Hiroshi Part 8:The Party Part 1:The Party Starts and A New Guest Arrives. By Around the Fur Here's the first part of my short mini-series. All copyright stuff here. Most of the characters belong to Pioneer,so don't sue me cuz I'm poor and you'll just be wasting your time. Lemon content,so turn back if you're under 18. Note:Hiroshi uses a voice modulator cause he sings a lot of different songs and he can't get the right pitch for them. The Masaki household... Hiroshi sat on the couch in the den next to Ayeka,who was leaning on Ryoko. "I'm bored," Ayeka said,"I know! Why don't we have a party?" "That's a great idea! But,one problem,where are we gonna have it?" Ryoko began,"I mean,There's no way Noboyuki would let us have a party in here,and Ryo-ohki and Ryoka are too small." "I know! We can have it on Ayeka's ship,Ryo-ou." Hiroshi suggested. Later that week... Hiroshi walked out on the makeshift stage he had set up on Ryo-ou. Next to him stood Ryoka,who had a bass in his paws,Hayate,who was at a drum set,and Washuu on the keyboard. Hirohsi had a guitar in his hands and was setting up his amp,wa wa pedal,and voice modulator. Earlier that week,Hiroshi had agreed to play at Ayeka's party with his band,whose newest member was Washuu. Now he stood on stage in front of a small audience which consisted of Tenchi,Ryoko,Ayeka, and GIR. Hiroshi gave the signal and the band started to play CKY's "96 Quite Bitter Beings." In a few minutes,the song was over,and Hiroshi and his band,which was called Mudslide,went right into the next song,which was Nine Inch Nails "Perfect Drug". An hour later... The concert ended and the small band left the stage. A sudden explosion surprised everyone. Ayeka looked at the view window,and saw that a small ship was being chased by the Yagami. After a long conversation with Kiyone,Mihoshi,and the assailant,all three ended up on Ryo-ou. "So what's your name?" Hiroshi asked the girl,who had light purple hair,as everyone sat down at a large table in the middle of the ship. "Kaori. Kaori Murama." Kaori said,shaking hands with Hiroshi. "Pleasure to meet you Kaori. Say,would you like to join our little party?" Hiroshi offered. "Oh,I couldn't. I don't want to impose." Kaori said shyly. "Oh,you wouldn't be imposing. Come on!" Hiroshi said as he lifted Kaori up by her hand and showed her around the ship. Back at the Masaki household... "Hey," Noboyuki said,"I just realized something. Tenchi,Ayeka,Sasami,Matsumo,Ryoko,Hayate and Hiroshi are gone!" Yosho was tempted to thwack his son-in-law across the head with his bokken,but he resisted and took a sip of his tea. Back on Ryo-ou... "Gin!" Sasami exclaimed as she laid he cards down on the table. "That's the millionth time you've won Sasami!" Tenchi exclaimed. "How bout we play something else?" Ryoko suggested. "Like what?" Hiroshi asked. "Oh,I don't know,strip poker?" Ryoko said,barely able to keep a straight face. "What's strip poker?" Sasami asked curiously. "You're a little too young for this Sasami. Come on." Matsumo said as he led Sasami away from the table and into another room. "You know better than that Ryoko!" Ayeka shouted. "Sorry. I was just kidding,but why not?" Ryoko asked. "Because it's wrong and immoral,that's why!" Ayeka exclaimed. "You don't have to play Ayeka," Ryoko retorted,"Besides,I'm sure it would take forever to get all of that off." "I refuse to take part in this!" Ayeka shouted before stomping off. "That was pretty mean,Ryoko." Hiroshi said. "Yeah,I think you should go apologize." Washuu suggested. "But I don't wanna!" Ryoko complained. "Do it Ryoko...or else." Washuu said agrily. "Y-you wouldn't,would you?" Ryoko said nervously. "I will if you don't do it." Washuu said as she began to lift up a picture from a space pocket. The picture had Ryoko standing next to a wet futon with a lump on her head. "All right! I'll do it!" Ryoko shouted as she threw her hands up in frustration. In Ayeka's room on Ryo-ou... Ayeka sat quietly on the edge of her bed,her head hung. Ryoko walked in and sat down next to her. "Hi. Listen Ayeka,I'm sorr..." Ryoko was stopped when Ayeka leaned forward and locked in a deep kiss with the space pirate. Ryoko didn't resist as Ayeka slid her tongue into her eager mouth. Ryoko slid a hand behind Ayeka and slowly took off her kimono. Ayeka did the same,and pretty soon,both were naked on the bed. Ayeka laid Ryoko down and knelt down under the bed. She stood back up and held a few ropes in her hands. Ryoko went along with the little game Ayeka was playing. Soon she had her arms tied behind her and her legs bound together at the ankles and knees. Ryoko began to chuckle nervously when suddenly Ayeka crammed a gag in her mouth. Ryoko then decided she was in too deep and started to phase away,only to find that it didn't work. Ayeka laughed and sighed at Ryoko's trouble. "I forgot to tell you,I slipped a little something into your drink,just in case something like this happened." Ayka said as she knelt down next to Ryoko,who was whimpering. "Silence! You'll only get yourself in more trouble if you're not quiet." Ayeka said as she stood Ryoko up on the bed. Ryoko wavered and fell down face first onto the bed. Ayeka chuckled as she gently turned Ryoko around. Ryoko didn't resist,too affraid that she might get into deeper trouble. Ayeka got onto the bed and knelt down next to Ryoko. She traced a finger down the space pirates back and down to her clit,which she teased with her finger. Ryoko held back a moan as she let Ayeka go to work on her. Ayeka stuck a finger in Ryoko's dripping cunt and began a steady rythm of thrusts with it. After a few minutes,Ryoko felt herself ready to blow,when Ayeka stopped and crawled over to Ryoko who's face was covered with sweat. "Did you like that?" Ayeka asked. Ryoko nodded weakly as she laid her head down on the soft bed. "Would you like me to continue?" Ayeka asked again. Ryoko lifted her head with all her strength and nodded again before her head dropped again. Ayeka went back behind Ryoko,but this time she knelt down in front of her and softly licked the inside of her thigh. She then moved upward and parted Ryoko's nether lips as she delved into Ryoko's core with her tongue. Ryoko felt herself ready to blow again,and this time Ayeka didn't stop. Ryoko held it back as long as she could,until Ayeka's skillful tongue and Ryoko's urges caused her to spill her sweet love juice all over Ayeka's face. Ayeka tried to clean herself up as best she could,but still ended up with Ryoko's come on her face and chest. Ryoko collapsed from exaustion. Ayeka smiled and untied Ryoko,taking the gag out as well. Ryoko sprawled out on the bed,and Ayeka covered her up with a blanket. Back at the card table... Hiroshi,Kaori,Washuu,and Hayate decided to go with Ryoko's idea and play strip poker. Hiroshi and Hayate were now half naked and Washuu and Kaori had yet to lose an article of clothing. "I think something's going on here." Hiroshi whispered to Hayate. "Me,too. I smell a rat." Hayate whispered back. Both stared at Kaori,who smiled weakly. An hour or so later... All four sat at the table,but this time,Kaori was down to just her undies. Hiroshi and Hayate had figured out that Kaori was shuffling the deck so that they would always lose. At that moment,Ryoko walked in and yawned,still tired from her little nap. She ploped down on the couch that Hiroshi had brought from his house and stared up at the ceiling,thinking *What next?* That concludes the first part of my two part mini-series. Oh,and also,here's a list of all the songs Hiroshi played during the concert: 1.)CKY-96 Quite Bitter Beings 2.)Nine Inch Nails-Perfect Drug 3.)Janes Addiction-Jane Says(Matsumo played steel drum for this one)/The Mountain Song 4.)Primus-Shake Hands With Beef 5.)Bad Religeion-Atomic Garden 6.)Orgy-Stitches 7.)Green Day-Welcome to Paradise 8.)Powerman 5000-Automatic 9.)Sick of it All-Scratch the Surface Note:This would also make a good mix cd or tape