Tenchi Muyo!:Lost Soul - Chapter 2 : "Faces in the Rain" Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters they belong to Pioneer and AIC blah blah blah just don’t sue me ok I’m broke. WARNING: THIS IS A LEMON AND IF YOU’RE NOT 18 PLEASE BUGGER OFF! But hey I can’t stop ya so here ya go. Tenchi Muyo!: Lost Soul As the Masaki household was talking and debating whom this new guest was no one noticed the door to Washu’s lab open. “Who do you think this man could be Tenchi?” Asked Sasami who herself was very worried about this new comer, she was scared that he may hurt the people she cared for. “I don’t know Sasami and I don’t think that Little Washu does either.” Washu just shook her head. “I just want to know what the hell he’s doing here.” Said a very annoyed Ryoko. “Well Ryoko if you want to know so damn bad all u had to do was ask me.” Answered the large man as he took another puff of his black cigarette. “But you may not like the answer.” At this moment every eye in the room was on him. He was a fairly large man a little under six feet tall and from under his black shirt and coat his muscles weren't very well hidden. The color of his skin, the long hair on his head and face where very pale. He looked almost white in the sunlight. He had long nails that looked like they were sharpened into points but also sharp enough to pierce the skin. On his face he carried black battle markings that started at the middle of his forehead to the middle of his face. The color of his eyes was blood red and looked like a serpent’s matching his heart and mood. Cold as ice. The most distinguishing mark he had was a tattoo on the front of his throat. A circle that casted out curved sharp lines in three directions as if meant to be some symbol. “I am Hyame Keruya a Kensai Assassin and the last of my people.” “A Kensai? I thought they where wiped out over a millennia ago.” Muttered a very worried Ayeka “Most were princess. No one knows how much it hurt me to see my friend’s dead. Slaughtered like cattle...” Hyame’s voice trailed off as he crushed the cigarette he was smoking in his hand out of anger and sorrow. “How did u know who I am?” Asked Ayeka “I know who all of you are down to the smallest detail.” Answered Hyame “I’m sorry for your loss but we must put the past behind us no matter how painful.” Said Tenchi “Yes we all have lost someone we cared for at one point in there life.” Answered Washu mournfully “If I may ask until I get the Znitium up and running again do u have a place where I can stay Tenchi? If it’s no trouble of course.” Asked Hyame “Oh it’s no trouble Hyame there’s an extra room upstairs. Sasami can you show him where it is?” Said Tenchi. “ Okay Tenchi I’ll be back in a minute, come on Hyame.” Piped Sasami happily “All right I’m coming Sasami.” Said Hyame following her up the stairs with a soft smile on his face “He seems to be very taken with Sasami. I wonder why?” Asked a very curious Ayeka Ryoko thought to herself watching him climb the stairs to the second floor “I think I know why.” A smile started to crawl across her face and she looked to her mother who gave her a nod. “Is there some thing I’m missing here?” Asked Kiyone “Nothing well I got work I have to do I’ll see you all later.” Answered Washu “Yeah and it’s time for my mid day nape bye.” Said Ryoko as she disappeared “I wish they wouldn’t do that.” Muttered Tenchi “Yes it’s very aggravating.” Replied in the same tone “Thank you Sasami for showing me to my room is there anything I can do for you in return?” Hyame “No except get some rest you look terrible.” She replied As she walked away he said “you don’t know the half of it little one...” As he lay on the futon he tries to sleep but he can’t all he can see are distorted and disfigured images of soldiers screaming orders others being blown apart and others firing weapons only to be struck down by gun fire. “Leave me be goddamn it leave me be!” Cries Hyame Time passes into the night everyone is asleep thanks eigsaution and to another great meal by Sasami. All but Hyame. As he walked through the remains of the Znitium he found a few things. For some strange reason his telecaster wasn’t in pieces but it was made of Jurai wood so he just shrugged it off, he also found that his speaker was in shambles and he just borrowed the karaoke speaker. He walked through the woods to the cliff where Tenchi showed Ayeka the scenery and plugged the guitar into the speaker and began to play Staind’s “Outside” And you Bring me to my knees Again All the times That I could beg you please In vain All the times That I felt insecure For you And I leave My burdens at the door But I'm on the outside And I'm looking in I can see through you See your true colors 'Cause inside your ugly Your ugly like me I can see through you See to the real you All the times That I felt like this won't end Was for you And I taste What I could never have It's from you All the times That I've tried My intentions Full of pride But I waste More time than anyone But I'm on the outside And I'm looking in I can see through you See your true colors 'Cause inside your ugly Your ugly like me I can see through you See to the real you All the times That I've cried All this wasted It's all inside And I feel All this pain Stuffed it down It's back again And I lie Here in bed All alone I can't mend But I feel Tomorrow will be OK But I'm on the outside And I'm looking in I can see through you See your true colors 'Cause inside your ugly Your ugly like me I can see through you Hyame sets down his guitar and looks over the cliff “Such beauty reminds me of Lotus 9. Mother...Father...I wish u could see this.” He closed his eyes and breathed in the cool crisp night air for a minute then turned and walked back to the house. Just then as if in tune with Hyame's heat it begane to rain. Well that's two down. Please let me know what you thought of it feedback that would be very helpful. My e-mail is angelous_@hotmail.com. Please leave now or the cabbit gets it.