This work is derived from Characters and Situations that are Copyright
and/or Trademark AIC, and Pioneer LDCA, all public or commercial use of
this material would require the very unlikely permission of the original
copyright holders.
The ideas projected in this work are strictly the product of the
imagination of the author, inevitably reflecting his mind, and should in
no way be taken to reflect on the originals from which they are derived.
	The following is the third part of an adaptation and extension of "The
Lonely Moon", by Gregory W. Matteson, done with his knowledge and
approval. It is ADULT in nature, containing explicit descriptions of
sexual matters. If you are under 18 years old, or reside in a
jurisdiction where such materials are illegal, do not continue to read,
or download this material, but rather exit this page immediately.

Aoi Tsuki
Part 3, Blue Moon

	It was bright mid morning, and the almost white sky lit the Princess'
bedroom with an intensity that narrowed Ryouko's slitted pupils to
almost invisible sharpness. In the light of day, the two marriage bed
outfits stood out boldly on the pale straw color of the tatami mats.
Aeka had chosen a stark native theme for her room. Other than the
contents of Aeka's marriage chest, the room was devoid of fixtures. The
interior walls were covered with sliding panels, concealing the futons
and various storage chests and boxes that defined the Princess' bedroom.
With the latticed white paper inner shutters covering the window wall,
the barrenness of the room's daytime condition was almost disturbing.
	More disquieting to Ryouko's mind was the array of manacles, shackles,
whips, and other accoutrements of S&M, juxtaposed to a truly lovely
sheer pink Juraian wedding gown, sequined with real pink diamonds from
the dust rings of Alpha Centauri. It looked so out of place between the
black leather and red satin teddy outfits, with all their laces,
spike-heeled boots and bright metal fittings. Ryouko tried to picture
herself standing over Tenchi, whip in hand, lashing a bleeding wound
into her beloved. She shuddered and went cold inside. It put her too
much in mind of Kagato.
	She recalled, there had been a world in which she had submitted to
Tenchi completely, without hurt, without any force on either part; but
that had been a borrowed body, in a borrowed place. In that world, she
had stolen both the pink gown, and the groom. That had been delicious,
the sweetness of stolen fruit, of stolen kisses, of stolen sex. She
remembered the savor of that Tenchi's organ in her mouth, the fullness
of it in her vagina. The wetness of her thighs echoed and reminded her
	Unconsciously, she phased into Tenchi's bedroom. The contrast was
considerable. Though brighter, if possible, by virtue of a ceiling that
was half skylight, Tenchi's room was as western as Aeka's was Japanese.
Tenchi slept on a large western-style bed and mattress, which he seldom
made. He studied at a desk with a PC, and an adjustable hi-intensity
lamp, sitting up in a ladder-backed chair like some gaijin missionary.
Above his stereo there were a pair of posters, one of a popular singer
named Orikasa Ai, the other the voice of several popular anime
characters, a lady by the name of Yumi Takada. She had asked him about
them once, jealous that he was thinking of other women, in his room
	"I don't know why, but somehow they make me think of you and Aeka", he
	The answer had pleased her immensely.
	She wondered for a moment why Nobuyuki and Tenchi preferred so much
window, so much light and exposure. Then she heard someone in the hall
and remembered where she was. She phased back into Aeka's room. That was
where Aeka found her.
	"You've been studying my wedding accoutrements for three days now,
Ryouko. Is there something wrong? It's time we taught our Tenchi it's
not OK to play us for fools."
	"I can't do it, Aeka-sama. I can't hurt Tenchi, even in pretend."
	"We don't pretend!"
	"I know" Ryouko shuddered, "When I first got out, I wanted Tenchi so
badly, I wanted him to overcome me, subdue me, sweep me off my feet and
ravish me. Instead he kept running away. When I finally cornered him, he
called me a monster. I hit him so it hurt, back. It made me think of
Kagato. Moments later Tenchi cut off my hand, and I surrendered to him,
but he still didn't understand.
	Tenchi is an Earthling. No matter how much Jurai heritage he has, no
matter how much grandpa trains him and abuses him, he is still part of
this world. We are aliens. Normal Earth people don't go around doing
these things" she gestured at the whips and chains, "He's not going to
	Aeka took Ryouko's hands, "You don't look like you're missing a hand."
	"You know I heal somewhat better than ordinary", Ryouko smiled thinly.
	Aeka nodded, "I think I understand what you mean. Even though you are
my mistress, technically I am to be the first wife. It is therefore
lawful for me to administer the corrections."
	Ryouko took Aeka's hands and kissed them. "Don't hurt him too much,
please. I promised once. We must plan this carefully, but for right now,
I need to be alone for bit."
	Ryouko phased in above the living room, settling back on her favorite
beam. Below her, Sasami and Mihoshi were watching a children's show.
Their giddy laughter was distracting, as she tried to savor the memories
she had stirred up earlier in her body. This was one of the few times
Ryouko became aware that she lacked a private place. The onsen wasn't
really private. Though it was actually her own, she had set it up for
all the women; oh yes, and Tenchi. The planter was now shared between
herself and Aeka, but was fundamentally the place of Ryu-oh. Shipboard
on Ryo-ohki had always been her real home, but that had been another
Ryo-ohki; her loyal life companion was dead and gone.
	It took two hops, but she quietly phased into the one place she knew no
one ever went, the now dead cavern where she had spent seven hundred
years. Only her phenomenal cat vision, extending well into the
infra-red, allowed her to detect the remaining phosphorescence glowing
in the rocky ceiling. Without water it was actually warm and dry in that
dark place.
	She had been wearing one of those loose, rather open costumes with
which she had long unconsciously scandalized the Masaki household. So it
took only a moment's ruffling for it to fall open at the thighs. Feeling
down there with her left hand, the cleft felt like a warm peach in the
sun. There was a lingering stickiness on her thighs. Her middle finger
pressed, and the ripeness opened Recalling the much thicker substance of
that other Tenchi's penis, she imagined him on top of her now, pressing
down on her vulva and her lips. His tongue and fingers pronounced him an
accomplished lover.
	The sensation of her own pressing hand blended with and responded to
the swelling beneath. A soft slick nub pressed with a thousand thousand
nerves of pleasure against the base of her middle finger, as the
fingertip pressed against the elastic give of her open maidenhead. She
felt the opening expand to ease her probing, and paused, recalling.
	Kagato had her racked on a wall for some imagined offense, or
something. As he pulled her fingers apart at the joints, and severed
them in waves of agony, he was lecturing her.
	"You see, Ryouko. I could shape you any way I care to. I can tear you
to pieces and pull your body parts this way and that, and take you
apart; but always when your body relaxes it will return to the template
stored in it's genetic matrix. My will could shape you any way I choose,
but you will always return to this defective form that she determined."
	She screamed as her body remembered the pain and humiliation. Thank the
gods, she thought, that Kagato was already no longer a man, no longer
interested in sexual things, before he had acquired her. Oh, he had let
her know that he knew she masturbated, just so she could know how
defective he thought it. He never took measures to prevent it, and it
secretly pleased her that he was disgusted. He had also let her know
that he considered her ability to split off a dopple-ganger, a double,
an almost worthless idle. The double existed mostly in certain higher
dimensions and wasn't very substantial to one anchored in the base
dimensions. Besides, beyond a couple of meters, or out of sight, the
dopple-ganger hardly had any mind of it's own. It was really hard to
manage both bodies at once in any useful way.
	Right now, she felt a need for that double. It worried her briefly that
Zero might want to seize the double, but the assimilated spirit of the
android reassured her; "Not so, I am very happy to be a part of you,
	She split off her double, and observed her primary body through it's
eyes. She experimented tentatively, making a forearm bulge like that
primitive gaijin sailor cartoon character; she couldn't quite place the
name. Then she tried forming her hand into a razored set of claws.
Relaxing, the claw turned back into her own perfect hand. She felt the
mass moving, and understood, she could only increase her mass beyond the
natural by assuming outside matter, as she had done in animating the
pillar to fight Kagato.
	She tried larger breasts, and smaller ones; wider hips and narrower
ones. She always came back to the same conclusion; there was just no
improving the form that nature and Washu had given her. Now she
understood how Washu kept that childish form of hers. A quick, and not
at all displeasing trial showed her what an adolescent Ryouko would be
like, but unlike Washu, she decided that she preferred to remain a
	Knowing a bit about human genetics, that women carry the complete human
gene set, Ryouko reached into it and pulled out the form of a male
Ryouko. It was a pleasing form, though not as pleasing to her eye as
Tenchi-sama. Having recovered some of her sexual glow, she briefly
considered sex with her male self, but decided it was too narcissistic,
and anyway she wanted Tenchi to always be her first and only man. Maybe
someday she'd try it with someone, maybe Aeka, to see what it felt like
for a man to have sex. Instead, she allowed her body to reform itself
into it's normal female form, but retaining the ample phallus that
nature gave men for show, as well as pleasure.
	She toyed briefly with the idea that she could use that phallus on
Aeka, but that would be for later. For now, as far as Ryouko was
concerned, Aeka's maidenhead belonged to Tenchi, as did every part of
herself and the Princess. Instead, she toyed with the phallus, deciding
that it was easier to get a hand on than the usually small and buried
nexus of her clitoris. The erectile functioning of the phallus was
perfect, and as she warmed to her self indulgence, it swelled most
	On a whim, she allowed the phallus to shrink away on her primary body,
and built it on her dopple-ganger. She then proceeded to make a use of
her double that she was sure Washu had never considered in designing
her. She made slow, rocking love to herself, allowing that ghost phallus
to penetrate her self-healing maidenhead. After all, she reasoned, in no
sense was this a real loss of virginity, making love to herself in a
purely female body; just slightly modified. Afterward, she licked her
own juices off her double's organ, and realized just how intense the
sensations of fellatio really are, as another orgasm rocked both her
	Reabsorbing the double, Ryouko shed her robes and curled up on them,
licking herself off all over. Suddenly it occurred to her that though
she had done this all her life, no ordinary human had the sort of
flexibility or extensibility required. How much of it, she wondered, was
shape-change, and how much was the cat-girl heritage? She couldn't
easily know, but she felt the fool for never having noticed before. As
she licked off her own genitals, she considered that she had never
realized she could certainly have masturbated this way, but it had
always been easier to use her double, for oral gratification. 
	Thirty some thousand kilometers overhead, on the bridge of her ship,
Tsunami rocked the sleeping form of Sasami, as both their bodied were
racked with sensations that no child could conceivably comprehend. In a
carrot field half a kilometer from the Masaki household, Tenchi guiltily
massaged his itching penis through his pants, where he had tried to
clean off with some dried grasses. Kiyone's ears flamed red, as she
thanked the gods that whatever had come over herself and Mihoshi had
come when there was no one around. Uncontrollable mutual masturbation
while over a tub of hot soapy laundry was well outside the acceptable
norms for even their strange relationship.
	Ryouko phased directly into the floating onsen. Bathing before
lunchtime was excessive even for her, but it seemed in order. Aeka was
already there, looking very disheveled, stripping out of very sweaty
	"Ryouko-sama, do you have any idea what you are doing?"
	"Eh? What is it? What could you possibly mean?"
	"Just this!" Shouted Washu, stomping in wearing a bathrobe. "If you're
going to this and that; with your self, or with anyone else, including
Tenchi and Aeka; you'd damn well better do it in a shielded place like
my lab or the planter. You're going to have every unmarried woman in the
whole prefecture pregnant and in trouble if you keep it up. And what was
with the pain? It's Aeka that's supposed to be into S&M, not you."
	"I was remembering something Kagato did to me."
	"Do you mean that creature did something to you sexually?", Washu's
teeth were grinding so hard pieces of enamel were popping out with loud
	"No" Ryouko shook her head, "You mean that I was...that people were."
Suddenly she leaped into the deepest pool head first and stayed there,
her feel still breaking the surface.
	Washu and Aeka looked at each other. Then they went over and pulled the
distraught girl from the water. She was pale to whiteness, and
shivering; with her eyes closed. Quantities of water were leaking from
her mouth and nostrils.
	Aeka had to remind herself that even though of human heritage, this
girl really did not need to breathe to live.
	"Silly" Washu lectured, "You couldn't know"
	"Tenchi will know", she insisted, spraying water and hacking with her
first breath. She began a copious cry reminiscent of Mihoshi.
	"Tenchi has no way of knowing where the sensations came from" Washu
reassured her.
	"I certainly wouldn't tell him", Aeka added.
	"Truly?" Ryouko began to brighten.
	The three girls cleaned up and went down to lunch. Sasami was getting a
late start, fixing cold sandwiches, so they waited for Tenchi. When he
arrived, he was carrying his knapsack in front of him, low and
concealing of his groin, and he avoided the girls. They made none of
their usual attempts to follow and pester him. Kiyone and Mihoshi came
down wearing fresh frocks. Surprisingly, Nobuyuki showed up, very
perturbed and mumbling to himself. This was extraordinary, as his office
in Osaka was a long ninety minute commute from the mountain valley.
	Tenchi came down wearing a fresh pair of denims, about the same time
grandpa showed up. Everyone sat down and ate quietly ate the cold cut
sandwiches. Afterward most everyone seemed to keep to themselves.
	If one could have overheard Nobuyuki's after lunch conversation with
Yousho, this is what they would have heard.
	"I don't know what to do, father. All these years, I've flirted,
peeped, talked girls into letting me film them, and photograph them, but
the truth is, until today, I hadn't actually had a woman since your
daughter died. This morning, I was feeling extra horny, and when I made
a feel for Misumi, she was all over me. I ended up taking her right
there on top of the copy machine. I'm pretty sure the other two office
girls saw us, but the strangest thing is, at least one of them had been
in the office with my partner, and I swear she had come on her face!
It's like there was something in the water.
	It's not supposed to be that way between Misumi and me. She's about the
same age Achika was when she died; young enough to be my daughter, and
not yet married. I don't want to ruin her life. My god, what if she
becomes pregnant?"
 	"Well, in this case, it was an outside influence you two couldn't
possibly know about. About all you can do is take her flowers, take her
out to lunch, and hope that she remembers it as mutual, the way you do.
Be kind to her and try not to let it influence your work with her. As
for if she wants more, you'll have to make up your own mind what to do
if it comes to that. You're both single and adult. No one has committed
any crime yet. The further it goes, the more responsible you become. We
have the financial resources to take care of her however you want, if it
comes to that.
	Remember to discuss this with Achika, when you visit her grave, this
	With Nobuyuki on his way back to work, Yousho's next visitor was
	"You see, I really do need that cave re-activated. It doesn't need to
be the dark, cold, dripping place that I was imprisoned in, though."
	"It would still be under Fuhaho's influence, though", he reminded her.
	"Well, we shared every thought and moment for seven hundred years. I
suppose it would be strange if I couldn't trust her now." She made her
final peace with the fact that Funaho had in fact been her jailer, and
trusted her own understanding of the tree Funaho's heart; that Funaho
had never shared the girl things with Yousho.
	Late that evening, when everyone else was in bed, Aeka and Ryouko
retired to the floating onsen  to bathe and continue drinking. As Ryouko
was drying Aeka's back, delicately touching the faint pink trace still
lingering of her harshest blow. She breathed into Aeka's ear.
	"I have unlocked another of the secrets Washu hid in this body of mine,
my Princess"
	"You are insatiable! It must be that cat-slut thing you were rumoring"
	"Not so, my Princess, you need correction" Ryouko was a little miffed
at her attitude. "But then I suppose I could make it be the memory of
the cat people. It is an honorable heritage.
	What I was meaning is that we both know Washu is a shape-changer."
	Ryouko turned inward to the depths of her being, and searched for her
links to the cat-girls of Felix Regina. She found the genetic linkage to
the ancient Cat goddess, and drew it into her newfound shaping power. An
almost autonomous change overtook her.
	Aeka turned to find herself sharing the small wooden deck with a sleek
furred, tiger-striped tan and brown felid version of Ryouko. Even as she
watched, the tips of Ryouko's ears narrowed and sprouted tufts.
	"You beast!" The Princess was almost having fun, as she leaped across a
meter and a half of water, to the next bit of deck.
	With the taut hard muscles of a predator, Ryouko needed no powers to
leap in front of her and cut her off. Bounding ahead, Ryouko cut the
naked Princess off three times. Each time she became more cat like.
Whiskers appeared, and claws. Her face bunched up into a short muzzle,
with long sharp fangs. Fear began to trace it's lines on Aeka's face.
The Princess disappeared.
	It took Ryouko only moments to follow her across the dimensions, into
the planter, bounding in front of the Princess to cut her off from her
tree. Finally, Ryouko pounced. Her claws drew small lines of blood along
the Princess's lower ribs as she seized her prey. Her jaw stretched as
she placed her upper fangs for the spinal kill. Her tongue and lower
teeth caressed the royal jugular. She could feel the life pulse of her
victim, and it made her hungry. 
	The Princess was very afraid.
	Ryu-oh, save me; she pleaded through her tiara.
	I cannot interfere in affairs of the gods; her intimate link with Jurai
power replied.
	"I yield, oh mighty Cat-goddess" she paused, "I stand corrected
forever. Your people are an honorable people."
	Ryouko subsided, transforming back into something like the girl that
Aeka knew. She still retained the markings in a silky short fur, but
otherwise, she was back to being human shaped. Only a proud plush tan
panther tail remained to tell the tale.
	Ryouko buried her face between Aeka's breasts and sobbed.
	"I almost killed you"
	"The ancient gods are very precipitous."
	"Can you ever trust me again?"
	"Just don't ever evoke that particular goddess in play again" Aeka
	For just a moment, Ryouko snarled, showing three centimeter fangs, and
returned to human form. She then eased the naked Princess to the floor
and proceeded to give her a tongue bath she would always remember. There
were times when Aeka couldn't decide whether the tonguing was sensual or
tickling. It went everywhere, to the souls of her feet, between her
toes, to her eyelids, inside her ears. She thought perhaps she'd had two
orgasms, or maybe three, but she couldn't separate that from the general
waves of sensation that the tonguing evoked.
	Since Aeka had already been clean before, Ryouko enjoyed the pure savor
of blood, sweat, and dampened fear. She paused specially to enjoy
licking the wounds along the Princess's ribs. She also noted that Aeka
seemed to be one of those people in whom survival evoked the maximum
flow of desire, it's musk was heavy. She decided the Princess must be
only a few days from her period. Ryouko finished the tonguing.
	"I guess we will have to postpone Tenchi's initiation for another week,
at least"
	Aeka nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. "I hope yours isn't going
to be so inconvenient? Say, I've never noticed your periods?"
	"Actually, my masu component takes care of that and dampen the cycles"
	"How convenient", the Princess replied with genuine envy, "I'm sorry I
cannot do anything for you like what you have just done for me."
	"Not to worry, Princess. Like I've said, you are mine"
	With that, Ryouko cuddled the Princess, wrapping her plush tail up
between their legs, and up the Princess's backside. The girl began a
deep rumbling purr. Aeka once again had to admit to herself, she had
never felt anything quite like it.
  	A few minutes later, Ryouko willed them back into the floating onsen,
and they bathed each other again. Ryouko had no delusions, no matter how
sweet the taste, a tongue bath is no substitute. Dressing in loose
bathrobes, she took the Princess back to the planter, and they walked
down into Washu's lab. As expected, they found the scientist tapping
away at her keyboard.
	"What is it now?" She asked the question with bored resignation.
	"Washu-chan", the Princess spoke up, "I have a slight medical problem
that needs your attention."
	"Not pregnant already, are we?" Seeing the expression on Aeka's face,
she hastily converted, "Jodan, jodan", just joking.
	She got a look at the claw marks along Aeka's ribs, "You kids are
playing a lot rougher than I would have expected. I thought you Juraians
valued your hides?"
	"Just a reminder from the Cat-goddess of Felix Regina to respect her
people" Aeka responded.
	Washu looked sharply at the two women. "That particular divinity is
extremely dangerous. Evoking her can easily have fatal results. Just how
did you manage to evoke her, anyway?"
	"I was going to show Aeka some of my new shape changing"
	"And I made a smart remark about your rumored cat-girl heritage"
	"So I evoked her in my shape change"
	"I'm surprised you got back to human on your own. I suppose it's
technically because you outrank her as a goddess, just as I do."
	"Actually, I haven't quite", Ryouko remarked, flipping the hem of her
robe to show the tip of her plush tail.
	Washu chuckled, "Just a matter of self discipline, child. It's always a
burden to have a foolish daughter." She then clicked a few keys on her
keyboard. Ryouko's tail disappeared, along with the claw marks in Aeka's
	Thus Tenchi received unawares an additional week's reprieve. He did
notice, with his usual sensitivity to the smell and texture of the
girls, that Aeka was going a little heavy on the perfumes, and that her
breasts felt a little swollen and tender for a few days. If he had
thought about such things, he might have guessed, but the girls
continued to tease him with greetings and embraces that somehow always
left him just a little frustrated; wishing for just a little bit more.
	One evening, after dinner and bath, Tenchi went upstairs and studied
for a couple of hours before turning off his computer. He then clicked
off the lights, and relaxed under the illumination of a full Moon. He
recalled that it had been under just such a full Moon, a bare twenty
seven days before, that Ryouko had returned with her strange new
attitude, and the two girls, former enemies, were now double teaming him
at every opportunity. 
All inside a calendar month he had found people acting more strangely
every day. He had heard from some of his old high school buddies that
several of the nicest, most modest girls in the school were suddenly "in
trouble". One of them had even gotten in trouble with Amagasaki, the
biggest bore and sweat-hog in the class. Then there were those strange
days when he had experienced unexpectedly overwhelming sexual urges, and
wet dreams; but as a healthy teenager, he was somewhat prepared to
repress that.
	Out of curiosity, he did the calculations in his head, that there would
indeed occasionally be two full Moons in the same month on the western
calendar. Just as he was about to flick on the light and check his
mental calendar calculations, there was a gentle rapping at his door.
	"Tenchi...Tenchi", oh no, it was the familiar call of Ryouko. Well, at
least she wasn't coming in on him while he was dressing, or using the
toilet, anymore.
	Tenchi slid the door open a few centimeters.
	"It's very late, Ryouko-sama. What is it?"
	"Aeka and I want to have a private conversation with you. She's waiting
for us in the bath house."
	"Really, Ryouko? You wouldn't just say that to get me alone, would
	"Tenchi!" She sounded genuinely wounded by the suspicion. "All that is
over between Aeka and myself. All either of us ever wanted was to give
the very best of ourselves to you."
	"Oh, all right" He grabbed his heavy house coat, the one with the
characters "Ten" and "Chi" emblazoned on the two sides of the chest. It
was a cold autumn night, and he was wearing only a t shirt and some
loose warm up pants, tied up with a cord.
	Stepping out into the dim hallway, he noted that Ryouko was wearing the
short tailed open gowns that he had sort of classified as her seduction
outfit. He could see that she was wearing panties.
	"You're sure Aeka is waiting?"
	"Hontoo", truly.
	They padded down the stairs and to the portals; Tenchi entering the one
marked with his name, Ryouko entering the one marked "Onna", women.
	When they emerged, he saw Aeka sitting in a thin silk robe. She stood
	"Tenchi-sama, we have some unfinished business. You never answered my
question, which of us is prettier, Ryouko or me?" She pulled the robe
tight, and he could clearly see the outline of her breasts under the
smooth silk.
	"Yes I did" he paused, recalling, "I said: Miss Ryouko can be very sexy
when she's not trying to be; but you are very pretty too, in a more
er..uh, princessly  way."
	The two girls maneuvered on either side of him, and he began to guess
what was coming.
	"You have toyed with the affections of two maidens long enough" Aeka
	Tenchi vaguely recalled something like this from the Jurai marriage
customs that grandpa had begun to teach him about, once his Juraian
origins had been disclosed.
	"Since you cannot decide, it is decided for you." Ryouko was clearly
reciting something also.
	The two girls made their move. Tenchi tried to spring away, but he was
burdened with the heavy house coat, and Ryouko was too quick for him,
catching him by the heel. Into the cold water he went. As Tenchi
floundered in his now wet robe. Both girls landed in the waist deep
water and helped Tenchi out of the now heavy robe, throwing it out on
the deck. They scrambled out of the water ahead of him, and just as he
was standing up on the edge, they went for his legs again. This time
they held onto the sopping wet cuffs of his pants, as he fell in a
sputtering confusion, tinged with fear. The pants stopped, but Tenchi
kept going, pulling his pants past his bottom.
	The girls started pulling him out of the water by his legs. They could
see that despite his sputtering, and cold dousing, his manhood was
pulling away from his body. In a frozen moment of time, Aeka's
consciousness felt a longing. She reached out with her hand. Tenchi
stopped struggling and looked up from the water at the two girls. Aeka's
hand closed on the soft skinned firmness of it. Then she faltered,
looking quizzically into Ryouko's eyes, like a doe caught in the light.
Ryouko nodded, placed her own hand on Aeka's, and kissed her cheek.
	Tenchi reached for the girls' free hands, and they allowed him to pull
himself up.
	"Aeka-san, Ryouko-san" Tenchi's eyes hesitated between the two, back
and forth.
	Aeka realized that her hand was still on his manhood. It was warm and
pulsing, still growing larger. His foreskin opened and roundness
emerged. Aeka's thumb brushed across it. She sat back on her haunches in
confusion, blushing, tears welling in her lidded eyes. Ryouko's hand
pulled Aeka's gently away, and Tenchi hastily began covering his
erection with his own hand, grabbing a towel with the other. The girls
noted that there was no nose bleeding, and no wobbliness about him.
	The girls again closed on him, one on each arm. He looked into Aeka's
eyes for help, and saw only command. There was a feeling of transiting
dimensional portals, and he found himself in the moonlit planter with
Ryu-oh lighted up before him. His hands were seized behind him and
lashed together, to a loop around his waist. Keeping a leash of rope to
him, Ryouko swiftly placed lit candles in holders to each side, then she
stood to the side between Aeka and Tenchi.
 Taking the sleeve of Aeka's robe, she pulled it away, to reveal the
Princess in a laced red body corset, and nothing else. Her breasts rode
high, nipples peeking over the top, and thin purple silk seemed to
darken the shadowed regions of her pubes. In her hand there was a red
	Ryouko bowed on one knee.
	"Ojosama to oyobi!", Aeka was addressing Tenchi: Call me Queen.
	"Wai! Have you both gone crazy?" Tenchi was desperately looking from
one to the other.
	Ryouko deftly manipulated the leash, and swatted Tenchi's left foot,
bringing him to his knees, and bound his ankles.
	"Show proper respect for your Queen", Ryouko commanded.
	Aeka laid the whip across Tenchi's back, just strongly enough to make
him flinch, but without force. She then used the butt end to bring
Tenchi's face up.
	"You have trifled too long with our affections. It is time of
	"Wai! Aeka-sama, Ryouko-sama, I care so much for you both." His tone
changed to pleading, "Don't make me choose between you." 
	Tears were pouring from Tenchi's eyes.
	Aeka swatted him lightly on one cheek, then the other.
	"Then you must serve us both, for the remainder of our natural lives."
	Ryouko intoned, "If a ranking lord of Jurai trifles with the affections
of two maidens of suitable rank, and refuses to choose, then he shall
serve both, submitting to both in the mysteries of Jurai's marriage
bed.  If he is of royal rank, he must marry first a woman of Jurai"
	Aeka nodded.
	"The next suitable maiden must be of foreign birth, but trained in the
holy marriage customs of our ancestoress, the first Misaki.
	Submit to your bride!", Ryouko commanded, "Like this"
	Tenchi looked through watery eyes, and saw that Ryouko had at some
moment changed her clothes. She was now wearing a black leather teddy,
unlaced at the top and open at the bottom, he could see her nakedness.
She leaned forward toward Aeka and gently kissed her on her vulva, then
settled back on her haunches. Seeing no other choice in this lurid dream
he seemed to have fallen into, Tenchi bowed forward and did the same.
	Now Ryouko rose to her feet, and Aeka softly knelt on one knee.
	"Submit to your bride", Aeka commanded, "Like this"
	Bowing, she kissed Ryouko's intimate parts, whispering distinctly,
"Megami-sama"; honored goddess.
	Tenchi followed her example, finding himself peculiarly aroused and
attracted by these two mad women.
	Aeka cracked her whip for attention. "I am a bride of Jurai, standing
before a tree of Jurai. Tsunami knows my most secret name, it is Ryu-oh
No Jurai Aeka. I have been enrolled on the secret manifest of the Ship
of the Beginning, the Ship of Jurai. I honor the memory of the first
Misaki, the first Queen of Jurai, Queen of the Marriage Bed. I
understand the forms, and will obey them."
	"Hanayome to oyobi", call me bride. Her whip cracked a stinging few
millimeters from the tip of Tenchi's penis.
	"Megami to oyobi", call me goddess. Her whip cracked a stinging few
millimeters from Tenchi's left nipple.
	"Ojosama to oyobi", call me queen. Her whip cracked a stinging few
millimeters from Tenchi's right nipple.
	"Hai, hai hai. Hanayome, Megami, Ojosama" Tenchi bowed a customary deep
Japanese bow of humility with each honorific. Aeka decided it was the
best she could expect without prior training, and nodded her approval.
	Ryouko cracked her whip for attention. "I am a bride of Jurai, standing
before a tree of Jurai. Tsunami knows my most secret name, it is Ryouko.
I have been enrolled on the secret manifest of the Ship of the
Beginning, the Ship of Jurai. I honor the memory of the first Misaki,
the first Queen of Jurai, Queen of the Marriage Bed. I understand the
forms, and will obey them."
	"Hanayome to oyobi", call me bride. Her whip cracked a stinging few
millimeters from the tip of Tenchi's penis.
	"Megami to oyobi", call me goddess. Her whip cracked a stinging few
millimeters from Tenchi's left nipple.
	"Ojosama to oyobi", call me queen. Her whip cracked a stinging few
millimeters from Tenchi's right nipple.
	Again, Tenchi recited the three words, "Hanayome, Megami, Ojosama",
bowing deeply with each one.
	Aeka watched with evident satisfaction, as Ryouko somehow began pealing
the shirt and pants from Tenchi, without removing his bonds. Soon the
smooth, flawless expanse of Tenchi's chest and abdomen shone in the
candlelight, and his ongoing erection twitched rhythmically in  the air.
Then his arms and legs were bare. Aeka leaned forward to touch and smell
that manhood. A bead of clear fluid broke from the rounded head and
trickled over the sculpted, helmet like contours, as she breathed on it.
She reached out and touched the wetness, brought it to her lips and
tasted it. She noted the strangeness of her own mind, and the intentness
of Ryouko's feline, but warm, gaze. The Oni girl's pupils were opened
inhumanly wide.
	Taking a candle, Aeka tipped it, dropping great droplets of molten wax
on one nipple, then the other, then trailed it down to his navel.
Tenchi's skin quivered under the touch, as she peeled wax from a nipple,
and suckled it. Her tongue followed the trail to his navel, where she
found Ryouko already savoring the end of his penis. She recalled a past
trace of rivalry, but it faded as her co-wife passed her the baton.
"Luh, lu, lu", Aeka savored her first tonguing of Tenchi's organ, "We
must teach him the forms before the next time."
	It occurred to Aeka obliquely that she was talking thusly to her
onetime sworn rival, over the very root of their contention. She
wondered for a moment at the shift in her consciousness, and the
evaporation of her usual fastidiousness. It also occurred to her that
this organ must be quite large, as large as some of the imaginings of
the shunga artists, stretching almost to his navel, when laid against
his abdomen, at least sixteen centimeters from that sparse thatching of
pubic hair. My goodness, how could it ever fit? She wondered, recalling
the small smallness of her own intimate parts. Surely it is beyond me,
she thought for a moment.
	Ryouko's mind was also on the matter of penetration.
	"Tenchi, are you a virgin? I mean with this body, in this world?"
	"Eh? Well, not really. There was this girl, the spring before I woke
you" he trailed off, "It was very casual. I suppose I should be sorry?"
	"Sort of takes the shine off who's first, doesn't it, Princess?"
	Aeka nodded as she watched Ryouko settle her pubes over Tenchi's face.
Ryouko nodded and Aeka began manipulating his organ, positioning herself
for the deed. Just as Tenchi's tongue began to find it's role in
matters, Ryouko's face lit up.
	"Wait a minute, he's just like me, right? Light-hawk wings and all,
	Aeka nodded.
	"It's a little tricky, juggling two bodies when very much is happening,
but I think the condition he's in now he might not even notice", she
giggled, sliding back so she was forehead to forehead with Tenchi. Her
eyes went out of focus and there was a bright glow between the two
foreheads. Then there were two Tenchis laying side by side.
	"Isn't one real, and the other not?"
	"Not in this case, dear one. Personally, I would find the doubling too
distracting. But this close, they can both be him, and doing pretty much
the same thing. Mind pretty stretched, but I don't know if he'll even
remember what I've done, the state he's in. Heh, heh, he won't be able
to figure out which of us he did first, because what he's doing is
	The different styles of Princess and pirate now contrasted side by
side, as the Princess drew her Tenchi over her, parting her legs wide.
She grasped his now rigid organ, and pressed the head against her labia,
working them back and forth till the combined slickness of her
secretions and his lubricated the tip into the opening of her
maidenhead, like a ball and socket joint. Then Tenchi lowered his body
till his sternum was pressing against her. She felt the heaviness of his
weight as he pushed a seemingly ever heavier ball into an ever smaller
	Oh, gods, it hurt. She imagined herself briefly a butterfly pinned to a
collector's board.
	"Shh, Tenchi, gently, gently", she whispered.
	He nodded, in a compliant erotic daze.
	She grasped his buttocks, and pulled him through her pain. With a
sudden give, he slid into her to the bone. Pausing, with his weight
almost suffocating and hot over her, they kissed deeply. For the first
time, she savored his tongue sharing space in her mouth with her own. A
corner of her mind was astounded at the lack of a gag reflex, and that
she could breathe at all. Her fingers guided Tenchi's body to arch away,
except at the fulcrum of exquisitely painful pressure. Aeka released the
laces of her corset and it fell away, leaving her skin to skin with her
	The pain had subsided, and Aeka tentatively rocked her hips. The pain
still itched and she moved to rub it, drawing Tenchi down to slide
heavily atop her. Her world was heat and passion. Sweat poured from her,
and she felt as though she were bursting with fullness. Yet her body
craved to draw him in, almost a reversal of birthing. Beside her, Ryouko
was riding high atop her Tenchi, impaled and reaching for the stars and
moon overhead shining down through the planter dome.
	Aeka could feel the building of a dance such as she had felt the night
she first masturbated, when the stars had danced for her, and the Moon
watered it's fields. Ryouko was panting. Tenchi's manhood was swelling
at it's root. She could feel his balls pulling tight against the line of
her inner ass.
	Suddenly the world was flowing in upon itself, a curving vortex. Aeka
saw double, felt double. A momentary terror seized her, as her identity
fell into the void. She hung suspended in hesitation, then released
herself into the glowing eyes of Ryouko, and vanished. Two Tenchi's and
two women were melting into a single heaving, copulating monstrosity.
One hungry woman  gazed down at a single Tenchi out of two sets of eyes.
She was Aeka, and she was Ryouko. Their minds coalesced. Oh, gods, oh
 Aeka felt the loneliness of forty three hundred Earth years' torment at
the hands of a psychic monster. She felt the loneliness of ten thousand
brutal sessions in isolation, recovering from Kagato's savage beatings
of both body and spirit, for Kagato was always confidant that no matter
how close he brought his stolen puppet to death, it would always recover
for more. There was a brief respite in a lizard's cage with an equally
lonely princess, then utter defeat. Burning, pinned by the throat upon
the Tenchi-sword, she was plunged into seven hundred years of darkness
with an alien but caring presence, the tree Funaho. Then she felt a
year, a mere moment's freedom, and all hopes now fulfilled in this
	Ryouko felt the isolation of a chosen princess, in the hands of a mad
tyrant. Told who to love, how to feel, what to think, and what to do,
every moment of every day for twenty years, guided by the warped spirit
of a fused trio of hereditary tyrants, a trio that joined very much like
their own. Then she escaped, to search in vain for promised love, mocked
without malice by an unknowing, uncaring demon girl. Finally, she slept
seven hundred years, dreaming in the darkness, only to awaken to that
same unintended mocking.
	Together, Aeka and Ryouko fell into the eyes of an orphan boy, raised
by a hard and martial grandfather, in the presence of a wounded father.
Tenchi's passive but quick minded absorption of his surroundings
contrasted sharply with the competitive, self absorbed pain of the
women. Alone, Tenchi was without fire. Living surrounded by these
special women, he felt connected with life, and with his vanished
mother, as he never had before.
	Now Tenchi experienced in full the life of these two particular women
that were so strongly bonded to his fate. Beyond that, beyond the
capacity of his usually dispassionate cognition, he could feel his penis
slithering in two vaginas at once, and with dismaying intensity he could
feel the pressure and push on vulva and organs twice over. He felt the
feel of a woman possessing a vagina full of penis, of a man's pubes
pressing against her own. He could feel the way one's heavy breasts
swayed, and pert ones quivered. He could feel the hunger of woman
passion, to be filled and to hold and possess
Three minds, one body? One body, three minds? The being that had been
and would be Aeka, Ryouko, and Tenchi mounted toward orgasm. The
terrible vastness of the cosmos opened around them. In reflex
Tenchi-wings came into being, Ryouko's wings answered, and together they
spawned a third set. A vortex whirled through all the manifold
dimensions of their universe, composed of three sets of three wings,
three bodies joined in a multiplicity of copulations. Every sensation of
every body, physical, psychic aetheric, and spiritual fed upon every
other sensation until orgasm burst across the dimensions.
Amid the overwhelming, undulating pulsations the will of Kami-sama is
manifest. The franchise of Tokimi's creation being revoked, Aeka granted
power to become the third goddess of the Tenchi godhead, who's province
is this cosmos. The fertilizing flow of their copulation spans four
billion lightyears, meaning four billion years into the past, and a
galaxy is born from flow. Every innocent creature dissolved in the
dissolution of the galaxy K-91, that Clay's machines had conquered, is
granted redemption.
In a higher dimensional planter, connected to an improbable and slightly
immodest Japanese estate, in the mountains above Osaka, a woman lay atop
a man, in the afterglow of passionate sex. White and clear fluids
continued to leak from where they were joined, and diluted, still red
blood stained the sweat pouring off their coupled bodies. The man was
Tenchi, the woman an interesting composite, combining the features of
the women he loved. Finally, his penis softened enough to slither out of
her vagina. 
The two women rolled off, fissioning into a separate Aeka and Ryouko.
In their separate spaces, Washu, Tsunami, and Yousho gasped out
astonishment, "Ryouko, what have you done?"


Text Copyright 1998, Anyaku<>
Characters are Copyright and/or Trademark AIC and Pioneer LDCA