Disclaimer: I don't own Tenchi, and I'm not making any money off this. Suing me would be pointless ************************************ Ryoko found herself relaxing into her former lifestyle. It felt like ages since she'd lived like this, but it was still familiar and comforting. She'd never spent so much time in one place before crashing on Earth, and the constant travel exhilarated her. She was what Tenchi's father referred to as a "free spirit". She craved the freedom, the power of choosing her own destiny each day. At the same time though she found herself inexplicably lonely. Hotsuma had been spending time on some secret project lately. He'd rouse from it to plan jobs with her, and he was always at her side during the raids. Still, with only two people onboard the ship, she was painfully aware of any hours that passed without him. He'd promised to let her in on this project when it was ready, but in the meantime he maintained that it was strictly to be a surprise. He'd finally locked her out of the lab, after her repeated excuses to interrupt. Recognizing her loneliness, Hotsuma had been trying to make-up for his frequent absences from her days, and they were on their way to have a small vacation of sorts. Her partner wanted to have Gaiyan's heat shields upgraded, and he had a supplier who was said to surpass the contractors used by the Jurian fleet. Of course, black market merchandise tended to be more advanced than the legal goods. The geniuses knew where the best money was to be had, and they sold accordingly. The best part of this diversion was that Hotsuma had promised to spend the entire three-day outfitting on the planet with her. They were going to really let loose! It wasn't a moment too soon, as the down time on the ship was starting to feel confining. Thoughts of Tenchi still assaulted her when she was alone, and if she had to close her eyes one more time only to see him kissing that horrible Sakuya, Ryoko would go nuts. "I won't let you hurt me anymore," she whispered, as she held back the tears. She'd already shed too many. "Approaching Kittros IV," Gaiyan announced over the internal coms. Ryoko felt relief wash over her. She leapt up and teleported to the bridge. Hotsuma would have to come out of the lab to land, and then she'd have company for the entire weekend. She was pretty sure this was a weekend at least. Time seemed to slip away from her without the regularity of a planetary day. She had no sunrises or sunsets to gauge the days by. But for a precious 72 hours, that was about to change. As she watched the lush planet growing larger in the forward screen, she could feel him teleport in right at her elbow. The air seemed to vibrate for a moment, and then the warmth of his body was palpable beside her. He wore a flowing grey jacket over a ribbed black turtleneck and a pair of camouflage pants. "I was starting to wonder if I'd have to land this ship myself," she goaded, as she crossed her arms and looked at him from the corners of her golden, cat eyes. She felt herself start to lean into him and stopped. What was happening to her lately? "As much as Zeltris enjoys a pretty face, I doubt you'd enjoy dealing with him. He fancies himself a ladies man," Hotsuma replied "and he'd hardly be able to perform the overhaul once you'd snapped both his arms. Although, I hear he has seven ex-wives that'd pay you good money for such a deed." He winked at her before moving to the control console. "Maybe I'll try to collect once he's finished," Ryoko laughed. Her mood was already improving. She'd heard Kittros housed some of the galaxy's greatest casinos, not to mention some very dangerous but beautiful jungle. This was going to be exciting. "Hotsuma, you mercenary bastard!" greeted the teal-skinned man on the screen. A series of bony ridges ran along the top of his head, and streaks of black oil were smeared across his cheeks. "Nice to finally see you. You're about six hours earlier than I estimated. Whoa! That must be the infamous Ryoko," he noted. His eyes widened as he studied Ryoko. The golden-eyed woman wore skin- tight red pants with carefully planned holes to reveal the perfect skin of her thighs and calves. She wore a matching sleeveless top with a mandarin collar; it was nearly backless. Several inches of her flat stomach were visible between the bottom of the shirt and the top of the low-slung pants, and a metallic utility belt hugged her slim hips. She'd chosen the outfit to get attention. Apparently, she'd chosen well. "Not even the rumors can do you justice, my lady," Zeltris whistled. "Rumor is you've got a pretty silvery tongue," Ryoko acknowledged coyly. "Just remember my interest's strictly professional," she continued as she planted her hands on her hips. "The only parts of yours that I'm interested in are for the ship," she chuckled good-naturedly. "Can't blame a man for trying," he mused. "Okay, Hotsuma, I'm transmitting the coordinates to you. You're cleared for bay four, and I'll meet you at the dock. I'm sure you've brought the agreed upon amount," he queried. "Zeltris, if you've heard anything about our exploits at all, you already know I've got the money," Hotsuma reproached him. "You'll get it, as agreed. Half up front and half upon completion." He gave the little, greenish man one of those cold smiles that failed to meet his icy eyes. The little man's greed disgusted him. Hotsuma understood the allure of money, but when it came down to it piracy was about the thrill and the challenge for him. He yearned always to be the best, and he considered the focus on money to be for those of inferior mind and ability-barbarians and underlings. "Good. I've got you booked into the best hotel here, the Galaxy Star. Penthouse suite." The arms-dealer snickered. "I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves." "I'm sure we will," Hotsuma replied frostily, as he cut off the transmission. He was right, Ryoko didn't like dealing with the man. She hoped he didn't do anything to make her snap his neck after docking. It'd be a shame to ruin her first vacation in years. "So are you all packed, partner?" Ryoko asked, as she plopped into a chair and began to spin it around with a kick of her foot. She leaned her head back and let the dizziness overtake her. It felt like drunkenness, like flying, like first love. Why did she feel this overwhelming need to feel-to let moments carry her to the highest highs and the lowest lows? Maybe, she was just too extreme. She was pretty sure that would be Tenchi's estimation. Whatever the reason she clung to every sensation, and she knew there was no other way that she could live. She floated into the air, still spinning with her arms extended out to her sides and her hands palm up. "I am going to show you how to vacation," she promised. "I can't wait," he said, as he looked up at her. "Good to see you're enjoying yourself," he added as he adjusted Gaiyan's course by point two degrees. "Hey, out of curiosity, why the sudden interest in upgrading the heat shields?" Ryoko asked suddenly serious. "Is it a ploy to get me into a hotel room for a couple days or do you have something else up your sleeves?" She asked with suspicious eyes. "Technically, I have more privacy with you here," Hotsuma said haughtily. "I figured you might need to stretch your legs, so to speak, but it's also necessary for the next piece of work that I've found for us." He was clearing the hangar doors and had the engines slowed, prepared to park. "Be sure to rest up here, because after this little vacation, we're going to outfox a supernova." He waited for her reaction, and he braced himself. "A supernova!" Ryoko screamed. "Are you fucking crazy?! I always knew you were ambitious, but I didn't think you were suicidal!" As she yelled she shook her head and waved her arms in front of her to signify that she wanted no part of this little plot. She grabbed him by the shirt front and glared into his eyes, "Compared to a supernova that micro black hole at the Galaxy Bank is a kiddy toy!" "Ryoko, do I ever rush in without a solid plan?" Hotsuma responded soothingly, as he stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. Ryoko closed her eyes and leaned into the caress, before she seized control of herself and jerked away. He raised her chin with his fingers so that their faces were close together. "I have it timed down to the last second, but I'll explain it all to you after our vacation," he continued, "A wise woman once told me that a space pirate should savor each victory." His lips nearly brushed hers as he spoke and his warm breath all but kissed her skin. It was all a game that he played with her. He would have loved to bridge that small distance and seal her breath into his kiss, but he wouldn't. He was teasing her, tearing away small chunks of her resistance with each small flirtation, pushing against the edges of her resistance, until she would be the one to break. He would hold out until she needed to either bridge that gap herself or go crazy. He stepped back and calmly turned towards the doors. With a little wave, he headed off to his quarters to pick up his gear for the weekend. He could have teleported, but he was enjoying making her watch his back as he strolled off. He could feel her eyes boring into him, and had to suppress his laughter. "Yes, Princess," he thought, "This is one game I'm not about to lose to you." Behind him Ryoko stared in disbelief. She realized that her mouth was hanging open, and she probably looked something like a fish out of water. Her jaw moved wordlessly, as she struggled to grab hold off any words to hurl at him. "DAMN YOU, HOTSUMA!" was all that she finally managed, before flouncing off to collect her bags. Zeltris met them on the dock, and Ryoko was disgruntled to discover that the hormonal arms-dealer was exactly eyelevel with her chest. He spent the next five minutes staring into her cleavage, as he discussed the shielding and his payment. She allowed Hotsuma to run interference for her, in order to keep from doing the little man serious harm. When she caught him ogling her posterior as she fished through her luggage for some sunglasses, Hotsuma was actually forced to restrain her from clawing the creep's leering face off. After she pointedly destroyed one of the hydraulic lifts with an energy blast, Zeltris seemed to get the idea that she was not interested. Finally, the refit was underway and the pirates gone to deposit their gear in the penthouse. The suite consisted of two bedrooms, two luxurious bathrooms, and a central living room with a fully stocked bar. The carpeting was so lush that Ryoko imagined it was probably softer than many places that she'd had to use as a bed over the years. Hotsuma insisted on unpacking and hanging his clothing before they went downstairs. Ryoko decided it was just too much effort, since she'd be repacking it in a couple of days anyways. She'd just live out of her luggage for the weekend. She sprawled across the couch as she waited anxiously for him to finish. After a few minutes that felt like eons, he appeared at the door to his room. He leaned against the doorframe, crossed his arms, and cocked his head. "I assume that tapping on the coffee table means you're ready," he deadpanned. "How long does it take you to unpack for one little weekend?" Ryoko demanded. Hotsuma checked his watch. "Three minutes and twenty six seconds, apparently," he confirmed. He looked back to her, as she scrambled up from the sofa. "So where would you like to go first?" he asked. "The Grand Casino, of course!" Ryoko exclaimed as she grabbed his large hands and dragged him laughing out of the room. She skipped down the hallway, like a little girl who'd just been promised a giant lollipop. Ryoko practically glowed with exuberance when happy. Radiant was the first word that came to Hotsuma's mind. She was truly radiant. "Oooh! Don't you love glass elevators!" she squealed in delight. "Look at that view!" She didn't go for more than ten seconds without a bubbly comment or joke, until they reached the craps table. She gave him a confident grin and pushed his glasses up with her index finger, "Prepare to see the master at work!" She had $500 dollars in credits to start with. If she needed any more than that, she must have lost her touch. Shooting the dice was similar to shooting a perfect energy blast. It took just the right amount of pressure, the right amount of speed, and good aim. Ryoko hadn't rolled anything other than a seven or an eleven since she was twelve-not even when the dice were rigged against her. "Come on! Baby needs a new heat shield," she sweet-talked, as she rolled. She could hear Hotsuma's laughter behind her, and everyone cheered as she got her seven. She raised her eyebrows, rolled her eyes innocently, and smiled at her amused partner. She held the dice cupped in her hand and reached out towards him. "Care to lend me a little luck?" she prompted. "I somehow doubt you need it," he chuckled, but obediently blew into her cupped palm. Their eyes met, and Ryoko felt lost for a second. Gathering her energy, she shook them again and gave them a throw at the table without ever breaking eye contact. "Eleven!" called the man. "I guess you're lucky," Ryoko said softly before she turned back to the table. They spent their time in the casino cheering and laughing, the way that tourists on a winning streak always do. Soon Ryoko had amassed a small fortune, and they decided to cash out. Casino's had a real problem believing that she was just that good at craps, and Ryoko had learned from experience when to leave the table without drawing undue attention to herself. They locked the money in the hotel safe, secure in the knowledge that no other thieves posed as great a threat to this security system as they did. It was time to change for dinner, and Ryoko had the perfect blue dress with nothing but silver laces up the sides. Hotsuma meanwhile changed into a pair of grey slacks and one of those dressy oriental jackets that he favored. It was five-star dining all the way, with a full orchestra and a dance floor under the stars. All Ryoko needed now to make the experience complete was a full spa, and they had one of those in this hotel too. This was bliss! Ryoko watched the stars as they spun languidly on the dance floor, until a tap on the shoulder alerted her to the presence of a tall young man with black hair beside them. He looked like a kid wearing his father's suit. He shifted nervously, before asking, "Excuse me, but may I cut in with this lovely lady?" Ryoko saw Hotsuma's back stiffen, as he stared daggers at the young man, who was smart enough to know fear. "Look, Buddy, I've already got a partner," Ryoko told him shortly and rested her head against Hotsuma's shoulder, as they resumed dancing. His hand at the small of her back felt warm and secure. Yes, she had a partner, and he was always there to watch her back. As she sighed contentedly, she suddenly felt something brush against her hair. It made a small squeak, as it flew past, and Ryoko yelped as she looked up to catch a view of the flying creature heading into the woods that edged the hotel. "What the hell was that?" she gasped. "A minalli scandos," Hotsuma replied with a nod. At her look of complete confusion, he clarified, "It's a bat like mammal of approximately 2kg that eats fruit, pollinates night-blooming flowers, and lives in the woods in this region." "What! Do you know every kind of creature that's indigenous to those woods?" she challenged. "Nah," he yawned. "Just 362 of them." At her laughter he spun her outwards and back against him. "I'm beat," he groaned, "Feel like turning in for the night?" He was thankful when she nodded in agreement. Ryoko couldn't sleep no matter how she tried. The bed was comfortable enough, but she still wanted to sit up and talk. She wanted to do something-anything so that this night didn't have to end yet. She climbed out of bed and decided that she would go out onto the balcony to watch the stars. Ugh. There might be more of those bats to contend with out there. Oh the hell with it! She was a space pirate wasn't she? Besides, she was bigger than they were. As she stepped into the living room, Ryoko noticed a light coming from the other bedroom. Maybe Hotsuma couldn't sleep either. "Talking to him beats watching the stars alone", she thought and padded over to his open door. The room looked just like hers, painted a lovely slate blue and decorated with pictures from space-nebulas mostly. As she stepped into the doorway, she could see Hotsuma, clad in a pair of silk boxers, sitting cross-legged on the blue bedspread, while he read a heavy book. He was chewing on his lower lip, completely unaware of her presence, as he turned the pages and occasionally adjusted his glasses. "Didn't you say you were tired?" she mocked. She feigned displeasure; reluctant to show him how glad she was that he was awake. When he looked up in surprise, she fought to hide her smile. He blinked a few times. "Um," he stammered, "I'm sorry. Was the light bothering you?" He started to get up, until she held up her palm to stop him. She could see his eyebrows lift as he noticed her little silk shorts set. "Okay, Princess, as lovely as you look in your pajamas, I doubt you're here to give me a fashion show. What's up?" "Couldn't sleep," she replied, as she climbed onto the soft mattress and picked up the book in his lap. "Let's see what you're reading," she gloated. She stopped as she looked at the cover. "A textbook!" she howled, "You read textbooks in bed? I've known people with strange kicks, but this is a new one even for me!" "I'm studying up on supernovas," he said sounding slightly affronted. He reached out and pulled the book from her fingers. "I enjoy it, and since you want to survive the next job, you really shouldn't mind if..." She cut him off abruptly by pulling him in for a kiss. She held his face between her hands, and kissed him playfully over and over. She nipped at his lower lip one moment before pressing his upper lip between her own in the next. Then she flicked her tongue over his lips, as they became sensitive from her kiss. It was just too cute to see him get his feathers ruffled like that. Hotsuma let the book fall forgotten, as he caught on to what Ryoko was doing. He grasped her arms in his hands and let his fingers flutter up her goose- fleshed limbs and along her shoulders and neck, until they finally came to rest in her wild, soft hair. He deepened the kiss, and Ryoko caressed his tongue with hers in response. It felt as if some dam within them had burst, and they'd just discovered a new language to explore. They wrapped themselves in a wordless admission of passion that just seemed to spiral outward feeding itself, until they finally had to draw back breathless and shaking. Ryoko picked up the book and knelt between his legs. She turned around and leaned back into him, pressing her back against his chest and wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. When she was comfortable, Ryoko looked back and kissed him softly. "So, tell me all about supernovas," she asked as she ran her hands back into his hair and drew his lips down to her neck. She gasped as he sucked at the delicate skin of her throat, and offered more of her neck to him as her fingers knotted in his hair. When she was good and riled up, Hotsuma drew back and playfully pushed her onto her side. "They're very hot," he oversimplified, and she slapped him. He pinned her down and tickled her, until she was nearly crying. Then he drew her against him and spent the rest of the night holding and kissing her, occasionally pausing to rattle off some fact about supernovas which made her giggle. "I'm finished in the lab," he finally admitted, as they sat on the balcony the next morning watching the sunrise creep over the forest. As Ryoko looked up at him, he continued, "I've got something for you, but I don't want to give it to you until after the next job." "Why then?" Ryoko wondered aloud. Her eyes took on that open defenseless look they often got when she thought. "You'll see," he assured her, and he kissed the top of her head.