Lost Soul by Dusken Archer Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters they belong to Pioneer and AIC blah blah just don’t sue me ok I’m broke. WARNING: THIS IS A LEMON AND IF YOU’RE NOT 18 PLEASE BUGGER OFF! But hey I can’t stop ya so here ya go. Tenchi Muyo!: Lost Soul Hyame laid on the futon which sat in the dark room in the second story of the Masaki household. He sat there smoking a cigarette and remembering days long past and all he could think of was pain. There was a soft knock on his door and without looking up he spoke one word “enter”. It was Tenchi. He was looking a little distraught and curious as to why anybody could be up this late. “I heard you come in I was just checking on to see if your ok.” “I’m not Tenchi, truthfully I haven’t felt this much pain in my entire existence.” Hyame said as he puffed on his cigarette. “Do you know what true pain feels like Tenchi?” “If you’re talking about pain of losing someone you care about yes I do.” Tenchi muttered as he stared blankly at the image of Hyame as he was coated in darkness “I know you lost your mother when you were young. How old where you five, six years old?” Hyame spoke as a puff of smoke escaped his lips “I was five.” “I was four when I lost my family.... Mother, Father, Sister...all gone.” Tenchi just closed his eyes and hung his head “it must have been very hard for you.” “It was a living hell. I can still see their faces when I close my eyes it hurts beyond anything I can imagine but that’s only the beginning.” Hyame muttered darkly as he watched his cigarette burn “years later when I had grown and known nothing of the feelings love or compassion I met true love. A beautiful woman who had a heart of gold and I loved her wholeheartedly. My first mistake!” Tenchi could hear the spit in Hyame’s words as he talked “I loved her, I died for her, I came back for her, and she left me in this hell! Tenchi first lesson in love...Don’t. Period. It will get you killed.” “What do you mean you where killed?” “I was a P.O.W. Prisoner of War and those fucking idiots in the Juraian High Command said I was dead so why not live the role? Hell I have no family left...sadly it makes sense to me.” “I can understand where your coming from, but I can’t live that way. Gomen nasai.” Tenchi muttered “Everyone must choose his or her own path then live it. Unfortunately mine leads straight into hell but hey maybe then I’ll get some peace.” Tenchi said nothing. He never knew how much pain one person could feel in one lifetime or how much anger he felt towards Hyame it was like he had given up on everything without even trying but it was not his position to criticize the man. “It’s late boy go back to bed.” Hyame said distantly Tenchi could only nod as he watched the blackened figure that was Hyame sit and stair out the window into the full moon. As Tenchi closed the door Hyame spoke silently to himself “Tsunami why have you taken the two things in the entire universe I ever loved? I prayed to you many times for help for answers and you left me with nothing! I swear I will get my revenge and get my family back with or without your help. I will get back those I love at any cost even sell what is left of my own soul. I swear it!” On Jurai Lady Masaki heard these words and a tear fell from her eye and whispered Sasami you will know the truth soon.... Your father is closer than you think.... This is my third installment of the story truthfully I didn’t know it would turn out this way. Some of the best writers write about there own experiences. This story reflects my own life and it had become darker than I had originated it to be. I hope it holds up to your expectations. With all do respect please e-mail me at bone_grinder_04@yahoo.com or chat with me to tell me what you think. It would be most appreciated. Thank you and blessed be.