Matthew "Neko" Struck ( Lemon Cats Dinner - Part I : "In the beginning" Tenchi meets an new student and makes his choice. Important : All characters of the Tenchi Muyo cast are copyrighted by Pioneer and AIC. Black Mesa and the chars of Half-Life are owned by Valve Entertainment. I dont own them and I dont want to make money of them, Warning . Adult contient. Some scenes might not be raed by children. If you are under 18 / 21 years old please STOP READING! Anyway Njoy the Story Mata Ne Neko **** Part I : In the beginning **** It was a normal evening at the Masaki household. Ryoko and Ayeka were fighting, Sasami was cooking and playing with Ryo-Ohki, Noboyuki was in his room reading some of his magazines, Grandfather was meditating under Funaho and Tenchi was trying to get out of Wasyus lab, which tried to get a sample from him. Unnoticed by the Crew a shadow was watching the scene. It was searching for someone ... someone special. The shadow hid behind some bushes and watched, as Tenchi finally escaped from Wasyus lab. "This is it," it said," This boy. His Chi is higher, that I've ever seen. Hes absolutely perfect." Then it was gone like the wind. *The next morning* "Bye Tenchi. Have a good day at school," Sasami said and winked to Tenchi, which had to ran for the bus. He was late and his only chance not to be tardy, was to catch this bus.Was had told him he could use one of her portals, but he didnt want to beamed to the moon or worse. Ryoko and Ayeka didnt bother him today, 'cause they were fighting each other again. Sounds of explosion could be heard and some logs were blown out of the window. "They will never learn," he muttered to himself, while he sat down in the bus. "Hmm can I help you," a young female voice said beyond him. "Huh," Tenchi turned around and looked at a young female woman with long brown hair and green eyes. She looked a bit odd, because she had a long tail and catlike-ears. So were her eyes. Somehow she looked like a mixture of cat and human. He had seen this only by Ryoko and a look out of the window told him, that she was still fighting with Ayeka. "Oh come on, dont be shy. You seem to have a problem and maybe I can help you, you know Im a good listener," she smiled with perlwhite teeth. Leaning back, she took his hand and he could feel energy flowing from him into her. 'That must be some sort of mindreading,' he thought an she nodded. "Yes it is. Nice to meet you Tenchi. My Name is Anaya Sheppard. I am a new student at your school," her voice was somehow attractive and beautiful, but Tenchi hesitated. Ayeka and Ryoko would kill him, if they ever find out about this. "N-n-nice to meet you too," he stuttered a went red. "Oh come on. Are you THAT shy," her face came a little bit closer and Tenchi tried to pull back his head, but he couldn't. His voice disappeared and all he could do was look at her. Her smile, her face, everything was perfect and she seemed to be much more friendly like Ryoko. Befor they could do anything further, the bus arrived at their scool and they had to seperate. "Okay I'll have to leave," she said to him," meet me later at the cafeteria." Tenchi nodded and went straight to his class. He wondered, why he didn't respond like he did, when Ryoko didthis to him. Maybe it was the fact, that she wasn't Ryoko and not over 1000 years old. Or was she? He couldn't tell, but he would wait for her in the cafeteria. Something attracted him to her, but he couldn't really tell what. *Later the day* "Okay here we are," Anaya smiled at him and unlöocked the door. When they had met at the cafeteria, Anaya had asked him, if he would come home with her and to his own surprise he had accepted it. She had told him, that she was new here and that her parents were from germany. She had come here, to work as an phisical assistant. Well Tenchi could say she was a beautiful girl and she seemed to like him, but his mind was upset. He lived with five girls in his house and everyone of the girls were caring for him, but everytime they did he had a slightly different feeling as if Anaya did. Once they were insinde Tenchi could see, that it was only a room, with a small kitchen and a toilet. Nothing big but perfect for one person. Tenchi sat down on the couch, which stood in the middle of the room, while Anaya headed for the toilet to change clothes. She returned in a yellow T-Shirt and a tight pair of jeans, cariing some tea and cakes for both. "So Tenchi ,whats the way around here? I mean how is it to live here," she asked in a low voice and leaned against his chest. Tenchi wanted to push her away, but stopped. Whatever she did ... it felt good to him and he enjoyed it. They sat so for a while and Tenchi told her everything of his live, even the story of the Kagato incident and what happened there. "It seems, that you live a complicated live or?" she smiled, but then her voice became quieter," I wish mine would be that interesting and lucky too. You see I was born as a cathalf and in germany I took the attraction of nearly everyone. They laughed at me and made fun of me. After someone had gaggd me and tried to kill me, I decided it was time to leave. My famliy were all human and so they didnt even try to help me, when some of my 'friends' were tring to burn me." She had started to cry at the last words and sobbed in Tenchis colthes. Tears were running down her cheeks and instinctivly Tenchi laid an arm around her neck and hugged her tightly. She didnt try to pull away and hugged him even closer. "Thank you," she said quietly to Tenchi, while he just looked at her. His mind was first twisted and sirens went off, telling him, what Ryoko and Ayeka would do if they find out, but he made his first own decision in his life. Slowly he put her down on the couch and kissed her deeply. She smiled and kissed him as an answer. The sun had already set, but Tenchi didnt care, as he put himself at her side and slowly took off his clothes. For another ahile the couple just laid there and held each other close, but then Anaya moved her hands down Tenchis hips and started to caress his growing erection. Tenchi let out a small moan, as she massaged his penis and started to kiss Anayas neck. Her breasts were large, not too large, but large enough for him. He licked one of her nipples an sucked on it a bit. Anayas soft and small venus began to get wet at once. He could feel her body react to his actions and so he continued his work, while Anaya moaned louder and came already under his hands. Tenchi smiled. Never before has he done something like that, but she was so ... perfect and lovely. The warmth of her body was nice and for a moment he didnt care about Ryoko or Ayeka or someone else on this planet. He loved her and she returned this love. He held her close, while both lost their virginity and in front of Tenchis eyes a world full of pure joy and love was opened and he took it. His cock thrusted deep into her and after a short time, what seemed to be an eternity for the couple his life giving seed was deeply inserted into her. Both climaxed at the same time, while the full moonlight engulfed them. "I love you," whispered Tenchi into her ear. "I love you too," she told him back and then they kissed each other longer than they had ever done. After Anaya had fallen asleep Tenchi started thinking about the evening and what he had done. If he was right then he would have nothing more than a day, befor THEY get him. Besides he had to go home tomorrow and get the things he needed. That would be enough to find and eiliminate him, but he knew, that everybody had to accept it. Yes he had chosen and he knew from somewhere, that it was the right choice. Anaya whispered his name in her sleep and so he laid down beside her and slept in nearly at once. *meanwhile at the Black Mesa Complex somewhere in the world* "Dr Freeman? It semms, that one of our agents has found, what we're looking for." the young assistant stands before a tall young man, with long brown wihiskers and brown hair. The man wears one of tjhe CEVsuits and looks buys. "Well thats good for her. Havent heared of her since she dissapeared from Germany. What was going on there?" "Oh nothing big. There were some people trying to kill her, but our team has cleared the situation." "I hope that. Has she said what she has found?" "Nope, but she'll show him to us soon." "Him?" "Yes a boy with high Chi amounts." "That sounds good. Black Mesa always searches for new clients." "Yes" The assistenat leaves and the scientist goes back to his work for now. *** Coming soon. Part II : The awakening *** Authors notes : Well that was my first attempt to write a fanfic, so please be gentle. Comments and flames can be send to ( Spelling mistakes etc can be written to me, as far as english is not my nativ language. Bye for now. Neko