Disclaimer:Tenchi and co do not belong to me, they belong to Pioneer and AIC. So please, please don't come along and kick my dog and cat around, okay? The Masaki Family Line part eight by Argus Cromwell a.k.a.Dade Gifford Tenchi woke up between Aeka and Ryoko. He had been a little too shaken up to do anything that night, and he tried to make Ryoko understand that he just wasn't in the mood. Aeka, having somewhat more of a grasp on such things, understood, although still with a bit less enthusiasm. Tenchi felt a little better this morning, but he still missed his dad. Nobuyuki was gone, and that was the end of it. Tenchi couldn't help but feel guilty for having that fight when his dad had wanted that tape. Right now, Tenchi was in a more submissive mood, and probably would have said yes, without the trouble.. Since his bed still was small, Sasami had to sleep on top of him, which wasn't neccessarily a bad thing...just probably uncomfortable for her. Well, now Tenchi had something to do today... Gently, he roused the sleeping princess, who was still sound asleep on his chest. Sasami sat up and looked around. "Oh my! I'd better go make breakfast!" she said, and bolted from the room, after dressing. Tenchi woke Aeka and Ryoko up with a kiss, which made him feel a little better. Aeka sat up. "Good morning, Lord Ten-" Her speech was abruptly cut off by her hand on her mouth, and then punctuated by the sound of her feet as she ran for the bathroom. thought Tenchi. As Aeka was away, and somewhat...occupied, Ryoko woke up and took Achika from the crib. She rocked Achika for a little while, and smiled at Tenchi. Tenchi took Achika for a minute, and looked into her eyes. A replacement, perhaps, for his father? No, Achika was more than that, to him. She cooed and opened her eyes. Tenchi looked into the brown eyes of his daughter. he thought. Then, Tenchi's attention was drawn to the strands of hair on her head. Tenchi carried Achika down the stairs, followed by Ryoko, and went into the kitchen. Achika started crying. "Oh, I'd better feed her," said Ryoko. Ryoko let Achika suckle on her nipple as she sat and waited for Sasami to finish breakfast. Soon, Sasami came in with a couple of trays with hatchou Miso. Aeka joined then shortly, after leaving the bathroom. They sat and ate their miso, as Washu came up in one of her rare appearances from the lab. Now was Tenchi's chance. "Hey, um, Washu?" he said. Washu stared at him blankly. "Sorry, uh, Washu-CHAN." "Yes?" she said sweetly. "Well, I was wondering, um..could you perhaps get us a bigger bed?" Washu's smile grew. "Ohh...okayyy.. I think I could, but only for you, Tenchi." Tenchi began to sweat as Washu looked at him in that special way that meant he was going to pay for her generousity sooner or later.... Ryoko, still nursing Achika, said "Gee, thanks, *mom*, that's a great gift for us." Washu nodded and smiled, saying,"Thank you, for calling me mom! Now all we have to do is get you to call me mommy, just the way that Aeka does when she sees Misaki..." Aeka fumed. "If mother were here, she would see to your little comment." Ryoko started laughing. After breakfast, Tenchi went back to his usual morning routine of tending to the carrots. thought Tenchi. Ryo-ohki came up next to Tenchi with a questioning meow. "Not yet, Ryo-ohki, but soon," he replied. Ryo-ohki happily meowed, and went back inside. Tenchi sighed and mopped his brow after he'd finished. He was walking back to the house, when he was suddenly thrust into shadow. Looking up, Tenchi saw a gigantic cabbit-ship, and as he looked at it harder, he noticed more detail about it. "Nagi!" he said, and ran as fast as he could for the house. There was no way he was getting caught by her. "Shaowwww!!" cried Ken-ohki, as he blasted the ground around Tenchi, who tripped and fell. Soon enough,Nagi came out of the ship, and Ken-ohki transformed back into a cabbit. "What do you want?" said Tenchi. "Why, Ryoko, of course," she said, slickly. Tenchi growled as he stood up and ran again. Nagi quickly caught up with him and stopped him. Ryoko had just finished nursing Achika, and Ryo-ohki had come back in the house, when they heard some loud explosions coming from down the path, where Tenchi was. Ryoko handed Achika over to Washu, and Teleported out there. Aeka quickly followed. And so did Sasami. When they got there, they saw that Nagi had her whip wrapped around Tenchi's neck. "Let him GO!" screamed Ryoko. Nagi complied, and turned to meet her. Ryoko, with her three gems, had considerably more power than Nagi, so she was able to keep Nagi at bay much easier. Sasami arrived, and saw what was going on. "STOP!!!" she screamed, at the top of her lungs. Ryoko and Nagi, startled, stopped quarreling. Sasami's eyes were glowing, and her hair was lifting up into the air slightly. "Leave now, Nagi." Nagi was only slightly impressed by this, and ignored her, going after the one she was here for. Her whip lashed out at Ryoko, who teleported away and behind Nagi. Ryoko struck Nagi with a well-aimed kick, and created her sword. "I SAID STOP!" a wave of energy swept over the area and knocked Nagi off her feet. Nagi was supremely surprised at this sudden occurrence, and replied calmly, "This is between me and Ryoko, so stay out of it." In response, Sasami struck Nagi down again with another wave of energy, only this time she flew forty feet through the air and landed roughly on the ground. Tenchi was staring at Sasami's newfound abilities, until something clicked in his head and he remembered, But Nagi still wasn't easily deterred, and she rushed Sasami, lashing out with her whip. The whip was absorbed into a shield around Sasami, and redirected, causing a large amount of energy to course through Nagi. Smoke rose from Nagi in tiny wisps as she stood up. Nagi turned and ran into the forest. She thought, Ryoko started to give chase, but Tenchi stopped her. Nagi was in the forest when Ken-ohki caught up with her. "Where were you?" she questioned. "Shaow shaow!" he replied. "Well, next time, stick around! You can go after Ryo-ohki after we've beaten Ryoko!" "Shaow." Tenchi and the rest retreated back to the house. Tenchi rubbed his neck where the whip had been around him. Sasami seemed unusually quiet. Almost as if she was ashamed at having to attack someone. Ryoko looked a little angry, and Aeka did, too. Ryo-ohki came running up to them with a questioning, "myaa?" Ryoko replied, "No, I'm not going to tell you where that Ken-ohki went. I forbid you from seeing him! Just stay away." "MYAA!" refused Ryo-ohki, and ran down the path after him. Ryoko concentrated, and Ryo-ohki came back, looking downtrodden. "miyaaaaa.." she whimpered. "Look, I'm sure there are better guys than that around. Just because he's the only one you've seen since you've gotten here doesn't mean you gotta chase him." Ryo-ohki jumped up on Sasami's shoulder, miyaing plaintively. Sasami petted the cabbit, trying to comfort it. "Don't worry Ryo-ohki," she said. "You'll get him someday." Back inside, they found Nagi, much to their surprise, threatening their baby. "Now, Ryoko, fight me or your precious little baby dies," she said. A vein popped up on Tenchi's forehead. "You...leave...Achika...ALONE!!!" Tenchi's anger caused him to form the Light Hawk Wings. Nagi was ultimately surprised at this turn of events. "Now now, I will fight Ryoko, not you." "The hell you won't," he replied. Tenchi held his Light Hawk Sword at Nagi's throat as Washu, who had been knocked out, came to and took Achika from her. Nagi brought out her energy whip and swung it at Tenchi, but it was destroyed on the Light Hawk sword. Tenchi slashed with the sword at Nagi, but she leapt back. He rushed at her slashing, and she kept leaping back. This made Tenchi madder and madder, and he slashed faster. On Nagi's next backflip, the sword caught her in the heel, and she fell to the ground, gasping. "Never threaten my family," said Tenchi, who then took a last swing at Nagi. "Nooo!" screamed Nagi. Her scream was coupled with another, as Sasami put up a forcefield to block the sword from hitting Nagi. "Sasami..." said Tenchi, testily. "Never kill anyone, Tenchi. She has done bad things. But we shouldn't kill her. Let her go." Tenchi sighed and extinguished the sword. He picked up Nagi by the front of her outfit, and said, icily, "Leave." Nagi ran out the door, made Ken-ohki transform, and left. "Thank you, Tenchi," said Sasami. Tenchi nodded, feeling somewhat defeated. He looked up and watched as Ken-ohki became nothing but another star in the sky, and then disappeared entirely. Ryoko hugged Tenchi from behind, Aeka hugged Tenchi from the left, and Sasami hugged him from the right. Tenchi sighed contentedly. =================================================== Well, this chapter makes me have to explain something. First of all, this is a (slight) mixture of the OAV and the TV show. That's why Nagi was here and able to fight them. Well, as always, tell me what you think! E-mail:cubone41@yahoo.com URL:www.geocities.com/cubone41