizing how complex his life was. He was lucky to still be able to study at all. Tenchi reigned in his attention span for the remainder of the class, occasionally having to think about Ryoko trying to blow him up or Kagato trying to slice him in half or Washu trying to experiment on him to stop his mind wandering to Miss Yamaguchi's legs and what mysteries lay between them. She also had other pupils to chastise, and Tenchi was relieved when the clock chimed and the class finished. He tried to slip out of the room unnoticed, sandwiching himself between his friend Kazuhiko's broad form and the wall, but he was spotted easily. "Mr Masaki, could I speak to you for a moment, please?" came the voice he was beginning to fear. He gulped nervously, and shuffled over to Yamaguchi's desk. She took off her glasses, and gave him an exasperated look. "Just what is it with you these days, Tenchi?" she asked, "You used to be a straight A student in this subject, and now you're slipping so far back it's frightening. Is there something on your mind, other than your study?" Her eyes were so deep and appealing he couldn't help but feel moved. She was worried about him. At least this meant she liked something about him, he thought. Yamaguchi looked up and him expectantly as he stood in wrapt silence gazing back at her. Your mouth, move it... "Oh, it's just, erm..." he tried to think of the right words. He could feel himself beginning to redden. This only made his teacher smile back at him. "Is it a girl who's on your mind, Mr Masaki?" she chuckled. Tenchi began to cough and stammer, which in turn only made Miss Yamaguchi laugh. It was a bright, joyful sound that ran over Tenchi's senses like a cool spring. He felt his cock was beginning to awaken to its call. "It is, isn't it?" she pressed, Tenchi found himself bashfully nodding. He began to laugh nervously, hoping this wasn't some verbal trap he was being led into. Well, it was half true at least, he decided, and he needed to get out before she noticed other parts of his anatomy concentrating on other things. "Well, I'm pleased for you Tenchi, but in future, you leave her at the door when you come in here, clear?" She stood up, bathing Tenchi in the scent of her perfume. He began to sweat. It was as sweet as her. Her eyes threatened to devour him. And he wanted her to. Completely. "I want to see an improvement in your study next time we meet. We'll be having a test in a few days, and I'll expect a good score, ok? I want to be the only woman on your mind when you're in my classes, Mr Masaki. Now, dismissed." Tenchi managed a stiff bow, and bolted from the room. He wanted to be anywhere but school. Even the sporadic chaos of the Masaki household was more comfortable these days, and he had a whole weekend ahead of him to contemplate how to get back into his teacher's good books. He ran for the school bus, flopped into a seat, and thought about anything other than girls. And that was harder than anything else he could envision... 2 Tenchi was passing the vegetable fields near the lower slopes of the hill when he became aware of something following him. He turned, tense for a second, expecting perhaps one of his grandfather's surprise attacks, only to have a small animal leap up at him from the scrub. He caught it, but dropped his schoolbag in the process. "Miya!" came the familiar greeting. "Whoa, you startled me Ryo-Ohki!" said Tenchi, trying to get his heart rate back to normal. The little creature simply scampered up to his shoulder and hopped onto his head. "Miyaa!" she cried. Tenchi smiled, understanding perfectly. "Yeah, I could use some food too. Lets go." He started again along the path to the house, forgetting for a while about school, teachers and either kind of biology lesson. Sasami darted back and forth, finding a chopping board with one hand and fresh ginger with the other. She knew the kitchen like the back of her hand. There were no mysteries here, no tool she couldn't use, no technique of food preparation beyond her. Granted, food here on Earth was a great deal simpler than the cuisine she had leaned to make back on Jurai. Everything there had been so much showier. The meals she had mastered here were simple in comparison, but the reactions she got to her cooking were always welcome. She relished in the role she filled; she almost saw herself as a mother, fussing and feeding a tribe of children. It made her feel more grown up, and thus closer to her sister. Indeed, she had many more responsibilities than Ayeka. She could tell the difference between salt and sugar, for a start. She smiled to herself at this and began slicing the stem ginger. She might be the little sister in age, but in other ways she was light years ahead of Ayeka, although Tenchi wouldn't see it quite that way. And she'd have to grow up a lot before Tenchi would look at her like her sister. But by then, she reasoned, Tenchi would have married Ayeka or Ryoko, or maybe both of them. If she wasn't to marry Tenchi, she hoped she could find someone just as nice. She wondered for a second why thoughts like this were crossing her mind, and then went back to the meal. Tenchi entered the house, and breathed in the toothsome aroma of Sasami's cooking. Ryo-Ohki hopped down from his head and bounded out of sight, obviously headed for the kitchen to beg a carrot from Sasami. Tenchi shook his head with a smile; no one could resist that little creature for long. Maybe Washu had made her that way, so she'd be underestimated in her normal form. I mean, who would imagine that thing, was a starship? He slipped off his shoes and headed into the living room. He found the house strangely silent. Usually by now he'd have had to stand against the familiar twin-assault of Ryoko and Ayeka. The regular format was for Ryoko to throw herself at him, make some lewd suggestion, and then be dragged off him by Ayeka. Then a blazing argument would begin, which would either end in a tirade of insults or an all-out display of alien power that would scorch the floorboards and shatter walls. While it was nice not to have to put up with being in the middle of a tug-of-war between the two women who mattered to him the most, he felt a pang of disappointment at it. Part of him liked being the centre of so much female attention. He shrugged and went into the kitchen. Sure enough, the first thing he saw through the steam was Ryo-Ohki, demolishing a carrot like a tiny shark in a fur coat. "Hiya Tenchi!" said Sasami, and she quickly rushed over the give him a quick hug. "How was your day at school?" "Could have been better," he said, "my science mistress thinks I'm slipping behind." Sasami fixed him with a severe look. "You really should try hard at school, Tenchi, that's what my mother always taught me. Even if your mistress is harsh with you." He tried not to grin at being scolded by a child. "It's not that she's a hard teacher, Sasami. She's one of the best teachers I have, it's just I... I..." he thought about trying to explain, but decided against it. There'd be too many questions he couldn't answer. "Where are Ryoko and Ayeka?" Tenchi asked, changing the subject. "Oh, Ayeka is at the shrine. She wanted to get out of the house for a while, so she went up to see Grandpa." Tenchi smiled at this. Sasami and Ayeka were both directly related to Yosho - he was their half-brother, yet they had adopted Tenchi's name for him in a second. Only Ryoko and Washu really called him Yosho, and even then, that was rare. "And Ryoko is doing something in the lab with Washu. She asked me to tell you to go down if you had a moment. She wanted something from you." Tenchi felt his stomach flip at this. Washu had a thing for poking and prodding him with all manner of scientific instruments. And if it wasn't that, she was chasing him about in all manner of costumes trying to get one sample or another out of him. A visit to her lab was like running a gauntlet; granted, the traps wouldn't be fatal, but Tenchi feared that one day he might live up to his nickname of her little 'guinea pig'. At least if Ryoko was there she would be less likely to try anything funny. "Ok, I'll drop by in a second. I'll just get changed. How long until dinner, Sasami?" "About an hour yet, but no snacking. Tell that to Ryoko too." Tenchi pouted and pointed at Ryo-Ohki. "But she gets to snack all she likes!" he whined in mock- childishness. Sasami giggled, but waved a wooden spoon at him. "No buts - you can wait like everyone else. Ryo-Ohki gets treats because... she's so kawaii!" "Miya!" reiterated Ryo-Ohki, and she began to nibble on another carrot. Tenchi quickly changed and hustled down to the closet door. He knocked twice, and it swung open into the massive space that was Washu's lab. While it sometimes appeared different, it was always filled with machines, cables, tanks and cylinders of unfathomable fluids and gasses, and dangerous-looking things with equally dangerous-looking moving parts. He picked his way through and around glittering devices and purring machinery until he heard a pair of familiar voices. "Washu! Get this thing off me! I'm warning you..." "Now, now, it's only reacting to you, and within all expected parameters I might add. Getting mad will only make it worse..." Tenchi turned by a large vat filled with some blue stuff, only to be confronted by the sight of Ryoko bobbing in the air. Ryoko tended to float about a lot, but this time she was in the grip of a set of leafy vines, each easily as thick as his arms. These snaked back to a cluster of huge purple and red flowers. The monstrous blooms took up as much space as a Jurian tree, but had more obvious life. Thick creepers pawed the air and the blossoms opened and closed rhythmically, like giant hungry mouths. It all reminded Tenchi of that video game with the zombies and mutant animals. He shuddered at the thought. At that moment, a vine snaked around his ankle. He cried out in shock, and the thing recoiled as if he'd burnt it. The plant also chose that moment to release Ryoko. Not quite expecting this, she dropped unceremoniously to the floor. Washu stepped out from the other side of the colossal plant. She was wearing some kind of large hat with a veil, thick boots and gloves and had a small watering can in one hand. "Not so loud, Tenchi. You'll scare it," she said. "Scare it? It scared me first!" he gasped, "What is it, anyway?" "Something she shouldn't have made in the first place," hissed Ryoko, nursing a bruised shoulder. Washu ignored the comment and began her explanation. "It's something I call an Empatho-Flower, Tenchi. It reacts to the moods of the people around it. It changes colour, shape, texture and flavour based on emotional feedback. If you're happy, it's happy. If you're sad, it's sad. And if you're a headstrong, moody and generally foolish daughter of the greatest scientist in the known universe, it does just what you'd expect of it." "But why's it so big?" Tenchi asked. "Well, I thought I'd accelerate this one's growth, just to ensure it wouldn't become too dangerous. The last thing you want is an 800 ton plant with manic depression on the loose, is it?" she giggled. For some reason, Tenchi imagined that would appeal to Washu. He could imagine her in a Gojiira movie, touting a massive death ray to kill the big guy, or in telepathic control of some freakish monster with designs on world digestion. But, despite its massive size, the plant did seem quite passive. It was quite pretty too, he noted, as it's main leaves and petals cycled through an array of colours and patterns. Its tendrils fluttered harmlessly. It almost looked like it was waving at them. "What do you intend to do with it, Washu?" he enquired. Washu beamed back at him. "Why, I want to give it to you, my favourite little Guinea Pig!" Ryoko barged past Tenchi at this, and began to wag a finger at the diminutive scientist. "Now listen here 'Mom,' I'm not gonna let you take that thing anywhere near Tenchi. It might eat him, or the house, or Ryo-Ohki. If you're gonna give it to anyone, give it to Ayeka - nobody would miss her." Tenchi was about to scold Ryoko for such a suggestion when Washu cut in. "Ryoko, who harvest the vegetables from the fields? Who tends and nurtures them endlessly so there are carrots for Ryo-Ohki and your own semi-worthless hide? Who looks after the houseplants par excellence? Who knows more about plant care than anyone else, besides myself?" "Tenchi! He's the greatest horticulturalist in the house!" cried a chibi mecha Washu from somewhere near Tenchi's ankles. Another popped up on Washu's shoulder. "Except for Washu - greatest genius in the whole Galaxy!" it shouted, doing a little victory dance on its perch. "Exactly. So I want my little Tenchi to look after it for a few days and let me know how it does outside of lab conditions." "Listen up Washu," Ryoko growled, "this thing is dangerous. You're not giving it to Tenchi!" "I need his help to complete this experiment, my girl. He doesn't' mind, do you Tenchi?" Tenchi found himself stammering. This could get nasty any second, and he didn't want to be stuck here if Ryoko threw one of her tantrums with Washu. Granted, they were never as protracted as her spats with Ayeka, but Ryoko always came out worse for it, usually waddling around the floor squawking 'Kappa! Kappa! Kappa!' " Ryoko... I d...don't mind helping," he began. He got no further. "Over my dead body." Ryoko pointed a hand at the heaving mass and began to charge an energy blast. All of a sudden, one of the thickest vines swept up from the floor. It wound twice around Ryoko's waist like some massive snake and lifted her into the air. She quickly phased out of its grip, only to reappear surrounded by more tentacles. Somehow the plant had figured out her destination point. They gave a sharp squeeze that stung her ribs and made her lungs burn. Ryoko hollered at the plant, unable to tear free quickly enough. She changed tack, and discharged the energy she was building up as electricity through the plant's tendril. The lab was bathed in harsh white light for a few instants. The plant responded, releasing a horrible screeching sound like metal being torn apart. Its central blossom began to change shape. It flattened out, like a huge fan, then sprung open to reveal an ugly set of dripping teeth. It had turned into a monstrous flytrap, and it was about to swallow a very angry fly... 3 Tenchi darted forward. He had no weapon, but had to try something. He would have given anything to have taken the sword with him, but he hardly expected to be stuck in horror movie territory in his own home. He leapt at one of the tendrils holding the struggling Ryoko. He pulled at it with all his strength, but it refused to yield. A smaller arm struck him across the chest, sending him sprawling across the lab floor. At this moment Ryoko unleashed another bolt of electricity through the plant. Once again it roared, and Tenchi thought the roof might cave in under the deafening assault. "Get back, Tenchi!" Ryoko managed to gasp out. She tried to ignite her energy blade, but something was stopping her. Normally she would have chopped this overgrown tomato into a salad by now. Maybe it was poisonous, she couldn't tell. She braced herself as the vines shook her about again. She knew she could manage another discharge, but all it seemed to do was piss the thing off. Washu sure knew how to mess things up, she thought. She decided to try it all the same. It was about the only gambit she had left. Electricity arced once again around the lab. Tenchi shielded his eyes against the glare. Why wasn't Washu doing anything? Maybe the plant had got her already? He tried to shake the thought from his head. He looked around for a weapon, and his hands came to rest on a length of pipe. He thought about the first time he'd met Ryoko. He'd been forced to defend himself with an iron bar then. That had proved totally useless against Washu's daughter. He swore if he got out of this in one piece he was going to have serious words with that little maniac Washu. He steeled himself, and charged at the raging plant, pipe held high. Ryoko found herself suddenly free and flying. She caught a glimpse of Tenchi, battering at the waving tendrils with a stick or something. Maybe he had distracted it enough to release her, or it had decided on attacking another plaything. Either way, she had to rescue him. She formulated a flight path through the vines. Her plan was to duck and weave to Tenchi, pick him up and get clear of the monster. Then she'd spark up the sword and show this thing how a real chef slices and dices. With a warcry, she shot down towards Tenchi. Tenchi heard a yell, and looked up, just in time to see Ryoko flying down at him. He reached out a hand to her, only to find his legs swept out from under him. He fell back, powerless as the huge flytrap jaws darted out and caught Ryoko around the waist. She had time for one last scream of rage and frustration, then the jaws engulfed her with an audible slurp. "Ryoko!" Tenchi cried out. The lights flicked back to normal in the lab. The plant began to morph back into its passive form. Tenchi could see a Ryoko-shaped lump lodged in the main blossom. Every so often it twitched and struggled. At least she was still alive, he thought. He looked around for something to try and cut her free with. His eyes finally settled on some kind of odd gardening tool. It looked long and maybe sharp enough to cut the plant's tissue open with. "Hold on Ryoko, I'm coming..." "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Tenchi," came a voice from behind him. He spun round to find himself looking at Washu. She was grinning like a cabbit that had got the proverbial carrot. He noticed that one of the plant's slim creepers was wrapped around her forehead. "I'm in complete control of the Empatho-Flower. And no, it won't harm Ryoko. It can't, in fact." "It can't?" Tenchi stammered. This was all very confusing. "Of course not!" Washu gaped. "What kind of a mother do you think I am? I'd never hurt my girl, Tenchi, no matter how much of a pain she can be." "Sorry Washu, but that was a bit scary no matter how harmless you say that thing is. Why did you make it attack her anyway?" Washu narrowed her eyes a little. "This is my lab. My world. She can be boss everywhere else, but here I'm in charge. And if I want you to help me with an experiment, it's your choice not hers. I know she's just trying to protect you, but just imagine what things would be like if I let her jump in front of you every time something bad might happen. You protect her from herself sometimes, and one day, if you can't protect her and I'm not around to bail her out something may happen to her," "I'd never let anyone hurt Ryoko, Washu." Tenchi interrupted. "I know that, Tenchi. But she needs to realize that even with Kagato out of the way and Nagi busy with other big fish she isn't invulnerable. I can't keep turning her into a Kappa - the novelty would wear off. And besides, I can't put her across my knee and spank her at her age, can I?" "So you sic a giant plant on her?" "How else do you spank a superbeing?" Washu asked. Tenchi couldn't think of a good enough answer, so he just nodded and left it at that. He thought about that for a moment, setting Ryoko across his knee and slapping her ass next time she blew something up or dodged her chores. The thought brought a smirk to his lips. "Tenchi, you hentai!" Washu chuckled and Tenchi turned bright red. "Doesn't take telepathy to know what's on your mind! But if you ever want to spank me Tenchi, you know you only need ask." She wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed. Tenchi tried to disentangle himself from Washu, and observed the Ryoko shaped bulge in the plant's mouth was going berserk. "If you want me to help you with this experiment, I will. But you have to promise to let Ryoko out of there." "Don't worry, I'll just let her cool off for a while. No point in letting her wreck something important because she's in a bad mood with me." Washu waved her hand and a hole opened in space. She reached in, and removed a small version of the Empatho-Flower. It was about a foot and a half tall, and looked more like a small tree than the sprawling jungle plant the larger one resembled. She dumped it into his arms. "It's very different," said Tenchi. Washu nodded. "Batch two. I took a few of the genes from the cherry trees out near the shrine. This one will give fruit if you're good to it. I'd be interested in any observations you have over their flavour and texture." Somehow, Tenchi didn't think he'd be eating any of Washu's experiments in a rush. She also tucked under his arm a device like an electronic notepad with some kind of probe attached. "You use this," she explained, "to measure all the different variables I'll need. Just push the probe into the soil, and it'll do the rest. It measures temperature, moisture level, soil acidity, photosynthesis levels, rates of cellular mitosis..." Cellular Mitosis! "You know about cellular mitosis, Washu?" Tenchi blurted. Washu smirked at him. "Of course, I am the greatest scientific genius in the known universe, and at least 42 unknown ones," she said proudly. "What I don't know about cell division isn't worth knowing." "Well, if I do this experiment with you Washu, will you give me some extra tutoring? I'm having a bit of trouble with my biology..." Washu wound her arms around Tenchi's neck. "I'll help you improve your 'biology' anytime, Tenchi!" "Washu!" "Ok, ok. I'll help you out. If you come down tomorrow night I'll set up a classroom and do what I can for you. Deal?" "Deal!" smiled Tenchi. The two shook hands. The huge, Ryoko-eating flower shook too, though not in a good way... Mondo's Notes... Ok, more a Lime flavour for this part. So sue me. I figured a little build up would be better than 'Tenchi fucks his teacher - the end." But will he? Or will that honour go to someone else? And what will everyone else do? And what's going to happen with that pot plant? Where's Noboyuki? What's Washu up to? Will we actually see any sex at all? Abide with your Uncle Mondo - all will be revealed... And 50 bonus points for anyone who can tell me Miss Yamaguchi's first name ;-) -Episode Two- "No Need For Cherries (part one)..." 1 Tenchi seriously needed to get some sleep, but he couldn't manage it no matter how hard he tried. The day had left him drained. After his fight (if you could call it that) with the giant Empatho-Flower, he managed to get the smaller specimen into his room without anyone prying into what it was of where it was from. It seemed harmless compared to Washu's gigantic prototype. In fact, it looked utterly benign sat on his bedside table, its slim branches waving in the gentle breeze coming through his window. He'd had just long enough to water it before Sasami called everyone to lunch. There had been no sign of Tenchi's father at the dining table, Sasami explaining that he'd agreed to put in a little overtime for the boss and phoned to say he'd be back sometime after dark. Everyone else had taken their seats on time, including the somewhat dishevelled- looking Ryoko. Her clothes had been soaked in plant sap and her usually immaculate hairstyle was flattened out and stiff like she'd taken a bath in hair gel. Ayeka found this most amusing, and had barely contained her mirth throughout dinner. Ryoko had, to her credit, not risen to any of the jibes of chuckles levelled at her. Instead she had sat beside Washu in near silence, looking for all the world like a child defeated. Tenchi wasn't sure what Washu had said to her after releasing her from the flower's grip, but it must have made something of an impact. After Sasami's usual feast, Ryoko had gone without question to help the little princess tidy up and do the dishes. Ayeka had taken advantage of this situation to get some time to herself with Tenchi, but Ryoko's state had him distracted. "Tenchi, are you listening?" Ayeka asked as politely as she could. He'd been staring into space and nodding for at least ten minutes now. "Uh, sure. Of course I am," he nodded, "I'm just worried about Ryoko. She's acting very strange, don't you think?" "Perhaps Washu taught her some manners," she muttered, not pleased at not being the centre of Tenchi's world when she had him all to herself like this. She admonished herself for being so mean, but it was no less than that demon deserved. Tenchi hated it when they fought, and she did try as hard as she could to be friendly to Ryoko. Well, not always, but sometimes at least. "I suppose you're right, but you know her, she'll be back to her usual lazy self in no time. What happened to her in the lab, Washu won't tell me and Ryoko... well, you know we don't communicate that well, do we?" Tenchi nodded, and explained about the giant plant attack, but left out the part about Washu being in control of it and the small seedling she'd given over to his care. Ayeka shuddered at the thought. Even though being eaten by a plant monster must be very unpleasant, she couldn't help but crack a smile at the thought of the mighty Ryoko brought low by a houseplant. She filed the idea in her 'tease Ryoko with the knowledge later' file and turned back to Tenchi. "She was lucky to have you there to rescue her, Tenchi." Tenchi felt his face flush. "Well, it wasn't all me... Washu helped out too. All I did was distract it a little." Ayeka smiled, and looking over her shoulder to make sure Ryoko couldn't see, she took Tenchi's hand and squeezed it. "From what you say, you were very brave, Lord Tenchi. Whatever the case, fortune put you there. It may have been much worse if you hadn't tried. Grandfather will be proud of you." "How is Grandpa?" asked Tenchi, "I've been studying so hard I've missed a few of our practice sessions." Ayeka chuckled at this. "He's noticed. He told me to tell you if you don't visit him soon he's going to come down here and drag you up to the shrine! I think he's missed seeing you." "I'll go up the day after tomorrow," he concluded, "Washu's giving me a bit of extra tuition on science. I just hope I survive it." "Are you having trouble at school, Tenchi? I thought science was one of your best subjects?" "It was," he sighed, "but I'm having problems with my new teacher. She's more than a little distracting." Ayeka's face slipped for a second. Do you ever know what to say, Tenchi? Baka, baka, baka... "She?" Think man, get yourself out of this... "Miss Yamaguchi. She's a new teacher, and... and, well, she's very pretty, but she's just not as good as our old teacher, Mr Kobaiyashi." Tenchi smiled uneasily, wondering how Ayeka would react. She was silent for a moment before she spoke. "If she is new, then you should make some allowances for her. She must need to settle into her new position. I imagine being a teacher is very hard, Tenchi. I'm sure I couldn't do such a thing." Tenchi nodded in agreement. "I guess you're right, Ayeka." Ayeka stood up, straightened her kimono, and turned to face Tenchi. "Is she prettier than me, Tenchi?" she asked. "Of course not, Ayeka," Tenchi ventured, "she's just different. She's much older than you." Ayeka smiled, but Tenchi could see there was some sadness behind it. "I should go and help Sasami in the kitchen. Excuse me, Lord Tenchi." She walked past him and out of sight. Tenchi tried to say something, but it was too late. He sighed to himself. One of these days he would learn what to say around females. Even when he tried to be tactful it came out badly. He understood Ayeka's hurt look perfectly - he'd practically told her she was a girl, while he was interested in women. If he was honest, he was attracted to Ayeka, but thinking about her that way just didn't seem right. She was, after all, a princess. She seemed above that to Tenchi. The only man that could would have to be a prince too. Ok, he was a prince, but he'd always just be plain old Tenchi Masaki to himself. He thought about how, in his younger days, his interest in girls had been limited to pulling their hair and dropping worms down their backs. Now, with maturity came more difficult feelings. Girls were interesting in other ways now, and while it still was about making them squeal, it was in a much more pleasant way. But catching the girl before someone else did was the bind. He smirked ironically; life remained a playground, just the games changed. Besides, someone as beautiful as Miss Yamaguchi was bound to be married by now. Plus the age gap would make him less than appealing. And he was surrounded by plenty of girls at school, and he was sure some of the girls he lived with would be more than willing to run slow enough for him to catch them. Maybe this was the wrong time altogether to bother thinking about relationships - he had to concentrate on his studies. But he did have a constant reminder of the game every time he came home, and then temptation to play was strong. His remaining quandary was how to choose. Ryoko was funny, playful, overtly sexual, while Ayeka was much more reserved, more ladylike. They had both made it clear on countless occasions that they held him in high regard, but something held him back. He was afraid, if he was honest. Tenchi had never truly been intimate with a girl. Of course, he had kissed a couple, held hands with a few, but had never gone any further. He had been kissed by both Ryoko and Ayeka before, but the thought of pressing either of them to move from first to second base worried him. Ryoko would probably think nothing of jumping straight from first to home, and passing second with Ayeka would seem sordid. Kuso! Why was it so difficult? "Tenchi?" He broke out of his reverie and looked up. Ryoko stood before him. She still looked drained and depressed. "Mind if I sit here?" she said. Tenchi nodded and she crashed into the sofa beside him. She exhaled hard, like the effort of sitting down was too much for her. "Are you sure you're ok, Ryoko? You look awful," "Oh, gee thanks, Tenchi." For a moment his face fell, but then he saw she was grinning at him, albeit in an exhausted looking way. "Don't worry about me. It'd take more than one of Washu's inventions to finish me off." "You still look a mess, though. Why don't you take a hot bath? It might make you feel better." She turned round to face him and cocked an eyebrow. "It might if you came with me, Tenchi." He rolled his eyes. "Don't you ever quit, Ryoko?" "No, not on you. Not ever. Besides, the bath might take some of the aches out, but not others." Tenchi looked at her curiously. Ryoko actually looked like she might cry at any moment. Her head hung low and her shoulders were slumped forward. Tenchi couldn't help himself. She looked so sad he had to do something. He put an arm about her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. "This isn't like you, Ryoko. What's really wrong? It can't just be that fight with the plant, can it?" "Partly, at least. While I was inside it I got exposed to a lot of empathic fluid. I'm temporarily 'more sensitive to emotional feedback from other living beings,' or so Washu says. And once she let me out and gave me a ticking off for messing with her inventions, I kinda took it to heart. She made me realize a few things." "Like what?" asked Tenchi. "Like I didn't think about you. You could have been hurt by that thing, and it would have all been my fault. And I never want to hurt you, Tenchi. Washu made me see how badly it could have turned out. And at least the plant she gave you is too small to eat you. I'm just... sorry. I'm sorry." Tenchi was flabbergasted. Ryoko had just shown him a little of what lay beneath all the brashness and inability to take things seriously. He quickly grasped one of her hands. Her fingers laced round his in a second. "You don't need to apologize, Ryoko. I know you wouldn't hurt me intentionally. If you want me to forgive you, it's done. It was done the moment Washu told me you'd be ok. But I wouldn't hold anything against you. I couldn't be mad at you for long, Ryoko." "Thanks Tenchi!" she beamed. "I'll take your advice and take that bath. You know you're more than welcome to..." "You know, you're worse than your mother sometimes!" Meanwhile, behind them in the kitchen, Ayeka watched from over the counter. She scowled at the back of Ryoko's head. Typical, she thought, she nearly gets Tenchi hurt and he forgives her in a second. Sasami stood in front of her, holding out a stack of bowls, but Ayeka didn't see her. Why can't he be like that with me? "Ayeka, can you put these back for me, I can't reach?" said Sasami, louder this time. Ayeka looked back at her sister and nodded once. "Of course, Sasami." She took the bowls from her sister and put them back on the shelves, but her eyes were still on Tenchi... 2 Tenchi finally managed to drift off to sleep. His breathing became deeper, slower, and tides of feelings and half-senses carried him into dreams. All was still and dark, silent save the gentle ticking of the wallclock and the warm red glow of Tenchi's digital alarm. Beside the clock sat the Empatho-Flower. Bathed in the light of the alarm clock display it looked a little more sinister, but a small plant all the same, not some huge maneater. The plant lightly moved in the darkness. While it couldn't actually see, it could sense the world around it clearly. It made out shapes in the shadowy room. The wardrobe, a desk, the open window that provided a cascading flood of sparkling gasses to its leaves. It flexed a little more, enjoying the play of air across its surfaces. Nearby there was a coruscation of light, occasionally changing through blues and greens. It recognised this as the brain of the being that had given it water earlier. It could make out its form through the light material that covered it. It was made up of threads of white, pulsing slow and rhythmic. Its benefactor was sleeping. The plant gave a harder flex, and its central bough split into three. The three arms splayed outwards to make room for a single tulip-shaped blossom that began to develop at its core. The plant began to suck in more of the gas about it, converting it into matter to feed its sudden growth. Leaves receded and were replaced by large filter-fans, pulling in anything it could transform into more mass. One of the three limbs began to snake outwards, reaching slowly towards the sleeping creature's brain. It extended, stretched, questing forward until its tip sat a few inches from the play of inviting light. With a light pop, the end of the tendril split, opening out into a cage-like group of tiny threads that settled softly over the colours. It began to read the brain's patterns. Although the plant was not truly intelligent, it could understand the emotions passing through the other creature's mind instinctively. The lifeform was comfortable, relaxed, and utterly unaware of the examination taking place. Alien signals passed into the plant's developing 'mind,' feelings that were hot and prickly. Its stems changed accordingly, becoming a swarming blur of black and red, settling into a pattern like molten rock. Its sap became sugary and dark, now moving more like blood through an animal's veins. It began to blast hormones into the atmosphere, stimulating a stronger response from the sleeper. Tenchi slumbered on, oblivious to the plant's movements. Somewhere in his mind he was back at school. He was sat at his desk, as usual, but for some reason the classroom was empty. Outside, the sky was becoming a deep blue and the room lights were turned off. Everyone must have gone home. He stood in the dream world, contemplating whether or not to leave. Suddenly there came the sound of footsteps in the corridor, the steady clack of heels on linoleum. Tenchi froze. Outside, in the real world, he murmured to himself. Tenchi had experienced this dream before. Any moment now, Ryoko would launch herself through the nearest wall or floor, energy sword burning, and Tenchi would wake up with a start. He had this nightmare every so often, and although he knew Ryoko wasn't really a monster he couldn't help but go over this first encounter again and again. The classroom door swung open, and a dark figure filled the void. Tenchi looked round for a way out, but could see none he could use in time. The lights snapped into life. Tenchi cringed. "Mr Masaki, are you here for a reason?" Tenchi opened his eyes to find himself staring at Miss Yamaguchi. She was wearing her white lab coat and her usual high heels. He tried to think of something to say, but his mind seemed slow and sluggish. "Well, I'm waiting..." she said, her voice as honeyed and smooth as always. She looked him up and down, and broke into a wide smile. "I see, you're here for some extra credit. Trying to get into your teacher's good books, I guess? Well, if you're here to learn something, at least you've dressed for the occasion." Tenchi looked confused for a moment before he actually looked down at himself. His heart almost stopped at the realisation he was dressed in nothing but his shorts. He began to stammer, fighting to force out words that wouldn't come. "Don't worry, I am a teacher. I know what you're going to say." "Y... you do, Miss Yamaguchi?" Tenchi spluttered. She flashed her teeth at him. "Of course. You were going to say 'Teach me, Mistress,' weren't you?" and with a flourish she cast off the lab coat. Tenchi's eyes almost leapt from his head. His teacher was almost as naked as he was. Under the coat she was wearing only sheer black lace. The bra she wore barely covered her nipples, both of which strained visibly at the taut material. It was laced at the front with a simple pink ribbon. Tenchi was sure the slightest touch would free them. Miss Yamaguchi's breasts were larger than he'd imagined, and the sight of the unrestrained by the usual tight blouse made his blood pound away from his brain and directly to other places. He managed a glance downward, and noted her panties were similarly small, laced at each hip. The material was so translucent he could make out almost every detail of her sex. He swallowed. Hard. "Shall we begin, Mr Masaki?" she purred. She took hold of his shoulders, and pulled him into her arms. In the meantime, while Tenchi dreamt on, the plant began to translate the information it was gathering into more hormones. These triggered a sudden burst of growth. The soil in the pot trembled and a set of smaller blossoms forced their way into the air. These sprung open into bright scarlet flowers, each with eight elegant petals. The central tulip became hugely distended, but instead of flowering like the others it darkened further, becoming almost pure black. Veins erected in its surface as it toughened. Inside the bulb, complex molecules began to writhe and reshape into a new form. Tenchi turned over in his sleep, his body responding to the uncomfortable weight his position was putting on his burgeoning erection. The plant manoeuvred its sampling limb, continuing to monitor the rapidly changing brainwaves coming from him. It suddenly stiffened, aware of something else. Another lifeform was approaching. It couldn't sense its position, but it was definitely getting closer. It became as still as it could, sliding it's thin sensory vine beneath the head of the sleeping Tenchi. Hopefully its feeding would not be noticed. The plant suspended all functions, save the retrieval of brainwaves, and waited. Ryoko drifted from room to room. She felt tense, listless. She had been sleeping soundly on the beam above the living room she had claimed as her bed upon her arrival in the Masaki household when something had woken her. She couldn't tell what it was, but paranoia had gotten the better of her at once. When Tenchi wasn't in her dreams, other people were; Nagi and Kagato. Usually she woke from one of those dreams with her sword ready and a sudden fear that someone else was in the room with her. She would then scout the house perimeter, just in case, before returning to sleep. It wasn't as though she was afraid of Nagi, but the thought that she might return one day and harm the people she cared about was far worse than the possibility of loosing a fight. So she now found herself prowling the house, aware of something but unsure what. She phased up a floor. Still nothing. There was an unusual smell hanging in the air. It wasn't unpleasant, in fact it was quite lovely. It reminded her of the times Sasami made cookies. It was sweet and delicious. Ryoko's mouth began to water. She pushed her head through the door leading to Noboyuki's room. Even in the dark, the room was as clear as day to Ryoko. Tenchi's father had slumped forwards in bed, face first into the pages of some Shoujo book. Others were scattered over the bed covers. Figures. She next ducked through into Ayeka and Sasami's room. Sasami was curled up with Ryo-Ohki. Ryoko smiled at this. Sometimes she wasn't sure who her spaceship actually belonged to. Beside them both lay Ayeka's futon. The princess was asleep, but she was murmuring softly to herself. Every so often one of her legs twitched beneath the covers. Ryoko looked down at her household nemesis. Like this, Ayeka was much more bearable - she wasn't talking. Near the side of the bed was a small picture in a frame. Ryoko floated over and scooped it up silently. The jewelled frame was probably worth a fair amount on Earth, but out there it'd be something to give away as a gift to a distant colleague. Diamonds glittered in a silver oval, surrounding a photograph of Ayeka and Tenchi. Ryoko remembered Noboyuki insisting they all sat with Tenchi for photographs that day. It hadn't been long after their arrival on Earth, just before Mihoshi had turned up. Ryoko knew exactly where her picture was. She reached inside her striped robe and pulled it out. Tenchi looked a little uneasy in her picture, but it didn't matter. This way, Tenchi was always near her. She sighed and slipped it back out of sight. Ayeka suddenly let out a low moan. Ryoko started, turning back to the princess. She leaned over Ayeka, trying to make out what she was saying. The sleeping girl shuddered again. Must be some nightmare, thought Ryoko, hope it doesn't end too soon, princess. She held the laughter in somehow. Ayeka mumbled again, clearer this time. "Ohhh... Tenchi..." Ryoko held back the temptation to kick Ayeka in the rump. She put the picture back beside the futon and leaned in close to the princess's ear. "That's the closest you're ever going to get to him, sweetheart. Enjoy it." Ryoko slid through the door into Tenchi's room. The sweet scent was almost overpowering in here. Ryoko wondered if he'd been burning incense or those elaborate scented candles Mihoshi liked buying. She quickly looked round, checking he wasn't still awake. While she visited Tenchi's room often, sometimes while he slept, he usually didn't like her appearing unannounced when he was awake. She'd caught him on several occasions reading the magazines he kept hidden away from prying eyes, and once or twice she'd caught him doing more than just look at the pictures. She always offered to help him with the task at hand, but he tended to freak out a little. So now she always checked, just in case something was happening she could enjoy watching without being caught. Tenchi was sound asleep. She could hear his breathing, deep and regular from her position. Ryoko decided to risk a closer inspection, so she drifted fully into the room. Holding herself directly above him, she looked down at Tenchi. His face was so serene and inviting. The idea of kissing him flooded her mind, and she barely managed to stop herself, her nose a few inches from his. She reached up and gingerly stroked his hair. He was so beautiful. Tenchi rolled onto his back, letting out a gentle murmur. Ryoko darted back, afraid she had woken him. She held her breath, expecting a sudden burst of harsh words, but none came. Tenchi slept on, and Ryoko breathed a sigh of relief. She floated back over him, and resumed watching. The more she stared at him, the more charged her thoughts became. Her mouth became dry and she could feel her skin beginning to break out in sweat. She wondered what it would be like to have sex with Tenchi, to be in that bed with him, his arms around her. She closed her eyes and stroked her lips, imagining his mouth pressed to hers. She felt an uncomfortable warmth between her legs and she ground her thighs against one another, relishing in the sensations building inside her. She opened her eyes, just to be sure Tenchi hadn't woken. She swiftly phased her clothing off her body and began to roam her skin with her hands. This was not the first time she'd done this in Tenchi's room. In fact, she'd done it a few times while he slept. Usually she came to his room to play while he was at school, and everyone else was working. She liked to sprawl across his bed and wrap herself in his sheets, bathing in the scent of his body. She would then rub herself through the material, pushing it between her lips and biting it gently, slipping a finger inside herself and wishing he was there. She would say his name over and over into his pillow, feeling her thighs twitch and shudder with impending orgasm. Once she had satisfied her need, she would make his bed as he'd left it, straightening the sheets and turning the pillow. She would sometimes touch her slick fingers to it, hoping Tenchi would return and perhaps catch a trace of her arousal on it as he lay in the futon, and in turn caress himself and think of her. Unfortunately, her senses were many times sharper than his, and the chances of him picking up her scent were slim. "Oh, wake up Tenchi," she whispered, "can't you see I need you?" Her skin felt like it was on fire. It itched to be kissed, touched, soothed by another. She was a little unnerved by this. She'd never felt anything quite so fierce before. The animal part of her brain screamed at her to simply straddle him right there, regardless of whether he wanted it or not. Part of her, that deepest, most primitive fragment, told her to help herself. But her heart wanted him to take her, to sweep her into a kiss that would last an eternity. She cupped her breasts and squeezed them, feeling the nipples jutting against her palms, each almost painfully sensitive tonight. Her thighs felt slippery, so she reached down and touched her labia. Just a light stroke made her breath hiss out ragged between her teeth. She looked at her fingertips, and they glistened in the dim light of the room. She'd barely begun to pleasure herself and she was already more than halfway to her destination. She inwardly prayed she could keep quiet, because if Tenchi really did wake up now, no amount of explanation could get her out of this. Her eyes took in his outline, softened by the bedlinen. Ryoko traced the shape of his taut chest, his strong arms, his slim waist. She noticed the sheets jutted upwards over his groin, and she broke into a huge grin. You can feel it too, can't you Tenchi? You do want me like I want you. With a trembling hand she reached down, barely resting her hand over him. She could feel how hard it was, could sense the blood pounding through it. She stroked his penis very lightly. Tenchi gave a little groan, but didn't wake. Ryoko was glad Tenchi was a heavy sleeper sometimes. She took the bedcovers in both hands and slipped them down a little. Tenchi still showed no signs of waking. She slid them lower still, right up to the point where she could see the whole of his bare chest, rising and falling. Ryoko risked moving it a little more, and then a little further still, until she finally uncovered his shorts, which were being pushed upwards into a very inviting mound. She rubbed it with a fingertip, finding the position of the buttons that stood between her and her goal. She softly pinched them open. Tenchi's erection sprung free. For a moment, Ryoko could only stare at it. She had never seen Tenchi so closely before, her face a scant inches from his skin. She soaked in every detail; its length, girth, the position of the veins that threaded through its surface. The head glistened, as inviting as a jewel to Ryoko. She thought how it would feel inside her. How Tenchi would feel inside her. She bit her bottom lip hard. It was becoming too much for her. Her pulse raced and she found herself trembling all over. Her juices ran down the inside of her thighs. She had to come, right now. Without another thought she thrust two fingers into the wetness and began to loose herself in pleasure. She felt her being falling into a hole, everything receding into a blur around a central, crystal-clear focal point. Tenchi. She needed to scream his name. She managed to teleport out of Tenchi's room, out to some lonely space in the garden. The cool night air stung her naked skin, but she ignored it. Her muscles clenched around her digits and she let out a cry of utter release, it might have been his name, but she was so lost in the moment she wasn't sure. Ryoko hovered out by the pond for a few moments, trying to force her breathing to return to normal. Her pulse began to slow down, and finally she felt she could actually place her feet on the damp grass below without falling over. She stood for a moment, looking back at the window she knew was Tenchi's room, then looked at her slippery fingers. She brought them up to her lips and kissed them, tasting herself, her excitement. She sighed, and slowly floated back towards the house. She wasn't quite satisfied yet though, and Ryoko could tell tonight was going to be a long night. Meanwhile, somewhere in subspace, Washu lay back on a huge round bed, it's surface dotted with cushions and pillows. She was dressed in a simple white bathrobe, and was idly tapping away at her holo-keyboard. Behind her and the bed sat the huge Empatho-Flower. It had modified itself enough to resemble a monstrous copy of the plant in Tenchi's room. A slim creeper was wrapped around Washu's brow. Her face was flushed, but grinning from ear to ear. She took a sip at a cup of sake, and let out a whistle. "I'm glad I made these things capable of sending information to one another. It's been a while since I felt like that, plus the data I correlated tonight could be invaluable. Good thing that daughter of mine didn't wake him with her antics. Not that I really blame her." The two chibi-mecha Washus appeared on her shoulders. "How could he resist you, Washu?" one shouted. "The most beautiful genius in the Universe!" the other added. Washu giggled to herself a little. "I guess that Earthling saying 'Like Father, Like Son' really applies here. You really are a little hentai, Tenchi. Well, if you liked your teacher before, just wait until you sit Washu 101..." 3 Ayeka stifled a yawn and stretched. She was trying to stave off the need to get out of bed for as long as possible, but Sasami had already been downstairs for a good twenty minutes and the call for breakfast would come soon. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to remember every detail of her dreams. She knew that Tenchi had been in them, and that thinking about whatever happened in the dream brought a flush to her face. Whatever they had been doing, it must have been good. She recollected something about her 'surrender,' and then Tenchi had carried her to his bedroom. After that... well, exact memories weren't totally necessary in this case. Smiling to herself, she sat up and looked over at the picture of Tenchi she kept by her futon. She ran a fingertip gently over the glass, touching Tenchi while a gulf of glass and dimension separated them. "Oh, " she whispered to herself, "I know you'd be wonderful." She shook her head, chiding herself for being silly, and quickly slipped on a kimono. She glanced over to the mirror, checking her hair and face. Her hair could use brushing, but that could wait until after breakfast. She stepped into her slippers and left the room, allowing herself one last glace back at Tenchi's picture before sliding the door shut. As she pattered down the stairs she noticed something over the scents drifting up from the kitchen. There was a trace of a perfume of some kind, sweet and fruity, drifting about. She remembered something about fruit from her dream, but couldn't remember what. She could imagine something to do with fruit involving Tenchi, but simply ended up blushing and giggling to herself. Above her, she could see Ryoko, still asleep on her rafter. She saw the lazy creature curled up with her legs wrapped round her pillow, gently snoring. The remnants of a bottle of sake and an overturned drinking bowl by the sofa were evidence enough for Ayeka that Ryoko had spent the small hours boozing it up. At least that meant that Ayeka wouldn't have to chase her out of Tenchi's room today. "Morning Ayeka," sang out Sasami, "did you sleep well?" Ayeka nodded. "Yes thank you, Sasami. I had a very... strange dream though." "You too? I had a funny dream too. Tenchi was in it." Ayeka nearly missed the bottom stair and fell on her face. She managed to keep her balance, but not without a little arm waving. "Did you?" she wavered. "Yeah. Tenchi and I were fishing in the pond, but all we could catch were strawberries! And they were as big as my head. That's funny, isn't it?" Sasami held out a cup of tea to her sister, who looked very red-faced. Sasami reached up and held her palm to her sister's forehead. "What's wrong, Sasami?" "You look so red Ayeka, do you feel alright?" Ayeka nodded quickly. "I'm fine. I'm still a little sleepy I guess. Where's Tenchi? Isn't he awake yet?" Her sister shook her head. "He's not up yet. Do you want to go wake him while I try and wake Ryoko?" Ayeka's heart gave a little jump. "Alright, I'll be back soon Sasami," she said, trying her best not to sound excited. She practically ran up the stairs and dashed round the corner until she was facing Tenchi's door. She caught another whiff of the strange odour, but decided it was nothing. She gently knocked on the door. "Tenchi? Are you awake?" There was no answer. She knocked again, a little louder this time. Still no reply. She reached out for the door handle, but she stopped halfway. Tenchi could be doing anything in there, she reasoned. She couldn't just walk in. That would be more Ryoko's style. In fact, Ryoko would already be in there. She wouldn't care if Tenchi was dressing, or undressing, or working, or anything for that matter. And she gets all the attention for it... Ayeka slid the door open. She was struck by a wave of the fragrance she had caught outside. Here it was so powerful it stung her nose like she'd inhaled sharply over a bottle of liquor. Intense as it was, it was undeniably lovely. She had never smelt an incense quite so potent before. It made her feel even more uneasy about entering the room, as if she was going to share a romantic moment with anyone she would use something like this to add to the ambience. She stepped inside, and quickly slid the door closed. With the curtains closed Tenchi's room remained a cluster of dim shapes. Ayeka could clearly make out Tenchi, sprawled out across his futon. She took a step towards him, wondering if she should gently shake him. She thought about the children's story that she and Sasami had watched once. It that, a prince had woken a sleeping princess with a kiss. She thought about it for all of a second; she couldn't possibly do something like that without Tenchi's permission. That was more like Ryoko's style. She stepped round the bed, carefully avoiding a pair of discarded jeans and a slipper, and moved to the curtains. Every breath she took in the room filled her with hot, improper thoughts about the sleeping boy behind her. Ayeka wondered why she was feeling like this. Her feelings were usually kept tightly bound, held as close to her chest as a winning hand, but today she wanted to throw them wide open. The perfume was making her not think rationally, and no matter how nice it was she had to tread carefully here. The last thing she wanted to do was offend or embarrass Tenchi. With a final deep breath she threw open the curtains and pushed the window fully open. She grudgingly exhaled, took a lungful of fresh air, and turned back to face the bed. She was about to say something like 'Rise and shine, Tenchi,' but words wouldn't form. She just stood, mouth gaping. The bedcovers had slipped off during the night, and his entire body was exposed, and while he was wearing a pair of black shorts they had somehow become unfastened and his penis was jutting out into the world beyond. While Ayeka was quite aware of the facts concerning men's bodies, she was not quite prepared for seeing Tenchi's. Her face boiled, and she was painfully aware of her pulse pounding in her ears. A part of her wanted to bolt from the room and forget about waking him, while another told her to stay and drink in every detail. Granted, this was a less than dreamy situation, but the sight of him like this inflamed pangs of carnality in the pure princess. She imagined holding it, stroking it, mounting it. She thought of all the erotic situations she used to occasionally giggle and gossip about back at the palace. She even thought of the time she'd accidentally tuned into a late-night TV movie, which had taken a turn for the explicit halfway through and she'd been forced to turn it off the moment the heroine had removed her bra. Even though a part of her had wanted to watch more, it wasn't proper to observe such things. They were for the bedroom and nowhere else. She moved back towards the foot of the bed and wondered what to do. She couldn't leave him like this. What if Sasami walked in to find out what was keeping them, or worse, if Ryoko was awake and came up to see what the prim and proper member of the royal bloodline was doing with an unconscious young man who was more than a little uncovered. She thought about trying to fasten his underwear for him, but that would look even worse if she was caught. Plus that would mean she would have to touch 'it'. Better to simply pull his sheets back over him and slip out unnoticed. Ayeka picked up the sheets from the floor and began to draw them up over Tenchi. Her movements were slow, partly because she couldn't risk waking him, and partly from her desire to look at him like this for as long as possible. She knew it was rude to violate his privacy like this, but she couldn't resist. Ayeka gave his penis one last look before covering it, drawing the sheets up to the middle of Tenchi's chest. She watched it rise and fall. At least touching his skin here wouldn't be taken too far out of context. She just had to, needed to, or she was afraid she might explode. She was painfully aware of how fast her heart was beating. She also felt something else, a warmth growing inside her that she only knew too well. She was becoming aroused, right here next to him. She had to leave. She trailed the fingers of her right hand over his chest for a second, feeling the soothing warmness of his skin. "I'm sorry, Lord Tenchi," she whispered, and without another word she slipped from the room, slamming the door just loud enough to pull Tenchi from sleep. He sat bolt upright, and looked round the room. He had been woken by Ryoko too many times to take chances with sudden noises. Not that he really minded her waking him in the morning, it was just when she did it undressed that bothered him. On one occasion she had actually been in the bed with him, naked and asleep. He'd almost screamed the house down in shock. There was no sign of anyone in the room. The curtains were open, as was the window. He could have sworn he'd closed them, but he had been very tired last night. Perhaps he'd just imagined doing it. He shrugged, stifled a yawn, and got out of his bed. He walked over to the window and gazed out over the pond. The view was unimpeded and everything was still quiet. Since he was at home for the weekend, he could expect to spend at least a few hours ducking the girls and attempting to prepare for his impending study session with Washu. Ayeka wouldn't be so bad, but Ryoko could be very insistent. It wasn't he didn't like it, it was just that sometimes Tenchi wished he could be in control of the situation. Indeed, sometimes the thought of letting Ryoko have her way with him was very, very appealing. Or Ayeka, for that matter. He stretched, popping the tension out of his shoulders. He felt the cool air wash over his skin, refreshing him and beginning to drive the sleepy feeling from his head. He also felt a little cold. He looked down, only to discover his dick had slipped out of his shorts during his sleep. Tenchi hurriedly fastened himself into respectability, silently relieved nobody had been outside to see that. Tenchi decided to check on his little charge. Washu would probably want reports every day, and she had agreed to help him with his science problem, so it was only right. He took a few paces towards the bedside table and almost died of shock. The plant had gone through an almost complete transformation. It was wider, with palm-like leaves around its base. There was a ring of red and violet streaked blossoms too, surrounding a huge black pod at the centre. He could no longer see the pot beneath the plant, it seemingly having doubled in size during the night. It was still too small to eat him, and it didn't look like it would anytime soon. He leant over it to take a closer look. Without warning, the black ovoid split, opening into four petals with a soft, wet sound. Tenchi leapt halfway across the room in terror. He knew the drill here - nasty creatures sprung out of things like this and clamped onto your face. He looked round for something to protect himself. He dove at the wardrobe, fishing about until his hands found the kendo equipment his grandfather had introduced him to a few months before. He put on the helmet and gloves, and looked back at the alien egg. There were no signs of movement near the plant. He took a step back towards the growth, only to step on one of his slippers. His heart leapt into his mouth and he let out a strangled cry. Upon realization that he hadn't squashed a living thing, he risked another look. Inside the pod were tight clusters of red orbs, like a handful of grapes or the inside of a pomegranate. With the thick gloves he tried to extract one. He failed, but the black egg split further, opening completely like an upside-down parasol. The red things spilled out, and Tenchi had a nightmarish thought that they could be curled up spiders. Instead, they turned out to be cherries, each one with a single stem but already detached from one another. Other than the unusual way they came into the world, they seemed totally normal. "Oh, Tenchi! What are you doing?" came a voice from behind him. Tenchi almost jumped out of his skin. Ryoko chuckled to herself. For some reason Tenchi was wearing something like a birdcage on his head, huge black gloves that made his hands look two sizes too big for his body and not much else. She looked him up and down, remembering everything about the night before. Her smile became enormous. "Now this is kinda kinky, Tenchi. But I'll try anything you like - twice! How do you play this game? Do I need a cage on my head too?" Tenchi pulled the helmet off and shot her a black look. Ryoko could barely contain her guffaws, but tried to look serious for him. "I was protecting myself, Ryoko. Something happened to Washu's plant during the night and I wasn't sure if it had become something dangerous." Ryoko's smile slipped and she became humourless. "I knew it! Damn that Washu. Let me take a look at it." She pushed Tenchi aside and looked down at the plant. There were no creepers, no teeth, just a collection of cherries. She picked one up and looked at it. "Looks deadly to me, Tenchi. Better put your cage back on," she sniggered. Before he could stop her she popped the fruit into her mouth. She chewed for a second, swallowed, and deftly spat the pip out of the open window. She beamed at him. "It tastes lovely! Really, I mean it! Try one!" Tenchi tried to say something, but she picked one up and forced it into his mouth. His teeth broke its skin and juice ran over his tongue. Delicious was an understatement. The fruit was like no cherry he'd ever tasted, it was sweet and rounded, with almost no acidity and a little punch that reminded him of an expensive liqueur he'd once tasted. He spat the seed into his hand and swallowed the flesh. "Gee... you weren't wrong... that was amazing. I'd better tell Washu..." he was halfway to the door before Ryoko put a hand on his chest. "Tenchi, don't you think you should put some clothes on before you head downstairs?" Tenchi felt his cheeks burn. "Ok, thanks Ryoko. I'll get breakfast first. I'll see you downstairs." "You mean I can't watch?" Ryoko teased, "If you let me stay, I'll feed you another cherry!" Tenchi put his hands on his hips and fired a warning shot off her bow. She refused to budge. "I'll even wear the birdcage for you, Tenchi!" "Ok, Ryoko, out of my room," he grabbed her shoulders, slid his door open and shoved her outside. "I'll be down in five minutes, now go downstairs!" Ryoko gave a little sigh, and drifted downstairs. She looked in her hand at the two cherries she'd palmed from the crop the plant had made and began to smile. They were too good to eat now, she decided. She was going to save these for later, in case Washu took all the others. One for her, one for Tenchi. And this time she wouldn't have to force him. They'd eat them together... Mondo's Notes... Ok, so we're getting warmer. Mild porno, R-rated stuff... Expect it to get even hotter in the next episode! Expect Tenchi and his 'sword' to be in even more hassle, another character popping in, Noboyuki actually getting a few lines, and plant-based trouble all round! Or, I could be bluffing... you'll have to wait and see. Completed with the aid of The Offspring's 'Want You Bad' 20 bonus points for spotting the other film homage. One was 'Alien', but what was the former? -Episode Three- "No Need For Cherries (part two)..." 1 The Yagami hung in geostationary orbit some four thousand miles above the Masaki household. It followed the rotation of the planet below it without error, going unnoticed by the inhabitant's primitive tracking devices and optical systems. At roughly the same time as Tenchi got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast, Kiyone was about to take a shower. She took a quick look at her face in the mirror and didn't like what she saw. The previous night had been a bit of a blur. She and Mihoshi had finished the paperwork concerning the Luton case, all eight hundred and twelve pages of it. They'd tracked Luton Ker and his gang of wannabe armed robbers on their spree of utter ineptitude for about three weeks before springing their trap. It should have gone smoothly, considering the stupidity of the gang, but instead it had turned into as much of a farce as the bank job Luton had just tried pulling, involving a grav-foil chase through a canal system that resulted in the damage or destruction of forty one civilian vehicles. Mainly due to Mihoshi's driving and poor aiming of a Kill-o-watt 70 plasma lance. Thus the fourteen straight hours typing and three bottles of sake and one of bourbon, thus the hangover, and thus the pink eyes gazing back at Kiyone in the looking glass. Her dark hair hung in lank coils and made her look even worse. On top of it all, she felt like she had the beginnings of a cold coming on. Her throat felt like she'd swallowed sawdust and sweat clung to the back of her neck. She'd felt a little ill the day before, but with this hangover it was impossible to tell if her condition was worsening or improving. Kiyone coughed a few times and glanced back towards the bedroom door. Inside the Yagami's sleeping quarters, Mihoshi was still sleeping. Kiyone had tumbled out of her berth, tried to stand up, fallen back to the floor and suddenly felt an irresistible urge to vomit. None of this had woken her partner, thankfully. The last thing Kiyone wanted was Mihoshi making a fuss of her. She had stumbled into the bathroom just in time to empty what little was in her stomach noisily into the toilet bowl, and after getting her breath back had decided on a shower to get rid of the scummy feeling that clung to her. Pulling off her nightshirt and panties, she stepped onto the metallic circle that was the cleansing unit and activated it by pressing her foot down on a raised disc at its far edge. Smooth curving glass swept up out of the floor to surround her, locking neatly into another disc in the ceiling. A holo-panel folded into being, and Kiyone tapped the button for dual water flow. She slid her finger across an ascending coloured arc that controlled water temperature, and then hit the largest button in the display. Water began to gently cascade down over her, and at the same time it jetted upwards out of the floor, splashing over her legs like a small fountain. She always found this program the most soothing, as everything was trapped in world of rainfall; every problem and worry shut out by the sound of softly falling water. Normally she opted for a setting that pounded her skin so hard it tingled afterwards, but she felt the need for gentle treatment. Her head felt like an eggshell, and her usual early morning wakeup call could crack it. She leaned into the glass and closed her eyes, hearing nothing but rainfall. Mihoshi woke up, and pushed herself upright in bed. She looked round the room for Kiyone, but there was no sign of her. Kiyone's bed was empty. Her partner had been very drunk last night, and she had helped her get undressed and into bed. Mihoshi wondered if she could have staggered off somewhere in the night and not woken her. Perhaps she had fallen over somewhere in the ship and hurt herself. "Kiyone! Kiyone, where are you?" she shouted. There was no answer. Mihoshi got out of bed, slipped a black towelling robe over her underwear, and padded through the Yagami's living quarters. There was no sign of her in the galley, or in the lounge. There were the remnants of two bottles of sake, and what looked like a whole bag of chips had been stomped into the rug. Mihoshi noted the time and flipped the Tri-D on. 'Aeons Of Our Lives' was beginning in a few minutes, and Mihoshi needed her daily dose of soap operas. Kiyone slid down the wall until she was sat on the shower floor. The water ran over her, plastering her hair to her face and back. The glass began to mist over, and coils of steam wound about her feet. She shut her eyes and drifted off inside her head. She imagined a world of perfection without a doe-eyed deadweight swinging around her neck. A world of simple cases and decorations for bravery. A world where Mihoshi took calls and made tea and filed reports, while Kiyone cruised the stars with a handsome blonde man who carried a big gun and a dry wit. As she began to doze off, her foot nudged the stud that regulated the water outflow. After a few moments the water began to pool across the shower floor, and slowly began to inch up the walls. Mihoshi put her ear to the bathroom door. Nothing. She remembered all the doors were soundproof when sealed. She hit the opening panel, and through the growing amounts of steam she could see someone sat inside the shower. "Oh, I'm sorry Kiyone! I'll be out here if you need anything... I... I'll just fix breakfast, ok?" She quickly ducked back outside and closed the door. Even though the two of them were partners, and had been for some time now, Mihoshi always felt a little embarrassed as they went through the motions of their lives. Getting changed and undressed in the same room always made her self-conscious of where she was looking. Her partner seemed to have no problems with getting undressed around Mihoshi or walking about half-naked, but Mihoshi just felt that it was inappropriate with her. To Kiyone, it seemed, nudity was not worth blushes in the workplace. Mihoshi thought that revealing one's body should only be done around those you trust the most, yet it seemed wrong around her partner. And while Mihoshi didn't feel any shame in sunbathing with little or nothing on, the rest of the time it seemed like your body should only be shared with those you were most intimate with. At least, that was the way it was in Tenchi's father's Shoujo books and the soaps she like to watch. But wasn't her partnership intimate? It confused her how she could feel so conflicted sometimes, particularly with someone who filled most of her waking moments. Mihoshi made some coffee, toasted a couple of bagels, and settled into her favourite chair. 'Aeons' had started, and she leaned back to soak up what she'd missed during the Luton case. The scene opened in a hospital ward. In the main corridor, Pochi paced back and forth. He looked troubled. A nurse bustled past, leaden with clipboards and notes. Pochi grasped her arm as she passed by. "Do you have any news on Popoko? Anything?" The nurse shook her head. "I'm sorry, she's still with the doctors. It seems labour is a little difficult." Pochi's eyes became huge. "Will she be alright? Please, tell me she'll be alright!" The nurse patted his arm. "Don't worry, she's in the best hands. Just try and stay calm, you should get news on her condition soon." Pochi managed a smile and sank back onto the bench in the corridor. So Pochi and Popoko were having a baby! Mihoshi's heart gave a little jump. The two lovers were finally getting what they had wanted for so long. It was like a fairytale to her, what every girl dreamed of; being swept off her feet by the man of her dreams, getting married and having babies. One day, Mihoshi hoped she could meet someone as lovely as Popoko had. A dynamic, brave and headstrong figure, with a hidden tenderness and a love for small animals. So far, only Tenchi fitted the bill, but he only seemed to have eyes for Ayeka and Ryoko. Even so, Mihoshi knew than someday her prince would come. As the commercials began she finished off her last bagel. She looked back at the bathroom door. Kiyone still hadn't come out. Mihoshi walked over to the door and opened it. Steam spilled out like a fog, clouding her vision for a few moments. She waved her hands a little in the hope of clearing the air a little. She could see the shower was still running, Kiyone was still sat on the floor. "Kiyone, you should come out now. You're going to turn into a prune if you stay in any longer." There was no reply. "Kiyone? Are you all right in there?" Mihoshi too another step towards the shower. All she could hear was the steady tinkle of water falling into water. She wiped the condensation off the outside of the glass wall, only to see the water wasn't draining away. It was up to Kiyone's ears and her face was slumped forwards into the rising fluid. "Kiyone! Shower: Emergency Open. Now!" Mihoshi yelled. The glazed walls slid back into the floor and the trapped water spilled out in a flood over Mihoshi. Kiyone fell back to the floor, showing no signs of life. Mihoshi darted to her partner's side. Kiyone did not seem to be breathing. Mihoshi quickly remembered her basic training, and without a second thought put her lips to Kiyone's and blew. Nothing. She quickly felt her neck for a pulse, but she couldn't find one. "Kiyone! Wake up, Kiyone!" Still nothing. She resumed mouth to mouth. On her third breath, Kiyone suddenly let out a whooping sound and retched out a lungful of water. She began to cough and spit, struggling against the spasms wracking her body. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was a mass of golden hair and a huge pair of blue eyes. She vaguely remembered something about fighting crime with a gorgeous blonde, and managed a weak smile. "Hi, beautiful," she managed to wheeze out. A pair of arms yanked her off the floor and into a bone-crushing embrace. Kiyone thought she was crying herself until she recognized the familiar sobbing of her real partner. Memory came back by degrees. The hangover. The cold. Taking a shower. She must have passed out. "Oh Kiyone! Don't scare me like that!" Mihoshi bawled, "I don't know what I'd do without you!" Kiyone found herself coughing into Mihoshi's ample cleavage. She tried to pull free, but was too weak. She resigned herself to the death-hug for now at least, and put her arms round her partner. "I'm okay now, Mihoshi," she said in muffled tones. Mihoshi looked down the woman in her arms. Kiyone was flushed bright pink all over. Her eyes looked misty and distant still. Kiyone's breasts were pressed against the inside of Mihoshi's arm, and she suddenly became aware of the nipples touching her exposed skin. She glanced down and caught a flash of dark hair between Kiyone's legs. Her stomach flip-flopped and she felt her face turning red. She touched the back of her hand to her partner's forehead. "You're burning up, you should be in bed." Kiyone tried to struggle to her feet, but her legs refused to hold weight, plus Mihoshi refused to let go of her. Mihoshi had an idea. She gently lay Kiyone back against the bathroom floor and shrugged off her soaking bathrobe. She turned, pulling a towel off the rack behind her, then slipped it beneath dark-haired girl's arms and wrapped it around her. Kiyone's body was covered, and Mihoshi felt her blushes pass. Then with strength that surprised Kiyone, Mihoshi lifted her from the floor and carried her back to bedroom. With one bare foot Mihoshi kicked the sheets off her bed and lay Kiyone on it. She then darted back to the galley and returned with a glass of water. She propped her partner up on her pillows and touched the glass to her lips. Kiyone took a sip, but her throat was still raw from all the coughing and she spluttered most of it back over herself. Mihoshi got a tissue and wiped Kiyone's lips. "You work so hard you don't know when you're sick, Kiyone. You rest and let me take care of you. I'll go down to Tenchi's and get some medicine from Little Washu. I'll make sure the reports get relayed back to HQ too." Kiyone tried to say something but her partner touched a finger to her lips. "No buts. You look after me so much, I should only look after you when you're so sick. I can handle everything." She embraced Kiyone once more, mashing her partner's face into her ample cleavage. Oh great, Kiyone thought. If I survive this, it'll be a miracle... 2 "... and that's why I came to see you all," finished Mihoshi. The Yagami had torn out of the sky a few minutes ago, roaring like a supersonic dragon, landed as near to the Masaki household as possible, and the next thing anyone knew Mihoshi was pounding on the door like the world was about to end. Tenchi had answered the door, and been promptly knocked down as the flustered Galaxy Police officer had charged into the house demanding to see Washu. "Kiyone's sick? Do you know what's wrong with her? She will be ok, won't she?" asked Sasami. "Of course she will, Sasami. That one's as tough they come, on that side of the law at least," piped in Ryoko, hanging upside down from her rafter. "Is there anything we can do to help, Mihoshi?" asked Ayeka. "Do you think you could ask Washu if she'd look at her for me?" begged Mihoshi. Tenchi wondered why she was making such a fuss. He'd gotten ill once before, and while everyone had blustered around trying to make him feel better, only Mihoshi had remained logical. In fact, all the other girls had panicked. "She keeps insisting she's ok, but she passed out this morning. She never takes these things seriously, always tries to keep working, but you should rest if you're ill. I can't make her understand, so I was kinda hoping Washu would." At that moment, the closet door swung open and Washu stepped out, dressed in her usual jacket, blouse and shorts, but this morning had Ryo-Ohki-shaped slippers flapping on her feet. She yawned, batted her big green eyes at the living room and was about to ask why everyone was staring at her whey she was cut off by Mihoshi diving at her and wrapping her arms around the scientist's waist. She then began to wail. "Pleeease will you check on Kiyone for me? Pleeease!! She's sooo ill!" The blonde girl then started sobbing into Washu's jacket. Washu gave a little sigh, tried to speak, but was cut off by more of Mihoshi's sobbing. She waved her left hand, opening a subspace pocket, and produced a box of tissues from it, which she shoved in front of Mihoshi's face. Mihoshi sniffled a bit and took one, giving Washu long enough to extract herself from Mihoshi's arms. "Your partner is feeling under the weather? Don't you Galaxy Cops have a health program? Why come to me? I'm not strictly a physician..." "But you're the closest Washu, and she's so sick I'm afraid she might get worse before we got to HQ." "That sick, huh?" said Washu looking at the others in the room. They all silently nodded back at her, having already suffered Mihoshi's second-by-second description of a person fainting and needing mouth-to-mouth. "Ok then, this sounds like a job for Nurse Washu!" Tenchi felt a pang of apprehension at this name. Washu, in her Nurse Washu costume, had once attempted to get a sperm sample from him, and while he was certain he might have enjoyed it, the rubber gloves, syringes and test tubes had made it seem more surgical than sordid. Washu took a large medical bag from one of her subspace voids and ushered Mihoshi back to her latest patient. As she disappeared through the front door she took a step back and shouted into the house. "Don't forget to rest up Tenchi - you'll need everything you've got for tonight's pop quiz, ok?" Tenchi squirmed inside at the innuendo, and the accusing looks Ryoko and Ayeka were giving him, but part of him thought the idea of extra-curricular activity with Washu seemed very appealing, although he couldn't really understand why. "Pop quiz?" hissed Ryoko and Ayeka, biting edges to their voices. All Tenchi could do was blush... Kiyone sat as still as she could while Washu poked and prodded at her. She had a halo of flashing lights clamped around her forehead, a cool metal rod jutting out from the edge of her lips and some kind of medical scanner strapped around her stomach. She was sat shivering in the lounge of the Yagami, wrapped in a white fluffy towel and little else. All the while Washu tapped away at blinding speed on a holo-pad, occasionally ooh-ing and aah-ing to herself. Kiyone wondered if the nurse's outfit was significant to the healing process or whether Washu just liked dressing up. Mihoshi was standing beside her bed, looking concerned. "Is she gonna be ok? Is she gonna be ok? Is she gonna be ok?" she babbled. "Hmmm," began Washu, "your body temperature is well above normal, and your glands are very swollen. The standard prognosis would be you've caught a virus of some kind, Kiyone." Tell me something I don't already know, she thought. "Is she gonna be ok? Is she gonna be ok? Is she gonna be ok?" "The only strange thing is that your antibodies are totally normal - no depletion, no imbalances, nothing. Your body isn't fighting anything in your bloodstream, so it more closely resembles the effects of a toxin. Have you come into contact with anything poisonous lately?" Kiyone could only shake her head weakly. "Is she gonna be ok? Is she gonna be ok? Is she gonna be ok?" Both Washu and Kiyone shot Mihoshi a venomous look, and she sheepishly went quiet for a minute. "I don't think so... no poison attacks, no poisonous suspects... nothing," mumbled Kiyone in a congested voice. Washu scratched her head. "Well, I think we need to do a full toxicology test, just to be sure..." She delved into her medical bag. After a minute of rummaging about she withdrew, holding a huge device this size of a chunk of Galaxy police ordnance. Where the business end would have been, there was a huge array of clear needles, each brimming with an oily fluid. Mihoshi took one look at the syringe and fainted dead away. "Thanks." "No problem." Washu reached into one of her ruffled jacket sleeves and pulled out a tiny mechanical hypo. "I'm going to need a little blood." Kiyone barely felt the device touch her arm. The glass ampoule filled with red fluid in a second and Washu locked it into an elaborate portable scanner. A holographic plate began to scroll vertically, flashing info at breakneck speed about the sample. After a few moments the screen began to flash yellow. "Got it!" beamed Washu. "What? What's wrong with me?" Kiyone enquired, more than a little concerned by the flashing lightshow. "You've been poisoned all right. My guess is your last case took you to a class six industrial planet, am I correct?" Kiyone nodded, the weight of the neural- halo beginning to make her neck ache. "Mihoshi and I busted some armed robbers on Venral Three. Thanks to her crappy driving I fell in a canal." "Probably swallowed some water too, I'll bet. There's trace heavy metals in your blood, as well as a slight saturation of chemicals. You'll live, but the next few days will be uncomfortable. You really need to sweat the toxins out of your system. Do you have a steam room on board?" "The shower has a sauna setting," Kiyone snuffled, "Good enough?" "Good enough. I'll leave some medicine with you that'll help you through this, but you need absolute rest." Her face became serious for a moment. "I do mean that. If you keep running full-tilt you could suffer minor organ seizure. And I for one wouldn't want to be around if your digestive system failed on you. I mean, the pain and the mess..." Washu shot Kiyone an evil smile. Kiyone raised her hands in supplication. "Ok, ok. I get the picture." Washu reached into a void and pulled out a tall bottle with a crab-shaped glass stopper. She placed it in Kiyone's outstretched hands. She then nudged the unconscious Mihoshi with her toe. "Get this worrywart to give you a spoonful before bed and one in the morning. And make sure she does everything for you. Consider it revenge for the way you feel right now." Both of them smiled at this. "That's good - keeping your spirits up will make the time pass quicker. And if you feel any worse, just call." Washu then stooped down to Mihoshi and cracked a capsule of smelling salts under her nose. Mihoshi jerked away from the sharp odour and sat up. "Oh, you passed out on us! Maybe you're sick as well, Mihoshi. Maybe I should run some tests on you too?" Washu laughed like a madwoman and hefted the huge medi-cannon onto her shoulder. Mihoshi blubbered in terror and promptly faded back into the realms of unconsciousness. Washu winked at Kiyone, who was trying not to laugh because it made her chest throb. "Consider it a gift - enjoy the silence, Kiyone, " she chuckled, "and remember, total rest. No chasing criminals, that's Nurse Washu's orders, miss!" Kiyone gave her a mock salute. "Yes ma'am!" Washu gathered up her gear and skipped out of the room whistling. A door appeared out of nowhere and she vanished through it. Once she was gone, Kiyone looked at the bottle of syrup she had been given. She unscrewed the cap and took a whiff of the contents, expecting something like effluent or toxic waste to sting her nasal passages. Instead they were caressed by something sweet and rounded. "Cherry?" she said to herself, bemused by the pleasant smell. She decided against getting a spoon from the galley and took a swig straight from the the bottle... 3 Tenchi had spent most of the day pouring over his textbooks, soaking up as much science as he could. He wanted to impress Washu as much as he could. Every so often he would look up at his potplant, half-expecting a new attack or transformation, but nothing happened. All he had to show for the night was a bowl of the odd cherries. He'd felt a little funny since Ryoko had forced him to eat one this morning, almost like he was walking on tenderhooks. He felt pensive and expectant, plus he kept getting aroused by the slightest thing. The taste of his breakfast had made his palms sweat, as had his lunch. Every time Ayeka had spoken to him or Ryoko had brushed up against him his cock had sprung into life. He'd already had to rush into the bathroom on two occasions, masturbation the only thing that seemed to make the feelings abate. Everything in the world was sharper, more obvious, and Tenchi wasn't sure he liked the feeling. Maybe the fruit contained some kind of narcotic? Whatever the case, he decided not to try anymore until he'd given them to Washu for testing. He checked his clock. The display read 18:27. Three minutes until his lesson. Washu had left a note on his door, demanding he wore his school uniform, with a long-winded reason about his thoughts being more focused if he took the entire experience for an actual lesson as opposed to a simulation. Tenchi took this as Washu simply being up to something. He was beginning to feel more than a little uneasy about being stuck alone with Washu for a length of time. He tried to push the feelings to the back of his mind. He picked up his schoolbag and the fruit and left his room. As he crested the stairs he saw everyone was sat watching television. Washu was absent. His father was sat between Ryoko and Sasami, pouring over a comic. Ayeka was fixing a cup of tea in the kitchen. The show was some kind of reality game show, with a group of contestants living in a self-contained apartment complex. Their every move was monitored by hidden cameras and devices. Tenchi thought his father would be watching the show taking notes, but he seemed disinterested. Probably knows everything about peeping already, he thought. The poor challengers were being forced to watch horror movies today, with the secret plan of the overseers being to spook them during the night with some creepy sounds and stunts with two-way mirrors "Hi there Tenchi!" squealed Ryoko. She vanished from the sofa and appeared behind him. He felt her arms wrap around his waist, and his pulse began to quicken. "Almost time for your lesson, yes?" Her voice purring into his ear set him alight inside. He wanted to just turn round and kiss her, take her in his arms and take her back to his bedroom. He shook his head to clear it and removed her hands. "Yeah... I hope Washu won't be too tough - I don't think I can remember any of what I've been reading all day," he moaned. "Well if she's mean, you let me know. I'm not too small to teach my mom a thing or two, Tenchi." "Good luck with the test, Tenchi!" shouted Sasami "Yeah, you show your teacher you've got what it takes, son," called Noboyuki "just keep calm, refer to your notes, and if all else fails, look at what the guy next to you is doing!" As he reached Washu's door Ayeka tapped him on the shoulder. She held out a steaming cup of tea. "It's camomile, Tenchi. It's good for calming nerves." He thanked her and took a sip. She looked at him expectantly, so he smiled and nodded. "It's very nice, Ayeka. Thank you." She stunned him with a full-beam smile. Tenchi's collar suddenly felt awfully tight. He tried to convince himself it was just the effects of the hot tea, and not his hormones racing out of control. He took another sip to avoid the conversation going on. Her voice was making him get hard, and the last thing he wanted was to walk into his class with Washu with an erection. She'd tease him all night over it. As if on cue, a bell appeared above Washu's door and gave two sharp rings. A voice sounded through the living room. "Could Mr Tenchi Masaki report to Miss Washu's classroom immediately! That means now, Tenchi!" He gave the cup back to Ayeka. "I'd better go. Wish me luck," he gulped nervously. "Good luck, Lord Tenchi," she whispered, and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. Tenchi felt faint for a second. He had to escape. Now. Ryoko, not wanting to be outdone, was pushing between them in a second, but before she could say a word he had bolted through the closet door and was gone. Ryoko snarled and threw the door back open, but found herself staring at a closet filled with mops, brushes and cleaning equipment. She slammed the door violently and turned on her heel, only to find herself facing a grinning Ayeka. "Missed your opportunity, did you?" she tittered. Ryoko fumed. "Just keep at it, little Miss High-and-Mighty," she spat. "I mean, why would he want a good luck kiss from a monster?" Ayeka continued, not wanting to miss having the upper hand. "Bitch!" "Methuselah!" "Pricktease!" "Harlot!" Sasami and Noboyuki sighed in unison as the air in the living room began to pulse with crimson light and ionised gas... Tenchi was stood in an exact replica of a part of his school. He recognised the corridor from the line of lockers on his left. He was in the science block. He knew the second door on his left would by Miss Yamaguchi's classroom, so he assumed that would be his destination. He reached the door, hearing nothing. He nervously reached for the handle. "You're a minute late, Mr Masaki," came a voice from the room beyond, and Tenchi almost dropped everything he was carrying. "Come in." The door swung open by itself, and Tenchi cautiously stepped inside. The room was silent and empty. Tenchi walked over to the desk at the head of the classroom. On it there was one of Washu's fans, a palm-sized computer of some kind and a bottle of what looked like water, bearing a crab on the label. He put down the bowl of cherries and picked up the bottle, peering at the contents. "I don't think my drinking habits are part of the test, Mr Masaki," came a voice from behind him. Washu stood in the doorway. Tenchi gulped at the sight of her. She was dressed identically to Miss Yamaguchi in his dream: the lab coat, the black high heels, everything. She had even tied her hair up into a blazing pink imitation of his teacher's hairstyle. Everything was identical, save her somewhat diminutive height and almost-adolescent appearance. There were even a pair of glasses perched on her nose. She slid them down a short distance and looked at Tenchi over the top of the lenses. "Is something wrong, Mr Masaki?" she murmured. The huskiness of her voice set the hairs on the back of his neck on end. "Not really, you just caught me off guard. That's a very... different look for you Little Washu," he said, stumbling over the syllables like a child caught doing something they shouldn't. Washu raised a finger and Tenchi instantly fell silent. "You should call me Miss Washu here, Tenchi Masaki. Don't make me remind you again, understand?" Tenchi gave a sharp bow. "I'm sorry Miss Washu." He couldn't believe he was playing along with this. He'd noted before that Washu liked to really get into the character her costumes portrayed, but this faux-chastising was a bit much. She clacked around him to her seat, and he caught a trace of her perfume as she passed him by. The same scent Miss Yamaguchi used. His stomach did a barrel-roll. It did another as he wondered if she was dressed like Miss Yamaguchi in the dream beneath that lab coat. Washu picked up the bowl of cherries and smiled. She picked one up and waved it to and fro a few inches from Tenchi's nose. "You know, you're supposed to give your teacher an apple, by those Earth traditions. But, if you want to give me your cherry, Mr Masaki, I won't stop you." Tenchi broke out in a sweat at the rather obvious joke. She gave him a wry smile and popped the fruit into her mouth, stem and all. Tenchi watched her slowly chew the fruit, her mouth moving slowly and deliberately. Every so often her lips would pout lusciously, and he caught a glimpse of her tongue working between her teeth. Tenchi could feel his penis beginning to unravel, and he desperately wanted to be anywhere but in this room, but his feet wouldn't move. He was paralysed, unable to do anything but watch Washu eat. She turned and spat the stone into the wastepaper bin by her desk, the resounding clang of it striking the metal container breaking him out of his trance. "I'm sure you've heard the myth about how tying a cherry stem with your tongue makes you a great kisser, Mr Masaki? Well, I've got living proof for you here." Washu reached between her teeth with thumb and forefinger and removed the cherry stem. She held out the glistening object to Tenchi. He could plainly see three knots in the stem. "Bear this in mind, and I might give you demonstration - if you pass my test, that is!" she then swept up her fan and lightly slapped his cheek. "Now, take your seat, Mr Masaki." Tenchi raised his hand shakily, and Washu gave him the nod to respond. "M...Miss Washu," he stammered. "Yes?" she purred. "Can I go to the bathroom? Please?" "Sit down, Mr Masaki!" Tenchi flinched and slunk down the room to his seat. He pulled his chair tight under the desk, glad to have something blocking the view of the lump in his pants. Washu began to type something into a holographic panel. As she typed, the words appeared upon the blackboard as though an invisible hand wrote them. The heading read 'Washu 101 - Cellular Biology'. "Now," she began, "what can you tell me about cellular biology, Mr Masaki?" Tenchi could only scratch his head. "It's a big subject, Wa... Miss Washu. Where should I begin?" She seemed to think for a moment before answering. "Let's begin with your grounding in multi-cellular lifeforms. Start with cell composition and division, and work up, ok?" Tenchi nodded, and began to read from his science notebook. An hour passed, and everything seemed to be going fine. Tenchi had managed to reign in his nerves and excitement, and was answering the occasional questions Washu shot at him. Mostly she sat on the desk at the front, nodding every so often and typing out new questions for the blackboard. "Well, you seem to be doing just fine, Mr Masaki. Granted, your notes are highly misinformed, but that's understandable with this planet's somewhat backwards technologies. For an Earth student, I'd be proud to have you in my classroom." Tenchi beamed. "Thank you, Miss Washu!" She reached behind her and tossed something to him. He deftly caught it mid-flight. He opened his hand to discover it was a cherry. "Consider it a treat for excelling so far, Mr Masaki," Washu said. Tenchi looked at the small fruit suspiciously. "It's not poisonous," Washu chided, "It's not about to kill you." Tenchi sighed and popped the cherry into his mouth. "Good boy! Now, continue..." Tenchi spat the pip into a tissue and was about to pocket it when Washu slid down from the tabletop and stepped up to his table. She held out her hand. "I'll handle that for you, Mr Masaki," she chimed. Tenchi felt a hot flush envelop him. Now he was sure there was something suspect about those cherries. With a shaking hand he held out the wadded-up tissue and dropped into her outstretched palm. She then moved back up the room and dropped the litter into the wastebin. She leaned over the desk, gazing over at Tenchi with a sly look twinkling in her huge green eyes. "I've got a little confession to make, Mr Masaki," she said, her voice running down Tenchi's back like ice. He reached under the table and tried to force down his swelling member. "You see, I know why you asked for this lesson, Tenchi Masaki. I know you get... distracted around your new teacher. I have to help you to completely expel these feelings, to conquer them. If you can do that, this woman will haunt you no longer and you can study like you did before. To succeed in this, you must stop seeing her as a sex object. She is an unattainable fantasy." At this she began to unbutton the lab coat. Tenchi felt sweat running down the inside of his collar. "And like this," she persisted, making an expansive gesture, "you trust your mind too much. Now, try to fight your instincts." She whipped off the lab coat and Tenchi's heart lodged in his throat. Washu was fully dressed beneath the long garment. She was wearing a white blouse, a black tie and skirt. While she barely filled out the top, the skirt was painfully cut across her mid thigh, revealing an expanse of leg that made Tenchi blush furiously. Washu gave a little giggle. "Well, well, that seems to have got your attention, doesn't it? Well, perhaps we should step up another level on your educational ladder..." Washu gave a little twirl. As she did, Tenchi became aware of movements beneath her skin. For the briefest instant he say the unchained play of muscles under her flesh. Washu's arms lengthened, as did her legs. Her face became more refined, cheekbones becoming more defined and lips becoming fuller, her hair suddenly exploded out from under the purple ribbon that held it in place. Finally her breasts grew more full and rounded, coming to a halt with a pronounced jiggle. Washu stopped her turn, and flashed Tenchi a wicked grin. "I know you can control yourself around girls, Mr Masaki, but lets see how you cope around a woman," her voice anything but innocent and girlish. Tenchi's eyes were starting from their sockets; all he could do was look at Washu's body. As she had grown into her adult form, her clothes seemed to have retained their original size. In her mature form, Washu now filled the blouse precariously, each movement making her unfettered breasts bounce. The short skirt had become even shorter, making her legs into a perilous distraction. In fact, the only things that had coped with the transformation were her shoes, which now arched even higher, making her legs seem even more elongate. She imperiously strode over to Tenchi's desk and perched herself on the edge of his desk, crossing her legs scant inches from his trembling hands. "Now, continue please." Tenchi tried his best, but his stammering only seemed to make Washu more suggestive towards him. She leaned over him to read his notes, giving him a clear view into her now ample cleavage, ruffled his hair when he made a mistake and generally played the most evil of mindgames with him. This was not so much a lesson, but a battle of wills. And Tenchi was loosing ground rapidly. Slowly, agonizingly, the minutes passed by; the pupil stuttering through his script, the tutor nodding and praising every so often. Tenchi was still sweating like he was locked in a sauna. His eyes drifted between his books and Washu's form. After what seemed an eternity, Washu finally slid off her perch and stood beside him. "Congratulations," she said softly, "you managed to get through your notes. Granted, I caused you a little trouble, but you got there in the end." He looked down disbelievingly until he saw he was indeed at the end of the section of biology and was about to head into physics. "I... I did it?" he said, still a little doubtful. Washu nodded. "Indeed you did, Mr Masaki. I think you should be able to cope with a lesson from Miss Yamaguchi now. Unless, of course, you feel we should continue?" Tenchi felt his head swim. Washu fixed him with an intense look, her eyes boring into him as keenly as lasers. She deftly stepped over him, straddling his lap. His instincts roared at him like a chained dragon. His hands hovered just short of her back. He desperately wanted to pull her into an embrace, but he couldn't. He also wanted to run, but his legs wouldn't obey. This whole situation was wrong, but every moment he gazed into her jade eyes his walls crumbled more. "Do you want to go further, Mr Masaki?" she whispered into his ear. Washu herself could feel the effects of the pheromones Tenchi's body was pouring out on her olfactory system. The hormonal messages created by Tenchi's excitement were strong, but bolstered by the hormone-laced cherry it was like a black hole that threatened to swallow her utterly. The proximity made her heart beat like that of a teenager, let alone a woman old enough to remember the humble beginnings of human society. She knew she was going further than she'd intended; it had only been a test after all. Now the tables were turned, and she was fighting herself. Tenchi's arousal pressed up at her, and she knew that the experiment was running away from her with no breaks. She cradled his face in her hands, pressed her lips softly to his, and the battle was over. Tenchi returned her kiss, at first hesitant, but then more forcefully. He felt her lips part and his tongue slid into the warmth beyond. Hers followed suit, and began to explore his mouth. Washu slid a hand up to her neck and pulled her tie loose, tossing it over her shoulder. Her other hand held the back of Tenchi's neck, refusing to let him break the kiss, even though she knew he wouldn't. Eventually they pulled away from one another. Washu was breathing heavily, but her smile was enough to convince Tenchi he had done something right. "Do you want to go somewhere more comfortable?" she murmured. Tenchi tried to make words, but his mouth failed him again, so he just nodded. Washu snapped her fingers, and Tenchi was blinded for an instant. As his eyesight returned to normal, he felt something soft beneath him. Washu was still above him, and she gently pressed down on his chest, making him lie back. Tenchi realized they were both on a bed. It arced out in both directions, encircling them in a world of blue and violet, broken only by a few large white pillows. Once again, indecision lanced through Tenchi. He was unsure what to do next. The silence was broken by the sound of Washu kicking off her shoes. Washu looked down at Tenchi. She understood he needed to be taught here as much as the classroom, so she took hold of his hands and pressed them to her breasts. His instincts took over again, and he began to softly knead them, exploring their curves. Washu released a little groan, and reached down to his chest and began unbuttoning his jacket. Tenchi began to do the same, unfastening the buttons of Washu's blouse with shaky hands. She noticed his nervousness and stroked his hair, hoping it might put him at ease. Like this, she could see why the other girls seemed to like Tenchi so much, with his gentle innocence washing over her. For all his fumbling steps, she knew this experience would educate them both. His hands finally made their way inside and she closed her eyes as he explored further. Washu's nipples rose against Tenchi's palms - she wore no bra. He tentatively stroked them, taking in their size and texture. He rolled one between finger and thumb and Washu sighed. She shrugged the undone blouse off her shoulders, exposing her entire upper torso. She then returned to the task of undressing him. He allowed her to remove his jacket, tie and shirt, enjoying the feeling of her fingertips exploring the outlines of his muscles. He gripped her waist, grinding his crotch against hers. Washu forced herself back at him. "Are you ready?" she said. Tenchi looked up into her eyes. "Yes," he answered, almost every trace of shyness gone. She stooped to kiss him, and found that when she rose, he rose with her, unwilling to break their contact. Eventually she pushed him back down to the bed, but he resisted the light pressure as long as he could. She giggled a little, shaking her finger at him. "Now, now... do as you're told Mr Masaki," she teased. She moved her position so she knelt beside him. Her elegant fingers undid the buttons of his pants, and she drew them down. Tenchi's shorts were pushed up into a small mountain, barely containing his stiffness. Washu stroked it through the soft material, feeling how hard it was. She leaned over him again, planting a single kiss upon the bulge, before drawing his underwear down completely. Tenchi's erection sprung free, and he closed his eyes as he felt Washu's hot breath against it. He tensed, expecting contact that seemed never to come. He opened one eye, only to see Washu looking up at him, her face creased into a huge grin. "Don't close your eyes. I want you to watch," she spoke softly. Her fingers encircled his shaft and drew it close to her mouth. Washu then engulfed him, sliding him between her lips. Tenchi tried to suppress the moan he felt gushing out of him, but failed. Her lips slid up and down his length in long, slow movements, while her tongue teased the swollen glans. He bucked against her, feeling the beginnings of orgasm building. He wanted it to last, he wanted to be able to satisfy Washu in return for this, but he sensed his body tearing towards his climax. Washu felt his legs tensing up. Knowing he was close, she reached up to stroke his chest. She raked his cock with the edges of her teeth and tried to force the tip of her tongue into the dilating opening at the head. This was too much, and with a shuddering cry Tenchi exploded in her mouth. Washu greedily swallowed his seed, continuing to gently lap at him after he had emptied himself. Finally she allowed him to slip from her mouth. He was breathing hard, his eyes screwed shut. She slid up his body and began to nuzzle against his neck, laying kiss after kiss along the line of his throat to his ear. "I'm... sorry," he managed to pant. He had lost all control of himself, and had come too soon. "I didn't mean to..." Washu silenced him with a deep kiss. "Don't worry. I wanted you to. I wanted to taste you. Now, I want to teach you something new." She placed his hands back on her hips, pressing his fingers against the zip that held her skirt in place. Tenchi took his cue and unfastened it, allowing her to slip out of her skirt. Washu was wearing a pair of tiny white panties that clung to her every curve. Tenchi could make out the outline of her labia, and more excitingly the signs of moisture soaked into the material that marked her arousal. She rolled onto her back and lifted her legs into the air. "Take them off," she commanded. Tenchi obeyed, and found himself holding the sodden garments, unsure what to do with them. Washu took them out of his hand and tossed them off the bed. She then opened her legs. Tenchi took in every detail of her sex. Her petals were full and soft-looking, and above them lay a distinct lack of the hair he had expected. He looked up at Washu, only to see her raise an eyebrow at him. He felt his face flush once again. "You don't like it like that?" she asked. Tenchi shook his head. "No. I think it's... it's just I expected..." She silenced him with a chuckle. "I love my hair, Tenchi, but only where I want it. Now, I want you to get to know me. I'll let you know once you get where I want you." Tenchi nodded once, and began to explore Washu more intimately. His touch was apprehensive, his fingers only stroking her vulva fleetingly. Washu reached down and took Tenchi's hand, using his fingers to spread her lips apart, showing him herself more clearly. His digits nudged her clitoris and she sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. Tenchi began to lightly stroke the sparkling nub of engorged flesh, listening to Washu's breathing become harder, more urgent. She began to rear her pelvis against his fingers, her nails sinking into the bedlinen and clenching tightly. "Kiss me," she moaned. Tenchi surged up over her, his lips feverishly pressing to hers. Washu broke the kiss with a throaty chuckle. Tenchi looked down at her, his brow knotted. Washu's eyes softened and she touched his cheek. "That was good," she said reassuringly, "But I meant down there, not up here." Tenchi blushed, which made Washu break into laughter. He soon found himself smiling too. "Remember there's no wrong or right here, Tenchi. If you do something I like, I'll tell you. I expect the same from you, Tenchi. Sex is usually about two people - at least." Washu giggled. Tenchi pushed upwards, one of his fingers sliding inside her. Washu was warmer still here, and he could feel the soft tissue within her envelop him like velvet. She was even more slippery here, and Tenchi could feel her wetness running down to his knuckles. He began to slide his finger slowly in and out. Washu closed her eyes. Tenchi began to kiss his way down her body. His mouth inched it's way down her neck, over her clavicle, tracking lower until he met the valley between her breasts. He moved left, taking her nipple into his mouth. He sucked, then pinched it between his teeth. Washu gave a little squeal of delight. Tenchi then moved across to repeat this with the right. His kisses and licks sparkled on her skin, the trail of saliva marching further downwards to their goal. His tongue circled her navel lazily once, before he moved between her thighs. He kissed their insides, moving closer. Then he suddenly pressed his mouth to her sex. He lapped at her, savouring the taste of her pleasure. He hadn't been sure what this would be like, but he felt his cock beginning to throb at the experience. Washu's taste was new to him, but not unpleasant, in fact it made his senses burn with need. He wanted to come again, inside her this time. He reached down with his spare hand and began to softly stroke himself. His questing tongue reached her most sensitive area and Washu lifted her hips slightly, pressing his mouth firmly into her groin. Washu began to form appraisals in her head. Tenchi may well have been a virgin, but he was at the very least enthusiastic. While his movements were not as practiced as she liked, she knew that given time he could well become a spectacular lover. As he stood, he could quite possible please a girl, but a woman was another matter. Washu knew she was breaking him in for others, and she couldn't help hoping that her daughter would be the one to discover Tenchi's rapidly growing knowledge of the female body. That meant making sure he knew exactly what to hit and when. She felt a jolt of pleasure as his tongue bumped against her clit and she released a loud moan, louder than she needed, but enough for Tenchi to know he'd done something right. On cue, he repeated his movements. Washu closed her eyes and smiled. Ring a bell and they drool... Washu began to gasp more urgently. Tenchi could feel her trembling against him, so he moved his tongue more rapidly. He felt her snake a hand around the back of his neck and press his mouth harder into her cunt. He continued, relishing in the copious juices that flooded his mouth. Washu gave a shrill cry, and she bucked once against his lips, slowly receding into little tremors. Her breathing came in short gasps, and she reluctantly relinquished her grasp on his head. She lifted his head up, and looked down at him, her face flushed and smiling. "That was... very nice, Mr Masaki. I think I'll have to give you full marks for that part of the test." Tenchi couldn't help but laugh. "Thank you Miss Washu," he chuckled. Washu's eyes roamed his body hungrily, settling on his stiff cock. He was still stroking it gently. "Are you just going to play with it, or are you going to let me put that to good use?" she teased, arching an eyebrow at him. Tenchi felt his cheeks burn, which made Washu giggle even more. She moved rapidly, rolling so he ended up pinned beneath her. He felt her wetness against his chest as she straddled him. Tenchi was about to speak, but Washu silenced him again, lightly pressing a finger to his lips. "Let me," she breathed. Washu reached down and cradled Tenchi's member in her hand. She slowly settled onto it, allowing its head to nudge between her lips, then bit by bit engulf his entire length. She rested both her hands on his chest, enjoying watching his eyes close and his breathing speed up. She began to rotate her hips in tight circles, the movement making him move in and out of her. Tenchi was lost in his pleasure. Washu's mouth had felt like heaven, but this was even better. Washu was tight and warm, embracing him as firmly as a hand. Her slipperiness added to the whole sensation, inundating him with new feelings. Somewhere in the back of his mind he remembered something important about sex, but forgot it just as quickly. Tenchi was determined to last as long as he could, so he clenched his muscles and concentrated as hard as his wandering mind could. Washu sped up her movements. She leaned in over him, taking hold of his shoulders and pulling him in harder still, using the leverage to grind his balls against her ass. She squashed one of his free hands against her breast and began to kiss him ardently. Washu tensed her muscles around him in waves, feeling every pulse that ran through it. The scientist knew he wouldn't last long like this, but it was to be expected. And he may want another lesson, after all. She smiled internally at the thought. Everyone falls for you, don't they Tenchi, she mused as she looked down at him. Her rotations became more like mild bounces, and seemingly with each stroke she became tighter. Tenchi felt like his penis was going to burst. The heated sensations continued to build, and Tenchi found himself groaning loudly with each movement. Washu began to murmur into his ear, her tongue darting out to tease his lobe. With a ragged moan, Tenchi felt his cock spasm again, and he emptied himself into her. Washu pulled him up into her arms, pressing his face into her breasts, delighting in the feeling of his sticky load filling her. She hadn't felt that sensation for a long time now, and the reminder of how much she liked it was more than pleasant. They lay together silently for a while, just holding one another, before Washu nudged Tenchi with her shoulder. He looked at her expectantly. "I'm giving you an A, Mr Masaki," she sighed. Tenchi looked a little nervous. "Erm, Washu... shouldn't we have... I mean, shouldn't I have..." she gave a little chuckle and tousled his hair. "No Tenchi, I can't get pregnant. Not unless I want to. And I don't think you're ready for fatherhood just yet, Mr Masaki." "Was it the cherries that did this?" "To a degree at least," she nodded, 'They're loaded with hormones. You dreamed about sex last night, I'd wager, and the plant turned those feelings into the fruit. In turn, the cherries took on aspects similar to human sex hormones and, well, we know the rest. "Seriously though, I expect you to use what you've learned, Tenchi. I want to see an improvement in your study. And I fully expect you to put this knowledge to practical use. If you haven't stopped letting this teacher impede your progress, I might have to give you another lesson." Tenchi grinned up at Washu, a sly smile breaking out on his still tense face. "After that, it might just be worth failing science." Washu kindly slapped his cheek, and they both began to laugh... Mondo's Notes... Well, that was more like it. NC-17 time. Tenchi has finally become a man. So, what's next, and who's next? You'll just have to stick by me. But believe me, the naughtiness is only gonna go up from here Expect some shocking behaviour, nursing, and maybe a line for Yosho. Oh, and maybe a little videogaming (as aprŠs to something non-lemon I wanna put in this story as a 'mood break'. Complete with the aid of Tool's 'The Grudge'. Earn 10 bonus points by telling me which Aerosmith video made me think up this segment of the story, and which Manga series inspired a pretty big chunk of it... More to come very soon :) Mondo Kane 1