__________________________________________________________________ "So Sasami, have you thought about how we're gonna get Ayeka yet?" Asked Washu. "Oh yes Washu. Accept there will be no E2 80 98we'. I mus t do this on my own." Washu looked dissapointed and in the same sense proud of Sasami. "Are you sure you can take this on , on your own?" Said Wash u. "Geez Washu, what little faith you have in me!!" "I'm just not sure ya know, cause Ayeka is a rapist, and I t hink she has what is takes to prevent you from doin anything to her." "Well, we'll just have to wait and see...."Said Sasa mi. Sasami walked out of the room with a look of anticipation on her face. Ryouko laid tied up and worn out from all the beatings and acts of cruelty performed on her the previous night. "Go ahead if you must Sasami, but your missing out... Im about to fu ck this space pirate like theres no tomorrow." "Sorry Washu, this is something that I have put off for too long. I must do this...." ******** Ayeka lay awake in her room thinking of her diabolical plan to get Tenchi. Sasami, in her adult form walked at a fast pace towards the exit of Washus lab. The sun was setting. Crickets could be heard from all around. Sasami's heart began to beat profusely. In some weird way, Sasami s till viewd her sister as bigger and stronger then her. Sasami knew that Washu ha d made Sasami capable, but Sasami's natural senses destroyed her abili ty to think she could take her. As she walked through the house, she remembered times when her sister abused her, times of greed and sorrow. For a minute Sasami thought she was walking to Ayeka's room to get raped, as was her daily routine for a long time. Anger and determination kicked in, and Sasami got that courage back... She knew what had to be done. And she was feeling a little horney too. Sasami stood in front of Ayeka's door way. S he hesit ated while thinking of all the shit Ayeka put her through. Sasami began to cry. Tears of anger, tears of fear, tears of revenge all at once. Ayeka could hear the sniffling from outside her door and decided to investigate. Ayeka and Sasami both put there hands on the door knob and pulled at the same time. With the force of sasami's pull and the force of Ayeka E2 80 99s pull the door remained still. Finally, Ayeka pulled a little harder and the door flew inward and Sasami was yanked forward with her hand still on the knob. "What the? Who the? Who are you and I demand you to tell me what you were doing spying on me?" Sasami continued to cry. "Its its, its me Ayeka!" Sasami said while crying. "Wha- what has happened to you?!" "I - grew...", said Sasami still sniffling and forgetful of what she came down there to do. "Come here sis, come into my arms," Ayeka spread her arms open to welcome Sasami into a hug. She squeezed her tighter then normal, exploring Sasami's new curves and maturity. Th e two of them stood there hugging until Ayeka decided it was best to make her move. "Why have you been avoiding me Sasami?!" Said Ayeka in a dem anding and evil voice. sasami was scared...She hadn't realized she was in her adult form... .. "Well then, I guess we have a lot of catching up to do then don't we Sasami?" Sasami nooded sadly as Ayeka and herself both began to tak e off their clothes. (Washus Lab) Washu had everyone tied up against the stone wall of her private torcher cell. Past victims that Washu tortured and continued torturing also remaine d tied up with ball gags in their mouths. "Okay everyone, today we're gonna have a little fun!" said Washu. The gangs screems and threats remained muffled from the ball gags. "I am going to give you all a series of commands," said Wash u. "If you don't obey them, then you will suffer even more!" Washu activated a switch on her crown wich shot tentacles from the wall wher e Mihoshi was chained up. The tentecles grabbed Mihoshi and tied her to a bed in the same room. She was tied so her legs were wide open and her arms teid over her head in cuffs. She wore nothing but her usual white panties and bra. "Now Tenchi," she said Tenchi was sweating, and trembeling. He knew she was gonna make him do something sooner or later. Ryouko screemed with anger. "I'm gonna release you now...Can I be sure your not gonna tr y anything funny?" She said in a sadistic sexy voice. Tenchi nooded his head while trembling. He wore nothing but boxers stained from Sasami's cum, and an undershirt ripped from Washu. Washu wore her usual Bright red leather panties and red bra set with her high heel boots and crown. The same female domination tattoo was on her left ass cheeck. Washu let Tenchi free personally instead of having her machine do it. She ripped off the chains with her bare hands and grabbed Tenchi. She put her hand down his pants and grabbed his dick. Tenchis screems were muffled from the gag. She pulled him over to where Mihoshi lay crying by his dick and pushed him on top of Mihoshi's body. "Hahahahaha!!! now Tenchi, I want you to follow and obey my every c ommand, okay?" She said in that same evil voice. Tenchi remained silent. Washu picked up her wip and slashed him across the back. "MMMMUUUNMNNMNMNMMM!!!!!" Tenchi screemed but was still bloc ked by the gag. "OKAY?!!!" she said with warning in her voice. Tenchi nooded his head. >SLASH!!< She wipped him again and he continued screeming. "Its YES MASTER WASHU, GOT IT!!!?" "Ye, yes m, master W, washu." "Thats better. Now what I want you to do first is take this knife an d cut her bra and panties off." Washu threw him the knife. Tenchi hesitated until Washu picked up the wip again. Kiyone and Ryouko were still trying to yell. Tenchi cut the bra and panties strap and looked away. He wanted to respect Mihoshi and not look at her naked body. Washu laughed devilishly. "Now, put your hand on her breasts..." she said. Tenchi refused. >SLASH!~< Tenchi screemed some more. "The more you fight tenchi, the more you suffer..." Tenchi sighed and put his hands on both her tits. Mihoshi kept crying. "Now, put one of your fists inside her pussy.." Tenchi looked at Washu as she held up the wip once more. he slowly put his hand in that area, and slid it in... "MMUNNNUN MMMMMNNMN" Mihoshi's screems were also muf fled by her gag. Tears formed in Mihoshi's eyes as well as Tenchi's. He was about to pull it out but Washu held the wip up. "Now Tenchi... slid your hand in and out of her pussy really fast un till I say stop." Ryouko and Kiyone could both not believe that Tenchi was doing these things without a fight. He's such a pussy Ryouko thought. They both could not understand why he wasn't willing to feel pain and be tough instead o f violating Mihoshi and letting Washu win. They both were mad at Tenchi for crying about it. Washu laughed some more. Mihoshi squeeled with pain as Tenchi kept sliding his fist in and out of her. 5 minutes past and Washu finally told him to stop. "Ok Tenchi, now I want you to stick your tounge inside her pussy. " Said Washu. Tenchi Glanced at Ryouko, who gave him a look of shame. Washu laughed some more. Tenchi slowly and shamefully lowered his head towards Mihoshi E2 80 99s opening. Mihoshi Squeeled and cried some more. Tenchi put his mouth over the opening and inserted his tounge. Mihoshi moaned. It wasn't a pleasurable moan but a moan of sadness and a moan of no hope. Tenchi and Mihoshi will never look at each other in the same way again...That is if the y make it out of here alive. Washu walked behind Tenchi as he went down on Mihoshi. "Tenchi, suck her good baby... Suck her like you've never S UCKED BEFORE!! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Washu pushed Tenchi's head into Mihoshi. Mihoshi creid some more. Much time had passed. In fact, 20 minutes had passed. Ryouko looked at the ropes wic h bound her. They were the same ropes she used to tie Kiyone up when the dogs attacked her. Something about these ropes had a flaw in the engineering. A s does most of Washu's inventions. The ropes were designed to hold th e strongest and most powerful of creatures, perfect for Ryouko. But the ropes had a slippery coating that could come loosen a knot if the struggle was strong enough. Ryouko felt the ropes begin to loosen slightly. Washu, with her back turned could not see this action take place. Ryouko wiggled the ropes a little more and Kiyone watched, not saying a word. "Are you guys enjoying this?" Washu said looking back at Ryo uko and Kiyone. At that moment when Washu looked back, Ryouko immediatly stopped figiting with the ropes. Luckily Washu didn't notice anything... So Ryouko c ontinued. >Just a little bit more< she thought. >there!< Ryouko thought. She had successfully wiggled free of the ropes. All that was left now was a plan. She decided that she would hold the ropes in the position that made her look as though she was still tied up. Washu now had Mihoshi sucking Tenchi's dick while Tenchi made noises of discomfort. (Ayekas room) A grown Sasami sat tied up in the corner of Ayekas bed with cum all over her face. "How was that little sis? Hahahaha!!!" said a sadistic Ayek a. Sasami had no reply... she sat there motionless with a single tear falling from her face. Ayeka slapped her across the face. Ayeka shoved her foot in Sasamis mouth. "Here's something you can suck on before im horney enough ag ain for you to suck my pussy..." Sasami didn't argue, she sucked on her sisters toe as if it were her own. "Thats always been a fantasy of mine... Having someone suck on my to e makes me feel like the princess that I am." Ayeka grabbed her sister to examine her body. She spread her sisters leggs open to look at her clit. Ayeka began to get jealous. She grabbed Sasamis thighs, wich were thiner and apparently sexier then Ayekas (although it was all in her head). She put her sister on her back. She grabbed her tits, wich were bigger and rounder then Ayekas. Ayeka put her hands around Sasami's waist, wich was smaller then Ayekas as well. Ayeka began t o get furious. "IS this what you are going to look like when your my age?" she asked. Sasami nodded. "HOW COULD THE GODS OF JURAI DO THIS TO ME? THEY MADE MY SISTER.... .MY SISTER PRE.....PRETTIER THEN ME!!!!!!!!???????" Sasami knew something was headed for her. Yet she didn't care to pu t up a fight. Ayeka looked at Sasami's ass. Round and perfectly shaped. And finally, Ayeka ran her fingers through sasamis hair.... which to her illusio n was finer and silkier then her own. Ayeka slapped her sister... "How dare you be prettier then me!!!" she yelled. E2 80 9CYou are going to die! for this." Ayeka went for her horse tranquilizers she kept in her droor. She held the needle up to Sasami's neck. Sasami cried. "NO! this will kill you too quick... You need to suffer... E2 80 9D Ayeka began to get horney again. "I will kill you later... as for now..." Ayeka grabbed her dildo, ( the same one she used in chapter 1). And began t o rape Sasami with it. Ayeka finally pulled out and let her cum out on Sasami . "Now litttle sis... its time to die." (Washu's lab) Ryouko figured out a way to get Washu. Ryouko started singing softly.... "What the fuck are you blabering about?" Asked Washu angrily ... Ryouko continued to sing softly while making eye contact with Washu... "If you dont tell me what the FUCK your doing I will...." Washu was interupted as Ryouko continued to sing, except a little louder. "What are you saying?" Washu said as she came closer to Ryou ko to hear what she was singing. >Just a little bit more< Ryouko thought. Washu came closer, about 2 feet from where Ryouko was standing tied up. Ryouko now sang even softer... so soft that you could barely hear anything a t all. Washu put her ear right next to Ryouo's mouth, not sucpecting at all that Ryouko wasn't tied up. Washu wouldn't dare get that cl ose to Ryouko unless she was sure Ryouko was in confinement. Ryouko pretended that something was going on behind Washu where Tenchi was now forced to drink Mihoshis urine. Washu looked behind her to double check what was going on. Ryouko pulled the ropes off her and tied them around Washu. She rushed over to where Kiyone was tied up and freed her as well. "YOU, YOU BITCH!!!" screemed Washu. Ryouko and Kiyone laughed. "Well Washu, how does it feel to be tied up? huh, answer us! or we 'll rape you!!!!"said Ryouko. The two of them laughed. "We would never do that Washu... we're not like you! E2 80 9D Said Kiyone. Ryouko went and untied Tenchi and Mihoshi. Neither of them said a word. They were both too ashamed to speak. "What do you think we should do with her? huh Kiyone?" Asked Ryouko. "Well, eventually we'll have to turn her over to Galaxy poli ce headquarters, but that doesn't mean we can't get a little bit of sweet rev enge first..." Ryouko smiled. Mihoshi managed a half smile, and Tenchi remained quiet with his head down and tears in his eyes. "I know just the way to get revenge too...." Said Kiyone as she looked at the dog room that was just next door... (Ayekas room) Sasami had given up hope. She knew she was going to die. Ayeka wrapped a rope around Sasamis neck. She was going to hang her. It was 2 AM in the morning and Both Tenchis Grandfather and Father were long asleep. "I'm going to hang you over the Tenchi shrine." Said Ayeka. Ayeka put on a pair of pink panties and an Anime shirt that Tenchi gave her a long time ago. She led her sister out of the house and up the hill to the shrine by the rope tied around her sister. The night air was cold. The ground was wet with dew from the moister in the air. She brought a chair ou t as well. Ayeka stood on the chair and tied a strong knot around the top of the shrine . "Now little sister, stand on the chair!" Ayeka demanded. Without hesitation, her sister stood on the chair and looked into Ayekas eyes. Ayeka tied the other end of the rope around Sasami's neck. "Sasami, when I kick the chair from underneath you... your neck will either break, in which case you'll die instantly, or you will choke to deat h, in with case, I get the privilage of watching you suffer before you die. E2 80 9D Sasami looked at her sister lovingly. "Any last words before you die Sasami?" Sasami continued to look at Ayeka with happiness in her eyes. Sasami replied three words to Ayeka... "I love you....." Said Sasami. __________________________________________________________________ This fic is not over!!!!!!!!! So please don't panick!!!! I am proud to say that I have recieved over 1,000 fan mails from you guy's... Thankyo u for your support. With out you guys I would be no where... I am the head of this new organization that has just started called the JAMES PADILLA LEMON WRITTERS ASSOCIATION...(JPLWA). This was an I dea of mine to gather up the most talented lemon writters from all around and help new ones who still desire to be in my club.... If you are interested then read the part below.. . Hello to all, Lemon authors, soon to be lemon authors, and potential lemon authors. This is the breakthrough of a lifetime! The first organization of talented authors to ever meet the TMFFA. It is called the James Padilla Lem on Writers Association (JPLWA). If you think you have talent or potential, then this is perfect for you. This is a great way to get new and soon to be authors to get their name recognized and get publicity. If you are already an author that has been around for a while, then join this organization for the sake of wanting to unite talented lemon authors from all over the world! If you havent written a lemon fanfic, or are going to in the future, then I or other authors I recomend personally, will help you make it successful and flourishing. As this organization becomes famous, you will also become famous. Its more then simple to join. Just E-mail me at Santaclaws975836@aol.com.I Know that you all have many questions, so please E-mail me if you are not sure or have questions about this.... Members get a special pic as a joinin g gift... This is NOT the last fic in the series.... The last fic will be chapter 10. I also have a new Lemon series that is coming out soon called SNOW. If you thought ETC was good, then wait'll you read this... Tell me what you think about this series so far....