Kaitouace here. After a suitable request, let's try and finish this story. I wasn't originally planning on having a second part but everyone seemed to want one. So here it goes. And just for the record, AIC, Pioneer, and lots of other people own Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi Universe, etc. Not me...........*SIGH* ********************************************************************* A Family Affair (Part 2): The Truth Behind The Image Tenchi Muyo Fanfiction by Kaitouace ********************************************************************* Sunshine lightly filtered through a dark curtain. Another day had begun. A simple day like any other. Chores needed to be done, breakfast was on the table, bickering could be heard from the floor below. It was time to climb out of bed to face whatever life had to offer. But....... Today was different. Today everything had changed. There was no denying it. It was no dream. No nightmare. A young man had taken advantage of a small child. Her innocence broken. Her trust shattered. Fortunately the girl's physical being was still intact. The young man had at least shown that much restraint. Or was it just fear? If the girl hadn't protested, how far would he have gone? And if she had protested a minute later, would the man have stopped? A horrible deed such as that should not go unpunished. That much is for certain. The laws against such acts are clear and harsh. As they should be. "But......it was an accident. I didn't mean to...." "To rape a girl who trusted you?" "NO! I wasn't trying to rape her...." "What then? You'd hope she'd like it?" ".....No. I was just........" Such arguments seem ridiculous. No one would believe it was an accident. And if it was, no one would care. No one but the culprit. But he wasn't a culprit. Not yet. He hadn't been caught. Only he and the girl knew. And she wouldn't tell. Of course not. She'd be too embarrassed. And she likes him. She wouldn't....... "Oh my God. What am I thinking?" "You're trying to save your own skin. It's common for criminals to think that way." "I'm not a............" In a perfect world, such things wouldn't happen. People wouldn't do such things. No man should ever have thoughts like these........ But this isn't a perfect world. And the man's name is Tenchi Masaki. Food disappeared off the plates rapidly. It was breakfast was usual. People were preparing for the day ahead. Some had work, some had intense meditation. And......some just wanted to eat. But for whatever reason, this group was a family. They laughed together, cried together (not counting Mihoshi), and saved the universe together. They may not be an "ideal" family but they stuck by each other through thick and thin. And no matter how much one may not like the other......they could ALWAYS be trusted. "Eh? Where's Tenchi?" Tenchi. The name sounded like broken glass. He was the supposed "head" of this family. The representative of the group. The most trustworthy of them all. But it was a lie. After all this time, he was exposed. He wasn't the normal person he pretended to be. He was perhaps the most evil and despicable person of them all. But no one knew that. No one save one. "Sasami. Are you all right?" "............" "Sasami?" "........I'm fine." The girl barely heard Washu's question and answered it with as much certainty as she had heard it. She wasn't all right. She didn't know if she would ever be again. She watched as Washu went back to her food and wondered. Should she tell them what happened? ".........Tell them." "No. They wouldn't believe me." "You don't know that." "..............." "Why won't you tell?" She knew the answer. It wasn't that she was afraid for herself. She was afraid for the man. There was no telling what would happen to him if she spoke. She didn't want anything bad to happen to him. "But why NOT?!" "Because.........he's Tenchi-niichan." "What's THAT supposed to mean?" "He's my brother......and I love him." "LOVE HIM?!? HE RAPED YOU!!!!" There was that word again. No matter how many times she tried not to think of it, there was no other way to describe what happened. But it couldn't have been that. Could it? It had to have somehow been her fault. Tenchi would never do that. It was her fault for trying to sleep with him. She should be the one punished, not Tenchi. The girl was deadlocked in her own thoughts. What should she do? "I'm gonna go get Tenchi." Ryoko smiled as she started to float to the ceiling. No one really thought much about that. After all he was missing breakfast. But one person objected to the idea. Rather strongly. "No you will NOT!" Aeka rose to her feet in time to catch Ryoko's leg. She was obviously not amused. "Hey! What's your problem?" "I know that look in your eyes. You're going to try and seduce Tenchi-sama." Ryoko's face shot open in mock innocence. "What?! Would I do that?" Aeka couldn't believe what she had just heard. "Are you joking?! Everyone here is more than certain about your disgusting and lewd behavior. The fact that you're even THINKING of entering Tenchi-sama's room without permission is a testament to that fact. And as his future wife I......." It took about 5 seconds for Aeka to realize that she was yelling at air. Ryoko had apparently gotten bored of the conversation and left seconds ago. Aeka stood dumbfounded as she clutched at nothing. She tried to speak but couldn't find any words. She then shot angry glances at her eating companions who more than probably were purposely avoiding eye contact. Aeka had (once again) been made a fool of. Her face contorted in anger as she was about to scream at the top of her lungs. But at the last minute, she grumbled and sat herself back at her place at the table. Staring at the ceiling, she muttered to herself. "That wench better not try anything." "Tenchiiiiiiiii." Ryoko's head poked up out of the floor as she peeked about the room. She knew that was unnecessary but old habits die hard. She didn't see Tenchi anywhere so she called out for him yet again. "Tenchi! Your darling lover is here." Still nothing. "You're not planning on trying to seduce me, are you? You bad boy." That sentence got a response as a large lump on Tenchi's bed moved slightly. Ryoko flew over to investigate. "Tenchi? You still in bed?" It was obviously Tenchi but there was no response. Ryoko decided to get bolder. If that were possible with her. "Oh I see. You want me to join you. How naughty. Imagine what Aeka would think." Ryoko moved over to the bed and settled gently on it. But she still received no response. She decided to get a nice, firm grip on him. But as she reached for him....... "Leave me alone." Surely Ryoko hadn't heard correctly. She continued to try and caress Tenchi. "Ryoko. Please!" Now she was a bit surprised. Not from his rejection but from his voice. Tenchi had a way of whining and didn't like her advances but there was always a certain willingness in his voice. At least to Ryoko. But this Tenchi was straight and to the point. There was no hesitation. Just rejection. "Tenchi. Are you sick or something? Tell me. I'll make it better." Ryoko unconsciously resumed her playfulness but was soon stopped by a very firm grip on her hand. "I said leave me alone." Ryoko slowly backed off as Tenchi released her. She stared at her wrist and held it in her hand. She was definitely confused. She wanted to rip those covers off him and find out what was wrong. What was he hiding? Suddenly a silly thought flashed through Ryoko's mind. "He couldn't be masturbating, could he? Wow. Just my voice, huh? I haven't been in here one minute." As the thought of busting Tenchi excited her, that thought was erased as Tenchi made himself perfectly clear. "Just go AWAY!.....I'll be down in a minute." But Ryoko didn't hear the second part of that statement. She just heard the love of her life tell her to go away. At the moment she didn't know what it meant exactly but decided to comply for the time being. "Umm....OK. But your food's getting cold. And don't blame me if there's none left at all." Ryoko sank through the floor in a huff. Tenchi's attitude definitely irritated her but hurt her even more so. She had no idea what was going on with Tenchi but figured it would work itself out. It always did. Even so, she wiped a tear out of her eye as she headed back to the others. Aeka was overjoyed when Ryoko came back so quickly. She was quick to announce to everyone Tenchi's rejection of Ryoko. "You see! Tenchi-sama isn't swayed by your acts of shamelessness. You should just leave him alone and let him live his life. Better yet just leave altogether." "....Yeah. Whatever." Aeka almost choked on her own tongue as Ryoko dismissed her comments without even so much as an angry glance. Stunned, she settled back into her seat, content with knowing her Tenchi-sama was safe. Washu was the first to ask how her mission went. "So......." Ryoko wasn't really listening. She was staring at her wrist as she remembered Tenchi's firm grip. "So what?" "Where's Tenchi?" "Umm.....he's not feeling too well." Aeka took this opportunity to finish talking since Ryoko had robbed her of her chance before. "What!?! He's sick! Oh no! I'd better go and see! He might need my help!" Washu was surprised when Ryoko didn't speak up so she did it for her, catching Aeka in midstride. "I don't think that would be too wise." "What are you talking about?" "I thought you were concerned about Tenchi's welfare." "Of course I am." "Then let someone who's better qualified than you go." "Are you saying I'm not qualified?!" Washu just nodded her head. Aeka was angry but relented. It's true that she wasn't exactly good at these sort of things. So she did the next best thing. "Sasami. You should check on Tenchi-sama." Sasami hadn't been paying attention the entire time. She hadn't heard a word anyone had said but Aeka's request shot through her like a knife in the chest. "M...me?" "Yes. Is there a problem?" Sasami COULDN'T face Tenchi. Not after last night. She tried to come up with an excuse. "I......I need to clean up. The dishes and things." "We can do that. We're not TOTALLY inept. Besides, someone needs to check on Tenchi." Sasami was stuck as she tried desperately to come up with some other excuse. The thought of seeing Tenchi again terrified her. What if he didn't care about what happened? What if....he tried again? What if........ "I'll go check on Tenchi." Everyone was a bit surprised when Katsuhito stood up. Sasami especially since she was caught up in her own thoughts. Katsuhito confirmed his suggestion. "I'll go. Is that a problem?" No one spoke as Katsuhito rose and headed for Tenchi's room upstairs. As he passed by, he stole a glance of Sasami and could see the pain on her face. He wasn't sure what had happened. But he'd find out. Tenchi lay in a miserable heap under his covers. He was still in shock as to what he had done. He KNEW he wasn't that way. He would never harm anyone on purpose. Especially Sasami. But what had happened that night? What made him act that way? And how could he make up for his mistake? What could possibly redeem himself in the eyes of his little sister? *KNOCK KNOCK* Tenchi didn't need company right now. He didn't have the strength to talk to anyone. "Leave me alone." "Tenchi." The coarse voice of his grandfather startled him. Of all people to come to his door, he didn't expect it to be him. "Ji...jii-chan?" Katsuhito entered the room with a purpose. He walked over to Tenchi's retracted form and loomed over him like God himself. "What is it Tenchi? I know something's wrong." For a moment Tenchi's heart raced. Did he actually know what happened? Would he expose him and punish him? Tenchi began to panic until he heard his grandfather's gruff voice once again, this time more gentle. "Tenchi. Whatever it is, you can tell me." "Well.....I.....I don't know if I can." Katsuhito realized he wasn't going to get anywhere this way so he decided to play his hand. The only card he held. "I don't know what happened but I do know one thing." Tenchi's body froze as Katsuhito spoke. "It has something to do with.......Sasami, doesn't it?" Suddenly all the emotion that had escaped him the night before had taken a stranglehold on his heart. He burst from the covers and fell into the arms of his grandfather. "JII-CHAN!!!!" Sasami stared at her own reflection as it shimmered in the water of her "family's" large bath. As she soaked quietly in the tub, her thoughts were only on one person. "Tenchi-niichan." Why did he do what he did? Why did he.....touch her? But no matter how many times she asked that question, her reflection gave her the same confused look. Sasami slowly rose from the water and stepped out. Her eyes stared at her small feet as she desperately searched for an answer. It couldn't be her looks. The others were all more mature than she was. Ryoko especially. Her eyes glanced over her towel-covered body. She was too small to be attractive. Without thinking, she undid the folds at the top and let the pink cloth fall to the floor. Sasami was now looking at her body at its most vulnerable, watching as her small breasts slowly moved in and out. There was no way Tenchi could prefer these to those of her sister or Ryoko. Sasami turned to meet her reflection in the water. No matter how she looked at it, she could never compete. "........never..." Was that.....jealously? It couldn't be. She didn't like Tenchi that way. Especially now. Besides, she wouldn't stand a chance. Not with her body. "Not with these." Sasami winced slightly as she roughly grasped her breasts. These tiny things couldn't be what he wanted. But...why did he touch them like he did? Just like..... "......Ahh.....Tenchi-niichan." Sasami remembered the feelings that Tenchi gave her. They shamed her greatly but still felt..... She slowly stroked her breasts while staring at herself in the water. Could this actually be what Tenchi wanted? She slowly twisted her nipples back and forth as images of Tenchi loomed in her head. As strange as the situation was, her small body couldn't help but react as she rubbed her legs together timidly. This was wrong. She knew that. But the feelings coursing through her body said otherwise. The girl in the water seemed to be almost enjoying it. Sasami slowly brought one hand from her chest to her legs, lightly grazing her inner thigh. She gasped, remembering how Tenchi's hand felt on her body. She dragged her finger across her skin until she reached....... Sasami stopped. She couldn't do this. She was still too young, even for herself. But somehow......Tenchi made her feel this way. Somewhere deep down, she still loved him. She may not be able to "be" with him but she DIDN'T hate him. She didn't want to. She didn't even need an apology. She just wanted to know why. Why her over the others? Sasami steeled herself and rushed off. If she faced Tenchi, maybe her problems would be solved. Maybe she could find the proper question to ask to figure out just why she loved, and still loved, her Tenchi-niichan with all her heart. Tenchi wandered aimlessly down the path from his home. He cradled his cheek in his hand as he remembered the sharp blow his grandfather gave to his face as he revealed what he had done. He remembered how he had demanded a reason for his actions. But Tenchi had no answer. Katsuhito thought he was being disrespectful but looking at the face of the distressed young man said otherwise. He truly didn't know. He calmed down and continued to talk. Tenchi had one question. Why? Why did he do that? WAS he a pedophile? Did he secretly want to molest Sasami? No. That wasn't it. He KNEW it. Tenchi may be indecisive and a bit clueless at times but he was very truthful. He didn't lie, especially to himself. But then what happened? Was he that curious about girls? That wasn't it either. If so, he had plenty of girls to choose from besides Sasami. But it was true that he wasn't fond of Ryoko's blatant actions and her and Aeka's constant fighting. If it wasn't for that, he'd be much more comfortable with them and maybe even be able to give them what they wanted. So did that mean that out of them he loved Sasami the most? Was she the one he wanted? No........... Maybe. She was the most normal and levelheaded of the girls. That's all Tenchi really wanted in a girl. And she was beautiful as well, even at her young age. So did his frustrations as a man just overpower his common sense? Was it that simple? Possibly. But for him to have that much of a lapse of intelligence...... This didn't matter. Even if he found the exact reason for his actions, innocent or not, it was no justification for what he did. His mind shouldn't be on the reason but........ He had reached his destination. He stood silently as he prepared to speak with the last person who may be able to help. "Kaa-san." The wind blew strongly as his mother's grave seemed to answer him. "I'm sure you know what I've done. You probably know that didn't do it maliciously either. But that's still no excuse for the pain I caused. The pain I caused to......the girl I....I think I love." The cliff seemed to become deathly silent as he spoke those words. Undaunted, Tenchi continued his soliloquy. "I don't know if this is a real love or if I'm just so turned off by the others that I'm just falling back on her. But I'd like to think I'm not that shallow." Tenchi took a deep breath as he prepared to finish. "But that doesn't matter. That's not why I'm here. I talked to Jii-chan and he knows. I thought SO hard about this but I can't take this anymore. Nothing will be enough to make this up to her. It may be the wrong thing but I can't think of anything else." Tenchi remembered his grandfather's words. "Tenchi. I understand how you want to repent. It is only natural. I do not think you did this on purpose. But you should be punished. However, I will leave that up to you. You know better than anyone else how you feel about this situation. But just remember that grief only begets more grief. Hiding like this is not the way I raised you. You can only atone for your sins through action. And above all, if you TRULY are innocent, then the gods will treat you as such. You must understand that. If one does not give up hope then nothing is beyond their reach. Even forgiveness." The young man called on the power that was his birthright. He stared at the eerie blue light but was not afraid. He knew what he had to do. "I understand Jii-chan. But it hurts too much. I wish I was as much of a warrior as you think I am or could be. This.....this is all I can do. Gomen.....Jii-chan, Tou-san, Kaa-san, Sasami-chan......" And with his last words, Tenchi thrust Tenchi-ken towards his heart. Tenchi was surprised. Death didn't seem like he expected. There was no pain, only calmness. He expected to be in Hell or at least Limbo. But there was nothing. Maybe he didn't even deserve to be in Hell. Tenchi didn't care but only hoped his decision would be respected by the others. As he was listening to the quiet of death, he heard a small sound. Almost like a whimper. He looked around but couldn't find where it was coming from. Suddenly his nose smelled a faint odor. Almost like something burning. He listened more closely and was barely able to make out the words. "Te.....ch..n. Ten.....on...ch..n" Tenchi strained his ears to the bursting point and finally could make out the word. "......tenchi-oniichan....." .....Onii-chan? It couldn't be? Not..... The smell became stronger and Tenchi opened his eyes. The darkness was gone. There was no death. He then looked down to where Tenchi-ken should be. The image shocked him. It was Sasami. Her hands were wrapped around Tenchi-ken's blade as she desperately pulled it away from his chest. "TENCHI-ONIICHAN! DON'T DIE!!!!" The blade was burning her soft skin and tiny blisters could be seen forming around her hands. But still, she refused to let go. Tenchi just stared as her eyes were filled with tears as she tried to save her brother. Without warning, the blade of Tenchi-ken disappeared and the hilt fell to the soft grass. Sasami looked up and met Tenchi's gaze. She was still in tears but smiled slightly as she realized her effort wasn't in vain. The adrenaline in her body left her and the pain in her hands suddenly shot through her as she screamed suddenly and crumpled to the ground. Tenchi immediately fell to her side and cradled her in his arms, forgetting the crimes of his past. Sasami looked up at Tenchi and whispered. "Tenchi-oniichan...." Tenchi could only utter one word. "....Why?" Sasami only had one answer. The only one she needed. "Because I love you Tenchi-niichan." Tenchi's throat dried up to the point where he thought he'd suffocate. He looked deep in her eyes. There was no fear. No hatred. Only love. The love of his dear sister. And Tenchi could take no more. His heart burst in emotion and tears poured from his eyes. Tenchi's and Sasami's positions reversed as he lay his head in her lap, begging for forgiveness. She smiled as she gingerly brushed his hair with her burnt hands. She had heard everything. She had followed him from the house and heard his confession. She didn't need anymore. She softly held up Tenchi's chin and looked into his eyes once more. "I forgive you." Tenchi's body shivered as the young princess placed a warm kiss upon his forehead. At that moment he didn't see a small girl but a kind woman and a future queen. Try as he might, he could do or say nothing. "And above all, if you TRULY are innocent, then the gods will treat you as such. You must understand that. If one does not give up hope then nothing is beyond their reach. Even forgiveness." His grandfather's words came to him once again. He had given up hope. But she didn't. Even at his absolute worst, she chose to believe in him. Tenchi's head sank once more as he continued weeping. Sasami smiled as she looked across his lying form. Last night was an accident and would be forgotten. She only cared that she had Tenchi back. Her darling brother. Her Tenchi-oniichan. And nothing would ever change that. THE END ********************************************************************* Kaitouace here. BOY! I'm tired. I came up with this WAY too fast. My brain hurts. Well, let me say a few things. First of all, I'm not 100% sure I like this ending. I had several different ones to choose from and I THINK I like this one the best. Plus I think it's too short. Now I'm sure some of you are like "WHAT?!" But let's face it. This was solved in less than a day after the incident occurred. That's a little far-fetched in my book. But I think the main reason for that is because I wanted to go to another story. I wasn't planning on writing this sequel. I don't think it's bad but it could be better if I stuck with it. It's like a friend of mine said as he quoted one of his favorite shows. "In the best scripts, the authors love their characters. If you really dislike one of the main characters, the story won't work." And the more I messed with this story, the more fed up I was getting. So I decided to finish it up and see how it looked even though I had a few more ideas I could have put in or played with. I'd rather leave it good and a bit short then mess with it more and have it end up being crappy. But who knows? If I get bored one day I may actually pull this story back out and make an extended version. A "director's cut" if you will. Hope you don't think I'm being uppity by my comments but that's how I write. I also know that this story kinda jumps in between the Tenchi Universes but it was originally intended to be in the Tenchi TV series. Remember that Tenchi slept with Sasami AND Washu in the OVAs. And for you guys who wanted some lemon action, sorry. I REALLY felt that if that happened between the two of them, then it would destroy the whole purpose of the story. The first part would become moot. Why fight it if Sasami gives it to him later? So I went this way. But if you guys like my stories but want more "action", you can read my Card Captor Sakura fanfiction. It's available at this address. http://www.crosswinds.net/~tomoyoinlove/yuri/tomoyoandsakura/ That should satisfy you guys. Well, it's been real. Real tiring. I'll rest up a bit and I'll be back with a Pretty Sammy story which has been in my head for months. You'll be surprised, trust me. And of course, any comments, criticisms, etc. can be made to: kaitouace@hotmail.com BOY I hope this doesn't suck. Ja ne!