Disclaimer: Nope... I still don't own Tenchi. Hey, the boy's a free spirit! Whatcha gonna do about a guy like that? ;) Remember to keep your arms inside the chapter at all times and to keep your safety belt fastened until the chapter has come to a complete stop. In the event of a water landing, this chapter probably won't make much of a flotation device. Remember the author's note is at the bottom of the chapter. ******************************** Days later Hotsuma and Ryoko had barely exchanged a handful of sentences, and those were only spoken between them because they needed to make arrangements for their newest ill-gotten gains. Per the usual, Hotsuma yielded to Ryoko's wishes before the men, but Ryoko felt a twinge of guilt when he bowed his head to her. He did all the unpleasant work of keeping this gang running, yet he gave her all the credit as their leader. On the other hand, this gang was built upon her reputation, and she took on the most dangerous parts of the raids. Still, she was having more and more trouble figuring out what was fair anymore. Her experiences on Earth proved that life was seldom fair, so perhaps it didn't matter much anyhow. She'd tried to be fair with Tenchi, and that had only led her to false hope and heartache. She'd been disillusioned yet again by Kiyone and Mihoshi. That was when she'd decided that it was necessary to wall herself off, so that she wouldn't have to feel that hurt again. She might not be fair, but she was safe. So why did she feel so empty? Ryoko turned through the twisted corridors of their new base, as she aimlessly wandered. The new hideout was again subterranean, dark and gloomy on this planet. It had the added bonus of being colder than anywhere else she'd ever been in her extensive travels. Ryoko loathed the cold, and she felt like she spent most of her time hunched forward and rubbing her arms briskly. Nothing helped though. She watched a pair of pirates setting up heating units in one of the halls; it was the only way of keeping the entire base from icing up. It wasn't enough to make their surroundings pleasant by any stretch of the imagination. Ryoko shivered as she entered the cavern where they stored their spoils. She'd set up a throne that they'd pilfered from the royal family of Elerostra. The golden surfaces were covered in an intricate bas-relief, and luxurious purple velvet cushions padded the seat and headrest. Ryoko enjoyed passing out shares from it, as though she were rewarding her loyal subjects for following her excellent leadership. Stacks of gold coins stood on either side of the throne, and racks of expensive garments had just been brought in alongside the far wall to await Ryoko's consideration. Hotsuma looked up from the security alarm he was tying into the base's computer system, as Ryoko strolled into the room. She'd traded her normal pirating clothes for thermal camo colored to blend into their wintry environment, but the design was as revealing as ever. No wonder she suffered so badly in this climate. "Hello, Princess," he greeted cautiously. Ryoko nodded coolly as she approached the clothing rack. She listlessly thumbed through the beautiful designer garments. "I have more money than I could have dreamed, more sake than I could ever drink, and more beautiful clothes than I could ever wear... but it's not the same. Something's missing," she said softly without looking at him. It was the first time she'd told him what she was thinking in a while. She wasn't sure if he would have an answer for her, or if he even would understand what was bothering her. She didn't understand it herself. Hotsuma knew exactly what had been missing for him lately, but when it came to Ryoko he wasn't sure what he understood anymore. Maybe she wanted to make up with him, or maybe she was talking about chucking it all and heading back to Earth. After everything they'd been through together, how could she possibly not know what she wanted? "Are you trying to tell me that you're missing out on true love?" Hotsuma replied, trying to keep the bitterness out of his voice. The statement itself seemed neutral enough to fit either of her possible choices, as far as he could tell. Ryoko glared at him. That was the last thing she'd wanted to hear. "Then you obviously don't know me very well!" she spat back venomously. "I'm a pirate! That candy-coated crap is meaningless to me!" she informed him. Ryoko couldn't believe herself how his words had set her off. She'd wanted to smooth things over with him, when she'd first started talking, but she couldn't help but lash out at him at the first thing he'd said. She had to get out of here; she couldn't even breathe in this room. She quickly headed for the door, her boots clicking against the stone floor with each stride. "Where are you going?" Hotsuma asked her, as he watched her hasty retreat. He pushed his glasses up in a familiar gesture then crossed his arms, as he waited for her answer. He'd reached a decision after their giant row the other day, and he had concluded that he had only two options left. He'd resolved to try the first one and tell Ryoko everything. If he could prove to Ryoko that he didn't want to hurt her or Yugi, perhaps together they could create a middle path between the child and the Masaki family. The second option was his last resort. He hadn't had any luck so far in talking to her, and he knew from the last time he'd heard from Yugi that things were coming to a climax back on Earth. He had to accomplish one of the two courses of action today. "I'm going out for a walk," Ryoko snapped back at him. She resumed her step, still needing to get to a place where she could be alone and sort herself out. If Hotsuma was going to be bringing up subjects like love, she definitely wasn't ready to talk to him right now. She needed to be calmer. She needed to know how she would answer his questions. She really needed to sort out her feelings for the two men in her life. "I'll go with you," Hotsuma suggested brightly; he knew that if he cowered every time Ryoko got snippy, he'd never have been able to deal with her. Ryoko had been making herself unavailable for days. This was the best chance he'd had to talk with her since making his decision. It was also his last chance, he realized. "Just leave me alone!" Ryoko growled, as she stormed off without him. "Can't he see that I don't want to be pushed right now?" she thought privately. She would talk to him when she got back-when she was ready. "And with that I'm down to the final option," Hotsuma thought, as he watched her back disappearing down the shadowy corridor. Instead of coming out of the darkness to be with her, he was dragging her down into it with him. She deserved something better than that. He needed to save her and Yugi both. Something about the look in Ryoko's eyes made it more important than ever. He smiled darkly, as he headed into his own rooms to prepare for Ryoko's return. He didn't understand them, but he'd reached the conclusion that his dreams were trying to tell him what to do. However, the price for being wrong was high. Hotsuma had never been the type to back away when things got difficult, and he wouldn't start now. Meanwhile, Ryoko was exploring the area surrounding their hideout. "I must admit Hotsuma picked a secure location for our base. Nobody in his right mind would want to come to this miserable ball of snow," Ryoko muttered as she flew low above the blizzard-swept landscape. The dunes of snow here could reach over a hundred feet in height, and walking on them could be fatal if a misstep led to an area of loose, sinking snow or created an avalanche. She descended low enough to grab a big handful of the fluffy white stuff then landed on the crest of an enormous snowdrift. She looked up into the gray sky of an endless winter. "True love, huh?" she mumbled, as she packed the fresh snow between her hands with a squeaky crunching sound. She looked at the large round snowball with a sly grin, and tested its weight experimentally by bouncing it in her palm. The one truly great quality about this stuff was the way that it could be packed into the perfect missile to launch at someone's head. "Sasami and Mihoshi would especially love this stuff," Ryoko sighed reflectively. "But I'm the only one who understands it's true potential," she laughed as she hurled the snowball at a point on the horizon to test her aim. "Perfect," she cooed. "Now to set up a shooting range!" With that she proceeded to build a line of snow people with strangely familiar shapes. On one she would sculpt a spiky ponytail as best the snow would allow, and on the next she made a small bunny-like creature perched atop its head. The third she created with its bottom in the air, as though it had tripped, and the next stood silently by in quiet mortification. The final snow figure stood regally behind the rest; Ryoko only hoped it would look as straight and haughty to others as it did to her. She fished into her pocket and pulled out a handful of change, which she pressed into the snow faces to create eyes. "Oh yes!" she cackled happily, as she retreated to a suitable distance and began her snow barrage. She acted out the reactions of her victims, as her cold wet projectiles soared into their hapless forms. "Oh, my poor little Ryo-ohki! Kiyone, help me! I can't get up! You wouldn't be that tough if I had my new invention with me, Ryoko! That was completely uncalled for, you undignified monster woman!" Ryoko could almost hear them as she mimicked their voices. It felt good-warm and welcoming. Even light years away they were with her, she realized. What had been missing was Ryoko. She'd been so preoccupied with keeping herself safe from another betrayal that she'd failed to think about how cold it felt to keep everyone else out. "I get it now," she spoke aloud, letting the last snowball fall heedlessly from her limp fingers. "I'm The Space Pirate, Ryoko-not some damned coward! I don't run from anything, and if it means I get hurt sometimes that's just part of the deal." She cocked her head slyly towards her pummeled snow victims. "Right?" she asked with a wry grin, as she winked at the silent sentinels on the lonely crest. An involuntary shiver brought Ryoko's attention focused upon the subtle shift in the weather. A slight wind lifted snow from the surrounding dunes and dusted her hair and skin with the frozen crystals, while the sky overhead darkened with thickening clouds. She'd already learned the warning signs of an approaching storm here, and she'd seen them get truly nasty within minutes. Ryoko took to the sky and headed towards the base. "Poor, Hotsuma," she chuckled. "I've been pretty awful to him, and he's gone out of his way to help me and do everything he could for me. I think it's time I showed him a little appreciation," she added with a lascivious glint in her eyes. "Maybe I don't have all the answers he wants, but I'm not going to find out by staying here." Upon returning Ryoko headed straight for her and Hotsuma's private wing. She quickly passed through the scanners, which marked the two pirates' comings and goings to ensure that no one else had access to their private space or some of the best treasures, which they hoarded. "Somebody turn up the heat! It's freezing in here!" Ryoko complained, clutching her arms and stomping her feet to warm up. She strode down the passage to Hotsuma's lab. Perhaps all that time playing in the snow hadn't been such a good idea. She was torn between wanting to go directly to Hotsuma and wanting to warm up in her private onsen for a few hours. Ryoko heard Hotsuma's voice up ahead, and she pricked her ears to listen. She couldn't make out to whom he spoke. Ryoko slowed her pace and concentrated upon the sound of his voice. She hung back outside the door, concealing herself in the shadows as she listened intently. "I thought I knew what I was getting myself into, but I wasn't ready for this shrew! She's a total animal-worse even-at least animals can be house broken. She started to grow on me, but now all I see is a barbarian," Hotsuma practically yelled. He punctuated his words with frustrated hand gestures; then he paused to compose himself while adjusting his glasses. "There was no need for such an elaborate ruse. We should have disposed of her long ago," he replied to Yugi's previous question. Ryoko felt as though he'd just sliced her open and left her exposed to the crows. How could he be the same man who'd been so protective of her around the bioroid force or in the tunnels of Olmeck? Ryoko's chest tightened as she fought to slow her beating heart and forced herself to breath deeply. Her mind flew back to all the tender moments she'd shared with him, as if she were looking for clues in a desperate attempt to reconcile this new Hotsuma to the man she thought she knew. A terrible internal whirlwind spun her emotions into chaos, and it felt like an overpowering influence. "After all we've been through..." her mind repeated relentlessly. She knew this feeling now, and she hated this kind of pain more than any other emotion she'd ever felt. She channeled her pain into the far more comfortable emotion of anger. He had fooled her with an elaborate lie, and she would find out why. Yes, she'd find out just as soon as she kicked his face in and ripped his heart out through his neck! She'd teach him never to toy with the great space pirate! Hotsuma could hear her shuffle slightly outside the door, and he knew it was time to feign surprise at the sounds of her presence. He'd learned from Yugi that Tenchi was headed to confront the child at this very instant, and their time had run out. It was the moment for his last deception, and he only hoped there was time enough for this to work. "Who's there?" he demanded as he switched off Yugi's prerecorded transmission. It wouldn't do for Ryoko to figure out the trick before she could help him finish things. He couldn't do this without her power. He wore his expression like a correct mask, as he whirled around. Ryoko balled her right hand into a tight fist, so that she could feel her nails biting into the heel of her palm in crescent shaped lines. She lowered her face as she swung into the doorway, using the shadows to camouflage any pain that she couldn't hide. She knew she looked more menacing with her head tilted downward. It accentuated the slant of her golden eyes to create the illusion of a great predatory cat, and she wanted to look as dangerous as she felt right now. "That was a pretty good trick you had going there, Partner," she declared. "Ryoko?" Hotsuma asked sounding surprised by her presence. He darkened visibly as he studied her. "How long were you standing there?" he asked sounding angry and suspicious. His demeanor spoke volumes of treachery and promised violence. To Ryoko he had adopted the character of their cold and shadowy surroundings. He was stranger to her now and colder than anyone else she'd ever known. According to his words it had always been meant to come to this, hadn't it? "What was the plan, Hotsuma? You wanted me away from Tenchi and Earth, but why?" she growled. She didn't trust her normal speaking voice at the moment. "That's all I want to know, and I damned well intend to find out!" She raised her voice to a yell, as she took to the air and rushed him without warning. She hit him squarely on the jaw with a right hook, and the impact sent him spiraling through the brittle stone ceiling and outside to the icy world above. "Despite detesting me, you did all this to prevent me from being able to protect Tenchi or Earth! You used me, because you were scared of something that my feelings for that boy could do!" Ryoko spat as she landed solidly in the crunching snow, before his supine form. "All this time, it's my feelings for Tenchi that you've been trying to sabotage!" she accused furiously. Hotsuma wiped a trace of blood away from the corner of his mouth and smirked humorlessly at the cyan-tressed space pirate. "Too bad he doesn't feel the same way about you," Hotsuma taunted vindictively as he rose to his feet. He needed her to be angrier, and as long as she was talking to him about her feelings for that farm-boy, his anger was his best tool to incite her. "He played you for a fool, Ryoko! Worse than I did," he continued. He let out a derisive laugh as he locked gazes with her. The blizzard blew his hair across his eyes as the biting snow pelted down between them at a sharp angle. "At least you knew I was a pirate," he finished letting his words imply her own stupidity for falling into a trap. "It has nothing to do with reward or possession. Even if the ones I love hurt me, I have to remain true to myself! I will protect Tenchi and my friends and the Earth, not to win him but simply because I love them all. What I feel for Tenchi is something that a guy like you could never understand, Hotsuma," Ryoko countered coldly. "A heartless bastard like you could never comprehend what it means to love." Her words whipped through him like chilling daggers that made the blizzard pale in comparison. Anger welled up in their wake, like blood pooling in fresh, raw wounds. In the end, maybe she always would idealize that "innocent", but it made Hotsuma want to scream at her and shake her until she screamed. He could feel premonitions of danger from Earth. "You're mine!" Hotsuma bellowed in rage and jealousy, and he took to the air, hurtling a desperate punch towards her. Ryoko caught a glow out of her peripheral vision, as she swung her arm up to block the incoming blow. The crystal at her wrist cast a bright light even through her glove and the blinding snow. "Tenchi..." she breathed as the feeling of danger washed over her. He needed her help. She had to end this fight quickly and find a way to get to Earth, and that meant it was time to get down and brutal. The distraction caused by the crystal was enough for Hotsuma to land his blow to her cheek, much to both their surprises. Ryoko rocked under the force and she struggled to keep her footing in the slippery snow. She dropped her center of gravity and from a bent position lashed out at her enraged partner with a roundhouse kick. She cursed inwardly as he dodged the full force of it, but with a twist of her body she rammed her elbow into his back. It hurt like hell, but she was pretty sure from his cry that she'd fractured a rib or two for him. Hotsuma managed to put a few feet between them, before he spun around to face her again. He crouched slightly and held one arm behind him as though protecting his injury. His breathing felt labored as each inhalation was brought up short by a nearly electric jolt of pain. He didn't have time or patience for her to take him apart piece by piece. He needed a quick full power attack from the glowering woman, and he was just going to have to up the ante to get it. Hotsuma unleashed a blow to her stomach, and as she leapt to the side he hurled a lower powered energy ball at her. Ryoko screamed as the energy blast knocked her backwards into a snowdrift. About ten feet away Hotsuma landed in the snow and rolled to his feet, coming up with his energy sword readied. Ryoko somersaulted backwards as he rushed her. She conjured her own energy blade and crossed her body with it defensively as he slashed viciously downward. Her reddish beam flared as his green one collided with it, and both combatants staggered with the energy surge that passed between the sabers. "How do you like your lover now?" Hotsuma nearly purred against her ear, using the proximity to his advantage to land another barb. Ryoko's free hand shot out with a slap to his cheek that snapped his neck around like a loose pivot. He was definitely on the right track, but he couldn't let up yet. He flew backwards to the top of a small snow hill and fired a continuous barrage of energy disks at the furious woman, which sent her scurrying for cover. In desperation Ryoko phased out of being and teleported behind the blond man's back. She raised her hands to nail him with a plasma blast of her own, but he had sensed her intent when she'd disappeared. He turned and fired a blast of his own, which collided with hers midway between the two pirates and caused her blast to detonate prematurely. Then he flickered out of phase, leaving Ryoko scanning the air around her anxiously for any flicker to betray his new location. The seconds continued to pass without any sign of him, and an ominous feeling ate at Ryoko as she waited. Without warning a hand shot out of the snow at her feet and latched onto her ankle, as Hotsuma flew out of the snow with the force of a bullet. He carried Ryoko helplessly into the air with him and used his momentum to fling her back to the ground. Her hair fluttered around her face like a spirit as the breeze gusted around her. She shot back at him awkwardly as she plummeted, but he easily dodged the small burst. Ryoko gathered enough energy around her to break her fall, and immediately had to dodge a fresh onslaught of plasma bursts from the tall, calculating pirate. Their energy attacks continued to intensify, like an insane nuclear arms race devouring the pair of them. Each blast was bigger or more concentrated than the last, and the verbal sparring between them continued to goad them each onward. Hotsuma found it slightly less unsavory to incite Ryoko with his words than with physical violence. Afterall, it wasn't his goal to injure her, no mater how angry or hurt some of her words had left him. Hotsuma could finally feel the blast he'd been waiting for, building within his partner. Even the air around him sparked and rippled with the energy, that Ryoko was gathering. This was it! Ryoko screamed as she fired an extremely concentrated energy blast at the man who'd betrayed her. She would destroy him here and now; she had to! Tenchi needed her! She felt danger prickling along all her senses, and it was increasing with every passing second. If this much energy didn't constitute a lethal blow against the cunning bastard, nothing would! As soon as the energy ball had left her fingers, Hotsuma extinguished his energy sword and pulled Ryoko's locket from his pocket. He flung his arms wide, the locket dangling from the fingers of his left hand, and he stared directly into Ryoko's startled gold eyes as the blast flew towards him. Hotsuma felt the sparking orange plasma ball hurtling towards him, and it seemed that the seconds themselves slowed down for him as his world narrowed to that accelerating energy projectile. He wasn't sure how much energy it took to kill a monster like himself, but he sensed that this was Ryoko's most powerful attack. He was sorry that he'd had to push Ryoko into this, but he didn't think he was powerful enough to do this on his own. And maybe he needed it to be like this. Perhaps death at her hands was the only way to atone for his deceptions. No, it wasn't really death, if he was right. Ryoko's eyes widened in horror as she realized what he'd been intending all along. Hotsuma's long blond bangs fluttered almost serenely before his calm face. He'd lost his glasses a couple of punches ago, but he was still staring unerringly at her. His mouth moved with almost silent words, but his whisper carried over the blustering winds as powerfully as the loudest scream. "I love you," his words echoed in Ryoko's ears, as she floundered with exactly what was happening. It was too late to do anything to stop what was about to occur, she wouldn't even be able to phase to him before that plasma cut through him. All she could do was stand there with her eyes locked upon his as the orange plasma ball ripped through the serene pirate's chest. Ryoko was released from her shocked torpor as the blast knocked him ten feet backwards in a spray of blood. She screamed his name as she immediately teleported to his side and dropped to her knees in the snow. "What the hell were you doing?" she demanded as tears sprung to her eyes, and she pulled his mangled body into her arms as though her presence would stave off death itself. "What were you doing?" she repeated inconsolably. The hole in his chest made a sickening whistle as he struggled to breath, and she could see the light and awareness in his eyes dimming quickly as his blood tainted the pristine snow around them. She realized that he was smiling at her warmly, and she suddenly felt something small being pressed into her palm. She immediately recognized the locket, as he pushed it into her hand and led her fingers to a smaller ruby at the side of the heart. She bent to kiss him tenderly, and her warm tears landed on his rapidly cooling cheeks. Then even the whistling from his chest stopped, and his body began to fade away in her panicked arms. The intense pain stopped for Hotsuma and he could feel himself snapping back into place inside Yugi. He was connected directly to her mind again, and he knew that she had placed the young shrine keeper inside one of her illusory worlds. It was time that he exercised some powers of his own and took away her control over the illusions. Yugi's shadow needed to wake up from her dream world before the farm boy was lost forever in her false paradise, and he tapped into Yugi's psyche enough to send that wakeup call along. He could see a mental image of the shadow before him, and she seemed completely unaware of the kind of world in which she was living. "You can't have him like that Sakuya," he whispered into her thoughts. He could feel her angry and indignant responses flailing back at him. "A living thing can't survive in your dream life. To keep him is to kill him," he reminded the shadow, before sending her a fresh surge of self-awareness. That accomplished, Hotsuma himself would confront Yugi on the battlefield of her mind. "Enough!" he bellowed into the child's thoughts like an angry father. "Do you really want to be all alone again in the dark? Because that's the direction that you're leading yourself! It's time to stop this, and I won't let you destroy yourself or anyone else anymore," he told the increasingly hysterical child. Yes, he felt Tenchi slipping out of Yugi's grasp. Hotsuma used his own thoughts to remove Yugi's control over her illusions. He'd left Ryoko all the information that he could in the locket, and he could only trust in her to do what was needed on the outside while he worked on Yugi from the inside. Alone in the icy blizzard Ryoko tried to wrap her mind around Hotsuma's disappearance. Even the stains of blood were fading from the snow, as though the grisly scene had never taken place. She'd been sobbing uncontrollably since he'd vanished in her arms, and she made little hiccupping noises as she tried to calm her still spastic bronchi. She sniffed a few times to further clear her breathing, as her mind continued to lurch. Ryoko felt a small, hard presence in her closed hand, and she opened her fingers to study the locket in shock. She'd forgotten about it in the wake of their flight from the GXP, but here it was-the only treasure that remained from those early days together. She caressed its jeweled surface raptly, and her fingers found the small ruby that Hotsuma had been guiding them to. Ryoko took a steadying breath, and pressed the stone. ******************* Author's Note: Okay, here's Kleenex for any of you who are in need! ::ryoko11 passes around a box of tissue for anyone who looks teary or is sniffling:: That was a really tough chapter to write. The lemon was the most difficult from a technical standpoint, but this was the most emotionally difficult. That's why it took so long. I feel that Ryoko and Hotsuma do need to come to blows in a real confrontation not only because they are on opposite sides of the Yugi conflict but also because of all the tensions and fights that build between them after the incident with Kiyone and Mihoshi. There has to be a fight to vent all that and possibly to atone for all the deceptions or stupid actions. Plus, it needed to happen for Hotsuma's plan. I always found it interesting that Sakuya didn't help Tenchi until after Hotsuma's "death", and Yugi also undergoes a drastic shift after that when she becomes increasingly hysterical. I felt it important to give Hotsuma more of a roll in these events for several reasons. One of the main ones being that his sudden personality shift at the end just never felt convincing to me. (Even though they did give him excuses to be pretty pissed off) There are still two chapters to come, and there's a lot to come in those chapters. So let's all take a deep breath and remember that this IS a Hotsuma/Ryoko romance. And it ain't over till Amagasaki sings! ;)