The Student by Kthardin Disclaimer: A few of these characters aren't mine. A few of these situations aren't mine. However some of them are. If you can't tell the difference go watch the OVA's. There. Authors Forward: Well here we are folks. The first in a run of side stories of Heaven and Eternity fame. I've found that people are almost never what they seem; truth is stranger than fiction, and that it's true that if you have the will and the love no force can over come you. Of course there in lies a weakness; the love we have can make us do things that we would otherwise not. This leads sometimes to the greatest of deeds or the greatest of shames. You can read this and judge for yourself which one this is. "Gohan! What is your mission?" -Piccolo The regular grind began again. The day began just like any other. The students shambled into the classroom, bedraggled, harried, eyes blood shot. Faces haggard as an old beggars. Lips parched as though the hottest of deserts was in their path from wherever they were to the class room they now filed into. Most seemed to almost stumble into their seats. Some almost collapsed before they even got there. Some did. Must have been one hell of a party, thought the instructor. Of course she knew about the party. Hell there were hundreds every weekend (actually it was really just one big party that shambled off into various pocket parties around this campus; the campus being the world they were currently on). Like she wouldn't know about the party. In her younger days she partied like there was no tomorrow. In her younger days...her eyes misted slightly, she could put any of these youngsters to shame with what she did. She never partied anymore. She never had a reason to. "Yo. Todain to Teach. You with us?" She started. That had come from the Dralthii in the front row. The female one, Trini, her name was. The one the others called 'Hot lips.' And no it wasn't the mouth type lips they were referring to when they called her that. 's funny the instructor thought. That lady wore the name with pride. There was a time when she had a similar title. Those days were long since over though. "Yes. I suppose I am." A mischievous turn of mind caused her to do what she did next. No one could ever say she didn't have a sense of humor. "GOOD MORNING CLASS!" Loud and piercing her voice rang across the room echoing off the walls; quite possibly she was heard in the next room. Or even the next building, that had been known to happen. In any case it had the effect she was hoping for as she cackled at their extreme discomfort. Hangovers have two really interesting effects. One being sensitivity to light. The other sound. So to the denizens of the class; her voice (normally quite energetic; yet comforting) sounded like an atomic bomb going off inside their heads. Needless to say they all made a silent vow to get her later. Not that they had ever 'gotten' her as she was the acknowledged grandmaster of all things in the ream of prankishness. In fact it backfired in their faces more times than not. This never dissuaded them, it was the principle if the thing you see. Her eyes roved her domain. Sharp with the intellect of nothing that could possibly be sane she picked apart and dissected each of her students in a heartbeat. Each felt her gaze; giving her their complete and utter undivided attention. She would demand no less. After all she was the best. Or as she put it 'The greatest scientific mind in the UNIVERSE!' A fact that none had either disputed or thought to question. No. All knew of this ones talent; to be picked for her class was an honor of the highest caliber. Only the best were allowed here. And of these only the best would graduate further still to her more advanced courses. She was the best. No problem she put her considerable talents to work on could ever hope to stand up to her. They had all been witnesses to that first hand. And with people it seemed she could do the same. Within seconds of watching you she could know almost everything about you; not your history to be sure (unless she took the time to read your files) but what you would do in most given situations. How you act under any stimuli. For this reason especially she commanded the respect, attention, awe, and even a little (actually in a few specific cases it was quite a lot; something about kapas they said) fear from her students. And quite a number of others she loosely considered her peers. The gaze as they called it, was when she was watching, studying those around her. That state of mind when she picked you apart and saw you for what you were. It was those eyes that stared at the class now. Those piercing green eyes. Suddenly those eyes narrowed as they roved a spot, and found something out of place. "Where's SeeKei?" she asked, in that tone. Oh shit. That tone. That disapproving tone that suggested it would perhaps be best to be somewhere not here when the object of her ire finally showed his face. Of course this would be the appropriate time for him to show up...however it seemed he let the class sweat a bit before he stumbled in. He wasn't even on time for the cue, the instructor thought. She studied him. Analyzed him. Picked him apart. And came up with a ? in her mind. It always did that when it came to...this student. He was an enigma, a puzzle to be solved. He walked by her, not stumbling like the others, no he had a balance that no amount of drugs or pain could take away. She looked up at him, not by much as he was not much taller than her; making him rather short actually, and continued her investigation. His eyes were a color like hers green like emeralds, piercing, betraying an intelligence there that overshadowed a great...pain. Something had happened to this one. Haunted at times as well. He hid it as best he could. His face; nothing special really about. He was not hansom, not plain looking either, but not ugly far from it. However there was something there. Something she couldn't quite place. Something that drew her. A confidence maybe. Perhaps. A confidence of knowing exactly what he could do, and what he could become. On one cheek, his left one was a scar, slight, fading, but noticeable. She wondered idly how he got it. It was obvious to her that was probably not the only scar he had. This one had seen battle many times. His hair was rather in a disarray this morning. Probably because he had only showered and not bothered to brush it. However normally it was perfectly straight and cascaded down his back ; tied back into a pony tail to keep it out of his eyes. It glinted copper in the sun as he walked. Not copper as most would view the word. A reddish blond color. No this was the color of the element men had dubbed COPPER. His clothing was as usual a standard science academy outfit; well kept, everything in it's place; almost immaculate really. Except for the fingerless jet black glove that he wore on his left hand. Only one hand; why? she wondered again. All this she took in as he walked to his desk and sat down. There was another thing she couldn't fathom. He never stumbled. He never swayed. His clothing was not out of place (as she noted before). His eyes seemed alert. Yet perhaps it was *something* about the way he walked. Perhaps it was the way he said a word or even a vague gesture. Whatever it was that told her; something was telling her that at this moment SeeKei was about ten times more stoned than anyone else in this class. All this added up to one big ?. She did not like big '?'s. There were no such thing as '?' in the cosmos. And if there were they needed to be investigated, analyzed, dissected until finally that '?' became a '!'. Such was the reason for her existence. For the existence of science really. The reason she existed. Something would have to be done about this situation. "So nice of you to grace us with your presence." He barely acknowledged her acid tone of voice. No this would not do at all. She would simply have to make an example out of him. Unfortunately she had found making an example of this student presented a whole new set of challenges. One she had almost thrown herself into with a passion bordering on her passion for science. Yes science. Good old reliable science. It could never lie or betray. Could never leave for the laws it abided by the whole universe revolved around. Science could not be wrong, otherwise reality was meaningless. And reality was hardly meaningless. Sure it was in how you perceived it; yet it was there, and did do what it did, regardless of your wants or desires. Almost living in and of itself really. How else could one explain Murphy's law? Yes she thought, I must do something about him. Class began. These lectures were basics really. The foundation on which everything else would be built. Very important were they. At one time one of the students asked her why she taught such basic material, even if it was to the best of those in the academy. She had answered because she hated to see such potential fucked up by those who didn't know jack about shit. So she needed to get to them before their minds became so warped that when they started the more advanced stuff their lack of knowledge wouldn't come back and bite them on the ass. She observed her class as she taught; all eyes were on her; fingers busily typing at their respective holoboards. All were almost enraptured by her voice and the messages she was sending them. Of course it could have simply been some lingering effects of whatever dope they had had the previous weekend, but she decided not to go there. All that is except one. SeeKei. Damn bastard was staring at the ceiling; no doubt counting the cracks for some obscure reason only known to him and highschool students. She sent a mental command to a certain device in subspace. The statue landed firmly and with a gratifying sound imbedded itself in his head. He didn't even acknowledge it's existence. At most he turned his head slightly so he could better see the ceiling. "So tell me if you would SeeKei, what is the appropriate answer to the question I posed a second ago?" He shifted his head so his eyes could meet hers. He almost laughed. She was short; shorter than him. A child really. No. He knew better. There was a woman there. A woman of strength enough to shatter worlds by will alone; a woman of passion; whatever it was that aroused those passions had better be of a similar passion lest it be consumed. Intelligence would be an understatement. She practically reeked of that. It was an aura she exuded, a smell she emitted. You could not know her; and if she walked into a room it was so potent you would at least know *that* about her. And be truly awed. She wore the robes of a professor; they looked rather funny he thought; on such a small frame. He smiled. Those piercing green eyes widened. The eye brows of bright red perked up. Her head moved slightly; the blindingly bright red spiked hair that was barely kept in check by her head band moved animatedly. She was annoyed. His smile turned into his grin. The class nearly collectively groaned. They knew what came next. He was going to annoy her further. "It's a trick question." The other students looked at him serendipitously. Here we go again. "The tackyon beam and the subspace oscillation field cancel each other out at that frequency. Perhaps if you used an antimatter stream focused by a simple laser in place of the tackyons you would achieve the same effect. 'Course then you would need to set up a containment field that would both protect you and not disturb the chain reaction, but that could be done with quantum field distortion set to around 16 or 17 GU (or somewhere in that area) if you really wanted to take the time and effort that is." The other students sat dumbfounded. The instructor actually frowned. Uh oh. "That is correct." The instructor stated. He had done it again. "Please see me after class." "Sure." He smiled again. This probably didn't bode well. The smart ones (actually there were no stupid ones, so perhaps smarter would be more appropriate) in the class made mental notes to get the fuck out of dodge. Class ended. The class filed out. The individual students going off to wherever or whatever (and at times whoever) they did next. SeeKei remained. The instructor was not frowning. She was not smiling. In fact she had no expression on that cute face of hers. A face he knew that could turn from cute to stunningly beautiful; if she wanted. He grinned a little. This was going to be fun. "How did you know the answer?" Cutting right to the chase huh? "It was easy. You discussed both effects last week. Antimatter streams are covered in basic ship dynamics. As for the field anyone who has even a remote bit of knowledge about protection should be able to come up with something equivalent." He shrugged. "Just put it all together." Her frown deepened. "I wonder." His eyebrow lifted. Almost identically to hers. "You have a mastery of the basics." THAT is a complement coming from her. She never says anyone masters anything until they at least have achieved a level far above even some of the instructors here. He was almost to a point of blushing. "My question is this; why did you request..." Actually he demanded this course, but she didn't need to know that. "this course?" "Easy enough to answer." he grinned in that most maddening way, the way that seemed to be making fun of her even as he spoke. "One because I needed to prove to everyone here I could really do it. Makes my life easier from here on. Two because I heard this was the easiest way to get you for a teacher." Both of her eyes widened. He had managed to surprise; yes even stun her. "You are the best." She nodded her head at the complement. "Three: because it's always good at times to go back to the basics. It helps in ones more advanced studies." She blinked. Twice. She turned from him. What did I say? Oh. Yeah. "Yes it does don't it?" She almost sounds sad. Damnit. He rose from his seat and walked to her. He startled her by placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" She quickly composed herself. To the untrained eye, it would seem there was not a trace of sadness in her bearing. His eyes saw everything, but he would make sure they didn't reflect that. Not reflect that he knew that she was in pain. "Yeah. Just an old memory. What you said reminded me of someone." He nodded his head in understanding. "Well I'm free if you need to talk about it." he offered. She smiled gratefully. Then her expression turned outraged. This bastard had changed the subject! "You will report to the school director tomorrow. He will have a new schedule for you. You will start my advanced classes tomorrow." The tone brooked no dissent or discussion. This was an act never before done in the entire history of the academy. She must think very highly of him indeed for this to even occur. He almost cried in joy. His face must have broke into a silly grin, it was the only thing he could think of that would cause her to laugh as hard as she did. "Just don't disappoint me." He lost all expression. "Never! I would never dishonor you by failing you at this task you have set before me." Touched a nerve there she thought. "Good." He nodded. "You have no further need of me?" She nodded a negative. He turned to walk away, but stopped for a moment. He turned back. His eyes had just gone from mirthful to concerned. Concerned for her. "The offer still stands." She gasped; although very faintly. "Thanks." It had been a VERY long time since someone had been really concerned just for her. It felt good. She felt a strange warming sensation in her chest. Oh no girl. You WILL not fall in love like that! Satisfied that THAT wouldn't happen she began to make a mental compilation of the paper work as well as the list of favors she would have to call in (of which she had more than enough) in order for her to have him advanced as far as she wanted. Still as she did this she wondered about something. His file was almost nonexistent; didn't detail his past at all. She was curious about that. So many things he did seemed familiar somehow. A few mannerisms at most, but those seemed almost...something. "Where are you from by the way? I'm not sure if I ever caught that." His face turned into a complete unreadable mask. Unchangeable as adamant it seemed when he did this. "I never threw it. And if it's all the same I'd rather not say." She nodded her acceptance. No she would never get it out of him. Still her lack of understanding was nagging at her; demanding she find some kind of answer. She pondered this as he walked out of the classroom. Suddenly her eyes latched onto something on the floor. A single copper hair. His hair. She smiled. Why not? The instructor checked her readings for about the tenth time. The scans revealed the same conclusion as the other nine times. Inconclusive. She drummed her fingers on her holoboard and looked at a another holoscreen above her main one. It wasn't the characteristics; those shown out loud and clear. Green eyes, check. Copper hair, check. Height, check. Nice healthy specimen of Male, check and double check. No, those were all easily read. She glanced at another screen. One that showed a double helix pattern of a DNA chain. It was the history contained within the DNA itself. The part that said this is my ancestry, sucks don't it? That part was...well blurred. The part she really needed to see. The part that would tell her where he came from, what he was. Hmmm. It seemed that there were certain... chemicals attached to the Helix chains. Chemicals that masked the exact nature of the chains from her scanners. That definitely sheds some light on the subject. Chemicals that did that would have the side effect of rendering the person in question nearly insensible. Which explained why SeeKei to put this delicately...naa! He was snockered off his ass! Hmmm...It was nothing short of amazing that he was as capable as he was even in that state. My god! If he were to quit taking those drugs he could well be my match in intellect! But why does he do this? Why does he feel the need to hide himself? For what reason? I must know! How to get around the blurring agents though? No problem is beyond my ken. It is only a matter of time. "After all I am the number one genius scientist in the universe." She finished out loud. The following cackle raised more than a few hairs on the students that passed by. Even managed to pause Trini in the middle of her recent project. Suddenly something was out of place. Something was not right in her lab. Something was here that wasn't supposed to be. She turned and *those eyes* began roving her lab. They dissected, analyzed and investigated every micrometer. They moved over the Giant flux capacitor; humming as continued operation. Over the holding tank of specimens, containing whatever (the contents changed daily sometime even hourly)they did presently. Past the shadow acting too much like a shadow. Over the poster of a Juraian tree ship. Skimming the...wait a sec. Her eyes moved back to the shadow. Nothing remarkable about it. Yet something wasn't right almost as if it were trying to be what it was. Yet that didn't make sense. First off the light was in the proper position to cause the device in question to cast such a shadow. Second how could a shadow act like a shadow? Shadows are simply the absence of light and have no will of their own. She studied it further, yet her eyes just couldn't pick out what it was about it. "Heh. I was wondering when you would see me." A voice spoke. No she knew the voice. A figure seemed to detach itself from the shadow and form the basic structure of a man. Almost melting into that form. So that's it. That's what he is. Only one type of person can do that. Or so she had knowledge of. Which wasn't to say that others might not have the knowledge, just these type were the ones known to her. Even if she didn't know she saw *that* mark on the back of his left hand. Now conspicuously without his glove. The dragon mark had wings spread out, almost inviting; it's hand open as if receiving an embrace; it's eyes, they betrayed a wisdom of ages, an intelligence unfathomable, a kindness without limit. And the Phoenix below it; the bird of fire, it's wings spread and intertwined with the dragons; it's eyes alight with an excitement; anticipation even, and it's mouth open, screaming at the joy of being alive. Passion and Logic. Whatever is needed at the time it seemed to say. A yin and yang of sorts. He was a Deneign Warrior Priest. "Get what you need?" He asked; slightly amused. "You know the answer to that as well as I do!" she retorted. He shook his head as he walked up to her. "Yes I do." He walked past and leaned on the nearest terminal. He was tired. So very tired. It radiated from him like a wave of lethargy. His back was turned from her, and his head, bowed resting on his arm. Plop, Splash. Huh? She looked down. Two spots of water had appeared to either side of him. He's Crying! Why is he crying? "He said this would happen. I didn't believe it. I told him I could handle it. Now I have no choice. What a fool I was." he cursed himself. What are you talking about? He turned toward her, a slight grin on his face; his eyes still streaming tears; reflecting a deep sadness. "You are everything he said you were. And more. So very much more." What are you saying? "I see why he loves you still. Will love you forever. I see now why he protects you like he does." Protects me? What are you talking about? "I see you are puzzled. Perhaps if I did this?" he suggested. His hands moved up and smoothed back his hair. Where they passed the hair turned gold yellow, wavy, almost curly really. An illusion, but it awakened something inside. Something she had long ago buried. Something struggling to be heard. And heard she did. Loud and Clear! He didn't really look like *HIM*. Yet perhaps it was his stance. Perhaps his attitude. Perhaps it was that little grin he always wore. It was all *his*. The rest of it was easy enough to see what was familiar. Those green piercing eyes, the very face said it all. Now that he quit blurring it as he did somehow. It was like looking into a mirror. Dumbfounded her eyes opened wide. Her mouth parted slightly as these thoughts made their way slowly through her head. He's rather short. Wonder where he got that from. He's strong. Better than us both. So much better than us both. Another thought began to intrude. My baby. My little baby boy is all grown up. Well a couple of thousand years does that; the analytical part of her mind noted. She was hardly aware that she was being held. Had been held for sometime. Had been crying in his chest holding him tight. She looked into his eyes, the eyes of HER son, and saw...Why that? She wondered. Why such despair? My son is with me again. This should be a time of happiness! Yet his eyes remained sad. "He protects you. I had to know why. He loves you. I do too. I couldn't help but love you." He began. A hollow feeling was forming in her stomach. "NOO!" she screamed. "I won't let you go! I lost your father to those crazy families I won't loose you too!" He smiled gently. Just like his father. So much like his father. "I will not let them hurt you mother. And as long as you know who I am there is that risk." She shook her head no. "If necessary I must be able to leave." He traced the outline of her face in the gesture of affection she knew so well. At the end cupping her face gently and kissing her on the forehead. She suddenly felt his mind invade hers. She fought; oh she fought to no avail. And truthfully? In the final analysis, she didn't want to. She didn't want to fight her son. She felt his utter consuming despair as he erased that part of her mind that contained these memories. She felt his gut wrenching sadness as he close off her curiosity about him; making sure she would never find out about him again. And for one brief moment; she saw everything about him. His life, his childhood, his dreams, hopes, fears, EVERYTHING. she cried silently. And then it was gone. She slumped in his arms unconscious. He sat her down at one of her desks. He composed himself for a moment before he exited the office; taking care to delete all records pertaining to tonight. Also making sure no one saw him as he left. He walked. He walked until he found himself somewhere not there. Somewhere not anywhere really. Only then did he let his feelings loose. They wondered about that scream for quite sometime. CK personal log: She found out today. Hmph. At first I thought I could keep it a secret; that she wouldn't find out. The first day I met her I knew that was only hollow hope, that I was in fact deluding myself. It was only a matter of time. DAMNIT! Why did I have to be so much like her? Why did I have to be so much like father? Heh. I answer my own question. Yes she found out. And I had to take that away so she would never find out again. Dear god forgive me, for I cannot forgive myself what I had to do to keep her safe. I never should have come. And now I cannot leave. She will never know again unless I choose to let her. And I won't. Not until we finally make sure that what happened before never happens again. Not until they are all dead. I hope one day she will find it in her heart to forgive me. I violated her in a way that every teaching I had ever received said was a wrong of the highest order. She may never. No matter. She'll be alive, and she'll have a chance to be happy. I suppose that's what it comes down to. I hope you find something to keep you happy mom. In any case I will be with you for awhile longer yet. Though it tortures me to be so close, yet so far. I'll live with it though. I have to. End. Heh. C&C go to