Hiroshi Part Seven:Matsumo's Explanation and a visit from the King By Around the Fur Here's the seventh part. All copyright stuff here. Pioneer owns most characteres here within this fic,so please don't sue me. This chapter is kinda short,but bear with me. I wanna hurry up and get to the next chapter,which will be a short mini-series. Also,for all you MSTers out there,feel free to MST any one of my fanfics. I actually like it when people make fun of my stuff. The Masaki household,afternoon... Matsumo sat on the couch in the den,surrounded by the members of the household. "So that's my story. I just saw the ad and came here. The part about me being Hiroshi's brother is purely coincidential." Matsumo finished. Eeryone "oh"ed and went back to what they were doing before,except Ayeka and Ryoko,who were still in the space pirates bedroom. "Ouch! Watch it!" Ryoko griped as Ayeka applied the rubbing alcohol to Ryoko's back,which was criss-crossed with red marks. Next to Ayeka laid a leather whip and a leather outfit. "Sorry." Ayeka replied. "I had no idea you were such a freak!" Ryoko joked. Ayeka pressed down on one of the marks and made Ryoko wince in pain,"Sorry. You can bet we'll never do this again Ayeka." "I don't know about that. Maybe this could be a punishment of some sort when you've been bad." Ayeka replied with a devious grin. At that moment,the whole house shook with a violent earthquake. Outside the Masaki household... The crown King of Jurai stood before Tenchi and the gang. His eyes wandered to Hiroshi and Matsumo,who he could have sworn were on wanted posters all over Jurai. Ayeka and Sasami wer busy hugging Masaki. After a few tearful goodbyes,the three beamed up to the king's ship and zoomed off the planet. Later that day... Matsumo was on the couch watching t.v. Sasami had fallen asleep in his lap,and now she slept peacefully. Hiroshi was in Wahuu's lab,where GIR quietly ate a cupcake. Ryoka sat on Hiroshi's green pillow in his humanoid form.