Disclaimer Tenchi Muyo and all characters of Tenchi Muyo (i.e. Ryoko, Washu, Ayeka, . . .) are owned by AIC and Pioneer. I do not own the right to them nor do I have their permission to use them. [So don't tell them I did!] Chris Storm and Poe are a trademark of WWA-Web Wrestling Association- wrestling and copyright of Jerrod Yance Darson. All ideas and extra characters are fully fictional and not meant to be copied. If a character or idea is similar to one of yours e-mail me with a copy from the story about the problem with a copy of your work. Don't sue me because all you will get is my bills. I am a poor white writer that lives on bread and milk. It's sad but true. I don't make money from this or e-feds and e-wrestling. Also to the makers of Scooby Doo's whatever it was called movie, I used the idea of Louisiana and the swamps. Don't sue me either. In fact I don't want anyone to sue me for anything I do. Just hit me in the stomach or something. That would be better. (Tenchi slowly opens his eyes to see his friends gathered around over him. Tenchi tries to sit up but Washu puts her hand on his shoulder and pushes him back onto his back.) Washu: It's best if you stay laying down. You lost plenty of a blood there. We thought we was going to lose you this time. Tenchi: What happened? Chris: That's what we want to know. After all, you was the one that saved the day by defeating Poe. We just got you there. So what happened? (Everyone goes over what happened to them when they broke away. Each taking turns. Tenchi lays down listening to them. He notices the rafters are the same as home. ) Tenchi: Hey where are we? Ayeka: Home in Okayama. I don't know how but once everything went dark and I opened my eyes, I was back here and everyone was too. I guess after Poe was killed, we was all sent back here. Tenchi: *to himself* Was that his gift? Ryoko: What did you say Tenchi? Tenchi: Oh I was just thinking about something Poe said at the end. "To the victor goes the prize." Chris: Poe really wasn't that bad of a guy. Ayeka: Have you gone mad? He tried to kill us all. He tortured you mentally. Now you say he wasn't that bad. Chris: Well think about it. He all came out of it ok. Those monsters at the gate entrance had plenty of chances to kill be but they never did. It seemed almost like it was just another training session. When I was talking to him before all this happened, he was rather nice and he did help me. Even called me his friend. In a way I consider him my friend too. He taught me an important lesson. Sure he taught it the hard way, but still. Ryoko: You have lost it. Poe was nothing more then a psycho killer. He's no worse then Genesis. Tenchi: I don't know. I think Chris may have a point. Look at it, when I faced him, it was an even playing field. He didn't cheat by using any power or control over the reality. He played his game and he didn't cheat. I almost think he wanted us to win. Like the good guys are always to win out over evil. He could have killed any of you when he wanted too, but he didn't. Not to mention, I strongly believe he pulled that last shot of his to make sure it went low. Washu: You both are crazy if you ask me. I mean I'm not sure if I will ever get over the emotional damage done by Poe. (Just then, Katsuhito enters with a package. Tenchi is finally able to sit up.) Katsuhito: Tenchi, a messager delivered this to the shrine. It has your name on it. There is no return address. Do you want it? Tenchi: Sure. I have a feeling I know who it is from. (Tenchi opens the package. He pulls out something covered in paper.) Ryoko: Well Tenchi, what is it? Tenchi: It's the prize Poe promised me. The one thing I wanted more then anything else. (A tear runs down the side of Tenchi's face. Everyone looks over his shoulder to see what he got. There in his hands is a picture of him as a child in his mother's arms. Tenchi pulls the picture out and places it the frame that came with it.) Katsuhito: There is something in the bottom of the package Tenchi. Tenchi: You're right. But this has Chris' name on it. It has a letter with it. (Tenchi hands Chris a small box and the letter. Chris opens it and reads the letter to himself.) Tenchi: Well what did Poe send you? Chris: It just says, "no more being a loner." I think I know what he means though. I thought I lost this. I brought it with us to America thinking I would have time for it but with all that happened I never got around to it. Washu: Well what was it? Open the box. What did Poe give you? Chris: Oh this isn't for me. Ryoko. . . (Chris looks over to Ryoko and crosses to her. He takes her hand and opens the box to reveal a ring box. Chris drops down to one knee and looks up to Ryoko. Chris opens the box and shows Ryoko what was inside.) The End.