Part 2 of "A Bizarre Reunion"
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	Ryoushi was awoken the next morning by the sounds of someone busy in the kitchen. He 
looked down at the still sleeping Mihoshi and floated down over her. He kissed her soulfully, his 
left hand brushing a lock of hair off her face. She yawned as he broke the kiss and smiled up at 
	"Good morning, Miho," he whispered as his knees touched the ground and he looked into her 
eyes. Mihoshi's smile brightened. The way he called her "Miho" made her weak. It was a voice full 
of passion.
	"Call me that again," she whispered as she leaned into his open arms. 
	"Miho... you were wonderful last night!" he said before he hugged her tightly and their 
lips met. She giggled and broke away.
	"I've got to get ready for breakfast and morning patrol... but I'll be back later 
Ryoushi... maybe you'll be in the mood for a bath?" she giggled again as she left the room. He 
shook his head. How could he get attached to someone so fast? 
	"One day... all this in one day. Must be this house!" he laughed. He suddenly heard 
another laugh from above and looked up to the grinning face of Ryoko. "Hey sis... how much did 
you see?" She floated down and stood in front of him, her grin still present.
	"Not much... just you and Mihoshi kissing and you saying 'Miho... you were wonderful last 
night!'" she said in a mock deep voice. "I can guess what happened last night... way to go 
brother! If Tenchi had HALF of your passion we'd be married by now... but I've come to realize 
that patience is worth it. We'll be together... someday," she said, sighing. And with that she 
floated out of the room towards the kitchen. 
	Three hours later Ryoushi found himself face to face with his mother, who was dressed in 
a nurse's uniform. Her tests brought back memories of his youth, not very pleasant memories. She 
had heard him mention to Mihoshi that he wouldn't get her pregnant and was curious about what 
technique HAK used. Ryoushi knew it was a half-truth... after all, Washu programmed every bit of 
knowledge into HAK. It was an excuse to check him out. She knew it, he knew it... but it didn't 
matter much. Ryoushi was in a damn good mood, and this wasn't going to change it.
	"I'm glad you take responsibility for your actions... I'd hate to think about a string of 
single mothers from one end of the universe to the other!" Washu was giggling at her son.
	"Well you made me mom, you didn't have to make me so... potent". She had to sit she was 
laughing so hard. Suddenly the purple sphere appeared beeping loudly.
	"Ryoushi!!! Three ships approaching Earth's atmosphere rapidly!"
	"Stats, HAK!"
	"Two Interception ships and one Carrier of the Mull Triad. They have apparently locked 
onto Lon-ohki's body signal. They will enter the atmosphere in approximately 12 minutes". Ryoushi 
stood and turned to Washu. 
	"Mom, I'm going to need you to get everyone inside the house now!" She nodded and quickly 
disappeared. "HAK, find Lon-ohki and have him head out to the carrot fields. The Mull Triad will 
head for his signal, and the fields will due nicely for a battle. Go!" HAK buzzed and speed away 
to find the cabbot. 

	"The Mull Triad are a group of mercenaries. They kill or capture royalty, political 
figures, wealthy businessmen, etc. They have been tracking Lon-ohki's signal, which means that a 
contract has been put out on Ryoushi. None of you are in immediate danger. The Mull Triad may be 
cold blooded killers, but they do have their own code of honor and as long as NONE of you get 
involved, the Mull Triad will not attack you," HAK spoke as a holographic projector flashed 
images of the ships above the earth. Tenchi, Aeka, Sasami, Ryoko, Washu, Mihoshi, Nobuyuki, and 
Katsuhito stood in a row looking intently at Ryoushi and HAK. Azaka and Kamidake kept guard 
outside the door. 
	"I will be engaging approximately 30 men in armed combat. The Mull Triad surround a 
target and attack at once with either electrodes or energy spears, depending on whether their 
intent is to subdue or kill. I will fight them alone. NO ONE is to interfere with the battle 
unless absolutely necessary," Ryoushi spoke softly, a strategy forming in his mind. "Mihoshi, I 
need you to contact the Galaxy Police. I'll need them to send a prison transport ship as soon as 
possible. Tenchi?"
	"Yes Ryoushi?"
	"Protect everyone here. If all goes well the Mull Triad will completely ignore you all. 
But I can't be certain. And Ryoko... PLEASE don't get involved. I can handle this myself. All 
right people, its game time!" With that Ryoushi phased into battle armor. He was covered in head
to toe in his black space uniform, and pieces of silver super-armor covered his chest, groin, 
elbows and knees. He pulled a black mask over his face and grasped a silver staff in his left 
hand. He was truly impressive. As he walked to the battle sight, his silver cape flapped behind 
him. The rest of the group followed a distance away.
	"I don't see why I can't help!" Ryoko grumbled. "I haven't had a good fight in a long 
time!" Tenchi grabbed her arm. She melted at his touch.
	"Ryoko, trust him. If he says he can handle it, he can handle it!" Ryoko nodded and 
grinned at the boy.
	"This is going to be quite a show!"
	"I am quite curious about his fighting technique," Katsuhito commented.
	"I hope he'll be all right! He promised to take me somewhere tonight!" Mihoshi cried. 
Ryoko and Washu both giggled, then looked at each other.
	"You know?" each asked at the same time. They both nodded and laughed. Tenchi and Sasami 
looked at each other and shrugged.

	Ryoushi stood ready for battle. He had fought with the Mull Triad before and knew the 
drill. He had to stop them, board the carrier ship, interrogate the captain, find the person or 
persons who had made the contract, make them rebuke it, punish the responsible party, then the 
Mull would leave him alone the next contract was made. They held no personal grudges. It was all 
business. Two twin ships hovered over his position. Suddenly 28 tall, fat, and ugly-looking 
creatures surrounded Ryoushi. Each carried an energy spear. So they intended to kill him. 
	"I am Ryoushi, Greatest Bounty Hunter in the Universe. All who challenge me in battle 
shall fail. Be prepared!" They were a pon him instantly. He teleported above them and quickly 
pounced on the confused group. He swung his silver staff over his head as he pounded one Mull 
after another. Out of nowhere purple energy shot out of the top of the silver bow in the form of 
a blade, and the staff became a scythe (think Duo's weapon from Gundam Wing). He continue to hack 
away at the Mull Triad as the Masaki family watched in awe.
	"Notice his fighting style Tenchi. There is no wasted movement," Katsuhito whispered. 
Tenchi nodded as he studied Ryoushi's moves. As the energy blade of his scythe disarmed one Mull, 
he swung the other blunt end at another Mull, weakening or knocking them unconscious. His style 
was quick and effective. He had obviously mastered combat over hundreds of years. 
	After several minutes, 20 Mull lay prone on the ground, unconscious or badly injured. 
Eight members of the Mull Triad again surrounded Ryoushi. He was smiling: he had a plan and was 
about to carry it out. 
	"Watch this closely everyone... it will be over quickly!" he laughed. Suddenly, there was 
FOUR of him. Washu smiled.
	"The True power of the gems! Even in a confusing battle he has the concentration and 
control to duplicate himself!" All four Ryoushis grinned as they swung four scythes at the Mulls, 
taking care of the eight in record time. As he merged back in one being, the two ships quickly 
fled the area.
	"They'll head back to the Carrier Ship... I'll have to follow them to find out who put 
out the contract!" He turned back to the group. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. If I don't find out 
who ordered my death, the Mull Triad will regroup and be back. Washu, do you have a subspace 
holding cell to keep these guys till the Galaxy Police arrive?" His mother nodded and pressed a 
button on her holographic keyboard. Suddenly the 28 troops vanished. She smiled at her son. 
	"All set!" she said with a grin. 
	"Well... I'll be off now..." Ryoushi began.
	"Not so fast! I'm coming with you!" Ryoko declared. Everyone turned and looked at her. 
"It's not fair! You got to have all the fun today... besides, it'll be a good way for us to 
bond," she said with a smile. Ryoko grabbed Tenchi tightly in a bear hug. "Now you be good 
Tenchi, and maybe we can have our own little adventure..." 
	She left go of him before Aeka could attack her. Ryoko floated over to her brother. Both 
cabbits jumped into the air and turned into spaceships. HAK floated up to Lon-ohki to make 
program the quardinants. Before the two could depart, a very loud cry was heard from behind 
Washu. Suddenly Mihoshi took off towards the house crying.
	"What's wrong with Mihoshi?" Sasami asked.
	"Damn it all!" Ryoushi sighed. He quickly teleported right in front of Mihoshi. He 
grabbed her and wrapped her in his arms. "I'm sorry I have to go Miho... but I will be back! I 
promise!" She sobbed into his armor. 
	"You're leaving me already! Even after we... and now... " She cried between sobs. He 
lifted her chin so their eyes met.
	"I'm not leaving you! I just have to make sure none of you are going to be in danger! And 
how long do you think Ryoko could go without seeing Tenchi?" he laughed. She smiled before 
gripping him tightly and pressed her lips to his. 
	Back at the field a look of confusion was present on the faces of Aeka, Sasami, Tenchi, 
Katsuhito, and Nobuyuki. Washu and Ryoko shared a grin. "Well that was unexpected!" Aeka 
	"You could learn a lot from him Tenchi!"

So that's it! Ryoushi and Ryoko are on their way to go after the Mull Triad! What will happen 
next? Will Ryoushi and Mihoshi do it again? Will Ryoushi help Ryoko get what she's always 
wanted?!?! Stay tuned for the Continuation of "A Bizarre Reunion"... coming soon. Okay, I made 
up the Mull Triad... and someone once told me they read in one of the mangas that Mihoshi was 
from the planet Guarth... don't know if its true or not. The word "ryoushi" means hunter in 
Japanese in case you were wondering. 

Please send all comments to I've already started another Tenchi Lemon 
entitled "Later that Night"... it's a continuation of the episode Ryoko's Big Date from Tenchi in 
Tokyo. After that's done I'll probably start the sequel to this piece.