Important : All characters of the Tenchi Muyo cast are copyrighted by Pioneer and AIC. Black Mesa and the chars of Half-Life are owned by Valve Entertainment. I dont own them and I dont want to make money of them, Warning . Adult contient. Some scenes might not be raed by children. If you are under 18 / 21 years old please STOP READING! Yeah i know i said it already, but I have to say it still a few times. Anyway Njoy the Story Mata Ne Neko **** Part II : The awakening **** As they awoke early this morning, Tenchi gently kissed her cheeks and she started to purr. School would be starting soon, but they still had some time, so while Tenchi got ready for the day, Anaya was making breakfast. Her body seemed to glow in the light of the rising sun and she sang a small song, her mother once had taught her. A sad smile crossed her lips. No she wouldnt return. NEVER! After breakfast was done and it was time to leave, Anaya made the suggestion, that Tenchi could stay for a few days. "Great," Tenchi nodded and kissed her again. Anaya just smiled and was happy, that she was the lucky-one this time, but then something took control over her and she leaned at his chest. Slowly she snuggeld up to him and kissed him directly on his neck, leaving a small wound behind. "oops," she said and liked off the small amount of blood, that came from the wound. Tenchi just smiled and this smile returned her control. Her carried her down to the bus station, taking good care of her. They just loved each other and it seemed, that nothing could come between them. "I have to go home first and get some things Ill need," he whispered in her ear. "Hurry up. I cant wait, until you're at my side again," she whispered back,"May I wait at an safe distance for you Darling." Tenchi stuttered. Nobody has ever called him darling and he still needed time to get used to it. "Yes you can, but please dont let them see you or youre dead meat," his face took an worried look, but sonn he smiled again. When they reached his house, Anaya hid in a small bush nearby and tried too look like an passant, but she couldnt. Her ees followed him and something told her, that he will be her future. *** When Tenchi arrived at his house, everything was still quiet, too quiet for him. He looked everywhere, but nobody was at home. "That might be good or bad," he thought to himself, while he packed his backpack for school and for staying at Anayas house for a few days. He should have cared and maybe yesterday, before he had met Anaya, he would have. So everything he had to do was packing his things and get his ass asap to school. Then he notived something moving behind him. He spinned around and saw his father Noboyuki standing in the doorway and looking at his son. "Where have you been," he asked quietly," Everybody was worried about you and we've search half of Okinawa only to find, that you're not here." "I had some worouts with a guy of my class," Tenchi replied in a quiet voice," Where are all the girls?" "In Washuus lab, sleeping. They worked late and decided to sleep there. And now what has really happened yesterday?" Noboyuki said a little bit more worried to his son," and tell me a good story. I know, when my son lie." Tenchi stopped and thougth about telling him the truth for a moment, but he couldnt. Not yet. "Well yesterday something happened. Something I still cant talk about, something that is my future and somthing, that will cost me time to think about it and to realize it. Please dont be worried, Ill be back in a few days, but for now I must think and taking some workouts," Tenchi told his dad quietly and he understood. "I see," Noboyuki said," Dont worry. I wont tell anyone. Boy the girls wont be happy, when you will tell this to them. And is she a good girl?" "Huh," was all Tenchi could reply. "Come on boy. Its school time. Ill drive you and her to school and we can talk then," Noboyuki smiled at his son, a warm fathers smile," You know that I acted so, when Achika and I got married?" They walked outside the house, Tenchi wearing a backpack, and sat down in the van. Still a bit confused he looked at his father. That was one side he'd never seen from him. Okay besides the fact, that Tenchi NEVER has had a girlfried before. As they slowly drove down the street to the busstop, Tenchi saw Anaya still waiting for him and wondering, when she saw him with his father. Shily she trid to hide, but Tenchi told her to come in. Once they were on their way to school Tenchi saw no reason anymore to hide anything from his father and Anaya saw it the same way. Smiling they told him how they had met and what has happened. His dad liked Anaya, she was a truthful good person with a bad past and she needed someone to help her. 'They match perfectly,' he thought to himself, while he drove off back to his house,'just like me and Achika.Dont worry my son. I wont tell anyone about this.' *** Later after school was over he went straight to the physicallab and knocked on the teachers door, but he found it open. He made his way in and went through the darkened room. Only a single spot of light could be seen from the next room, who was supposed to be a storage room. Anaya was there, finishing her work and getting ready to leave. 'Funny,' he thought, while he stepped closer,' I dont even see her, but it seems, that I can SMELL her odor already.' In this second his sensen seemed to hyperreact. He smelled things, that stood in the other room. he heard water dropping from the toilet, that was at the other end of the floor. The Romm became brighter in front of his eyes, as if someone had turned on the light, but at that moment he noticed, that he had become color blind! The blue door leading to the hallway, seemed to be red from his positing and then he could feel IT. Something, that was crawling under his skin and reached for his mind. Somthing well known, but still amazing. He frightened and tried to calm himself down and could fell, that it was fading back, but leaving a note. 'Im here,' it said mentally to him,' and dont be afraid. I'll be back soon.' Then it was away and he moved closer to Anaya. "Hi there," she said in an deep erotic voice and he felt his penis stiffen, as her saw her. She laid naked on top of some Barrels, that seemed to content a fluid. Her pussy was wet and her nippels were full erect. "I have waited for you soo long," she whispered to him and moved a bit, so that he could see her naked body," Do whatever you want with me." Tenchi just nodded and made sure, that no one was looking, then he gently moved down between her legs and licked her hot vagina. Her could feel her juices flowing over his face an he tasted a bit, then he continued licking. It didnt take long, before she climaxed on his face and her licked her clean, enjoing every minute of it. Her brown hair was all sweaty, when he let go and moved into a 69 position. Sucking on his Erection, like a baby on the botte it didnt take long, before he came and shot a load of his seed onte her face. Making an 'Mmmh'sound she licked herself clean and startet gicing him head again. After Tenchis dick was full erect again, he went to the best part. Slowly he pentrated her lillte vagina and rocked back and forth. When he was about to come, he stopped and let her go an the road to orgasm again, while her cooled down and moved to her second exit. She didnt resist and told him, that she wanted more and waved at him. Tenchi smiled and moved in a bit. When she had relaxed enough he moved further in, until his penis was fully inside of her sweet little ass. her green eyes seemed to flow over with joy, as he fucked her ass. Stimulating her vagina with his Hands, she soon reached an multiple climax, causing him to shoot his cum into her asshole. After that both laid, still connected, down on the barrels and relaxed. "Boy. THAT was good," she said to him, while they kissed,"Have you dne somthing like that before?" "No I was a virgin like you until yesterday," he whispered to her, still a bit drained from the experience. "We must try this again later," she said an leaned on his shoulder. "We will," he said quietly. *** A few days had passed and they had done this again and again. Tenchi got better everytime and they didnt hesitate to try new things like vibrators etc. But he never told her, that this THING inside of him had started a countdown and at the end of it, he couldnt tell what would happen. He was a bit afraid, but he knew there was nothing he could do against it. Ryoko and the others were still searching him, he could feel that and hoped, that they would not find him. One day when he arrived from school, while Anaya had stayed at home because she didnt feel well since a few days, Anaya was already wating for him. She had put two glasses of whine on the small table in her room. Instinctivly he knew, that something was wrong. Nothing bad. "What is?" he asked a bit nervous, while she signed him to sit down. "Ten I dont know how to say this, but ...," she stopped and a few tears of joy streamed down her face. Tenchi took her in his arms and hugged her sweetly. "What is it," he asked in a quiet lovely voice. "I'm pregnant," she said to him and it took a moment for Tenchi to understand, but then he realised it and he smiled ... he felt good and a rush of endorphin waved through his veins. "Thats great," he said loud," I'm going to be father." Tenchi was happy and pressed her tight on his body. Anaya wept a bit more and smiled at the same time. Then a doorbell rang. "I'm coming," said Anaya and opened the door. Inside of it there stood a young man, wearing a pair of leather clothes and a matching pair of boots. His hair was brown and also were his eyes and his beard. He waas tall and a little big bigger than Tenchi. Anaya smiled and let him come in. "Dr. Freeman. Nice to meet you again," she said to him," and that is my future husband Tenchi. Tenchi heard the word husband and smiled. Finally he could come home again and tell his old family, what has happened. But how would Ryoko or Ayeka react? Sure, they would be anrgy and hit at first, but he would tell then, that they should've taken more care of him, that of their fights. Or would everything collapse? "Nice to meet you both." Freeman said to both and that brought Tenchi back to reality," I've got an offer for you. You know Anaya, that you are still one of our agents, who look for new talents. If im right, then Ten will have his last day at school tomorrow. After that he has to search an university or a job. Well we've checked this young man and welcome. Black Mesa incorporated offers you a studium at our university of nes technics." Tenchi paused a moment and looked at the scientist and then at Anaya who also looked at Freeman. "Hmmm and where is this university," Tenchi asked, while he laid an arm around Anaya. "Australia." Tenchi thought abotu it for a moment.He had heart not much about Black Mesa, but then he decided he'd give it a try.Forst he would tell his family and then he'd be out of the way, before the real trouble began. "One question? What is with Anaya. I mean I am becoming a father and ..." Tenchi started, but Freeman just smiled, looked at Anaya and nodded," They'll be at your side all the time, I swear. You'll have a house there of your own and will live a nice life, plus you get a job at our laboratorys later." Tenchi thought and while he thougt the THING in him, begann to take over his body. At first he didnt feel much, but then he felt the soft, black fur and he felt his color sense fading away to a lower level, while the rest of his senses boostet up to another dimension. He looked at himself and then at Anaya, only to see, that the same thing was happening to her. Her fur war brown and very soft and then both remembered what happenend after the first night. Freeman just smiled. "So your wergenes are kicking in eh?" he said quiet. "Seems so, but dont worry Ten its good, when you are used to this," Anaya said and brushed Tenchis fur. "What do you mean," answered Tenchi. "I knew, that this would happen, but I didnt know when. And I didnt know, that my little wound after the first night qould do something like THIS," Anaya said and took his handlike paw. "it okay," Tenchi said and smiled,"Now were even." Anaya returned the smile. "So what is your decision," Freeman remembered," We dont care, what you or Anaya looks like. We want you, remeber?" Tenchi thought about it and then nodded. "As long as Anaya is at my side, Ill go anywhere. Okay I'm ready. Besindes I think it will take some time to get used to this new body of myself." Anaya smiled and kissed him deeply, when Freeman stood up and handen them two tickets. "Here. Take the 21 o'clock plane from Tokyo airport tomorrow. Once you're at Sidney airport, we'll do the rest. And now excuse me I got some things to do." he said his goodbyes and went, while Anaya and Tenchi got ready to leave. "Before we drive to the Airport tomorrow, I'll drop by my family and say goodbye. Hope it will be over soon," Tenchi looked sad, but Anaya just kissed him and said "It will darling. It will. Once we are in Austrailia we can marry each other and be free. No hidings anymore, no backturns." "Yes," said Tenchi and both laid down on the couch. "What about your things," Ten said suddenly. "Black Mesa will get'em," she said," And your things too. All you need are some colthes for the first days." "Black Mesa is large or?" Ten replied. "No. It has just the right contacts," said Anaya an fell asleep, together with Tenchi. *** Coming soon. Part III : To Australia *** Authors notes : Okay that was part 2 of the "New" Tenchi Series. Dont be too serious, if there are spelling mistakes. As is told you earlier english is not my native language. So have fun with the coming parts of this Story. Matthew.