DISCLAIMER: The character and the universe are somebody elses. I write this only for the amusement of my friends (on a very broad sense) and not for profit. It is not meant for any other use by anybody else. Etc. And so on. See other fan fics for details.yadda. SEXUALY EXPLICIT: This fan fic is meant for -um- not necesssarily adults, but for those who can handle and are legally entitled to view sexual material. Hey wadda expect, its porn. O-kay, everyone else gone? The rest of you just lean back and, ah, enjoyyourselves. NO DILDOs were harmed in the creation of this fan fic ANNIVERSARY: Chapter 2 - No Time for Memories He looked down into golden eyes. "Who are you...?" he asked. She looked back, smiling. "Don't you know...? Damn, I was hoping you could tell me." "For that matter," he continued, "Who am Ummmmmppphhh..!!!" Tenchi was suddenly cut off, as Ryoko pressed her mouth to his. Unexpected, but he kissed back. It felt good. But when she tried to invade his mouth with her tongue he broke the kiss. "Hey, what do you think you're doing. What makes you think..." "This" She grabbed the hand that was pressed against her bosom, squeezing it into her. "And this" She rolled her hips upward pressing harder against Tenchi's thigh where it lay nuzzled between her legs. "And unless I'm mistaken, you're getting a rather nice erection growing between your legs. MMMMMM... Won't tell you what I'm getting between my legs - you'll just have to find that out yourself." Tenchi was confused, but this strange and beautiful woman was right about one thing. He was aroused, and she was the cause of it. And he could feel his desire growing with every second. One last try: "But don't you think we should.." She kissed him again, hard "Yes, dearest stranger, I think we should.." Her hand reached down between them, finding and squeezing his erection "But then again, there is a time to NOT think..." Tenchi found himself agreeing with her. He squeezed, feeling the breast under his palm, nipple hard. Rolled it back and forth. Her flesh felt good beneath his hand. Flesh? She was naked. And his thigh was getting wet where it pressed against him. How did she... aw hell, this was another time to not think. Ryoko arched upward against his hand, his thigh. Moving feeling his touch against her skin, pressing herself to him. It all felt so strange and yet so right. She wanted him. Why hadn't he phased out of his clothes yet. God, he was so hard, she could feel him throbbing under his pants. She grabbed his shirt, pulling, tearing. Ripping it off of him. Her hands and nails running up and down over his handsome chest. Young. But nice. Very nice. "M'am." said Tenchi. "The strange thing is, I think my nose is supposed to be doing something by now." He was squeezing a nipple, pinching it lightly between his thumb and forefinger. His other hand cupped her mound, feeling the wet hair against his palm. He didn't know if he had ever done this sort of thing before, but it felt good. Real good. "Yeah. Your nose." Ryoko wasn't particularly interested in that protrubence at the moment, but was having a little difficulty getting at the other through his jeans. Not particularly meant to be done one handed. But... "Hey, I've got just the thing for your nose..." She rolled twisting him beneath her. And swinging around in mid air so she could.... Yes... there... lowering her pussy onto his face, his nose. "This isn't exactly what I MMMMmmmmmpPPPHHHHHHHHH...." He found the odor quite musky, and entirely pleasant. Instinctively he grabbed her buttocks, pulling her down onto his nose. And mouth. The mouth especially, tongue and lips working up and down the long red slit, pushing aside cyan colored hair. Nose pressed deep in her cunt. Ryoko moaned, hips humping back onto the boy's face, her hands finally working out the mystery buttons and zipper. Boy what a problem clothing could be. His cock sprang out, long thick and purple. Her eyes glowed, licking her lips, fingers tightening around the staff. What a treat. She began to lick it with long strokes of her tongue, then stopped suddenly. She raised up, head going back. Eyes rolling back in her head. ooooo. He was licking her right +there+. Her breathing grew fast, biting her lower lip as the boy sucked her clit into his mouth. OHHHH....... She shuddered, peaking, legs tightening around whatshisnames head. Spasming. OH YES. Spasming. Holding his head tightly. OH MY. For what seemed like minutes.... Finally she let her legs relax, and swung her head down looking along the length of her body, between her breasts, at the boy. His face was blue and he was gasping for air. His eyes huge and brown and bulging. Hmmm... she would have to give him a good reason to gasp. She licked her lips and plunged her head down on his cock. Mihoshi looked befuddled. Stupified. Lost. Out of Place. In short, the way she usually looked. The odd thing is that Washu looked pretty much the same. Well, she knew she was the greatest genius in the universe. That was easy enough to figure out. But she couldn't remember anything. Well nothing useful anyway - she could still recite the value of 'pi' to a million places, but anything difficult was simply gone from her head. She quickly deduced that one of these machines must be the cause of her limited abilities, but which one. Hmmm... She would simply have to just examine and test every part of every machine in her labratory. That was easy enough if time consuming. She could use some help though. She looked at Mihoshi, who was biting at a fingernail. "Hey you." said Washu. Mihoshi blinked "Just stay over there by the wall." Tenchi's face was wet and sticky, but no longer pressed against Ryoko's mound. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but he just couldn't focus on it any more. He was panting, his hips jerking from time to time as his cock thrust up into the space pirate's mouth. He could feel a tension growing in him, a hunger and a strength. Something more than adolescent lust. His fingers rubbed at the woman's clit - slow long strokes. His head was turned, free hands wrapped around the woman's leg kissing and nipping at her thigh. Her hand moved up and down the thick shaft, pumping at it, as if trying to pull forth an explosion. Her mouth lapped joyously at the head, tasting Tenchi, occasionally driving down deep on his cock. She could feel him then, against the back of her throat, as her fingers circled his root. Gulping him in. The boy was amazing. Amazing. She slid her mouth off for a moment, purring and rubbing her cheek against his shaft. mmmm... His hips thrust upward as she sucked down. She kept her head deep around him now, cupping his balls, squeezing. She could feel the fire building in him, hear him moaning. Her teeth scraped against the lower end of his cock. The she bobbed quickly up and down mouth working fast, hand reaching where the mouth didn't. Yess... she could feel him... Yesss... She could feel the hot cream erupt into her mouth, shoot against her throat. She sucked it in. Licked her lips Pulled her head off still stroking. Let his cum splatter against her cheek her neck. Oh yes. And he was still hard. This was a GOOD boy. Aeka felt hot, flushed. She had found herself sitting on a porch, worried about something but not being able to remember what. Nor could she remember who she was. It was most distressing. She became agitated, wandered outside finally to a large pond. It looked quite soothing, and cooling. She needed to cool off, that was becoming more and more apparent. There was a heat rising in her, quite powerful. She stripped off her kimono and plunged herself into the water. Swimming, the water slid over the surface of her smooth naked body. Arms working, legs working, but somehow she was just not getting any cooler. Hotter maybe. And not on the skin - inside. Need overtook her and she edged herself up near shore, sitting on a submerged rock. Goddess but she needed... uh.. its not proper but... uhhhhhh. Her fingers worked slowly stroking the outside of her sex. She lay back upper body in the grass on the shore, lower body down with the water lapping against her where her fingers now plunged into her sex. Hot. Groaning. Not worried that she might be being watched, the Jurai princess shook, masturbating. Kiyone walked through the strange house. She had come in through the dimensional portal just as the machine had been turned on. It was obvious to her that she must investigate, find out what was going on and why. She chose a room at random. A bedroom. Large screen TV, video cameras, tapes, papers and books scattered around. Hmmm.. it seemed important. She stepped in, and began searching through things for clues. She slipped a tape into a video machine - oh my! Two women on a bed, moaning writhing against each other. She blushed, but did not turn the machine off. Instead she looked through the books and papers. A great deal of hentai here. Mostly teenagers. There where sketches as well, many of an archetectual nature, but others more personal nature. Whoever it was was skilled, the drawings were good. Some even seemed to be of... She looked in the mirror, looked back at the sketch, checked the mirror again. Fluffed herself. Her breasts weren't nearly that large. She lay on the bed, looking through more and more of the drawing. Many sketches showed her and a blond woman doing.... well. The figures on the tape were moaning writhing together. Woman to woman - like her in the sketch. Had she posed for this? Certainly there was something about the woman, something she found very desireable. She slid her hands into her pants. Maybe this would help her remember... Ryoko floated slowly upward, meaning to turn and come down on Tenchi's cock. But he was suddenly on his feet, grabbing her, pressing her back to the wall. There was something about him, something inflamed. He was more powerful than that boy she had been playing with before - she liked that. He seemed almost as powerful as she was. OH GOD. His fingers rammed into her cunt. She clenched around him. Tenchi's hands were in Ryoko's hair. Stroking, pulling on it. Exposing her neck. He licked his lips, sucking on the woman there, feeling her tremble. He felt one of her hands on his ass, the other on his cock, pulling on it, stroking it. He bit down nipping into her flesh. She shook, ramming herself onto his fingers. She was so wet. But then again he was so hard. He could feel her chest thrust forward, her lovely large breasts pressing into him, nipples poking against him. He could feel her shake, kissed her ear, whispered "I want you woman, I think I have for a long time" He felt her shudder, felt her press her cheek against him, wrapping her arms around him. He felt a wetness against his face. A tear. "Yes... I know, I want you too" She lept up against him, wrapping her legs around him, trying to impale herself on his cock. It slid across her slit, but not into her rubbing over her engorged clit. He held her tight, one hand on her buttocks, lowering her to the ground. Even without his memories, Tenchi knew there was something very right about this. Something more than lust or the passion of the moment. Something that ran deep within him, and within her. He slid his cock into her, slow, but not deep. He could not push in any further. Her arms tightened around his neck, and he looked into the womans golden eyes. Amazing. He lost himself in them a moment, then pulled back ready to to hurl his weight against the barrier. Her heels hooked into the small of her back. Smiling, trembling, she nodded. "kkkkkkZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" The sound was annoying. "KKKKKkkkkkkkZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz" Frustrating. "KKKKKKKKKZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" Even the greatest mind in the universe couldn't work under these conditions. "HEY. YOU. WAKE UP!" Mihoshi, woke, startled. Asleep against the wall, some instinctive training took over and she stepped forward, her foot tangling in a cord. She tripped sprawling outward, her foot tugging the plug from the wall. And the memory machine stopped. Ryoko's eyes widened, recognition coming to her. To him as well. She could see it as he THRUST forward into her solidly, a sword thrust deep, penetrating, and sure. She could feel her hymen breaking, her body clutching to him as she screamed "Teeennnnnnccccchhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!" "Ryoko, I...." He started pulling back, but she held him tight to her. Ryoko's voice was quiet, deep. "uh. Tenchi, don't you dare. Don't you dare try to leave me like this. You want it, I want it, and its too damn late to stop now." "But Ryoko, I didn't want..." Ryoko thrust upward "Like Hell you didn't want..!!" Her body writhed beneath him, her hands on his shoulder. "Oh. Fuck me, Tenchi, Just Fuck Me....!!" Tenchi's cock drove in and out of Ryoko's cunt. Hard. A force a power like he had never experienced driving him. His breath, panting, a low growl sometimes, hot in her ear. "Ryoko, I wanted to say that I didn't want it like this. On a stone. In a cave. I wanted you in bed the first time, Ryoko. Softer. Warmer." She thrust up to meet him, her head moving from side to side. "Thank you Tenchi," she whispered. Her hands clawed at her back, scratching which only increased Tenchi's passion, his need. He leaned back away from Ryoko, hands going to her breasts, squeezing them, rolling them against each other. Thumb and forefinger pinching at the nipple. Edging forward, he thrust deeper and harder into her She met him, hips bouncing off the floor, fingernails scratching down his chest, leaving marks... "Oh god, Tenchi.. TENCHI..!" She convulsed, juices and blood running from her. Squeezing his cock in her tight virgin cunt. Tenchi gripped her at the hips as she peaked, body shaking with the orgasm. Leaning farther back, he yanked at her hips, pulling her onto his cock as he thrust deep. Hard. Faster and Faster. The pirate like a rag doll in front of him, shaking, trembling. At last hee cried out, his body spasming, thrusting into Ryoko, cumming. Loud, hot, hard, a deep ache releasing in a torrent into her. He seemed almost bestial, his voice a growl, cock still pounding pounding pounding as he came. Slowing, breathing slowing, his senses returning. His body jerked several times as the orgasm worked quickly to cool the overwhelming fire of his passion. His eyes refocused, catching Ryoko's own dazed golden eyes. Leaning down he took her in his arms kissing her slowly, gently on the lips A kiss which she returned, deep and warm, a smile across her lips. Nails running across his back. "So, Tenchi, was it good for you too?"