DISCLAIMER: The character and the universe are somebody elses. I write this only for the amusement of my friends (on a very broad sense) and not for profit. It is not meant for any other use by anybody else. Etc. And so on. See other fan fics for details.yadda. SEXUALY EXPLICIT: This fan fic is meant for -um- not necesssarily adults, but for those who can handle and are legally entitled to view sexual material. Hey wadda expect, its porn. O-kay, everyone else gone? The rest of you just lean back and, ah, enjoyyourselves. NO DILDOs were harmed in the creation of this fan fic ANNIVERSARY: Chapter 3 - No Time for Video Washu sat back in her chair, smiling. Well THAT experiment certainly had achieved some unexpected results. She waved at Mihoshi, as the blond slipped out the door. She cackled, began to laugh. Unexpected indeed! But it was about time. And with the way the Jurai Power worked, things were liable to get very interesting indeed in the next day or so. The laughing tapered off and she sighed as she considered the probabilities. It was going to be a long climb up the stairs to the shrine later. Aeka sighed, her back against a tree, laying naked in its shade. A variety of emotions cascaded tumbling through her mind, fear, anger, guild, frustration, and others that were too complex to name. And Dread. Especially dread; it spread across all her thoughts like a thick crude oil. She took a deep breath. She was of the royal house of Jurai, dammit, and she had years of preparation for this sort of thing. Ground. Center. Repress. Find your balance. Close your legs. There. She slipped into the water and swam back to where her clothes lay in the grass. Tenchi stood shakily. His equilibrium was way off, and he was trying to get his pants back on, and Ryoko was laying there, smiling, slowly letting HER clothes phase back in around her. Sigh. He closed his eyes, letting the recent remembrances pass through his thoughts - the feel of her body against him, around him. The fire. His first climax within a woman. It was almost, would have been enough to... but no. There were consequences to be faced. Ryoko as well was lost in thought. She had never expected to lose her virginity this way, in the dark, in the cave that she hated so much. But thank the fates it was with the right man. Oh man, I wish I could... But there were broken promises to be faced. As much as they wanted, they could not tarry. Silently, they stepped back into the sunlight, the harsh glare of reality striking them as they emerged from the cave. A shiver passed through them as they turned and looked at each other. "Tenchi, hold me..." He took her in his arms, holding her tight. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Yes." "Any chance she wont find out." "Aeka?" "I guess we'd best tell her" "Not you, Tenchi. This one is mine." Hugging tighter "Will the house blow up?" "No, Tenchi, I promise" Mihosi heard strange sounds coming from Noboyuki's room as she walked past. She peaked in. Ah, it was just a video going... oh and it was... She smiled, having seen this video before, once, when 'father' had accidently left it the living room machine late one night. And there was Kiyone in the bed. Oh Kiyone! Hand down her pants, top pushed up, and sleeping. Hmmm... she checked the clock, double checked a picture on the wall, waited a moment for the video to get to just the right place and turned the machine off. Then she pulled out her handcuffs, and bent to shake Kiyone awake. Aeka watched them through the window as they came up the walk. Not hand in hand, at least they were not that cruel. But she could sense the new bond between them. Damn Ryoko! She started to rise, but slumped back. Not now. She focused on the boy, instead. Watching, feeling the force in him, pressing her legs together. Oh Goddess, but Lord Tenchi had the Jurai Power. It made her shiver, close her eyes. Center, breathe. When she opened her eyes once more, they were gone. Kiyone's eyes blinked open. She had NOT been getting enough sleep lately. And she had had one spectacular, if self induced, orgasm. That sure put her out... here... what...? She lay on a strange bed, and there was her partner, standing above her, striking an all too well know pose. Pose number 103 from the Galaxy Police Training Manual, hands on hips, right side forward "I am Mihosi, officer of the Galaxy Police, sworn to uphold justice in the Universe. And YOU..." Pose number 215, swinging the left foot forward, left arm extended, finger pointing. "have been found in Violation of Trespass code number 614 point, um, whatever. Will you come peacefully?" Was this still a dream..? She had been dreaming such wonderful dreams of Mihoshi. She.. OH.! A cuff slapped around one of her wrists. "Mihoshi, what are you..." Snick. Cuff closed around other wrist, locked to the headboard behind her. She tested the give. No way she was getting out without the key. "So, Trespasser Kiyone, what sort of naughty things have you been doing? I, Officer Mihoshi, shall check for clues. Ah-Ha, your finger is wet, what can this be? I shall have to sample it." Mihoshi leaned forward, sniffing at the offending finger. Then her tongue teased, drawing a line up the underside of the finger, before taking it in her mouth. Kiyone took a deep breath, then another... and another. She should but a stop to this, before... mmmm.. But something strange had happened. Washu. That must be it - she must be in one of those dream universes. Multiple orga..um planes of reality. That sort of things. Yes... She better.. um... better play along. "Mmmmm... I think I got it. Now we need to see if you have hidden any other samples. Let's see." Mihoshi opened the top of Kiyone's uniform, exposing her petite pink aureoled breasts. She conducted a thorough examination with her hands, and then decided that she's better check for trace elements. Using the same sensor that she had with the finger. Kiyone closed her eyes as she felt the tongue circling her rose nipples. She could feel them harden as the blond sucked on them. God, there was something Mihoshi was good at. Ooooo... Very goood. "Nope, nothing there... We'll just have to check further down, though. You never know where something naughty might be hi-ding. We'll just slip off these pants and. Ooooo... It certainly Smells naughty. Hmmm.. I don't want to corrupt the evidence with my clothing, so I better just..." Her top came off first, boobs shaking as she freed herself. Secretly, Kiyone had always loved to see Mihoshi's tits. Not because they were so big, but because, well, the fit her personality. So, well, boucy! Kiyone almost giggled at the thought. Very bouncy, and soft, and I am going to feel them against me so soon. Oh hurry, my dream Mihoshi, hurry up and get naked. Mihoshi's pants fell to the floor, and she gave Kiyone pose number 668, for undercover work only - legs spread, fingers opening her sex (how pink!), one hand cupping her breast (her nipples hard already). Wait for it Mihoshi... steady, steady... Now! The wink. Perfectly done. Kiyone crossed one leg over the other, thighs rubbing together. Playing the game. "You ain't gettin evidence from me that easy copper.." "Oh no..? I Mihoshi will use the exotic Galaxy Police finger method to open you up..." Mihoshi slid the edge of her hand between Kiyone's thighs, pinky pressing against her slit. Leveraging the hand up and down. She slapped at the outside of Kiyone's thighs, sharp stinging. Kiyone moaned, feeling the edge of the finger pressing against her button. Oh yes... Then Mihoshi kissed her other thigh, breasts rubbing lower on her leg. Kiyone's hips jerked, thighs clenching tightly around the hand, then releasing. Opening. God, she needed that tongue against her. "Tenchi..." He felt Ryoko's arms around him, her breasts pressing into his back. He was nervous, anxious. Waiting for the other sandal to drop. He had just had sex, marvelous sex, sky-ripping cherry busting sex with one of the most beautiful women in the universe. And he was worried about the other one. Aeka. She would be hurt. And he didn't want her to hurt. That is why he never tried, never took up on either's advances. That and the nosebleeds. Dammit. His fists clenched. Aeka. Do I want you more now, because I've been with Ryoko? Aeka. "Tenchi...?" "Yes, Ryoko" "I need to go talk to Aeka." "Do you want me..." "NO. I need to talk with her. Alone. There were promises... I..." She squeezed him hard, the air rushing out of his lungs, eyes bulging. The thought flitted through his head that he could die this way. But what a way to go. "I... may need to.. um.. to go for awhile. But I will be back, I promise." She kissed the back of his neck and phased down through the floor. Before he could turn. Before she could see his face. Before she lost her nerve. Kiyone groaned, her neck straining upward. Hands locked behind her head, she was just unable to reach - damn Mihoshi. Her rights were being violated here. Kiyone had demanded to get a similar sample from Mihoshi. And the cop had turned for her, legs straddling her chest, but was keeping her pussy just beyond her reach. Damn her.. She could see the glistening slit, smell the Gaaaaaaawwwd yesss..... smell the heat of her so close. A drop slipped from Mihoshi's cunt, dropping on her tit. It was just too much. She yanked on the cuffs. Turned her head and *bit* into Mihoshi's thigh. Mihoshi nipped back in return - ohhhh - right there, but lowered her hips onto Kiyone's face. Pressed down hard, almost suffocating her. She sucked hard, tongue flicking licking, pulling the hard clit into her mouth. She shuddered climaxing. And then there was a shadow at the door. "What the hell is going on in here..!!" Ryoko entered the room quietly. Princess Aeka was sitting in a large chair, looking out the window, her back to the space pirate. "Aeka" "Get out." "Aeka, please." "I said Get Out." "Aeka I just want..." A force bolt shot out at Ryoko. She did not phase, the bolt striking her in the chest, slamming her back against the door. Ryoko coughed, her voice weak and tired. "I'm sorry." Aeka thundered to her feet turning on Ryoko. There were tears running down her cheeks. "You're Sorry? SORRY..? Isn't this what you wanted you whore?! You have him now. Tenchi. My love. My Lord Tenchi." She struck Ryoko, slapping her face "Slut." Slap "Bitch." Slap "Whore." Slap. Ryoko did not fight taking the blows one after the other. Finally, she just phased back out the door. Aeka's fists slammed against the wood over and over and over. She sobbed, head down, tears falling through space, puddling at her feet. "Princess of Jurai, this one humbly craves an audience." Ryoko again. Behind her. Aeka glanced back and saw her kneeling, arms outstretched face to the floor. She had returned to rub Aeka's face in her triumph. But she was a Princess, and the Whore would not see her like this again. She straightened, breathing deep. Long deep breaths, as she reformed her mask of authority. Eyes dried, she turned. "What do you want of me?" "I'm leaving" "What?!" "I'm leaving. For a while. I want to give you and... I want to give you time to be with him." "A final parting gift, my dear friend..?" "I didn't want this, Princess. Yes, I wanted Tenchi, want him for my own. But not this way. I want to win him honestly. Believe it or not, I do have honor. Not much, sometimes, but for people I... I.. respect. You must believe me Princess, this was a fluke - I didn't know what I was doing until... until it was too late." Ryoko told the story of the cave. Simply and without painful detail. "So I am leaving him to you. For a while, a few weeks, maybe m.." "No." Ryoko looked up. The Princess stared down at her through an inflexible mask. Cold. Distant. "If you go, Ryoko, Lord Tenchi will blame me for it. I will not let that happen. You will stay, but you must also stay away from us tonight. We will see how my Lord Tenchi responds to the power of Jurai." "Princess?" "Yes." The words came hard to Ryoko's lips, but honestly. "Forgive me." Aeka stood there a moment, looking down on her rival, the Whore. She shook her head sadly and Ryoko cringed. There was more to it than that, more than sex. She bent down and very lightly touched Ryoko's hair. "Rise." Ryoko got up, looking at the floor. Aeka's voice was almost a whisper. "You really do love him, don't you Ryoko. I can not blame you for that." Ryoko looked up. Their eyes met briefly, as the stood close but not touching. Then Ryoko closed her eyes and phased away. "I repeat. What the Hell is going on here??!" "Oh, hi, Noboyuki. We're just playing a game. I think Kiyone just had an orgasm. Care to give her another?" Kiyone blushed a deep shade of red and turned her face away. She would have curled up in a ball, but she was still cuffed to the bed. And Mihoshi was sitting on her. Noboyuki fumed, stuttered gulped. His hands were clenched in rage as Mihoshi continued, "Or maybe you would just like to take pictures. I know you're pretty good at that. Or a video. Wanna tape us? I think we could be some pretty good actors..." Kiyone seemed to go purple. She shrunk. Noboyuki pointed at the door. "I... Want... You... Out..." "Oh all right. Just thought you might enjoy yourself - always peeking at us and all." Mihoshi stood tits bouncing. She turned, back to Noboyuki, bending over Kiyone. "Okay, Kiyone," she continued, "where did you hide the key?" Kiyone stared daggers at Mihosni. Noboyuki gulped, the fact that he had two beautiful naked wet women in the room with him finally setting in. Mihoshi babbled on, blissfully unaware. "I mean I know we're not as beautiful as your wife was, but I would think that we might have some affect on you." She looked between her legs at him, through the valley of her breasts. And giggled. "Or maybe we have.." "My wife... Achika..." He turned to her picture on the table, "I haven't... since..." Mihoshi turned, sitting crosslegged on the bed next to Kiyone, playing with a remote. Her voice was quiet - quiet at least for Mihoshi. "Then maybe its time you did." Kiyone watched as tears started to flow down the old man's face. Sometimes she was too stiff, too formal, but this was hurting her. "I... I couldn't. I loved her so much. Achika. You are beautiul yes, but I can't. For her sake." Mihoshi pressed a button. "Come to bed with us, my husband." Noboyuki's eyes closed, listening. Kiyone looked at the screen, watching as one beautiful woman looked into the camera, another laying next to her. Achika. It was her in the video. Noboyuki must have shot it years ago, when they were young. "Come join us. You know how I love to see you with other women. And I have her so ready for you. My love, I would share you with the world if I could. You are such a wonderful lover, how could I not." She laughed, her laughter as joyous and soft as rose petals. "Come, Noboyuki. You should always be with women. It is the way you are, and I love you for it. Come and make love to my friend, I would see your hard cock sliding through her folds. Come, my husband." Mihoshi turned off the video. She rose, pressing the key into Noboyuki's hand. "Release her." Kiyone watched Mihoshi as she went to close the door, a new respect in her eyes. As Noboyuki undid her cuffs, she placed her arms around him, drawing him down into a kiss. Slow. Gentle. She felt him respond, kissing her deeper, filling her with his passion. Then she felt him jerk, his eyes opening wide as Mihoshi slid her hand up between his legs, feeling for his cock. "Mmmmm...", she giggled, "I guess television really does make things looks smaller" As Mihoshi pulled down his pants, Kiyone pulled his mouth down to her breast. Yosho sat stiff and erect at the entrance to the shrine, impassive, looking out across the landscape. His legs were crossed, arms resting lightly on his thighs, a warm cup in his hands. Ah, that had some display of the Jurai Power, he thought to himself. I should think it was only the beginning. Perhaps it were best if I remained up here tonight, out of the way. I only wish my son-in-law would bring up some of his magazines. That would be very helpful. Ah, well. Yosho's head drooped forward, even this slight motion causing a sudden dizziness. A strange a useless smile crossed his face as he stared emptily into the near empty cup. It would be a worthy struggle, in this condition, to again find the sake' jar. Epic. Worthy of a Jurai warrior... Tenchi wandered the house head bowed hands behind his back, once seeing Ryoko drift quietly through one wall and out the other. Otherwise alone. One part of him was thrilled - the feel, the experience of this afternoon brining him great joy. And he felt terribly guilty for having those feelings. And overall was doubt, fear that things were going to change, knowing that things were changing, and probably for the worst. How could he ever face Aeka again? How could...? "Tenchi..?" Aeka stood in the doorway to her room. Tenchi straightened his collar, looking somewhat away. "Tenchi, I have a very important question to ask you." Here it comes. The disaster. "Uhhh... what is it Aeka...? "My Lord Tenchi, will you have dinner with me tonight..?" "I..uh..well sure, Aeka" "Thank you, Lord Tenchi," and with that the Jurian Princess shut the door. Huh, thought Tenchi, that went much better than I expected. I think. Kiyone's eyes flickered. She was having trouble breathing. Her hands clutched at the sheets. Oh god. Noboyuki's cock was pounding in and our of her. Hard and fast. And deep. She could see his face through half closed eyes, red and panting above her. An Mihoshi's face beyond his shoulders. Oh. Mihoshi was pressed against Noboyuki, her breasts rubbing against his back, her hips moving against him, with his every thrust into her partner. Her hands grasped Kiyone's ankles, spreading her legs wide, pushing them back up toward her ears. The Galaxy Police training regimen certainly kept one flexible. Kiyone eyes grew fuzzy, blurred. Looking up the two faces seemed to become one. Almost like Mihoshi was fucking her, almost... oh...! oh...! oh...! Almost..! Trembling, she found her release, crying out, body, jerking thrusting up at Mihoshi/Noboyuki. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....!! Mihoshi, felt her partner cum, could see it in her eyes. Almost as if she were fucking her. Mihoshi's clit rubbing against Noboyuki's backside, pressing in, her slit wetting his ass. She felt it too, the release, coursing through her body. Ohhhhh...!!! Noboyuki felt, felt as he had never felt in years. Pictures, video tapes were never enough, never like this. He could see Achika smiling, smiling like she had before as he pleased other women, smiling at his skill, taking pleasure from his joy. Oh my wife, my darling wiiiii......??!!! Mihoshi applied the Galaxy Police submission hold number 118, the titty twister; her fingers pinching and turning Noboyuki's nipples. He jerked back out and away from Kiyone, the pain pushing him over the edge. Mihoshi swung quickly around him (Police training), wrapping her breasts around his pulsing member (not Police training), feeling him shudder. "mmmm... Noboyuki... I want it here..." He came hard, fluid spurting up between Mihoshi's huge soft titties, splatter against her open mouth, her face. Drinking in much, more shot over her face, some droplets splattering against Kiyone as well. She slid up, kissing him arm behind his head, hand on his buttock. She pulled him down between herself and Kiyone, who was just beginning to recover. "Mmmmm... nice start to the evening, old man." It was going to be a long night A long, hard night. "Sasami?" "Yes?" "I need you to prepare a meal tonight" "Okay... I usually... "A special meal for two." "Oh?" "Oh." "Ohhhhhhh......!" "I think its time Lord Tenchi learned the secret of the power of Jurai"