Hiroshi Part 2:An Odd Mix of Events By Around the Fur Well,This is part two of my ongoing Tenchi Muyo! epic,and this one is a little wierd,even by my standards. This fan fic(or at least part of it,seeing that it's a very long fic) contains adult content and anyone who is reading it must be 18 or older. Copyright stuff here. Most characters and character designs belong to Pioneer,not me. So don't sue me! This is a fic that bases around Ryoko and Ayeka more than Hiroshi,but it turns out even somehow. I've also decided to officially make it Tenchi Muyo! and not Tenchi Universe because I have a whole cabbit humanoid form plot-line thing. The Masaki household... Ayeka had started her day off normally enough. First she got up and got dressed,then there was the usual morning greeting to Lord Tenchi,then breakfast,and a little t.v. before fighting over Tenchi with Ryoko,which resulted in the usual double blowout. But this day was different somehow. Ryoko was a little bit nicer than usual today. Ayeka immediatly thought that she had a plan,but she shook that when Ryoko dissapeared into Washuu's lab. *Hmmmm,I wonder what she's got planned* Ayeka thought as she flipped to the channel she was looking for. In Washuu's lab... Washuu had had a busy week,what with all the planning to get Hiroshi's attention and all. Washuu felt giddy,which was odd,considering that she was,well,her. That's when she noticed Ryoko walk in. "What can I do for you?" Washuu asked irritably,hoping to shoo Ryoko away as soon as possible. "I needed a little help getting rid of Ayeka,and I was wondering..." "No! For the umpteenth time no!" Washuu said angrily,then realized she had said "umpteenth" and quickly stopped. "What the hell?" was all Ryoko could mutter. "You never heard that." Washuu said sternly. "But..." "GO!!" Washuu commanded. Growling to herself,Ryoko left. On her way up to her room,Ryoko bumped into Hiroshi. "Oh,uh,hi." Ryoko muttered as she stepped to the side. Hiroshi grabbed Ryoko by the shoulder. "Hey,what's wrong?" He asked. "N-nothing wrong." Ryoko replied. After Hiroshi gave the famed "If you can't beat 'em,join 'em." speech,Ryoko's face lighted up with a devilish plan. Hiroshi continued through the day in Washuu's lab,feeling happy about what he had said to Ryoko,having no idea what influence it would have on the space pirate. Hiroshi sat calmly on his green velvet pillow that was floating next to Washuu's,waiting for Washuu to get back from the kitchen. "Damn I'm hungry." Hiroshi said to himself. Later that evening,possibly night,probably late afternoon... Ayeka had decided to go to bed early,as she was exausted from the days events. The Jurain princess was just about to get undressed when Ryoko phased through the wall. "Don't you ever knock?" Ayeka asked as she covered her partially nude body in a clump of clothes. "Why knock when I can just go right through the wall?" Ryoko asked. "Ask a stupid question..." Ayeka muttered to herself. "Anyway princess,Hiroshi gave me an idea I'd like to try." Ryoko said as she released an orange energy ball. The force hit Ayeka before she could set up her log things,and knocked her out. The last thing Ayeka heard was the laughing of Ryoko before losing consciousness. Not too much later... Ayeka woke up and tried the best she could to focus her eyes. When they did focus,she found Ryoko standing over her,naked. "What do you thing you're doing?!" Ayeka screamed. "Shh. We don't want to wake the others up." Ryoko said as she slid a hand over Ayeka's mouth. "Mrph! mrpmh mrrrrpmh mrpmh!!" Ayeka said against Ryoko's hand. She tried to get up but found her hands tied to Ryoko's bed. She also noticed she was nude. "Promise not to scream?" Ryoko asked biddingly. Ayeka nodded and Ryoko slid her hand away from her mouth. "I realized something today Ayeka. I don't really hate you,I love you." Ryoko stated as she knelt down next to the nude princess and pecked her on the cheek. "Now you just sit back and enjoy." Ryoko said as she started to plant kisses down Ayeka's neck. Ryoko stopped at Ayeka's already hard nipples and suckled them for a second,but then moved back to planting a trail of kisses down her torso and her waist. Ayeka gasped in delight as Ryoko kissed the inside of her thigh. Ryoko then parted Ayeka's nether lips and delved into her with her tongue. Ayeka moaned in delight as Ryoko went to work on her. The young Jurian princess soon felt a strong orgasm rock her body as she came in Ryoko's face,spilling her juices all over the space pirate's face. Ryoko cleaned her face and sat next to the panting Ayeka. "Now wasn't that fun?" Ryoko asked meekly. Ayeka nodded in agreement. "You've been good,I think you deserve to be rewarded." Ryoko said as she undid the ropes binding Ayeka's hands and legs to the bed. Ayeka wrapped her arms around Ryoko and kissed her deeply. The two fell asleep in bed,arms around each other. Meanwhile,in Washuu's lab... Hiroshi tightened a bolt in a large machine and closed the hatch. "There. Now we have a computer voice hook-up." he said as Washuu hugged him. "Computer,show us where everybody is in the house." Hiroshi commanded. "Searching..." a female voice(much like the one from Dexter's Laboratory)said as windows opened up on a clear screen in front of the two. The screen dislayed cameras thatt showed where everyone was. Tenchi was asleep,as was Noboyuki and Yosho,Ayeka and Ryoko were asleep together,which baffled the two,until their imaginations allowed them to figure it out,Ryoka and Ryo-ohki were asleep on the carrot pillows,and Sasami was asleep in her and her sister's room. "Sleep is for the weak." Washuu muttered as she went to work on another experiment with Hiroshi. The two worked well into the night and into the early hours of morning. Washuu fell asleep after a while and slumped over on her floating pillow. "Huh boy," Hiroshi said as he picked up the small scientist,who just happened to be in her petite form,"Computer give Washuu some pajamas,please?" "Command confirmed. Transfering clothes now. Good night." The female voice said as Hiroshi hit the power button(which was a pretty red color) and carried the snoozing Washuu(who was now in pink pajamas decorated with little smiling crabs) into his newly established room. He laid Washuu down on his bed as he climbed in and settled down next to Washuu. "Good night." he whispered as he kissed her on the cheek. In the morning... Washuu woke up with a start. "Gah! Where the hell am I?!" Washuu screamed as Hiroshi woke up. "You're in my room,you fell asleep and I carried you here." Hiroshi answered before wiping his eyes clean of eye boogers. "Oh,well,uh,thanks,I think." Washuu stated meekly as she stared at her crab PJs. *I guess it could be worse* she thought to herself as she got up and headed straight for her lab. She snickered as she passed Ryoko and Ayeka,but they didn't notice. They were too busy discusing things,mostly Tenchi and whether or not they should tell him about their little "habbit",which they decided against because they were afraid they would give him a heart attack. Ryoko sighed as Ayeka leaned on her when no one was looking. Tenchi headed out the door to school as Sasami said good-bye to him and cleared the table of the breakfast dishes. Hiroshi opened the door to Washuu's lab and walked in. Much later into the day... Hiroshi had ended up having to carry Washuu back out of her lab again because she fell asleep again. After Washuu woke up again in shock,she decided to have Hiroshi perform some tests on her in the lab. Many hours later,in Washuu's lab... "It appears to be plain old sleep deprivation. Just get some rest and you'll be fine. Computer,give Washuu some pajamas again." Hiroshi said as he picked Washuu up again. "Command confirmed. Transfering clothes again." the female voice said as Washuu appeared in the crab PJs again. "Hey Washuu,why do you like crabs so much?" Hiroshi asked as he carried the small scientist up to his room. "It has a lot to do with my hair." Washuu said before she closed her eyes and fell asleep in Hiroshi's arms. Hiroshi laid her down on his bed again and left her there. After that,he went back into Washuu's lab and cracked his knuckles before he went to work on Washuu's experiments. Later into the week... Washuu got out of Hiroshi's bed for the millionth time that week and walked down the stairs as she usually did that week,but instead of going to the kitchen,she walked into her lab,where Hiroshi was busy working on an experiment. "I'm back!" Washuu exclaimed as she hugged Hiroshi. "Well,it's about time." Hiroshi said. Washuu frowned at the sight of all the work that had to be done,but she was feeling up to it. Meanwhile,in Ryoko's room... Ryoko and Ayeka had spent the day wondering what to do,and they finally decided to just konk out in Ryoko's room,where they were now sleeping naked,without much covering themselves,in each other's arms. Ryo-ohki phased through the door and walked in on the two and soon contracted a nosebleed. The cabbit flew out of the room and rushed to the kitchen to get a napkin,or anything,to clean her bloody nose without getting caught by Sasami,which she did. "Ryo-ohki,were you thinking naughty thoughts?" Sasami asked sternly. Ryo-ohki quickly meowed and told Sasami(by meowing)that she had just bumped into a wall really hard and had hit her nose. "Tell the truth Ryo-ohki." Sasami said nicely. Ryo-ohki meowed again and apologized for thinking bad thoughts. Sasami nodded and grabbed a towel to wipe the blood away from the cabbit's nose. "I've got to cook supper soon,so you go and get the others,okay?" Sasami asked as Ryo-ohki meowed 'yes' and ran off. Ryo-ohki woke Ryoka up and the two turned into their humanoid forms(y'know,the form when a cabbit assimilates the form of a large group of mass). Author's note:Ryoka's humanoid form is quite like this: Fur:jet black except for strands of white-ish grey hair on his head. Clothes:A pair of worn,torn ragged green baggy shorts Eyes:Emerald,like the crystal in his forehead. Special Talents:Trained by Hiroshi in many forms of martial arts,including both branches of Mugen-Tenshin style and Pi Qua Quan,which is a martial art that covers a long range,just to name a few. Can skateboard with the best of 'em. Can team up with Hiroshi for deadly combos. Quite the casanova with female cabbits. Quite the DJ. Eating Habbits:carrots and the occasional taco. The two cabbits went to wake up Ryoko and Ayeka,but were shooed away. After a few hours,everyone was at the table eating dinner,except for Hiroshi and Washuu. "Has anyone seen those two all week?" Ryoko asked as everyone shook their heads 'no'. After dinner... "I'll go check on them." Tenchi volunteered. Tenchi opened the inter-dimentional doorway and walked into the lab. He was surprised when he saw all kinds of electrical devices blocking his path. "Oh well." Tenchi said as he left. "Computer,remove the devices from the doorway." a partially nude Hiroshi said as the computer removed the devices purposly planted to make visitors leave. "That was a close one," a partially nude Washuu said,"Must be time for dinner." The two got dressed and ate dinner. Afterwards,they went back into Washuu's lab and sat down on their floating pillows. "Say,Hiroshi,why did you come to a planet like this?" Washuu asked as she leaned on Hiroshi. "I'm on a mission. I still have time though." Hiroshi replied. "Are you a bounty hunter?" Washuu asked as she looked up at Hiroshi. "Yes,as a matter of fact I am,but I'm nothing like Nagi." Hiroshi replied. "Oh," Washuu said as she got up,"I've got some bacterial cultures to check on." "Okay." Hiroshi said as he got up and walked out of the lab. Washuu immediately went to work experimenting on her cultures. Well,that's the end of the second chapter! Yes,I know it was a little boring,except for that Ryoko/Ayeka scene,but I'm writting this late at night,very late. Look for the next chapter!