Hey again all you happy TMFFA go-ers! Remember me? Thought so. Remember me pioneer? I'm the guy who doesn't want to be sued, and is about to say that he doesn't own any of your fine characters! Also, remember my perpetual disclaimer- I have not read every fic on this archive, so if my fic seems similiar to yours or somebody elses, it is purely coincidental and you can notify me if you like. Another disclaimer- during this fic you might see two words accidently unspaced. Explanation- my space bar is busted up and when I type fast I don't look back! I'll try my best to avoid that though. Despite all this, enjoy part 2 of "Mischeif"! ~~Mihoshi's heart is beating very heavely as she plans to make her move into the Tenchi- occupied onsen. In fact, with the amount of sweat on her right now she doesn't even need a freakin bath! But anywhoo~~ Mihoshi: (gulp) here goes... *opens the door and slips in, then slams the door* (Tenchi was sitting at the edge of the tub, soaking his feet happily and eating sour skittles. He didn't even notice Mihoshi until she sat down next to him) Mihoshi: Oh.. uh... I didn't know you were here... what a pleasant suprise! Tenchi: *is startled* Mihoshi! Wha- what in the bloody wayward hell are you doing here? Mihoshi: *blank stare* You know what? I have no idea! *grabs a handful of skittles* Tenchi: *stares in awe at Mihoshi's half bare breasts almost ripping the tightly wrapped towel that was around her curvy, slender body and sizely smooth thighs* Mihoshi: (thinking) What the hell am I doing? I'm making a fool of myself, that's what! But why can't I just stop? Tenchi: er-ugh, maybe I, er b-b-better get going.. *scrambles out the dorr, trying to hide the erection Mihoshi had given him* Mihoshi: *tears forming in her eyes* Oh no... what have I done... he hates me now... *starts silently crying* *lays down on the onsen floor and stares at the celing* ~~Mihoshi was heartbroken and confused. She wished she hadn't done that, and hoped that Tenchi didn't think less of her now. As she lay there reflecting, herhands slowly moved down her body. In a matter of seconds she was masturbating hard, using her won tears as lubricant. Her cum bubbled as it slowly secreted out of her pussy and onto her thighs and the floor. Just then Washu walked in~~ Washu: *jumps* Mihoshi? Oh my goodness, what's wrong dear? Mihoshi: *takes her hand out of her pussy and sits up* W-what makes you think something's wrong? Washu: Well, for one thing you're crying. And another thing, I haven't seen you jum-off like that since "You've Got Mail" went out of theaters. Mihoshi: Well, okay. It's about.... Washu: Tenchi, right? Mihoshi: Geez what was the point of you asking then? Washu: Screw the bath, come with me to my lab. ~~Mihoshi and Washu are in the lab, fully dressed (oh darn)~~ Washu: So you say you made a fool out of yourself in front of Tenchi? Mihoshi: Yes, very much so. Washu: Okay then, here. It's a little invention of mine. *hands Mihoshi a pill* Mihosi: What'll it do? Washu: Okay, I'm really proud of this one: swallow it, and to everything Tenchi says to you you'll automatically say the right thing. Mihoshi: Oh goody! *swallows the pill* Mmm, tastes like chicken! Washu: *blank stare* How the hell could it taste like chicken? nevermind, just go. Test it out. Mihoshi: Will do Wash-oo! *walks out of lab and see Nobiyuko* Nobiyuko: Hey Mihoshi, have you seen my video tapes around anywhere? What Mihoshi would normally say: Nope. Sorry. What Mihoshi says: Oh, you mean your porno? Ya don't need them if you want to jack off. Just think about fucking me up my ass. *flashes Nobiyuko her buttox* Nobiyuko: *confused smile* Okay. Thanks! *runs up the stairs while he still has the boner* Mihoshi: (thinking) WHAT DID I JUST SAY? WHAT HAS WASHU DONE TO ME! *sees Tenchi walking through the hall* (thinking) oh no oh no anybody but Tenchi... Tenchi: *walks through the hall and runs into Mihoshi, still remembering what happened earlier* *blushes* Oh... h-hi Mihoshi. What's new? What Mihoshi would normally say: Nothing much. Wanna watch TV? What Mihoshi says: _________________________________________________________________ And once again I end my lemon with a cliffhanger. Sorry if this edition of "Mischeif" is a little short, but the next one will be longer, juicier, and will arrive sooner than this one did (sorry it took over two months) Till next time,