Tenchi Muyo!:Lost Soul - Chapter 1 : "The Falling of the Damned" Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters they belong to Pioneer and AIC blah blah blah just don’t sue me ok I’m broke. WARNING: THIS IS A LEMON AND IF YOU’RE NOT 18 PLEASE BUGGER OFF! but hey I can’t stop ya so here ya go. Tenchi Muyo!: Lost Soul Out in the reaches of space flew a ship called The Znitium. Covered in heavy fire from his enemy’s and trying to hold The Znitium together in on peace long enough to escape yelled a man in the pilot’s seat. “Wolf what’s the status report for the ship!”. The onboard computer for The Znitium answered quickly “ 35% sir and the shields are becoming weaker and if they get one more direct hit to the left engine it will be destroyed and we will fall out of orbit to the planet below us.” “Well we can’t live forever.” Said the man with a half smile on his face. Just then the left engine exploded which sent The Znitium spiraling downward to the planet below as Wolf had said. Wolf’s voice came over the speakers again. “Sir it has been an honor to work with you even though you’re a human.” . “Yeah yeah yeah whatever.” Said the man still trying to get control of the ship. He looked straight ahead through the windshield as the ship started to enter the atmosphere. “All right Death. You old fuck! Let’s see what you got!” Yelled the man with a smile on his face to his on coming fate. Back in Okayama Japan at the Masaki residence the day was calm and cool except for Ryoko and Ayeka fighting like usual. Tenchi was in the fields tending the carrots, Mihoshi was sleeping on the porch and her partner Kiyone was doing the report for their lieutenant. And Sasami was talking to Washu about something. Tenchi had just finished tending the carrots when he looked to the sky to admire its beauty. “Peace at last.” He thought. He turned to leave when he heard a loud whistling sound from they sky above. He raised his head to see a black ship falling towards the lake. The ship barely missed it and skidded about 50 feet. The others who where in the house heard this and ran outside to see what was happening. “What was that?” Ryoko asked Tenchi with a look of bewilderment on her face. “I don’t know but we’re going to find out!” Was his only answer. Tenchi raced to the downed ship with Ryoko, Washu, and Kiyone in toe. When they got to the Znitium the only way they could get into the ship was tearing a whole big enough through the severely damaged cargo bay doors. The ship was in dismay. The hull itself was crushed and would require extensive work if they really wanted it to fly but right now what really surprised them where the strewn about weapons and explosives. “Oh great. This ship belongs to a bounty hunter!” Ryoko said angrily “How can you tell?” Asked Kiyone “Well all the weapons and explosives is a good guess.” Answered Ryoko dryly Just then the man who was piloting the Znitium limped into the room holding his right side and pointing a gun right at the group. He was a total mess, he had his left eye shut tight and blood was running down the side of his face. “Ryo..ko.......” the man said through clenched teeth as he slumped to the ground. The small genius rushed to the downed mans side even though he might of shot them. She knelt down to check to see if he was even alive. He had a pulse, a very weak one but a pulse none the less. “He’s unconscious. We have to get him to my lab NOW!” yelled Washu with a commanding tone. Ryoko walked over and picked up the man wan started to fly back to the house. Once they got inside Washu’s lab they laid the man down and left. A few hours had passed when Washu walked out of her lab matted with the young mans blood. “How is he?” Tenchi asked rising from the couch. “Truthfully he should be dead. He lost a lot of blood, one of his ribs went through his right lung, and his sternum is completely broken in half and some of it was digging into his heart but somehow he survived. Washu said in a concerned tone. “Yeah but what gets me more is was he flying here to kill my daughter.” Washu thought to herself hiding her fear. Back in Washu’s lab the healed traveler woke with a shock. “I’m alive...damn.” he muttered to himself “I wish they would have left me for dead.” With a wet rustling sound his wounds where disappearing. And with a low growl form the pain the man grabbed his shirt and coat and began to walk out. digging into his pocket he found a pack of smokes and light one with a small black metallic lighter. Blowing out smoke he looked to the looming blackness above and said. “Well looks like you have other plans then to let me die. Pity.” and walked out of the light and into the darkness. well ladies and gentlemen that's number one of this fic. its my first so don’t rip my head off if it wasn’t what you hoped it was but please let me know what you thought of it. my e-mail is angelous_@hotmail.com. See ya!