Disclaimer: Okay this is a lemon - turn back if under 18 - sailor moon tenchi not mine - blah blah blah * * - thinking Chapter 3: Surprises and Memories Part 1- "Okay, who are you and why are you all starring at me?" Serena looked around the room. "I am Washu, the greatest AND cutest scientific genius in the universe. You may call me little Washu." not passing up a chance for her ever famous introduction, she heard Tenchi and Ryoko moan in annoyance to her self-proclaimed title. "Okay, and you were wondering if I went to a funny farm Ryoko?" Serena looked at Ryoko who was waving her hands as if telling her to not say anything, but before she could figure it out, they all became very big. "What happened?" she tried to ask, but her voice came out in squeaks. Looking down at her hands, she noticed they were webbed and green. "What did you do to me?!" Serena flailed her arms and ran around screaming. Tenchi hung his head and sighed, "Washu reverse it, she didn't know. Please." "Okay Tenchi, but only 'cause you asked sooo nicely." pushing a button on her holographic computer, Serena returned to her normal self. "What did you do to me you freak?!" Washu reached for the button, but pulled back when Tenchi growled at her. "I turned you into a water sprite for making fun of me. I don't like that. Believe me I WILL do it again when Tenchi is not around if you continue to make fun of me." she spoke calmly, but her voice had enough of an edge to keep Serena from ever doing that again. "What did you want to know about Washu?" Tenchi changed the subject and Washu gladly acknowledged it. "Well I was sitting in my lab when..." --Washu's Lab--(flashback) "Hum, what can I work on now? Oh yeah I know!" Washu snapped her fingers and ran over to a part in the lab where there were two cylinder shaped tubes. One held her invention, Mecca-Washu, that she had tried to finish before, but both times ended in disaster. Looking around to make sure that no one would ruin her experiment again, she plucked a hair from her head and placed it in the empty tube. Running over to the concil, she was about to start the process when an interesting reaction jarred her main computer. "What was that? The time continum was interrupted, but only a reaction like that could happen if something bad was happening to Ayeka, Sasami, Ryoko, Yosho, or Tenchi. Unless..." --The Den--(End Flashback) "... and that's when I came running out of my lab." Washu finished and looked at everyone. "You're just being paranoid, Washu." Ryoko looked at her estatic mother. "Maybe, but, excuse me miss-" "Serena" "Yeah, but could you come with me please. Ryoko..." Ryoko saw where this was going and prepared to phase out, but was stopped when she was trapped inside a bubble. "Oh no, you don't get away that easily. You know what you're punishment is." Washu grabbed Serena's hand and took her and Ryoko into the lab with her. Tenchi and Darien stood there, and Darien grabbed Tenchi's arm. "What's going to happen to Serena and Ryoko?" "Hope you'll never have to find out, because, trust me, you won't like it." ~*~ --Washu's Lab-- Serena looked fearfully at her surroundings. Ryoko was strapped to a vertical, metal altar and was being probed by various machines. She was strapped to a similar altar, and Washu was setting up for her analysis. Washu walked over holding an odd contraption and explained what was going to happen. Serena fainted before she finished her explanation. ~*~ A little while later, she awoke to find Darien lying beside her in the bed that occupied the room they were to stay in. "That was a weird dream." closing her eyes, she fell asleep again, snuggling in closer to Darien. ~*~ The next morning, Serena woke up to screaming coming from downstairs. Turning to bury her head in her pillow, she found that Darien was not there. "What a surprise." she stated in deadpan sarcasism. She rose to get ready for the new day. ~*~ --Washu's Lab-- Washu was studying the data from Serena and was shocked at the answer her analysis gave. "This can't be true. The analysis has to be lying. According to this, Serena is my ... my ... daughter!" Part 2- "How can this be? I never had another child after I lost my boy, besides Ryoko. Oh my god, wait, yes I did. Why didn't I remember? There is no possible way, though. My baby died, atleast that's what they said. It can't be true, but all the data points to yes, and it's never been wrong before." Washu frantically searched through the data again to see if she had done something wrong. When she got the same answer as before, Washu prepared to tell everyone. Ryoko would be happy, she hoped. ~*~ "Wow this food is really good, Sa .. uh .. sa .." "Sasami." "Right, Sasami." everyone was sitting at the table, and Serena was amased that the little girl had cooked all the food. "Thank you, Serena." they had all done formal introductions, and Serena finally learned the rest of the people's names. She also learned that she was in the presence of royalty. Even Darien didn't know that, nor that Tenchi was the crown Prince of Jurai. ~*~ Ryoko was sitting at the table eating slowly, for once. She had still not gotten over the fight between her and Serena. *How did she do that?* She eyed Serena closely, then turned her head to look back at her rice. *Hey Ryoko. What 'cha thinkin' 'bout?* "What was that? Who is speaking?" everyone looked at Serena like she was nuts, but Ryoko looked at her differently. She was intrigued. "You heard that?" "Of course I heard that. Didn't everyone else?" Serena looked around the room to find everyone, but Ryoko, looking at her in awe. "How are you able to listen to the conversations between Washu and I?" *That's mom, Ryoko.* *Whatever* *I'll turn you into a water sprite* *Okay fine mmmooooommm* *Music to my ears.* Serena's eyes got real big. She couldn't believe that she was hearing the conversation and no one else could. "How are you doing that?" "Mine is telepathy, but I don't know how you are doing it." "Well it's rather hard to explain, little Ryoko." "Huh?" they both turned to face the new voice in the room. "What do you mean, hard to explain? Is there something you're not telling me Washu?" Washu reached for a red button on her computer, "I mean mom." "Quick thinking, Ryoko and yes. It seems that they lied to me back on the moon. This is you're sister, Ryoko." "WHAT?!" everyone yelled. Ryoko and Serena were too dumbfounded to say anything. Washu laughed at their twin expressions. "Miss...er...little Washu, how can that be true? I thought you're son and Ryoko were you're only children." Tenchi eyed the girl anew. "I had thought so too, but my analysis on Serena showed different. Then I remembered; I had another husband on the moon..." --Moon Kingdom--(Flashback) "My dear Washu, are you feeling alright?" Endymion took his wife's hand and pulled her to him. She was almost due with thier soon-to be baby girl. Washu looked at her king and sighed happily. "Yes I'm fine, but...oooooooohhhhhhhhh," she grabbed her stomach in pain, "I think it's time." "Okay, Setsuna, please fetch Hotaru and Ami." "Yes my lord." the ever present guard wnet to find who she was told and the king carried the queen to the birthing room. ~*~ A little while later, Washu was holdinga baby girl with hair as blonde as the sun. THey had decided to name her Serenity. "Excuse me highness, but Queen Serenity is here and is requesting to see her namesake." Setsuna bowed and turned to exit. Looking at his love, he nodded his approval and had Serenity brought in. "Hello brother. Washu, sister. You look absolutely raidient. Is that my niece? She is adorable, but looks nothing like either of you." she giggled at her remark and took baby Serenity into her arms. "Yes I see what you mean. She looks more like your daughter instead of ours." Endymion had dark, stormy blue eyes and midnight black hair. Whereas, Washu had vivid red hair with dazeling green eyes. Serenity, on the other hand, had the same blonde hair and blue eyes as baby Serenity. "Well that's a pleasant fable, but she didn't go through the pain I did to bore Serenity." --The Den--(End Flashback) "Anyway, she grew into a beautiful young woman and a very loved princess. One day, though, she went out to play and never returned. I never found out what happened to her, so, to ease my wonder and insanity, they told me she had been found dead. I could only believe them. After that, I buried myself in my work and Endymion sent me to the Science Academy, because he could no longer deal with my obsessive behavior. Their I met Kagato and was made to do everything I was told and you came about Ryoko. My status was lost as a Queen and I could only think they told Endymion that I was killed. I heard a rumor while I was with Kagato, that he later married Setsuna and that they were having an affair while he was married to me." she looked at Serena and Ryoko then everyone else. "So she is my sister and I am a princess? It's not possible." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what did you think of this chapter? I made it longer (thanx to a suggestion by funkym3477). Hope you send me more mail. Thanx. Bye for now.