Disclaimer: I HATE SAKUYA! You should as well. This is a crossover of the Tenchi Muyo OVA, Evangelion, Earth Massacre, X-1999, Sailor Moon, Star Craft, and Doom. There are are some fighting techniques from Final Fantasy VII as well... --Explainations of the Gods-- God: An all powerful spiritual being, never formed beause he has always been God II: An "almost" all powerful physical being, formed by the merger of Sakuya and Sasami God III: Formed by the merger of Trev and Angel 00: Lillith Omega Eva: Formed after God II fuses with the EVA series, creating the most wicked mecha, EVER! Kamui: A physical being with power on par with the original God, sole remainder of the 7 seal Let's Thrash That Bitch Sakuya Chapter 03 "An Incredible Revelation" -------------------------------------------------------- By Ultima Trev God II's palace (resemblence to Yugi's palace) in the nether realm something or other... God II: "Here he comes. That imcompetent fool God III will soon meet his demise." * But the original God will still pose a threat, for my power isn't fully developed. * Meanwhile on Earth, the Earth was being overrun by the Zerg. Militaries world wide were crushed... Zerg Overmind: "The Earth is ours. With the human's technology, we will soon have the power needed to crush the Protoss." Hunter Killer (Hydralisk): "Sir, we have scouts that have spotted an elite Protoss unit on their way to Earth. Fenix and Tassadar are acompanying approximatly 10,000 Zealots, 8,000 Dragoons, 6,000 Archons, 7,000 Scouts, 6,000 Arbiters, and 4,000 Carriers." Zerg: "They are nothing of concern." Zorn the Mutilisk Commander: "Sir, the Terrans will be assisting them. They have sent 12,000 marines, 10,000 Ghost, 8,000 Goliaths, 6,000 Siege Tanks, 7,200 Wraiths, and 4,800 Behemoth Battlecruisers, not to mention they are being accompanied by the Norad II and the Hyperion." Zerg Overmind: "Damn it, it's a full scale invasion! Zorn, deploy 30,000 of your Mutilisk on the double! Zorn: "Yes sire." Overmind: "Hunter Killer, deploy 20,000 of your Hydralisk." Hunter Killer: "Aye-aye sir!" Overmind: "Xen!" Xen the Cerebrate: "Yes my lord?" Overmind: "Deploy 22,000 Zerglings and 14,400 Ultralisk. Also, deploy the upgraded EVA series to back up our lord God II." Xen: "Yes Zerg lord!" EVA units 05-13 upgraded? For Sakuya's use! How the hell am I gonna get out of this one? Meanwhile in Tokyo, Sailor Moon has vanquished yet some more of her negaverse (or what not) buddies... Sailor Moon: "Shit, these bastards keep on getting stronger each time." Sailor Mercury: "No kidding. My Aqua Rhapsody would have normally killed them in a single blow." Mamoru: "I don't think they're from the Negaverse at all." "Surrender immedietly." Sailor Moon: "Who the hell are you?" "I am the Gatekeeper of Hell." (from Doom) Mamoru: "Damn." Sailor Moon: "Like a giant head is going to give me orders..." Gatekeeper: "You'll regret those words soon enough." A portal opens, out pours Marine Zombies, Imps, Demons, Lost Souls, Cacodemons, Revenents, Hell Knights, Barons of Hell, Mancubuses, Arch Viles, and their general, Klog. Klog is the most respected of all Cyberdemons... Klog: "In the name of Lucifer, I will splatter your blood all over the bowels of Hell, after I rape you of course." Just as Klog signals 3 barrons of hell to capture them... "I won't allow it." Klog: "Who in Lucifer's name are you?" "I am Ryouko the space pirate!" Klog: "A priss like you?" Ryouko: "Let us have a duel, then let's see who the priss is!" At that, Klog quickly soots off his rocket launcher, making a direct hit. Ryouko wasn't expecting that, and was KOed instantly... Klog: "Once again I hae proven that I am the quickest gun drawer in the universe." Tenchi: "Your missiles will have no effect on me!" Klog then launches a trusty rocket, which KOs Tenchi unsuprisingly... Barron of Hell: "Sire, there's another one." Klog looks over and sees Aeka, Sailor Moon, Mercury, and Mamoru hiding behind a tree... Klog: "Looks like they have learned from the others mistakes." As Klog approaches the princess so he can --have his fun,-- in seconds flat they are all wiped out, with hellspawn blood covering a 50 foot radius... Aeka: "Oh no!" A stranger with a mighty long sword is in their midst... "Where is the evil one?" Aeka: "Which evil one?" Mercury: "There's lots of them" "The evil God." Aeka: "You're refferring to God II?" "Yes." Aeka: "I believe it's in Neo Tokyo." Mamoru: "Who are you?" "I am Kumai, and we must go before we run into more trouble." Usagi: "I think it's too late for that..." A good sized patoon made of 50 Mutilisk and 30 Ultralisk have approached them... Kumai: "They do not pose a threat to me." Within in half a minute, Kumai makes mincemeat of the opposing force... Meanwhile in Neo Tokyo, which was recently thrashed by Tetsuo and re-thrahsed by the Zerg... God III: "This is it, I feel the whench's energy pattern." Of course God III is then approached by the EVA units 05-13... God III: "All the power she possesses and she still needs guards." The EVA series spread their wings then fuse into 1 Super EVA... God III: "My-my, it's the ultimate mobile skyscraper." God II: "I wouldn't be so cocky. Each of the EVA series have power which surpassess even the grandest of the angels." God II: "So, my power dwarfs anything you could get your hands on, even this mobile skyscraper." God II: "I laugh at your ignorance. Watch as I demonstrate the power of Omega God II!" God II then proceeds to fuse with the Super EVA, which soons results in the ultimate Mecha. God III then takes a good look at the 300+ foot of absolute terror in front of him... God III: "Well, uh, uh, I was mistaken afterall, and if you don't mind, I forfeit this battle." Omega EVA: "Not a chance, you will fight to the death, or die instantly!" The atmosphere over Neo Tokyo then fades away. The sky is only filled with stars, and a gigantic pentagram floating in the middle of the atmosphere-less sky... Omega EVA: "Welcome to the Apacolypse!" God III: "Shit, instead of chatting, I really should of killed her." Omega EVA: "Remember, if I die, so does Sasami." God III: "She's expendable." Omega EVA: "And so are you!" The surplus 300 foot bio-mecha then procedes to suck God III's soul, leaving him lifeless... (I'm dead yet again. Fucking bullshit!) Omega EVA: "He didn't even put up a fight. Well God, I want to challenge you to a duel now! It's time we see who the true God is..." Kumai and the gang have arrived on the scene... Kumai: "Then you must contend with me, for I have the power of God." Tenchi: "Oh crap, that Trev guy is dead!" Usagi: "That's no good, from what I saw on Jurai, his power was immense, and since this thing seems to be much more powerful..." Ryouko: "We should run..." Kumai: "Yes, you must do so now." Tenchi: "Just make sure you get my wife out of there before you finish it off." Kumai: "I can't guarantee anything but I'll try,, now leave!" Tenchi, Ryouko, Aeka, Usagi, Ami, and Mamoru then flea for their lives. Now I'm sure you're wondering what this Omega EVA looks like. Like all EVA units, it's over 300 feet tall. Now think of the standard EVA series unit, imagine that it's blood red, and that it's Absolute Terror Field last forever. Oh yeah, let's not forget that this EVA has the abilities to suck souls out of poeple, and can mimic other people's abilites... Kumai: "Such a repulsive creature you are." Omega EVA: "Now to suck your soul!" As the Omega EVA sticks out it's hand and attempts to absorb Kumai's soul. Kumai flies up to the thing and rips open the flesh so he can find and penetrate the EVA's soul... Omega EVA: "Damn it!" The Omega EVA then utilizes it's immortal AT field." Kumai: "Incredible energy, I must get out before I am completely vaporized..." Kumai escapes with quite the ease... Omega EVA: "You caught me of guard there. I can promise it wont happen again." Kumai: "I can promise that you won't win." Omega EVA: "How is that?" Kumai: "I'll tell you after I'm done toying my prey." Omega EVA: "I see you are as overconfident as Trev." Kumai: "How am I overconfident? When I said I have the power of God, I meant it." Omega EVA: "What does it matter? My power surpasses the original God!" Kumai: "No, it does not. NO ONE can surpass the power of the original God. Even his direct offspring can do no such thing. You're not even a God, YOU ARE JUST ANOTHER SUB GOD!" Omega EVA: "I refuse to believe such vile rubbush!" Kumai: "I'd hate to ruin your fantasy of being the universal God, but it's time we end it. DESPELL!" (Final Fantasy VII) Kumai then seperates The EVAs and God II. After that, he uses his power to completely mulitate the EVA series... God II: "Damn it, I was never a match for God! How is this that God's power is never rivaled?" Kumai: "Our power is infinite, while yours is sub-infinite." God II: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kumai: "Despell!" Tsunami and Sukuya then seperate. Note: After making love to fuse, they never took the opportunity to put on some close, so they were nude this entire time... --My theory on ki (power) levels-- God/Kumai would have a ki level of 2 trillion. (Though it's not infinite, they have to power to shield themselves from any attack) A Sub God can have a max ki level of 500 billion. (No matter how hard they tried, their power would not exceed that) Any mortal can have a max ki level of 100 billion. (Same rules apply as the Sub Gods, their power will never surpass the specified level) There is one exception to these limits, and that's if the person is using Kaioken. --Back to the story-- Sakuya: "Damn you GOD!" Kaumai: "Since you don't stand a chance, it's time I hand over the duties of exterminating you. LIFE 2!" Trev (though he is presently God III) has awakened from Death once again... God III: "Thank God, heaven was getting a little to boring." Kumai: "I give you the privilege to take revenge on this shrue." God III: "Why thank you very much." Sakuya is now wetting herself... God III: "Perhaps I should be merciful... Nah." God III then projects his ki, which takes about a minute. Afterwards, he draws his trusting katana... God III: "Now you die little bitch!" God III then charges up to Sakuya... God III: "Now you best pray that you don't get sent to the 7th lair of Hell." Kumai: "It is no use, she has sinned beyond the point of forgivness seven times over." God III: "Never mind then." Boom, slice, SPLAT! Sukuya is hit so hard her blood is spraying like a large water fountain. Wow, the bitch Sakuya is finnally dead! There is no need for a sequel, becuase she's fucking dead! HOORAY!To celebrate all of our heroes took part in the biggest sex fest around. Seriously there was so much lesbo action to go around it was like a brothel, a really FUCKED UP brothel. Of course we know about Aeka + Ryouko, and Ami + Usagi, but who would have ever thought that Tsunani and Sasami could seperate into two seperate beings and fuck eachother? Quite a revelation indeed. And of course, please send all comments and flames to superultimatrev@netscape.net. Thus ends Let's Thrash That Bitch Sakuya: Ultima Anime Massacre II. --ki (power) level chart-- (I know you think this is complete BS, but let me remind you it's just a fic...) Usagi: ? (estimated to be around 8 billion) Ami: ? (est. to be around 5 billion) Mamoru: ? (estimated to be around 4 billion) Tenchi: ? (est. to be about 10 billion) Sasami / Tsunami (whatever you want to call her): ? (est. to be 12,000,000,000) Ryouko: ? (est. to be about 14 billion) Aeka: (est. to be about 6,000,000,000 / 8,000,000,000 with the Ultra Jurai Attack) The EVA series: about 12 billion each The Protoss: est. ki levels to be from 6 billion to 10 billion. In the game they have anywhere from 20-300HP, excluding shields. However: HP and ki aren't the same thing. Ex: Though Cloud from FF7 has about 9,200 HP on level 99, I'm willing to bet he could kill a Super Saiya-jin, who have kis anywhere from 15 million (that's an official level) to 16 billion (My estimate which applies to Oozuru SSJ4 Son Goku) Adrian: 40,000,000,000 Trell: 39,800,000,000 Sakuya before / after absorbing Nemesis and Alexia: 75,000,000,000 / 100,000,000,000 Trev: 40,000,000,000 / 80,000,000,000 when Berzerk \ 1.6 trillion when berzerk with Kaioken x20 Nemesis / Alexia: about 60,000,000,000 each Wesker: 72,000,000,000 / 1,440,000,000,000 using Kaioken x20 God II: 117,000,000,000 Lillith: 30,000,000,000 God III: 124,000,000,000 Omega EVA: 500,000,000,000 God III (revived) 500,000,000,000 God / Kumai: 2 trillion each (Because they are the ultimate beings, there are perfectly capable of a Kaioken x20, which would boost their power to 40 trillion)