Cats Dinner - Part III : "To Australia" After turning into a WereCat, Tenchi has finally decided to leave Japan in order to find himself again and live with his new famlily. Important : All characters of the Tenchi Muyo cast are copyrighted by Pioneer and AIC. Black Mesa and the characters of Half-Life are owned by Valve Entertainment. I dont own them and I dont want to make money from them, so please be gentle. If you have a problem write me and I'll stop writing these and take them offline. Many thanks to Anton Malmkar for prereading and correcting ths story. I know there is already a Part III, but the old stor seemed to crappy for me. I rewrote the third part and now it is completely new. So just enjoy it. Warning. This story contains scenes that are NOT suitable for persons under 18 year. Yes this story has LEMON content and sometimes there will be some rougher scenes too. If you read this story although ... I warned you. And here we go... *** Part III : "To Australia" **** Tenchi looked out of a small window in Anayas flat at the morning sun. He felt a shiver, knowing that the goodbye to his famlily this time would mean a goodbye forever, but he couldn't turn back. When he thought about how Ryoko and Ayeka would react Tenchi was sure they would try to follow him and help him. But, when they knew about Anaya he and his family would be doomed. And what would they say when they saw his new identy? Would they laugh at him or would they try to cure him? His classmates would either make fun of him or just ignore him. But, what about the rest? He needed a time out, but they wouldn't even let him catch a breath without watching his every move. No, he had to go there alone. With this in mind, he woke up Anaya and made them breakfast.Purring, she laid her head in his lap and smiled at him happily. They sat this way for a while, making plans for the future and loving each other. In the afternoon Anaya went shopping with Tenchi. They bought a matching pair of rings. Each ring was made of three different metals, gold, silver and copper. The rings seemed to be made for their hands. Afterward, they went to a local restaurant and had a very long and delicious meal. Then, they spent the rest of the time in a small shop where they could play different games. **** Anaya looked at her room one last time and sighed. She was worried about what would happen in the near future, but time would tell. "Life means chaning," she mumbled to herself. Then, followed by Tenchi, she took her luggage and left the room. She locked the door tightly and they made their way down the stairs to the door, where the taxi was waiting. When they arrived at the Masaki Residence, Tenchi couldn't see anyone. There was no light that could be seen and it was very quiet outside. "They must be looking for me," he whispered to himself and hoped that he would have the time he needed. Quietly he left the cab and smiled one last time at a very worried Anaya. She stared at him with her cat eyes and said, "Hurry up, the plane will be leaving soon." Tenchi nodded and opened the door with his keys. Inside it was very quiet and Tenchi moved slowly. Watching where he stepped and taking on his human form. He easily snuck up to his room and opened the drawers. Packing a small backpack he wondered why nobody was there. He knew that something was definitely wrong, but what? Well he didn't have the time to wait and find out. He grabbed his backpack and his PC, which was near to his bed. He activated the portal that Wasyu had once created for him and stored his whole room in it. Then he closed the portal again, took his backpack and left. When he opened the door he could hear voices. One of them belonged to Funaho, his great grandmother and the others belonged to Ayeka and Yosho. He heard Ayeka ask, "Then it's ok? We can stay here, until we find him?" Tenchi hid behind the door to his room, watching his steps and changing back into his WereCatshape he waited. "Yes. Lord Tenchi is very important to us and we MUST find him immediately," Funaho repiled, "And not just because of his powers." Aeka giggled and Tenchi heard her steps coming closer every minute. "But where could he be? Noboyuki said that he was staying with a friend, didn't he?" "Well we found the flat he lived in. Nobody was at home." "Miss Funaho! Lord Tenchi could have been kidnapped! We'll have to alert the police! If I ever find him, I'll watch over him carefully," Ayeka said loudly. "There were no signs of fighting, so I think he is okay. Did you hear from the others," Funaho replied. "They are searching the whole city for him, according to their (report) he must still be here somewhere. He was seen in a small gameshop nearby where he stayed until eight o'clock. Noboyuki and Ryoko are at the airport waiting for him. After what we've learned it seems to us that he will leave the city tonight," Funaho continued. Tenchi shivered and took a few steps away from the door. It was time to leave. He was the bait and and it seemed everyone in his family was a hunter. The time had come to test how long they would take to find him. His sense of freedom and making his own decisions had finally broken through. And so he quietly opened the window and jumped out of it just in time. Ayeka entered the room and stood there for a moment. When she saw that it was empty, she ran for Grandpa. Landing easily on the grass he crouched until he could see the taxi waiting for him. Then he got up and ran, his senses boosted to maximum. Ayeka, Yosho and Funaho left the house only a few seconds before Tenchi had reached the taxi. This made him concentrate even more on running and he switched to a human form. As soon as he got in the taxi the driver hit the gas and drove off quickly. Funaho stopped running, called the others and ordered them to meet Ayeka and herself at the airport. Tenchi later didnt knew how he got to the airport, but he did, chased by his own family, a mad scientist and women who would lock him up forever and only wanted his body. When they left the cab and had paid the fee, Tenchi looked carefully for his hunters, but he didn't see them. Only his senses showed their positions and he was sure, that then would catch him, before they could reach the plane. Anaya suddenly laid an arm around him, purring loudly and whispering into his ear," Well just transform into a cat, then I will carry you through the controls." He nodded and changed his form, shivering a bit. Anaya took him under her jacket, leaving only his head outside to watch and in the case of the emergeny run. When they reached the main entrance Ayeka and Funaho already stood there, watching at everybody who came in. The smiled at Anaya, then wondered, as she saw her better. Anaya had taken on her WereCatshape and smiled at both, holding Tenchi tightly to him. Funaho stopped her and went over to her. "Exsuce me lady, but what are you? You know, that this planet is an high security area ..." Funaho began, but Anaya stopped her with one smile. "I am Anaya and I am a WereCat. This here is my mate Novu and our flight goes in half an hour so don't make trouble. beside who are you?" said Anaya hissing loudly at Funaho, who simply nodded and stepped away, after she took one of Anayas hairs. "Crazy girl," Anaya said loudly and walked further to the check in counter. Meanwhile Funaho decided to follow Anaya, something was wrong with her and she wanted to find it out. Maybe she knew where Tenchi is? Had they not found some hair, like that of a cat, but somehow other? 'Well find out' she said to herself and laid the hair she took from Anaya in a portable DNA scanner. Eight second later the scanner beeped and showed only one word, which set Funaho to alert mode, "MATCHING". Tenchi in the meanwhile sighed quietly and snuggled to Anaya further, purring loudly and even louder, after Anaya had checked in and went to their gate quickly. But then someone shouted," Stop you dirty bitch," and pointed at Anaya, which immideatly started to run quickly. Tenchi looked at the person who had said that and froze. Ryoko was standing in front of the gate, her sword acitvated and her battlesuit boosted to maximal power. She had yelled at her and now everybody of his hunters were after her. Tenchi closed his eyes and began to pray. Anaya meanwhile checked at the persons who wanted to stop her. The girl with the cyan hair had the most power and she'd never make it through the gate, so she simply changed directions and ran over to the emergeny exit. Black Mesa would help them, but now they had to retrace. When she nearly had reached the exit, she noticed Freeman at it, waving with one hand. She turned again, her followers hot on her heels, and ran over to him, while he turned and ran through a small hallway for the personal. Concentrating herself on following him, she noticed, that they were runnig to a small hall, where one of the Black Mesa planes was waiting. It was painted in Black, only the Zeta on ihts sides showed, that it belonged to Black Mesa. Tenchi held close to her, trying not to fall out of her jacket, and only wondered, while Anaya nodded and smiled. That was typical for Black Mesa, always prepared for everything. After the incindent they had a few years ago it was no wonder. Many people had lost their lifes in those days. Anaya was too young at this time to understand, but when Black Mesa found her she quickly understood. Their luggage was already deposited into the plane, so Anaya just jumepd in and closed the door. Tenchi let out a long breath, when they were safely in the plane and it started to move. He took on his WereCatshape and sat down on one of the large seats. The plane was very comfortable and huge inside. Bright light luminated the inside perfect and the jets couldn't be heard. Their hunters stopped, when they saw the plane leaving the hall and moving to the strip. Ryoko yelled in agony, but Wasyu stopped her. "It's too dangerous," she said and shot at the plane," I just placed a tracing bean on the plane, so we'll find out where it will land and where Tenchi is." "Why don't we just pick them up with Ryo-Ohki or with Tsunami or another ship and torture them," Ryoko asked angrily," That Cat bitch soon would speak." "Well there is the risk, that they kill Tenchi, when the plane doesn't arrive," Funaho said. "Or us," added Wasyu," This plane seemed like a plane from the Black Mesa research centre. I know some scientists from there and they are really good. If he is there hes at the right spot. There they can find about his powers and so on. Let me check this out." "No I want that Catgirl dead. She lied to me." "Wasyu-chan is right," Funaho said," It is sure to know our enemy, before we attack him. Make your checks Wasyu and then tell us, what you've got. We'll do the rest." Wasyu nodded and disappeared via warphole, while everybody left the airport too, slowly calming down and waiting for the chance to take revenge. *** End of part III. Next part : "Black Mesa"