Hiroshi Part Six:A Surprise Visit and a Lost Friend By Around the Fur Well,it had to be done. I wrote a fifth part,so there has to be a sixth part. This one's funny,too,but a little wierd. All copyright stuff here. Pioneer owns the rights to most characters in this fic,so please don't sue me. May be some lime content,so turn around if your under 18. The Masaki Shrine... It had been a typical day for Yosho. He had already ordered Tenchi around already enough,and now he was bored. At that moment,as if his prayers had been answered,a knock came at the door. "Come in." Yosho said in his best grampa voice. The door slid open,and in stepped a young woman clad in a big kimono. She had long black hair split into two braids near the end,and she had a dot on her forehead. "So nice to see you again Yosho." Lady Funaho said. "Nice to see you too Mother," Yosho said in his normal voice,"but if you're here,then that means..." "Yes,she's here too." Funaho said with a heavy sigh. The Masaki household... Hiroshi was taking a break from work,and left Washuu and GIR in the lab while he left to watch cartoons with Ryoko when the doorbell rang,and continued ringing as if someone was leaning on it. *Damn but this is annoying* Hiroshi tough as he got up to answer the door. Hiroshi opened the door and a green-haired woman fell into Hiroshi. "Sasami I missed you!" the woman exclaimed as she looked up,"What happened to your long beutiful hair? And...and what's this?!" the woman sad as she slid her hand down Hiroshi's body to his crotch. "Hey! Cut that out lady! I'm not Sasami!" Hiroshi exclaimed. Ryoko snickered and left to get Sasami,and to possibly get the Jaws of Life to get Lady Masaki off of Hiroshi. Sasami walked followed by Ryoko. Lady Masaki immediately let go of Hiroshi and ran to Sasami,who did the same. Back at the Masaki Shrine... "So what brings you to earth,mother?" Yosho said as he poured some tea for Funaho. "Masaki and I are on our vacations,and we decided to stop by for a few days,if you don't mind." Funaho replied. "Oh,not at all. Feel free to stay here as long as you like." Yosho offered. "Why thank you son," Funaho said,"So nice of you to be so hospitable for you mother." Hours later at the Masaki residence... "So you're Hiroshi huh?" Lady Masaki said interestingly,"The same Hiroshi who stole 600 lbs. of ganja fruit?" "Yes,but..." "The same Hiroshi who robbed most of the Juraian Universial banks?" "Yes,but if you..." "The same Hiroshi who destroyed the National Association of Cabbit Hunters?" "Now that one I can explain,but I've put all that behind me and now I live here." Hiroshi said after being interrupted after awhile. "Oh." Masaki replied. At that moment,Ayeka and Hayate walked in chatting about something. "Oh,hello Ayeka,look who's here." Hiroshi said. Ayeka turned to see who was sitting on the couch. "Oh,hello mother. So nice to see you." Ayeka said plainly. "You're not the Ayeka I know." Masaki said as she stood in Ayeka's face. Ayeka turned and whispered to Hayate, "Now Hayate,I am about to say something that you may find funny,but I asure you,you do not want to laugh," Ayeka paused to turn back around to Masaki and gave her her best "my mommy!" she could muster. At that moment,Washuu walked out of her lab with GIR,intent on getting Hiroshi. Washuu looked at Masaki and smiled. "Oh,hello miss Washuu," Masaki said,her eyes wandering to GIR," who's this?" "This is GIR,we invented him,although Mihoshi is responsible for his current state." Hiroshi said as GIR hopped up onto the couch. "Well isn't he cute?" Masaki said as she picked up GIR. GIR squirmed around until he popped out of Masaki's grasp,then he sat down on the armrest of the couch and pulled a muffin out of his head. "Mmmm,muffin." GIR said before digging into the muffin. Later that day... It had been an exausting day for Hiroshi. What with him having to make room for Masaki and Funaho by giving them his room. Hiroshi wearily walked into Washuu's lab and sat down on his green pillow. Washuu walked in shortly and sat down next to Hiroshi. "Do you think they know about Ayeka and Ryoko?" Washuu asked as she handed Hiroshi a Mountain Dew. "Probably,but then there is the possibility that they don't monitor Ayeka's every move." Hiroshi suggested. "Nah." both said at once. Hiroshi looked over to Washuu,who was lying face down in her lap,deep asleep. Hiroshi chuckled and carried Washuu to the guest room in the lab,where he gently set Washuu down as he fell asleep too. The next day... Hiroshi had gotten up rather late,as he was walking down the stairs to the kitchen at about the same time Ryoko did. Hiroshi ate a late breakfast and sat down on the couch with Funaho. At that moment,the doorbell rang and Hiroshi ran to get it. He opened the door and in stepped a short boy(about as tall as Sasami) with jet-black hair done up in a way that made his hair look like a palm tree. He was wearing baggy jeans and a black shirt with the words "Kuze Shingaru" printed across in small white print. Hiroshi stuttered like an idiot as the boy calmly walked into Washuu's lab. Hiroshi ran into the lab,following the boy. He ducked behind a machine as he listened to Washuu and the boy talk. "I heard you needed an assistant?" the boy said. "Yes,but I didn't expect to see someone as well,young as you." Washuu said in astonishment. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that age doesnt' matter? Besides,I'm only 13 as you might say on this planet. By the way,my name's Matsumo." Matsumo finished. "Oh,well,you can start today by helping me with this experiment." Washuu said as the two went to work. Hiroshi sighed and left the lab as silently as he could. He ploped down on the couch again next to Ryoko. "What's the matter?" Ryoko asked. "My brother just got a job as Washuu's assitant." Hiroshi said with a heavy sigh.